Create And Fill New Column?

Nov 14, 2010

I am using the following to strip out unwanted string in a string and i want to fill newly created column with split value. I dont know how to get the "Cityrev" into a column value[code]....

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Fill ContextMenuStrip By Column In Database?

Jun 7, 2011

I use split button with ContextMenuStrip and i need to fill ContextMenuStrip with data in database like item name

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How To Fill Column Of Existing DataTable

Mar 28, 2012

I have a table like this
col1 col2 col3
a b
c d
I want to fill the 3rd columns.

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How To Fill Combobox Column In DataGridView

Mar 8, 2010

My DataGridView contains three columns, column types are checkbox, textbox and combobox.How can I load a row's combobox when the checkbox in the same row is checked?

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Using A Column In A Database To Fill A Combobox?

Aug 6, 2009

I am using MS Access and i want to fill a combobox cmbFamily with data from a column called family in a dataset called availability and also a combobox called cmbModel with a column called model.

i have this:


If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much room

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Auto-fill Formulas To End Of Data In Column?

Oct 15, 2009

i want to autofill a formula down a column of cells in excel. to manually do this, i would double-click the little black square at the bottom right of the cell, but i cannot figure out a way to do this using a macro.

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Fill A Checkboxlist From Another Column In A Dataset In Program10?

Sep 3, 2011

Just trying to work out how to build the list from a seperate column in a linked datset to a checkboxlist, the same way as you can with a combobox?

So you can take the dropdown list for the combobox from another column and I thought it would be the same for the checklistbox but it does not seem to be an option.

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Fill Datagridview Column With Sql Query And Data?

May 6, 2011

i want to fill my datagridview column with sql query and data i have 1 datagridview in datagridview 4 column

column1 column2 column 3 column4
this gridview is undound
i want to fill with sql data

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ListView BackColor Fill Entire Column?

Dec 21, 2009

In the screenshot, you can see where the BackColor is set for each item added to the ListView on the right. How can I fill the white space between the columns as well? I'm assuming the column width is the highlighted portion plus the white space. I thought setting the BackColor would fill this whole portion so that there essentially would be no white space at all showing anywhere in the listview (except maybe at the bottom). Is there a Property I need to set to do this? the listview has 1 column and it's autoresize property is set to CellContent.

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TableAdapter - Re-fill The Company Column From The Database?

Jul 21, 2009

I have a table adapter for a fairly sizable piece of data. Now with this data I would like to give the user the ability to change the company name and have this reflected in the form on the drop down list of all of the companies once they have clicked submit. However, in order to do so I currently "Fill" the entire table adapter again to achieve this.Is there any way which I could just re-fill the company column from the database in the same tablea dapter.Here is my code for the sub:

Dim NewName As String = txtNewName.Text
Dim OldName As String = txtOldName.Text
Dim FieldName As String = Me.Text[code]...

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Using TryParse And Nothing To Fill Date Column With NULL

Dec 7, 2010

With a Decimal, I use:

document.Air1 = CDec(IIf(Decimal.TryParse(Air1TextBox.Text, Nothing), Air1TextBox.Text, "0")) to fill the column with there is no value.

I would like to do something similar when the date is blank (preferably with NULL or just plain blank):

document.TestDate1 = CDate(IIf(Date.TryParse(TestDate1TextBox.Text, Nothing), TestDate1TextBox.Text, " - - ")) - of course, this throws an exception.

The table Data Type is date.

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VS 2010 : Fill Up A 3 Column ListView With An Array?

Mar 24, 2011

is it possible to fill up a 3 column ListView with an array.

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Fill A Comboxbox With A Column Coming From A SQL Server Table?

Apr 26, 2010

In VB 2008, I use a combobox on a form, and I want to fill it with data coming from a column of an SQL Server table

The Table is PLG_Rank, Columns are "ID_Rank, Rank_Name, Rank_Code"

I want to fill the combo with PLG_Rank.Rank_Name

After that, on a selection in the combobox, I want to use the PLG_Rang.ID_Rank for a request on the SQL_Server

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How to Fill THat Values In Sql Column Sql Data Type Is Integer

Mar 27, 2011

I want Too Know how Can i Fill THat values in the sql Column my Sql Data type is Integer Can i fill any SIGN Valuse like (122,123)(123+123)(321-123)(485;456)(301>908) in these Values Can i use any one in sql column and the column data type is Integer.

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VS 2008 - Fill An Array With Whole Column From Database Table

Sep 6, 2009

I need to fill an array with whole column from database table, so i have used reader to read the values from that column, but can not figure out how to put them into array (code below doesn't work) [Code]

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When Fill A Datatable Can Get Distinct Rows For A Specific Column

Oct 23, 2009

i fill a datatable in a typed dataset.. it has cities and states but I want to pull just distinct states and bind it to a control etc.. there is the filter, but i havent found a way to do distinct or group by. got to be a way without adding more datatables and filling them with data thats already there right?

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Connect To An Access Database And Fill A Combox With Data Of A Column?

Dec 25, 2009

how i can connect to an access database and fill a combox with data of a column?

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Need To Create For A Gdi+ Text Fill

Oct 26, 2009

i need a solid brush like this one i made with 2 LinearGradientBrush and a solid brush need to create this for a gdi+ text fill ,can this be done with lineargradientbrush

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Forms :: Create Picture Box Or Fill It?

Aug 11, 2009

I am newbie in so maybe what I will ask is very simple.I want to create an application in which when ser clicks the button the first time a picture be shown on picturebox1user clicks the button the second time a picture be shown on picturebox2user clicks the button the third time both pictureboxes would be emptyuser clicks the button the fourth time a picture be shown on picturebox1

So I thought to create this boxes (instead of filling them cause I do not know how to fill them dynamically)How can I delete them dynamically when the user clicks the button the third time?

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Create A File And Fill It Until A Predefined Size Value?

Jun 5, 2011

There is some way to open a file and fill it with randon information until it reach a determined value?

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Create New Database And Fill Form Data In It?

Dec 8, 2010

For my project i want to i want to export form data to a new database so that i can send it by attaching it to email.

what i want that on click of a button

1) create .mdb file at c:est*.mdb, with the name = "textbox1.text"

2) create table, name = "demo" with column "id" and "job No"

and then i can use insert command to fill the data in the table and email it to client.

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Program To Create A '.txt' File And Then Fill In Dates

Oct 25, 2009

I have been searching on the internet but couldn't find anything that would help me. I want my program to be able to create a '.txt' file when it is run for the first time, with the date and time the program was accessed, and to be able to add new 'logs' of program history every time it is accessed. What i mean is that i want my program to be able to create a '.txt' file, and then fill in the dates and times when the program is opened.

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Create A Log File In Program Ad Fill It With Records Of Table?

Apr 24, 2009

I am woking on an application in which records of a table are stored in another table. In case of duplicate records they will not wriiten to the table and they should be written in a log file.

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Create A Dummy File To Fill The Remaining Space Of A Flash Drive?

Mar 5, 2009

I was able to get some code working to create a dummy file to fill the remaining space of a flash drive. However, I have added a progress bar and can't figure out why it's not working. I declare a variable for the current value, min, & max properities of the progressbar and then increment it by 1 during each step of my FOR loop. However, I never see anything on the progress bar.

Dim CurVal As Integer
Dim RandomNumber As Byte
'Create the dummyfile to take up the remaining space on the drive


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How To Create An On-screen Shape (circle) That Has A Fill Color, Which Will Blink Every X Seconds

Jun 8, 2011

I need to create an on-screen shape (circle) that has a fill color, which will blink every X seconds (go from fill color, to white, back to fill color). This is trivial to do...BUT... i want to do it in my own class, so that I can instantiate it numerous times passing it unique coordinates for each instantiation.

How do I do it? Can a class have its own "timer control" in it independent from the form? How would I draw a shape from a class?

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VS 2008 File Handling - Create A '.txt' File And Then Fill In The Dates And Times When The Program Is Opened

Oct 25, 2009

I want my program to be able to create a '.txt' file when it is run for the first time, with the date and time the program was accessed, and to be able to add new 'logs' of program history every time it is accessed. What i mean is that i want my program to be able to create a '.txt' file, and then fill in the dates and times when the program is opened.

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How To Create Column Headers

May 4, 2012

i want to create column headers now in my first array have this [URL]



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How To Create Two Column CheckBoxList

Oct 19, 2011

My below code pulls in 100 items into the checkboxlist all into one column. How can I modify the code so it will appear as two columns?

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
Dim di As New IO.DirectoryInfo(ImagePath)
Dim imageArray As IO.FileInfo() = di.GetFiles()
Dim image As IO.FileInfo
'list the names of all images in the specified directory
For Each image In imageArray.OrderBy(Function(i) i.Name)
End If
End Sub

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4.1 Code First How To Create A Nullable Column?

May 15, 2011

I have the following POCO:

Public Class T1
<Key(), Column(Order:=0)>
Property K1 As String


I would expect C2 to be created as Nullable, but both C1 and C2 are Not Null. Adding


Does not make a difference, as it seems the decoration is aimed at data validation, not DB creation.

So how do i get a nullable column with Code First?

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Create A Column Name With Date As Its Datatype?

May 11, 2010

is there a date datatype in visual studio 2008? cause i want to create a column name with date as its datatype.. but the one that comes out is datetime..

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