Create Multiple Dataset Depend On Situation?

Dec 17, 2009

I want to create multiple dataset depend on situation. dataset number may vary each can we create multiple dataset

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Create A Single Dataset In Studio To Database / Create A Dataset For Each Form

Jun 28, 2009

I created a SQL database using the migration tool.I am converting my access forms to (VS2008).I am wondering if I create a single dataset in studio to the database or do I create a dataset for each form (query)? I am trying to determine what the best solution is. Many of my forms have drop downs that are populated using queries from tables.

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.net - Combine Multiple Dataset Columns To One Dataset?

May 19, 2010

I have multiple datasets that I would like to combine into one. There is a common ID field that can be associated to each row. Calling Merge on the dataset will add additional rows to the dataset, but I would like to combine the additional columns. There are too many fields to do this in one query and therefore would make it unmanageable. Each individual query would be able to handle ordering to ensure the data is placed in the correct row.

For Example lets say I have two queries resulting in two datasets:

SELECT ID, colA, colB
SELECT colC, colD

The resulting dataset would look like

ID colA colB colC colD
1 a b c d
2 e f g h

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.net - One Dataset With Multiple Results Sets (multiple Select Statements) SQL Reporting Service?

Oct 15, 2011

I have a question regarding the dataset usage in Reporting Services. I have a stored procedure which returns multiple select statements (result tables), and I created a Dataset in Reporting Services 2005 with this stored procedure. The problem is that I can not reference the second or third result table, and I can only use the first select statement fields. Is this the limitation on Reporting Services Dataset or is there a way to use multiple table results in one dataset?

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Does VB Allow A MS Access Database DataSet Create A Stored Procedure Or Will It Only Allow SQL Database DataSet Create SP

Oct 9, 2009

does VBasic allow a MS Access Database DataSet create a Stored Procedure or will it only allow SQL Database DataSet create SP...

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Dataset - Multiple Tables - Multiple Columns

Sep 18, 2009

I have a small project i am doing for work to compare our website catalogue to our actual inventory in our financial software. To do this, i have exported the online catalogue as a delimited text file using "^" as the delimiter. I then want to go into our Accpac data a find out if all the items are still active, the current price and the stock on hand.


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Any Situation Whereby X= Nothing Is Not Same As X Is Nothing?

May 20, 2011

in VB is there any situation whereby x = Nothing is not the same as x is Nothing?Also, x <> Nothing vs x IsNot Nothing.

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Database With 3 Tables Which Depend On Each Others ID

Sep 27, 2011

I have a database (acces) with 3 tables Table one has Id nr 1000 table 2 1000000 table 3 Id nr 1000000000 First table makes Id nr from 1001 to 1999. On Id nr 1001 i have multiple ID nr on the seccond table 10010000 to 10019999 and on the second table ID nr 10010001 i have multiple ID nr on the third table. This will last a while but the tables will fill up. Now i work with the Max value to find the highest ID number and add one to it.


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Create A Create A New Connection To Database And Produce A New Dataset For Form?

Apr 17, 2009

I have produced an application which works with datasets but I now wish to provide the user the ability to add and admend records within the database.But i wish to do this in a seperate form.My current dataset instanciates classes onLoad.Should i try passing the Dataset to the new form class? although I have the problem where by when i pass the dataset to the form class using code below i get this problem:[code]Should i just create a create a new connection to the database and produce a new dataset for this form? or is there a better way to do this?

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2nd Dropdownlist Depend On The 1st Dropdown List?

Sep 19, 2010

i want to create a dropdown list which depend on each other. as example. the 1st dropdown list will let the user to select the type between sector or subsector.

select type: 1) sector
2) subsector

if the user choose sector, the sector value will be appear in the dropdownlist

select sector: 1)technology
2) trading
3) industrial

but if the user choose subsector, the subsector value will be appear in the dropdownlist

select subsector: 1) computer
2) utilities
3) consumer

i try to use the hide code but it turns out to be error. i think because of the data overloading.

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Reading From Excel Situation

Jan 4, 2011

i have this code that i am using to read from an excel spreadsheet but it i giving me an error saying that i am not not giving the exact name of the table.i have uploaded the excel spreadsheet as well. [code]

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Sql Statement Has One Situation Is Crashes

Aug 18, 2011

The following is a function to read a value from a field in a database, then add a value to it, and restore it.The three possible columns it reads from are Hoodoo, Give Them, Snug.It works no probs for hoodoo and snug, but not for Give them..[code]Index Out of Range Exception was unhandled. The text visualizer says that the value of night is give them.I can see the column give them in the database, so what could be going on?

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Handle Multithread Situation And Don't Lock?

Nov 25, 2009

I have this situation: a Form with a System.Timer in it (with AutoReset = False). The form has its main thread and the timer its own thread too (nothing new here). When the user press a button I need to stop the timer, wait until the timer thread has stopped its execution and do something more.

On the other side, the timer updates an item at the form so BeginInvoke is used. The code looks like this:

Button Code: Private Sub ButtonStop_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonStop.Click


The point is that I wait the main thread to let the timer thread to end its work.The problem is that this code deadlocks when the user clicks the button when the BeginInvoke is going to be called. How a simple thing like this one can be done? Looks like I cannot find a good solution to this problem

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Is Retrofitting Entity Framework Into App Appropriate For Situation

Sep 14, 2010

So, I have an app that uses a SQL Server express db. I have about 80ish tables all with a primary key but no foreign keys. (The reason we have no foreign keys is because of how we do our sql client-to-server replication. It's not true replication but it's a sync system that was in place when we took over the app. We have no guarantee what records are going to make it to the database first when a client syncs to the server so it is possible that a record would make it to the database with a foreign key that points to a nonexistant record). We use a type-per-model convention. For each of our business objects there is a table in the db. We currently use stored procedures for every database transaction. This means for every new class there is at least 4 new stored procedures (crud). We have abstracted out our data access layer from our business objects. Each business object has a corresponding businessObjectDAO.

My question is, is entity framework feasible for me to move to? With no foreign key relationships I'm going to have to set up every association between tables manually.My biggest hang up right now is trying to figure out how I map my DAOs to the EF partial classes. Should I be creating one big .edmx or multiple? A lot of questions I know. This is my first big architectural type decision and I've been given the go ahead to make the change if I think it is beneficial and feasible. Maybe I should try Linq-to-SQL? NHibernate is out because we're not allowed using open source products in production (stupid, I know).

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Select XML Elements In This Situation In Program?

Jun 11, 2012

So I have[code]...

It would give me 5 instead 4 results, since <title>My Channel</title> is considered one of the item under channel. I'm just wondering if there is anyway to loop through only the 4 item elements.

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Does DataGridView Always Depend On Public Properties For Column Values

May 26, 2011

At runtime, I have a collection of rows (Row class). Each of them consist of column values, represented by instances of a ColumnValue class. The name of the columns are determined at runtime, and are in a separate columns descriptor collection (Column class).I want to create a DataGridView that displays all Row instances. Of course, the DataGridView's columns shall be exactly those specified by the Column instances in the containing collection.But since DataGridView's columns can fetch their values from a list item's public properties only, and I cannot easily define such a property at runtime, I cannot use DataGridView to display the tabular data.

' Classes for table structure representation
Public Class TColumn ' describes my columns
Public Name As String


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How To Enable Or Disible Tabpage Depend Upon The User Requirement

Jan 31, 2012

I try to disable a tabpages in .net but it doesn't work properly , if try to do this Me.TabControl1.TabPages(1).Enabled = False it let me enter to de tabpages .

Bhagabat Dayal Dash Software Developer Qlogix Solutions(India)

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Make Progress Bar Work Depend On The Program Processes?

Dec 27, 2010

how to make my progress bar work depend on the program processes. if my the process take a long time to end, the progress bar will work the same else if the process work for a short time, it work the same also.i've made this code so far

'for the timer tick sub
ProgressBar2.Value = ProgressBar2.Value + 1
If ProgressBar2.Value = ProgressBar2.Maximum Then


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VS 2008 Fill Combobox Depend From Logon Username?

Aug 13, 2009

I have Logon and Detail forms. In Detail form combobox populated by Employee table. I would like, when user logon and open Detail form the combobox will automatically display name of employee who logon.

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Check Box That The Use Checks To Indicate That A Specific Situation Is Present

Jan 26, 2012

I have a Check Box that the use checks to indicate that a specific situation is present. When the User checks the box he gets a Message Box reminding him that the condition must be fulfilled. This works fine and the database reflectthe fact that the Check Box is filled.

At a later date, if the user calls this record and fills the form, the Check Box is triggered and the message Box appears in the middle of the form fill operation.

Is there a way to prevent this from happening. I want the Check Box checked but don't want the message box if the change is triggered by the fill process.

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VS 2008 - Zedgraph Quality Inside PDF Depend On PageSize A4 Rotate

Jul 20, 2010

For using you will need this two dll, I'm sure everybody knows that, but its probably the best.
[URLs] (this example use itextsharp-4.1.6 )

My Question
THe following Code will make a Graph, create a Bitmap, and start Adobe-Reade to present the Graph inside. The whole code works fine. I only have trouble, when I use this line:
Dim Doc As New iTextSharp.text.Document (iTextSharp.text.PageSize.A4.Rotate())

Instead of this line:
Dim Doc As New iTextSharp.text.Document(iTextSharp.text.PageSize.A4, 10, 10, 10, 10)

The quality of of the whole Picture is not good then. Eventhough when I change width and hight for the Rectangle. Then I tried to change the Bitmap width and hight, but in that case nothing happends? Any way, to handle the quality for using why nothing happens, when I change height or width in this line:
Dim Doc As New iTextSharp.text.Document(iTextSharp.text.PageSize.A4, 10, 10, 10, 10)

Imports ZedGraph
Imports iTextSharp
Imports iTextSharp.text.pdf
[Code] .....

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.Cast(Of Double) Extension Method Not Working In A Particular Situation ?

Sep 8, 2011

.Cast(Of Double) extension method not working in a particular situation.However I can get my own extension method .CastToDouble working.Would you call this a Framework bug?see the commented out line of code in the code below.Similar code posted in my last post in this thread: http:[url].....

Option Strict On
Option Explicit On
Option Infer Off[code]......

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Multiple Table In A Dataset?

Nov 13, 2010

I am facing a problem. My dataset couldn't store two different tables. I have two separates class and forms. The first one is a class that do the necessary filling for a database

Imports System.Data.OleDb 'Import the OleDb libary
Public Class DBSetup
'Create two new strings to store Query and Connection String
Public strConnection, strAdapter As String


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What Situation Will An Item In System.Collections.Generic.List Not Be Removed Successfully

May 20, 2011

in what situation will an item in System.Collections.Generic.List not be removed successfully?url...The way they phrase it makes me think that it is possible that a Remove operation on an item found in the List(Of T) could actually fail.

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Why The Mouse_Leave Event Fires When Don't Leave The Control With The Mouse Pointer In This Situation

Jun 11, 2011

Anyone know why the Mouse_Leave event fires when you don't leave the control with the mouse pointer?Put a large button on a Form so your mouse pointer does not leave it easily.Then try this codeWhen you do, leave the mouse pointer in the middle of the button and then click the button.By the way, if you uncomment the 1st line of code in the Button Click event and comment out the MessageBox, this does not happen.Can someone please explain this behaviour?

Option Strict On
Option Explicit On
Option Infer Off


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Adding Multiple Rows To Dataset?

Jun 21, 2010

I have a piece of code that works for adding multiple rows to a dataset but I think that it is a lot of code and thought maybe someone may know a better way of doing it. I need to add rows to the dataset based on the selection of a combo box. ie if the user selects 15 the the program adds 15 rows to the dataset.

Case cboQty.SelectedItem = 3
Dim dr As DataRow


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Address Multiple Selects In A Dataset?

Jun 21, 2010

I have a Stored Procedure that I'm trying to use in my program to fill a form with multiple datagrids.The Stored Proc looks like this:



My question is how do I address the multiple select statements in the return values of this Stored Proc? The way this is written will it return all the values from each select? or just the first one?

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Dataset That Contains Data From Multiple Tables?

Apr 14, 2009

I have a VB.Net dataset that contains data from multiple tables. how to query data out of the dataset. I want to run SQL-like queries on a dataset to extract data that fits a certain "where" statement.

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Multiple Combobox Fill With One Dataset?

Jun 6, 2012

i have the following code to fill two comboboxes using one dataset:

Private Sub sub_cbo_type_load()
Dim ds As New DataSet
ds = cls.cbo_type()


the problems is: whenever the index is changed in one combobox, it's automatically changed in the other one too.

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Using Dataset For Multiple Combo Boxes?

May 13, 2011

I am very new to VB 2010 and SQL This is my first project.

Have multiple combo boxes that can use the same dataset.

The issue I have is that when I select data in one combo box the other combo box will change to what i selected fo rthe first box and visa-versa.

The only way I found around this is to create a new dataset for each combo box.

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