Creating Modules For Program (Similar To Firefox Add On)

Apr 7, 2010

I have a contact manager program that I'd like to design for multiple network marketing companies. My desired structure would include a core program which covers basic contact management functions. After that one could purchase a module for their specific network marketing company. This module would contain a variety of controls that the original program would need to be able to manipulate. Here is an example of what it would have to have:A group box containing buttons that link to a genealogy view, and the option to import one's donwnline from the back office provided by a company.A panel which is displayed on the contact page allowing the user to input business information or which will be filled by importing a downline from the back office: ie business ID, qualification level, sponsor information etc.a panel displayed when one searches for contacts on the contact list page which allows the user to sort based on information such as when they joined, what their business id is and so forth.a panel which is displayed in a personal business overview page which presents to an individual how many people in their downline are at each qualification level and develop a mailing list for individuals of a certain qualification level.

I have the code developed to perform all these functions, I just wanted to give you an example of what needed to be done. I'm thinking that what I'm trying to create is a library that one can download and the program will recognize, but I'm not really sure where to go. What I'm really trying to do is figure out what kind of file I can make that will contain all this code and the GUI information that the program will recognize.

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Creating Something Similar To Spy++ Tool

Mar 9, 2010

What I need to do is be able to enumerate pretty much all hWnds and locate any TextBox (outside of my program) and get information about it (eg: Name if any, text in it, etc).


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IDE :: Windows Forms Classes Appear As Class Modules Not Form Modules In Project Explorer

Jan 7, 2011

Yesterday I opened Visual Studio (2008 v 9.0.30729.1) and all the winform classes in my project display with class module icons with the little 'VB', instead of form module icons with the little form icon!

When I double click on a form module, the form designer doesn't open, just the code module.

When I run the project, it runs fine. There are no errors. The project builds fine.

I did Project --> show all files, and I can see the designer and resx files below the form module which doesn't look or act like a form module.

I can't open my forms to design them!

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VS 2008 How Many Modules Can Have In One Program

Sep 8, 2009

I am doing a VB.NET course, there is a question in one of my assignments - "How many modules can you have in one program?" This seems like something that should be easy to find, but I have not been able to find it anywhere.Can anyone direct me to a resource that would have this? My initial thought is unlimited, although in practical terms, if you have an excess number of modules, then you probably need to re-think your workflows.

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Creating A Loan Operting System Similar To Calyx Point?

Jun 28, 2009

Is anyone creating a loan operting system similar to calyx point? If so contact me to hear proposal.[URL]..

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Are Modules Still Commonly Used In Program Structures

Aug 18, 2010

I am not a program designer by any means but I would really like to start getting a better grasp of how to do it and a better understanding of the .NET languages in general (VB, C#). I was reading a book by Wrox - Professional Visual Basic 2008. In it I believed it mentioned that Modules are slowly going out of existence. I can see why most coding would go into a class object but I would assume modules would always be necessary to at least keep the code clean.

Also, I have been searching for a good source on software design but I can't seem to find any recent books published. I might be searching in the wrong places but I would really like to get my hands on one.

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Create Program Firefox Optimizer

Jul 22, 2011

[] I want to create the program Firefox Optimizer

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Create The Program Firefox Optimizer

Jul 22, 2011

[] I want to create the program Firefox Optimizer I want to approach. I should start ? For example this program [URL]

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Firefox Extension That Was Written In Program 6?

Jan 18, 2011

Is there some Firefox extension that was written in VB.NET / VB6?

Would be nice to have a template for changes.

I have to intercept the Firefox reloading of data (XML data refreshed regularly by some javascript routines).Pretty much as the extension "tamper" does it (url...)

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Make A Program That Reads The Url Of Ie Or Firefox?

Apr 5, 2009

how to make a program that reads the url of ie or Firefox.. really Want to make a program like this ..

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Make A Program That Will Log Into Various Websites In Firefox?

May 5, 2012

I need to make a program that will log into various websites in firefox. I have done this using the webbrowser control. But now I need to do it using Firefox. I have looked into HTTPWebRequests but with that it seems that you are just pretending to be a web browser. I actually need the page to load and log in in firefox. Considered just bundling a load of sendkeys in but that is very un-professional.

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Use A Firefox As My Internal Browser For My Program?

Feb 18, 2011

I made a program yesterday. I have a webBrowser in my program. The webBrowser uses Internet explorer as its default browser. I would like to use firefox as the internal default browser. How do I do this without having to launch a separate program?

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Write Firefox Plug-in Using Program?

Nov 25, 2009

I have a VB.NET User Control (compiled in VS 2008 into a Class Library DLL that is COM interop enabled). This is embeded into a HTML page (using its GUID), is driven by Javascript method/property calls and sends feedback back to the HTML page using <script for="id" event="method()> tags. It was developed for (and works great in!) Internet Explorer.

I am now looking at the possibility of porting this VB.NET Class Library DLL to Gecko-based browsers such as firefox 3.5 based on customer demand. I've downloaded the Mozilla development code, but all the examples are in Visual C++ 6.0.

From what I understand from the Mozilla docs, I should be able to register a specific media type against my DLL (installed in the firefoxplugins directory) and, as long as it supports the correct interface/DLL methods, I should be able to use the object tag to embed in the same way as IE.

I don't mind having different web-pages for IE and Firefox but I don't really want to re-write the VB.NET control in Visual C++ and ideally I'd like to use the same code base for both.

I've googled but not found any examples so I'm guessing this is either hard or impossible! :

(1) Has anyone done this and has a hello world style example?

2) How would I code the VB.NET methods/classes so they appear the same as ones built using Visual C++ 6.0[code]...

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Start Learning/using Modules Instead Of Integrating The Code Directly Into The Program?

Jun 22, 2010

I want to start learning/using modules instead of integrating the code directly into the program. So, I tried to make an example. Basically, what I wanted the program to do, is I click button1 and it lists details about my computer. So, I added 7 labels to the form, and a button. Then, I added a module (Module1.vb)


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Using Modules - Program That Uses A Tabcontrol - Each Tab Represents A Collection Of Common Tasks

Nov 26, 2011

I have a program that uses a tabcontrol. Each tab represents a collection of common tasks and, as one would expect, has a bunch of controls on it.

In my original version of this app, I simply put all functions/subs/etc related to a specific tab right in the main form class; I just divided them with lines and a few extra blank CRLF so I could jump from section to section within the code (literally named Tab1 Code, Tab2 Code, and so forth).

I am re-working the program and thought I'd use modules for this instead. So, I built all the forms and grabbed the code from the previous version, created a new module, then pasted the code into the module. VB.Net 2010 has choked all over this with a zillion errors. The functions/subs are all public, but they cannot see any of the controls on the main form. Every control that is in existence on the main form comes up as being not declared in the module.

This is the first time I've tried to use a module without a full class, and the first time I've tried referencing back to controls on the main form in this fashion (I've always just used it for functions/subs that I pass data to). Am I trying to do something here that shouldn't be done or...? I basically just want to create files so I can segregate the code into a more logical design.

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Developing A Program That Is Similar To ATM?

Feb 22, 2011

I'm developing a program that is similar to ATM but I can not keep track of various clients so that each may have their account

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Getting Similar Program Like SerialCommChat For Uses?

May 9, 2011

I've been using the 2006 SerialCommChat program to do my programming functions.This only has CommPort availability and I'm needing both Commport and what I guess they call a Virtual Port known as the USB Ports.

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Program Similar To Spy++ For .NET Applications?

Feb 29, 2012

I've looked around and I haven't found anything that fits my needs.I wish for the program to be able to intercept the Win32 (?) messages that are being sent to my own application, which is written in Visual Basic.As a side note, is "intercept the Win32 messages" the correct phrasing?Either way, an elaboration won't hurt; I wish for the spy tool to intercept the same messages that I would programmatically intercept with WndProc, i.e: the SendMessages and PostMessages.

I wish to make it clear that I am not seeking a program that intercepts the .NET framework events.

Edits:I can see my window and the handles of its child controls, but I do not receive any messages.I am using Windows 7 64 bit.My Spy++ version is 8.00.50727 Semi-solved; I have got a Spy++ alternative ([Window Detective][1]) to work on my virtual machine, which I am most certainly happy with, and would definitely not mind settling for. Although I am still wondering why all the "spy-like" programs I found did not work on my "main" PC... but I guess I needn't care.

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.net - Sites Which A Similar Program Or Web-exam?

May 5, 2009

Are there any sites which a similar program or web-exam? The best example I can give is Auto-it's "Auto-it 1,2,3" found here.This is for an absolute-beginner,

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VS 2010 How Similar Is The .NET To JVM In Executing A Program

Nov 14, 2009

1. How similar is the .NET to JVM in executing a program ?

2. How different is it ?

3. Is the .NET Framework available for Linux ?

4. Can I run a VB.NET application written for XP on a Linux machine ?

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Create A Calendar Program Very Similar To Outlook's Calender?

Sep 28, 2011

create a calendar program very similer to Outlook's Calender.But only on its own, i want it to be able to have multiple user access so several people can check eachothers calender obviously.But i have no clue where to start, doesnt have to be the exact same as outlook just have the same functionality.

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Creating A File Explorer Similar To Windows Explorer?

Aug 1, 2010

I want to make a program that is similar to Windows Explorer. It will have a button that when you click it it opens a FolderBrowserDialog and it will have an area that displays the contents of the selected folder. I want to have a label that displays the current folder path (i.e. 'USERDocuments...') and I also would like a feature to search all files on the computer.Also, is it possible that when I click on a file in the contents of the selected folder it displays its information (i.e. Name, Size, etc.)? And can I also make it so that if you double click on another folder in the current folder's display it opens that folder? And can I have a button to go up one directory?

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Know If An Array Of Lists Contains Similar Items (similar Lists)?

May 20, 2010

I know how to check whether an item exists in a list using (MyList.Contains), But I do not know how to check the whole list. For example (use one button and one richtextbox):


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Are Modules The Same As VB6 Bas Files

Aug 22, 2010

using bas files in visual basic 6 because I could write functions or subs that I would just easily use over and over rather than keep rewriting code. Do these work in the same way in .net? If anyone has any good info on modules like how to start writing functions and subs. Assuming of course that they work like vb6 bas files. If I were to make this sub a function how would I do this and I am assuming the benefit of this specific example would be a Boolean to check if if saved the text file or not?

Public Sub SaveList(ByVal List As ListBox, ByVal filename As String)
Dim i As Integer
Dim w As IO.StreamWriter


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Using Modules In .NET Considered?

Jun 7, 2011

During the design of a new application I was wondering if using a module with properties is considered to be a bad practice. Some example code:

Module modSettings
public property Setting1 as string
public property DatabaseObject as IDatabaseObject
End Module

The code above is just an example to emphasize my question. In the past, this structure was used a lot in VB6. In the past I used it as well in my .NET projects.

But nowadays with buzzwords like Dependency Injection, Testability and Separation of Concerns the above structure smells bad. I can't really describe why, but it just feels wrong. I must admit I'm not very familiar with the keywords above, yet.So I'm wondering whether the above code really is a bad practice. If so, what would you use a Module for?

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Using Modules Rather Than Classes?

Apr 15, 2010

What advantage is there, if any, to using Modules rather than classes in VB? How do they differ, and what advantages/disadvantages are there in using modules? In VB or VB.NET, I use both.

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VS 2010 - Modules - Add Something Behind Sub

Oct 9, 2009

I created a module named Sample, in it i made a Public Sub called Sub. But how do i do to add something "behind sub", so i can write like this:


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Hide Both Of The Modules Upon Execution?

Feb 22, 2012

I have finished creating the code for my client/server application although both parts currently execute modules/in console(this was for testing purposes).I am now looking at making both parts of the program completely invisible (they will eventually be executed as a Windows service upon startup). How do i go about this? Does the code need to be copied in to a "Windows Service" project, or is there a way I can hide both of the modules upon execution?

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.net - Using The Same Modules In Multiple Projects?

Dec 30, 2010

I'm using Visual Studio 2010 and coding in VB.NET.

My problem is that I've collected all the modules I've written and intend to reuse and placed them in a separate folder. When I want to add a module from the above folder to any given project, it takes a copy of the module and places in the project's source code folder, instead of referencing the module in the folder containing all the other modules.

Is it possible to include a module in my project and leave it in the folder with all the other modules, so that when I improve upon a module, it'll affect all the projects that uses/references that module. Instead of me having to manually copy the new module to all the projects that uses/references the module. Right now I have multiple instances of the exact same module that i need to update manually when I improve code or add functionality?

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.net - Visual Basic And Modules?

Jun 24, 2012

Im writing a application in visual basic to tell the user about their pc.

All this is in a module

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices
Imports System.Management
Imports System.Net
Imports System.IO


The problem I am having is that if one of the things in the module fails such as if the users graphics card does not have any onboard memory then it will fail.This is causing everything else to fail aswell.I am very new to visual basic so ifyou could please excuse me if I have made any stupidly obvious errors and any suggestions are welcome

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