Creating New Instances Of Form1 With Variable Properties

May 13, 2009

I'm trying to elaberate on some basic examples of .Net programming in using VB. The basic example of creating a new instance of Form1 is:
Dim x as New Form1
I've added some OptionButtons to set the StartPosition of the Next Instance of Form1 as well as some Labels that display the Top, Left, Width and Height properties when the new instance of Form1 is Shown.

This is the code I'm using.
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim x As New Form1
If Me.RadioButton1.Checked = True Then
x.Top = 0
x.Left = 0
[Code] ......

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Creating Instances Of A Class That Has Several Readonly Properties?

May 24, 2011

What is an elegant way to create and initialise instances of a class that has several readonly properties? Passing all values in a constructor would not be very convenient.

The purpose is that instances are immutable after initialisation. However if the constructor is not used for initialising all the property values, then how can the readonly properties be changed from another class?

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Forms :: Form Variable Value Blank / Null When Move From Form1 To Form2 And Back To Form1

Oct 27, 2009

In my window application, Form1 variable eg. Public str as string. value blank/null when move to Form2 and Back to Form1. How to maintain Form1 varable's value when back to Form1 In if any one know, reply me soon

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Accessing Form1 Properties From Thread

Sep 26, 2011

I have an exceptionhandler function that basically just writes a line to a textbox on Form1. This works fine when being run normally but the second I use a thread to start a process it cannot access the property. No exception is thrown but no text is written to the textbox:

Public Sub ExceptionHandler(ByVal Description As String, Optional ByVal Message As String = Nothing)
' Add Error To Textbox
If Message = Nothing Then
Form1.txtErrLog.Text += Description & vbCrLf
[Code] .....

Is it possible to access a form's properties from a thread this way or would it be easier to write to a text file or similar and refresh the textbox properties every 10 seconds or so (Don't see this as a good option but if it's the only way it will have to do!).

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Calling Properties Of Form1 Into Another Form (loginform)?

Dec 1, 2009

I have 2 forms, main Form1 and a loginform. When I start the application, first "Form1" is loaded and then with a button click, user can load "loginform" if required to enable/disable some features/controls on Form1.The sequence is like this:

1) Load main form Form1
2) click a button on Form1
3) Load the loginform.
4) enter user/pwd and click OK button
5) enable/disable "GroupBox" control on Form1 if login sucessful.

For this,I made a click event for OK button in loginform, so once user clicks the OK button, I want to call one function which is defined in Form1 as a Public, which enables/disables the "GroupBox" control on Form1. The code structure is like this:in main Form1, i created a function like this:

Class Form1()
Public Function DoThis() ' Function to enable/disable GroupBox control
....some task...


I am not able to call the DoThis() function in loginform. Please suggest me with a piece of code how to do this?? remember that Form1 is my main form which is loading first.

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Creating Instances Of An Object?

Nov 21, 2006

I'm trying to create 3 instances of the the Workshop selector form for the 3 individuals that I have inthe listbox to appear when I first run the program.

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VS 2010 Sorting A Listbox (after Trying To Copy Class Instances Properties To A Temp List)

Jan 25, 2012

I'm trying to figure out a way to sort the entries of a listbox... but in a different way instead of the obvious one (sorted property). First of all, I need to explain how the items are populated at first:


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Creating Instances Of Own Class At Runtime?

Sep 3, 2011

info on creating instances of my own class at runtime. Simple project for family recipes but would like the option to add new recipes with new instances of my own food Item class at runtime. Creating my own class,no problem. Storing the data in an XML file, OK on that as well. My issue is creating new instances of different food item class as I use this program over time

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Creating Multiple Instances Of A Form?

Aug 12, 2009

I have a form (form1) and I havea button on form1 (button1) that will start a second form (form2).How can I make it create multiple instances of form2 when button1 is clicked?i tried a process module that the studio comes as standard but it does not allow me to start multiple can i do this?

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Creating Object Instances Globally?

Nov 19, 2009

this is probably something I should know, but I'm puzzled by this.I'm trying to create some objects and being able to access and modify these globally. I tried to create a Public Module and declare a few objects in this.I am able to access these from another sub, but I get an exception error when after building and runing the process and trying to modify these object. The same thing happens if I declare the object in the Public Class Form1. For example like this:

Public Class Form1
Public appWord = New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application
Public wordDoc as Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Document


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MEF Import Is Creating Two Instances Of Every Part

Nov 25, 2011

I am using MEF to compose a number of components at run time but when I use a metadata attribute it double the number of parts in the collection.

When checking the container.ComposeParts I can see that the dll containing the 11 implementation of IStages is loaded once and only the 11 part required appear but when it resolves the Private Property Stages As IEnumerable(Of Lazy(Of IStages, IStagesMetadata)) the number of instances is doubled to 22. Looping through the collections I can see that they are duplicated by the ID in the metadata.[code]...

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Creating Multiple Form Instances In A Subroutine?

Aug 23, 2010

I am trying to create a subroutine that creates multiple instances of a specific form.

Here is my code:Public Sub NewFormInstance(ByVal FormName As Form)

Dim FormInstance As New FormName
End Sub

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VS 2008 - Creating Instances Of Controls On Form?

Sep 14, 2010

Is it possible to create instances of controls on a form ? Of course I mean visually , not just by code. After all, these languages define themselves as "Visual" so they should provide that possibility. It is important for the instances to be visible during design time because otherwise we could only guess where those controls might "land". Nevertheless , I have the feeling this is not possible in VB .NET but still I thought I should ask first ...

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VS 2008 Multithreading Or Creating Project Instances

Feb 15, 2011

I have been trying to create good multithreading programs and it is not working well considering the use of global variables, local variables etc and thread safe controls. I have not found a good way of doing it since it seemed to be not as efficient as just running it on a single thread.

The program accesses facebook and twitter api, parses etc. and I am wondering if I can just create new tasks and map the program project file and fire new instances of the project. Someone this using the taskfactory in 2010 but I thought this was just the same as the threadpool. on this: create windows services and set them to run on task scheduler??

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VS 2010 - Creating Multiple Instances Of Subs

Jul 31, 2011

I'm creating a twitter account manager using the Twitter API. I have multiple accounts, over 10 of them. I want to automate all 10 of these accounts to do certain things, now the way I started to code the program was so that it would accommodate only one account, and all the codes worked perfectly and were managed by individual timers for individual processes that I wanted done. i could tweet between certain intervals, follow people who tweet certain things without me being on top of it.

Now the problem is that I've been trying to create new instances of subs that I've already created so that I dont have to create 10 new subs with the exact same procedures. I'm pretty sure it's impossible to create copies of subs dynamically or within a loop but it didn't stop me from trying. So question is how can I edit a program that was designed to accommodate and automate only one account, to potentially accommodate over a 100? I don't need codes or anything I need ideas so I can try them, but right now I'm completely blank.

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Creating An Array Of Instances Where Instance Could Be Base Or Sub Class?

Oct 31, 2011

I have a class structure and am attempting to create an array of object instances from the class some instances are parents and some are children Code snippets,

Parent Class object
Option Strict On
Option Explicit On
Public Class cTransportItem


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How To Add Variable To Look Like Form1.Mozilla_Firefox.Name

Mar 29, 2009

I want to make it work like this, AppNames.Mozilla_Firefox.Name = "Mozilla Firefox" so I can add it into the checklistbox with ease for the program I'm making


I want to make it work like this, AppNames.Mozilla_Firefox.Name = "Mozilla Firefox" so I can add it into the checklistbox with ease

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Send A Variable From Form1 To Form2?

Jul 28, 2009

I have looked around and I can not find what I am looking for. I would like to send a variable from Form1 to Form2. I have found out how to send I text box from form1 to form2

How can I send a var from From1 to From2?

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Pull The Variable AlarmMsgBoxName From Form1 Into Form2?

Jul 1, 2010

I have a string variable in Form1 called 'AlarmMsgBoxName'which is inside a private sub called 'Timer1_Tick'. And I have a label in Form2 called'AlarmName'.
What I want is 'AlarmName.Text' to equal the string of AlarmMsgBoxName.How can I pull the variable AlarmMsgBoxName from Form1 into Form2?

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.net - Amount Of Write Line Instances Vary Depending On YVAL Variable?

Nov 30, 2010

I have a mesurement that could be any random value, just for fun well make that 2440mm i need to divde that by the industry standard of 610mm which comes out at 2440 / 610 = 4

Programicaly written NEWVAL = YVAL / STDVAL

NEWVAL (4) gives me refrence to how many instances I want to append a new line in a txt file I know that I want the first line to say 0,0,0 and the second line to say 0,610,0 the third 0,1220,0 the fourth 0,1830,0 and the last 0,2440,0, though this is easily achived with addition how can I automate to produce a new write line for each each instace of 610 if the YVAL is user defind.Put in simple terms half would be missing if the YVAL variable is double in length at 4880mm?

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.net - Pass A String Variable Data From Form2 To Form1?

Nov 17, 2010

It's a program that reads student data from a text file and displys it in a listbox(Form1). From there on you can add a new student to the textfile by clicking on "Add" button that shows another form(Form2) and you input the new student data into the appropriate text boxes. Afterwards you can press "Add" button(Form2), but the Add Student(Form2) window comes up again with all the inputted data gone, and if I place the new student info into the text boxes again and click "Add", the program jumps back to the Form1 and a message box suppose to say what was added to the textfile, but nothing was added except for empty listbox items.

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VS 2008 Passing Variable From Form1 To Form3 Via Form2?

Jan 10, 2010

IThere's a button on the toolstip that's always enabled for form2 so they are always able to search the database.When a user is on form1 and selects the link button. They are taken to form2 to select criteria to search. On Form3 they choose 1 item in the grid andcan select the Link It button on the form to link the 2 selected grid items (form1 and form3). Since form2 and form3 are available at problem is knowing when the Link button on form1 has been chosen and after a successful link to not allow anymore links. Technically, they could pull form2 up via the toolstrip or an existing form2 window and Link as long as Form1 is on the screen but I do not want this. It's as though I need a global variable to set to True/False.

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Creating Forms And Objects Through Code In The The Load Event Of Form1?

May 22, 2011

I've been working on creating forms and objects through code in the the load event of Form1, truthfully theres a few questions I have under this one category but to start I want to create a button click event that will check what button was pressed then set that button to a variable. I want the event to treat the button that was clicked like it was that buttons click event.Here's a shortened version of my code (Lol if you can call this short):


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Set The Properties Of A Base Control So That Instances Of That Control Inherit The Property Settings

Dec 11, 2009

I would like to be able to set Control visual properties such as color, boarder, flat style, etc. on the base class of the control so that as I add new instances of the control, each instance inherits the visual properties of the base. I have tried using Application Settings but it appears as though I need to reference an application setting manually each time I add the control to a form. This is a Windows Form question.

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Inter-Program Variables - If A Variable In Form1 Is "True" Than, How Can Make A Variable In Form2 Turns To "True" Too?

Feb 11, 2012

I know that

Public Incognito As Boolean

is a variable called "Incognito" that is class-wide that is a boolean.My question is that is there a form-wide variable form that can like communicate with different forms. So if a variable in form1 is "True" than, how can you make a variable in form2 turns to "True" too?

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VB2008: Form1.BackgroundWorker WONT Stop Form1.Timer From Form3 Click

Sep 9, 2011

Using VB 2008:Situation: A Form1.BackgroundWorker calls a Form1.subroutine. That sub starts a Form1.Timer with Me.tmrOK_BlinkForm.Enabled = True...fires Timer code in event: Public Shared Sub tmrOK_BlinkForm_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles tmrOK_BlinkForm.Tick

Form3.Visible = True
Form3.Label1.Text = gNowButtonDispText
Form3.BackColor = Color.White


There must be a way to do this, I just need the correct BackgroundWorker Syntax send Stop commad to Form1.Timer from Form3.Click_event...all inside a Form1.BackgroundWorker thread started in Form1.

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Using Properties (rather Than A Public Variable)

Jan 19, 2010

Is there any point in using a property (rather than a public variable) if it just says:


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Creating Public Function / Sub To Set CSS And Other Properties

Jan 11, 2011

I am trying to create a Public Sub / Function that will allow me to pass certain variables into it and this will affect the output. e.g.
DIV ID = InfoDiv
CSS Class = "Warning"
LBInfoMsg.Text = "An Error has occured"
DIV Visibility = True or False

I would like to type something similar in the code behind page:
InfoMsg(InfoDiv, "warning", "An Error has Occurred", True)

Public Sub InfMsg(ByRef MyDIV As System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl, ByRef CSS As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Style, ByVal strMessage As String)
strMessage = strMessage.Replace("'", "''")
MyDIV.Attributes.Add("Style", "warning")
MyDIV.Visible = "True"
End Sub

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Dynamically Creating Class Properties?

Jul 21, 2011

We use a common web.config file to store all of our database connection strings.

I would like to have a way to read in all of them, somehow create a property or type so that they become dynamically available.

So when I want to create a new sql connection my my class can show the connections strings available.

Dim myconn as new MySqlOps.Connection(MySqlOps.ConnectionString)

so when the user types MySqlOps.ConnectionString. it will give a list of the connection strings read in from the config file.

Not sure how to approach making the connectionstrings available like above.

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Forms :: Navigate From Form1 To Form2. And Then Close Form1?

Feb 16, 2009

I have got 2 forms ----- form1 and form2

i wanted to navigate from form1 to form2. and then close form1

i did the following code.

-sub form1 _ page load
dim form as new form2
-end sub

i also tried -- form1.close() and form1.dispose() but all in vain

Problem is that my form1 is not getting closed

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