Crystal Reports: Random Generation Changes (landscape/portrait/size)

Nov 17, 2011

I'm working on a project that produces quite a few pdf's through Crystal Reports. The problem I'm facing is quite random. Users are reporting that reports sometimes get generated too small (report scaled down to 70% or so and printed upon the pdf) and also that some reports are being printed in landscape while they were designed in portrait and vice versa.

what could cause these random changes in generation? and maybe a solution?

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DB / Reporting - Duplex Crystal Report, Portrait And Landscape

Feb 22, 2011

Using VB2008 Crystal reports. We are busy to create a duplex crystal report, size A4. The front of the CR is a portrait view and the backside must a landscape view. In our project we have made two CRs, one portrait and one landscape. Till now two pieces of paper are printed. Can someone give us more information how to configure CR?

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Merge A Data From Portrait To Landscape?

Jun 9, 2011

merge a data from portrait to landscape..

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DB/Reporting :: Change The Report Orientation From Portrait To Landscape In Runtime?

Aug 27, 2008

how can I change the report orientation from portrait to landscape in runtime? (using Reporting Services report viewer control)

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Crystal Reports ExportToDisk Font Size?

Feb 1, 2011

When using the ExportToDisk method of ReportDocument it shrinks all of the fonts to 0.5pt than they were specified in the report. I'm creating a word document so specified the line of code as such:

myReport.ExportToDisk(CrystalDecisions.[Shared].ExportFormatType.WordForWindows, path)

I've also experimented with creating a RTF instead (using ExportFormatType.RichText) but to no avail. I seem to remember coming across a reason with a registry fix - but I've lost it now.

Must warn you this is a legacy system (.NET 1)

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Deploying Crystal Reports - Adding Crystal Reports To The Setup And Deployment

Jun 21, 2010

I am working on VB.NET(Visual studio 2008)..I completed developing my application and i need to deploy the application. I tried it and faced problems in some areas like adding crystal reports to the setup and deployment. I created a setup file to my application and everything is fine except crystal reports...its showing the error like; An error occurred in crystalDecisions.Reports, crystalEngine threw exception.

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Difference Between Crystal Reports In Vb - Create Crystal Reports In Vb?

Apr 14, 2009

tell me wat is the difference between crystal reports created in vb and in to create crystal reports in vb??

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Crystal Report Set To Landscape?

Jan 30, 2010

do you know how to make the page setup of crystal report becomes landscape view..

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Creating Reports In Crystal Reports That Is Integrated Within Visual Studio 2008?

Aug 26, 2011

I am creating reports in Crystal Reports that is integrated within Visual Studio 2008, and I noticed that some of the features are disabled. One is the ability to link tables with a Right Outer Join or Full Outer Join. I also cannot "Show SQL Query" in Crystal Reports. Is this something I can enable or do I have to purchase or upgrade?

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Generation Of Random Numbers

Nov 9, 2009

I have a problem regarding the generation of random numbers in have code like this!!it generates the random number but both the numbers are same for my program the should not be same!![code]

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Random Variable Generation, And Accumulator?

Jun 6, 2011

i am trying to teach myself vb (im only 14), and i'm not having a easy time. What im trying to do, i need a user to define a upper and lower bound of a range. From there i need to generate random numbers, a certan number of times, with in that range...this is my first problem.And then, i need to make counters to store/test all of these variables as even, odd, positive, negative and zero's ...that i need to append to a richtextbox to show how many of each. Im not even sure if rtb is the right object to know, instead of textbox, or label?the last thing was to do with Private function as boolean. do I need this to test these variable?


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Generating Reports Without Crystal Reports?

Dec 1, 2011

How can we create a report in without using any crystal reports

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Create An Array V0(9) Using Random Number Generation?

Feb 22, 2010

I want to create an array V0(9) using random number generation. For example I generated V0(9) = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1} I want to use 12345 + 67891. How can I separate to use two parts of the array.


Public Class Form1
Dim i As Integer
Dim V0(9) As Double


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Random Number Generation Of Select Numbers

Apr 15, 2009

If I have say 5 numbers: 1, 29, 53, 95, 103 What would be the code for randomly selecting a number of those 5.

i.e) The random number has to be 1, 29, 53, 95, or 103 and has to be randomly generated.

I've tried using the Int(Rnd() * 104), but I do not know how to make it choose only these 5 numbers!

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Crystal Report Generation From A Text Field In 2005?

Feb 6, 2009

am a beginner in 2005 i have to generate a crystal report in from a textfield that the user enter and the following report should be generated depending on that query..

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WINFORM Random Info Generation - Auto Generate Username From Firstname, Lastname

Mar 11, 2010

I need to make a form like this [URL] [URL]

For Firstname and Lastname: When you click to random Button it will auto pick random Firstname from Firstname.txt and random Lastname from Lastname.txt

For Username: when you click to random Username Button it will auto generate Username from firstname, lastname, string, number like this

Username = firstname+number+lastname+string

For Password:

Password = random string + random number

View 4 Replies

Crystal Reports With .net?

Sep 26, 2011

I am preparing crystal reports using 2008 with ms sql server 2005.everything is showing fine.. except that i want my report to be multiple column... I cant do this using "format multiple column" option because the data is not shown in details section. Actually i need to group the data in data.

e.g: i am preparing a warehouse report to know how much quantity of which products are left, products with 0 (zero) value are not displayed..

I want my reports to be as follows: item1 item_quantity item2 item_quantity item3 item_quantity

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Adding A Reports Application Or A Crystal Reports Application?

Dec 22, 2010

I'm using VS 2008 to develop a solution which will report on data mostly contained in SQL Express databases, across two servers. It will be used by up to about 10 XP clients. I am unfamiliar with the Reports Applications. Will I need to buy extra licenses to use a Crystal Reports application? Why are they both included in VS? What is the basic difference between them?

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.net - Connecting To Crystal Reports 4.6 From VB?

Jul 26, 2009

How can I connect to a Crystal Reports 4.6 report that connects to SQL Server 2005 as a data source, using Visual Basic?I don't want to specify the connection string in the report. I want to pass the connection from VB. Is there any way to do this?

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.net - Images In Crystal Reports?

Jan 28, 2011

I am working on Windows Forms Projects.I am creating a report for customers.The report data is pulled from a "CustomerDetails" table.A field in the table is called "CustPhotoName", this holds a string which relates to an image file.

I Currently have a report set up which runs for a single customer by passing in a customer ID. Then using the passed in ID to populate a Dataset with an ImageRow and then a sub report with the image from the dataset.

I am wanting to set up this report where I can pass in an array of customer IDs and produce the reports (1 page per customer with image (if CustPhotoName has value))

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.net - Unable To Use Crystal Reports In

May 14, 2009

I have created reports using Crystal Reports in my application(vb). It was fine. But when I run it in another system, the report loading fails. So I modified my code like this.

sub Loadreport()
Dim sreport as new ReportDocument


When the control comes to the line:-


it jumps to the catch block showing "Invalid Report path". But initially, the code was not showing any error. I haven't changed the path.

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.net 2008 And Crystal Reports 10?

Mar 29, 2011

I made a program in VB .net 2008 that has a form in which there is a Crystal Report Viewer object. Here is some code:


1. Some reports show tens and hundreds of thousands or records (they are required to do so, so no work-around is possible), thus the time it takes for the Crystal Report Viewer control to actually show the report is very long. I would like to display like a waiting dialog window WHILE the report is loading its records telling the user to wait for it to load.

2. Another idea would be to show the number of records currently loaded (and continuously updated as the report loads them) from the total number. This is actually shown in my reports when i open them with Crystal Reports 10, but NOT with the Viewer control on the form! How can i make it show this?

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C# - Populate Crystal Reports With SQL?

Jun 30, 2010

Since there doesn't seem to be any way to load old VB6 (ActiveReports) reports in .Net, I need to recreate dozens of reports in .Net. I'd like to do this in the least painful way possible.In VB6, the original authors simply did something like this for every report:

adoConn.ConnectionString = globalConnectionObject.ConnectionString
adoConn.Source = ReportFunctions.GetAllUsers()

GetAllUsers() returns an SQL string which selects a bunch of fields; those fields are then used in the report.Now:How can I do something similar in .Net (either using the built-in Crystal Reports, or the built-in "Microsoft Reporting Technology")?I can't get "Database Expert" to recognize globalConnectionObject (an ADODB.Connection object); and if I fill a dataset and do


It tells me "The report has no tables."How do I populate a Crystal Reports report!? (the connection string/data location is not known at compile time)

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Compile Crystal Reports Into An Exe

Jun 5, 2011

I've recently made the switch from the Data Report to Crystal Reports 10. I've rewritten the reports our software uses and they are working fine in a nominal reports location.I have heard that Crystal Reports can be compiled into a single executable file which can be called through, rather than loading the report from a location.

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Crystal Reports In 2010 Won't Appear

Oct 1, 2010

I already installed crystal reports in my vb 2010. (i got it from the sap website) but crystal reports won't appear in the toolbar. i could add a new report, but i can't put it in my design form cause just like what i said, there's no crystal reports in the toolbox. i already checked crystal reports in the customize button of toolbar, but still it won't appear.

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Crystal Reports In A PDF File?

Aug 5, 2009

I am using the following code to output a Crystal Report to an ASP.NET application:

Dim rptDocument As New ReportDocument
Dim rptPath As String = Server.MapPath("Reports/Employees.rpt")


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Crystal Reports In SQL Server?

Apr 18, 2012

I want to create a Crystal Report for particular engineer installation details. In that report I want to show to no of installation details for particular engineer.Report model looks like this:

totalnoofinstallation assignto c_address c_mobileno package_det frm_date to_date
3 FE01 Ramnagar 232345 xx 25-04-2012 05-04-2012
SQL Server table data look like this:


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Crystal Reports In Vs 2010

Jan 15, 2012

I want to create a report based on some criterias such as dates or names. For example, the user will select the dates from a combo box above and the report to be displayed in some type of container such as a panel for example. Is that possible? My software is like some inventory program, basically just counting no of items in the container and the ones that were delivered. Then at the end of the report, I need to mention the number of items that are still in th container and the ones that were delivered.

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Crystal Reports Keeps Duplicating

Mar 15, 2012

The "Details" fields keeps repeating itself for example its showing it 4 times instead of one!this is my code[code...]

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Crystal Reports OpenDialog?

Jul 14, 2009

I am in the process of creating a reporting module. I am stumped on trying to load a report from an existing saved report with an OpenFileDialog. The report that is selected will not load into the CrystalReportViewer. I receive the following error:

Private Sub OpenToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles tripMenuItem.Click
' Open an existing report file.


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