Custom Duplicate Remover - Remove ALL From Box
Jun 5, 2011How to make an code to works in that way, if the word is on box1, remove ALL from box2. Theres 3 box and 1 button like that.
How to make an code to works in that way, if the word is on box1, remove ALL from box2. Theres 3 box and 1 button like that.
vb novice here.. im trying to create an application that uploads an excel file and then remove all of its duplicate rows. so far i dont know how to start the code that remove the duplicates.. so far this is what i have done with my removeduplicate function..
I have a List object and I want to remove the duplicated items but leaving at least one of the duplicated items in the list;I wrote something like this however I would optimize this code for better performance, is there something faster?
Const chars As String = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
Dim rnd As New Random()
Dim mylist As List(Of String) = Enumerable.Range(1, 100).Select(Function(i)
How to remove duplicate resources...
I get this error
"there is already another resource with the name....."
2.0 28 Blue (2 14.00 63.0) [2 12.43 54.3] 42111 9275 55111 -1725
2.0 28 Blue (2 14.00 64.0) [2 13.50 55.3] 40611 9275 53611 5775
2.0 28 Blue (2 14.00 58.0) [2 12.21 54.3] 49611 9275 55111 -3225
5.5 28 Blue (2 20.00 17.0) [2 13.50 26.3] 111111 51275 97111 5775
I've come unstuck on a certain point. I am trying to find a way to compare two lists and output only lines which are unique. In other words, remove both occurrences of duplicate lines.I'm relatively inexperienced with VB.NET, but this is how far I have managed to come;
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim LinksList1, LinksList2 As String
LinksList1 = Replace(RichTextBox1.Text, "#vch", "") : LinksList2 = Replace(RichTextBox2.Text, "#vch", "")
1) search the array to find duplicates and add them to a second array, then have a second pass to remove anything which matches the second array.
2) search the array for one duplicate and store it, then search the array again to remove the duplicates, and run that process until there are no more duplicates.
Then again, I could be going about this completely the wrong way. If that's the case, feel free to knock some sense into me.
My browser application has an option to display all the "href" elements of a web page in a datagridview.
I use the code below to populate the datagridview.[code]...
i don't have any idea how to remove or prevent duplicate item in a listview when ever you update it or insert value to your data base.
View 5 Replieswhen I load items in to a treeview, there's several items the same.Say it's like this:[code]How do I delete the duplicate items so it only shows subitem once?
View 7 RepliesI have to extract from a text, group letters (2-by-2 characters), for example : from this string : "THIS IS SOME" => THHIISS IIS
View 32 RepliesHaving trouble removing Duplicate lines in a text file. (Exact Duplicate lines).
If I have a text file called animals.txt, how can I use the StreamWriter to loop through a text file, and erase and duplicate lines?
For example: If the text files says this...
I have a treeview that gets populated from a MySQL database
i want to find out how to go thru each item on the tree and delete any duplicates
see this codes scrapes all href links and check if it contains "/file/" to save it but I get duplicate links saved so If i can change this code to work some how with Innertext("More") I will have no duplicatestried to configure it to work with innertext it just doesn't fit the way I think it should ;/and if anyone can add how can I remove duplicated urls on my txt file that would be really nice I might need it
Dim links As System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElementCollection
Dim b As String
links = WebBrowser1.Document.Links
I'm sorry if it's a duplicate of some question but this is specific on Vb.Net Regex function.
I need to remove any occurrence of 3 or more duplicate characters on a given string. For example:
Dim strTmp As String = "111111.......222222 and 33"
Dim output As String = Regex.Replace(strTmp, "????", "")
The "????" part I guess should be the Regex expression, which I must assume I know almost nothing about.
I don't know if that's the correct syntax. But I need the output to come as:
"1.2 and 33"
Compare textboxes and remove duplicate lines/text..
View 3 Repliesthis is the code working 100% for (merge , remove duplicate lines and Store ) two text file using Imports System.IO Public Class Form1
I'm using VB .NET and I know that Union normally works ByRef but in VB, Strings are generally processed as if they were primitive datatypes.Consequently, here's the problem:
Sub Main()
Dim firstFile, secondFile As String(), resultingFile As New StringBuilder
firstFile = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.Desktop & "1.txt").Split(vbNewLine)
secondFile = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.Desktop & "2.txt").Split(vbNewLine)
I was just wondering if someone could show a code sample that will remove any duplicate text from Textbox1.text (with multiplelines).
I need to remove the sentence "Send a private message to" and prevent it from entering Textbox1.text.
When I isolate the following code to create a chart, the result is normal. But when I call it from a control, duplicate legend and Y-axis scales and labels appear.
I did a line-by-line comparison and detected no code differences.
1) What is the likely culprit?
2) Is there a cleaner way to activate a graph?
Private Sub Button15_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button15.Click
Dim frm As New WindowsApplication1.Form8()
I am plan to write a Karaoke Player application using One main feature of application is remove vocal of singer in a mp3 files and directly play in the application. Can I do it like this? I saw some application can fullfill this requirement, like Karafun or Karaoke Sound Tools. This two software can remove the vocal of singer in mp3 file and play directly not just can save into a wav or mp3 file.
How do I remove custom items for example
And I want to remove all except items that has the word "Text" in it.
i wanted to make a virus remover..
View 6 RepliesI have a list of 100,000 urls in list(Of string) which can contain urls in the form. [URL] i have tried using a combination of regex and the Uri class, but that didn't help, so i dumped the code. How do i filter these duplicates and keep just one of these url
View 8 Repliesi made a program that will make a system restore point for the user but i think its only 50% done. I want to add a feature that will place all of the system restore points in list box and give a user the choice of removing a restore point.
View 35 RepliesI'm using this code to find all the start up programs.
If e.ColumnIndex = 1 Then
Dim key As String = dgv1.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(0).Value.ToString
If dgv1.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(1).EditedFormattedValue = True Then
I'm setting my application up for use with ClickOnce. I've got my own icon that I made myself that is associated with the application for the desktop or programs list but a default icon shows in the add remove programs list. If I'm using ClickOnce is there a way I can change the add remove programs icon to the one I want?
Alll the information about changing the add remove programs icon that I've found talks about dealing with the properties of your setup project. With ClickOnce you don't have a Set Up project like you do if you're using Windows Installer so I'm not sure how you change the add remove programs icon.
I created a custom control and add it to a form programatically.
The user can add and move them all over the form.
The problem is when I want to clear the form of my user control I don't know how.
I created an array of my control called ctlCorkNotes
Say I create ctlCorkNotes(1) and now I want to delete it.
How do I do this so it is gone and would have to recreate it to show up again?
I have this data in txt file and the data keeps changing all the time.
I would like to read all lines and compare, if the same name and same address is found, which is in the [......], then i need to count it and show the most frequent buyer!should i read it all and put in array, and compare and put the duplicate data and count into another array?
i want to make a virus remover/scanner tht deletes files og scans for virus.. Just reply i you know some of codes or if you have a project.
View 15 Repliesi want to make a virus remover/scanner tht deletes files og scans for virus.. Just reply i you know some of codes or if you have a project.VB2008/2010..
View 11 Replies