DB/Reporting :: UserForm - Reading Data Into Variables

Jan 5, 2011

I've been using VBA quite a bit in the past to build userforms in Access, that used user-supplied data to custom-build sql statements on the fly, query data from a linked table, read that data into variables, perform calculations and spit out results onto the userform. Now I'm wanting to do some similar things in vb.net 2008.

I would use some code like this:
Set MyRecordset = New adodb.Recordset
MyRecordset.Open "SELECT * FROM Table1", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
MyRecordset.Filter = "ID = '" & Me.cmbAgentName.Value & "'"
With MyRecordset
[Code] .....

Whenever I try this, I get an error message along the lines of "Conversion from type 'Field' to type 'String' is not valid."

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Multithreading: Reading/setting Variables, And Passing Variables?

Mar 8, 2011

Question 1: What is the difference between "Background Worker" and "Worker Pool" as indicated within the MSDN samples provided.

Question 2: I noticed while using, AddressOf _Function_, variables cannot be passed; what would be an efficient solution to this?

Question 3: While using multithreading is it required to invoke before setting variables, or only form properties?

Question 4: While using System.Net.Sockets is it safe/efficient to use Application.DoEvents while waiting for new data; or would be using a Do While loop be fine without DoEvents since the action would be multithreaded? Note: there can be up to 2000-3000 sockets in use at a time.

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Reading Xml To Variables?

Jul 6, 2010

I am fairly new to vb and have created an alarm program. I have figured out how to write an xml file saving my variables. I can only save one set of variables currently. I would like to save multiple alarms to the xml and read back the xml as a list of alarms that the program is processing. Can someone lead me in the direction to calling the xml a list of alarms and how to read them into variables

maybe if i save the alarms sorted by date and time I could process them as they expire.

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DB/Reporting :: Declaring Variables In SSMS 2008 R2

Nov 5, 2010

I am at a loss to figure out why this code results in 2 errors when I try to Parse it inthe SSMS.

@Collection varchar = Books,
@Title varchar = 0,
@Authors varchar = 0,


I think that I re wrote this query ten times todaday and continue to get errors and don't know what my problem is

There are underlines in red under the 0 in the BookLoanStatus and under all of the parameters in the SQL.

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DB/Reporting :: Passing Variables To A Datagrid View From Sql?

Nov 9, 2010

I am building an application that has several forms to it and on my first form, I declare 2 variables that I will need to pass to at least 2 of the other forms. I call them

Public payPeriodStartDate, payPeriodEndDate As Date

on form2, I am needing to pass those variables to a datagridview to present to users. I have the following query that I'm trying to run from that form but I'm given an error that SQL is unable to parse the query:

SELECT Employeenumber, Exceptiondate, Starttime, Endtime, Duration, Code, Approvedby
FROM Exceptions
where [Exceptions].exceptiondate between '" & payperiodStartDate & "' and '" & payPeriodEndDate"

The datagrid is bound to the form and I'm using SQL 2000.

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DB/Reporting :: Stored Procedure OUTPUT To Variables?

Apr 26, 2010

I have been banging my head against a brick wall for 2 days on this one. Someone please help, I am sure I am doing something stupidly wrong.I have a stored procedure that accepts 2 inputs and has 4 outputs. The SP checks the users database against a given username and password.


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Reading From Rich Text To Variables

Apr 24, 2009

I have a program that saves encrypted data to a file and each variable is separated by a ";". I then read the file though this command:


It places all the encrypted data to a Rich Text Box. I need to decrypt the data and place into variables. How do I read each encrypted piece up to the ";" then decrypt, and place into a variable? I've seen streamreader examples but I don't want to use streamreader unless there is a way I can still get the OpenFileDialog view to be able to select the file location.

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Variables - Reading Bytes In A File?

Jan 2, 2010

After getting the file name I create a new filestream and load all the bytes from the FileStream into a byte array, now I need to get certain bytes and store them in fields like the second 4 bytes are the time the file was created. When storing these in the variables should I store them as bytes or as string/integers/etc.

Or have I done it completely wrong?

EDIT:Should I be doing this way instead of a filestream?

Dim data() as Byte = File.ReadAllBytes(path1)

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Reading MP3 Frameheader - Assigning Bit Values To Variables?

Dec 20, 2011

I am learning visual basic .net and I am attempting to translate some java source code to a vb.net project. The project reads mp3 details and then splits the file accurately according to the frameheader details etc.

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Reading SQL Select Values Back Into Local Variables?

Apr 20, 2010

I as part of the support VB code for a larger ASP project, I need to read back the existing data from an Access database, to see if user has changed a value.

I'm reading the existing data back into a DataView using the following function:

Public Shared Function GetPolicyStatus(ByVal intPolicyID As Integer) As DataView
Dim strConString As String
Dim conMyData As OleDbConnection


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DB/Reporting :: Reading From MySQL And Then Output To The Console

Sep 23, 2008

I am trying to read from a MySQL DB, and then output to the console like this:


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End All Running Macros, But Also Keep Userform Up?

Jul 15, 2011

I am trying to end all running macros, but also keep my userform up and it will not work. If you know anything that will work or if there is another way to reactivate a userform

end sub

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How To Create UserForm In MS Word

May 16, 2011

I am trying to create a userform in MS Word. I have a text box, a set of 3 option buttons and a command button in it. I want that on clicking the command button, the text in the text box and the option button selected by the user should automatically get displayed on header or footer of the word document (active document).

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How To Return From A Userform To A Module

Jun 24, 2010

I am trying to return to a module from a userform and I cannot figure out how to do it. My program is set up so that the module will call userforms at various times to collect/display information but then I want to return to the module after each userform has done its job, and I want to return to the next line of code in the module.[code]

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Trying To Draw Lines On A Userform?

Sep 21, 2011

I have the following form:I want to join the boxes so that it looks like this: would rather create the lines on the userform manually but I do not think there is a way to do it. I've tried the following code but I cannot see the line:

Private Sub DrawLine(ByVal X_From As Integer, ByVal Y_From As Integer, ByVal X_To As Integer, ByVal Y_To As Integer, _
ByVal Line_Width As Integer, ByVal Line_Colour As System.Drawing.Color)


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Userform To Set Text Values On Website

Mar 28, 2012

I don't know where this fits so moderators go easy. I've been trying to enter a text box on this site using a form made with Visual Studio 2010. See here for the site. I have the following


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Copy UserForm To Email, File Or Word

Feb 3, 2010

I have a Macro that prints Sales Vouchers, is it possible to attach the userform to an Email or write it to a file for later attaching to an email or even send the UserForm to Word again the aim is to transmit the voucher electronically rather than paper. My code at the moment is very simple: UserForm2.PrintForm which prints the form. I tried printing to a file but couldn't get it to work. I am guessing that printing to a file is for Text only and not bit by bit.

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Forms :: Clearing Textboxes And Comboboxes In Userform?

Jun 16, 2011

so yesterday this code was working for my userforms and today its not. Its a simple clear command for textboxes and comboboxes. what is from here?

Dim ctl As Control
ForEach ctl In Controls
IfTypeOf ctl Is TextBox Then ctl.Text = ""
IfTypeOf ctl Is ComboBox Then ctl.Text = ""
Next ctl

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UserForm Open Excel File Via ComboBox

Mar 17, 2009

How to use a vba userform to input a number to the excel file and get another number from that excel file back to the userform?!! (such as input value to A1 and collect C1 back to userform). Beside is that possible to open another excel file via ComboBox and input the number (C1) to that particular excel file...

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Variables - Combining Multiple Data Types Into A Single Unified Data Structure

Mar 16, 2012

In VB.NET I would like to create a complicated data structure with multiple types of data stored in an array like format (see below). I am trying to create a data structure that would look something like this: [Name; xLoc; yLoc; zLoc; [Jagged Array]] Note: Name needs to be dimensioned as a string, xLoc and so forth as integers. The Jagged Array would look like this:


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DB/Reporting :: Updating Client Data Tables When Data Table On Shared Drive Is Updated?

Sep 28, 2009

I would like to know the best, or standard, way to accomplish real-time client updates in a small multi-user application using an access data table as a data source.Specifically, this application will be used by 3-4 people. It uses a datatable which is filled on form load and bound to a datagrid at design time. The datatable is stored on a shared drive. The data table on the shared drive is updated in two ways:

1) Users can update the datagrid which then updates the datatable on the shared drive via the data adapter's Update method.

2) A server application does some work on some text files, periodically updating the data table.

I need the clients to reflect the changes to the data table on the shared drive as closely to real-time as possible. I know that the data table stored in memory on the client is disconnected from the data table on the shared drive, so I must query again to get the updates.

1) Is there an alternvative model I can use which is connected, and which will automatically reflect the updates in the data table on the shared drive?

2) If not, what is the best way to check for changes in the data table (so I can know when to call the data adapter fill method)? I am planning to poll the drive for a change to the .mdb file, raise an event and then fill the data adapter when the event is triggered. I am using this method successfully now to check for changes to a text file in another application, and I know how to implement it?

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DB/Reporting :: Cannot Find In The Data Toolbox The Connection And Data Adapters

Sep 27, 2009

I recently switched to V.Studio 2008 and using VB. I can not find in the data toolbox the connection and data adapters. Should I do something else to make this appear so I can drag them in my form.

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DB / Reporting :: Import Excel Data To Data Table

Feb 8, 2009

I am currently using vb 2008 and access 2003 as back end database. I am trying to import excel data to a data table. my excel and access table header & columns are same. I was trying to do this.........


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DB/Reporting :: Check If The Data In Textbox1 Not Equal To Any Data?

Sep 29, 2008

I tried this code to check if the data in textbox1 not equal to any data in column name, so insert the data that in the textboxes to the table1. Esle.. do another thing. But it didn't success with me.

Dim conn As New OleDbConnection()
conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _
& "Data Source =" & Application.StartupPath & "DataBaseName.mdb "


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Continously Reading Data From A Modbus TCP Device And Store Data In A Textfile?

Mar 2, 2012

I have a modbus TCP device that I have managed to connected to through my VB source code.

I want to poll (continueously read) data from certain registers of the device, and store the polled data in a file (text,csv, excel).

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Data Binding - Update The Grid Data By Reading The Array

Apr 2, 2012

Data binding should be an extremely simple thing to manage but I can't find a SIMPLE solution to the following problem.

I have two forms

Form1 contains a 4x4 MSFlexGrid (unfortunately an unmanaged COM object but I can merge cells, which I can't do with a managed Datagrid)

Form2 contains other controls which change the data in the Flexgrid.

I connect the two with a Public 4x4 array. Form2 changes the data in this array. I can update the grid data by reading the array. But how do I bind the Grid to the array so that it auto-updates - which is the whole point of binding isn't it?

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Reading Data From A Socket (as Bytes) And Storing Data In A String?

Nov 29, 2009

I am reading data from a socket (as bytes) and storing this data in a string. Then later i need to access specific bytes within the string and do some math with them. However the bytes that I read back from the string are not what I am expecting.


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Get Data And Set It To Session Variables?

May 14, 2010

I am using a sqlDataReader to get data and set it to session variables. The problem is it doesn't want to work with expressions. I can reference any other column in the table, but not the expressions. The SQL does work. The code is below.


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HTML URL With Data Variables?

Dec 19, 2010

HTML URL with data variables

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Store Data In Variables?

Aug 15, 2011

I am using sql in and am stuck. after "selecting * from table", how do i store whatever I have obtained from my database in a variable, for display?

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