DB/Reporting :: How To Hide Table Row

Jul 10, 2009

database = microsoft access application = microsoft visual studio .net 2003

i have a dataset, i dont know how to hide the rows.

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DB/Reporting :: Attach A Dataset To A Table (MS Reporting)?

Jan 9, 2009

I want to do something like this:

'create a dataset and a table
Dim ds As New DataSet


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DB/Reporting :: Table Columns Into Table Adaptor?

Jul 7, 2011

Rather than running numerous queries in Access I am trying to write a front end for a DB2 database. The Access database is getting to a size that it is causing Access 2007 to have reliability issues and frequent compacting is required. I have created the Dataset, the Table Adaptors, and the Connection String already, but when I put in a bit of code in to fill the Table Adaptors the remote connection I have to work is going crazy (chewed up about 180MB before I realised it was pulling data from work).

Before I started the project I copied the .accdb to my local PC HDD and I pointed the connection string to it, but it still looks like it is trying to pull data from the work network. If it was a small database I wouldnt be concerned but it is pulling major data every time I run it. I have only 2 out of the 4 Table Adaptors running and it didnt fill them even after 10 minutes.

Here is the code I was trying to run... Server name has been substituted for Server for obvious work reasons.

Because the tables are so large I was looking for a way to pull only the columns I need to from the tables, I tried adding .SOFT_ID to the first line of code but the TA spat the dummy message below...

Value of type 'System.Data.DataColumn' cannot be converted to Application_Name.DS_DB2Database.Server_SOFTDataTable'.


I would also like to pull just the data columns I need to speed up the query.

Note: In case youre wondering why I am not connecting directly to the DB2 database. I currently dont know where it is stored and while leveraging Access I am trying to put a level of separation between the app and the db for the time being, later I will try connect directly.

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Hide ListView Table Header From The Code Behind?

Feb 13, 2010

I want to hide a column of ListView based on the role from the code behind. Here's the mark-up and the code:

<asp:ListView ID="lvTimeSheet" runat="server">
<table id="TimeSheet">


But that column id="thDelete" is visible all the time. How do I go about hiding the column based on some condition from the code behind?

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JavaScript - How To Get ASP Table Control To Show / Hide

Apr 19, 2012

I use a Repeater that's databound to a DataRowCollection and programatically build a table through that. I have something similar to:
Private Sub SubAcctGrid_OnItemDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RepeaterItemEventArgs)
If e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.AlternatingItem Or e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.Item Then
Dim currentrow = TryCast(e.Item.DataItem, DataRow)
Dim acctSummaryTable = New Table With {.ID = "acctSummary" & e.Item.ItemIndex, .CssClass = "minisub_acct_table"}
[Code] .....

I can't pass in the correct element ID, though. From what I understand, ASP.NET transforms the ID I assign into some huge long ID for the sake of uniqueness. For example, I assign a table with the ID 'drillDownTable0' and it spits out 'ctl00_drillDownTable0' in the HTML markup. It worked the first time around, but then the Repeater gets binded to a new row and then I get 'ctl01_drillDownTable0' so on and so forth. I've tried the ClientID, ID, and UniqueID where I add the attributes to the Cells in the code above and they don't do what I need to. Is there any way I can get that ID and pass it to the Javascript function? Or I guess a better question is: When are the IDs generated and can I get to them before the page is rendered in HTML?

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Hide Or Show Rows In A Table Layout Panel?

Jul 21, 2010

How to hide or show rows in a table layout panel.

As I used rowstyle property and it works

But the issues are

1) It works very slow

2) It seems as form is vibrating and lightning behind the panel when rows are hiding or showing(jerky motion of hiding or showing)

I also used the control .visible property for each control of the row but it also make same problem of being slow

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DB/Reporting :: SUM From Table In A Textbox?

Nov 29, 2010

I have a database called Houses.mdf , in it is a table called House with ID , NAME , PRICE.

I want to SUM all the PRICES and get a total price of all houses. I also want to display the result in a textbox.

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DB/Reporting :: Why Do Have To Pass Table Name Twice

Jan 5, 2009

I am confused as to why you have to pass the name of the table in the .Fill() method? As an example, see the following code:[code]I have already specified "NameTable" in the query string, so why do I have to put "NameTable" again in the Fill() command?

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DB/Reporting :: Copy A Table From One Database To Another?

Mar 27, 2008

Anyone know how to copy a table from one database to another? I know the statement 'INSERT INTO Table1 SELECT * FROM Table2' but I want to copy from one database to another from a server to a PC. Of course, I could do a select statement for all the records and use a loop to insert them one by one, but surely there is an easier way.

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DB/Reporting :: How To Get Auto-generated ID From Table

Jun 4, 2009

I am trying to insert data into two tables on two different forms. My problem is that I don't know how to get the last entered Auto generated ID from the first table to pass it to second form.

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DB/Reporting :: Insert Row To Access Table?

Oct 28, 2008

I am using the following from the MS website to add a row to an access table and retreive the last autogenerated number.

Dim cnJetDB As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=test.mdb")


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DB/Reporting :: Read An Access Table?

Apr 28, 2008

Using VB2005, Access 2003

I'm having a problem trying to read an access table with the following code:

HTML Code:
Dim strConn As String
strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
" Data Source=C:DBFILESService.mdb;" & _


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DB/Reporting :: Refreshing DVG After Adding A New Table Row?

Nov 8, 2009

How do I add a row and then refill or refresh a DGV? The row is added/inserted successfully.What I can't work out is how to get the new row to show in a properly refreshed DVG.In one case I keep the old DVG view but the new row is missing.

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DB/Reporting :: Rename A Table In SQL Using A WildCard?

Sep 24, 2008

I'm importing a .csv file into my SQL Server (2005) using SSIS on a schedule, after its imported I would like to change the name of the file. The name of the imported file is always different as its coming from an external source.Is there anyway of changing the table name?

I've looked at using the stored procedure sp_rename, i.e.

EXEC sp_rename 'dbo.SalesTerr5673A1889', 'Values';

What I would like to use is a wildcard?

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DB/Reporting :: Retrieve Last 10 Records From Table?

Apr 1, 2009

Is it possible to have a quick and easy way of retrieving the last 10 records from a table?

Currently what I have been doing is retrieving all the records then one-by-one cylcing through each record until I have the last 10. To me this seems to have a lot of over-head reading each record. I just wondered if there was a quicker way of doing it.

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DB/Reporting :: Retrieving Data From Another Table?

Apr 4, 2011

I have created a database in VB2008.NET using SQL 2008.

My problem is that while I am in the form where I see the the data, I want to retrieve backwards the related data from Owner and Car eg. the owners name and the car model.

Is there any way to do this in a single row?

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DB/Reporting :: Updating An Access Table?

Mar 31, 2009

This may seem like a simple problem, but I am completely baffled. I am working on a timekeeping application using Visual Basic 2008 Express and Access 2000.

There are three tables being updated by three separate sub routines. Two work fine, one does not.

In trying to resolve the issue I test one field at a time. The test Access query and the code only reference the one field to change and two ID fields. The program runs but the field is not updated. The table has 42 fields to be updated when I get it working.

The Access query is:
UPDATE tPPSummary SET W1MonHours = [@W1MonHours]
WHERE EmployeeID=[@EmployeeID] AND PPID=[@PPID];


When I pause the running program at the intRowsAffected it shows 1 record which is correct.

I am really out of options as tho where to go from here. There are no simple spelling errors in the parameters, there are no error messages and the sub runs to the end.

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DB/Reporting :: Updating Table With Results From Another One

Feb 10, 2011

I am trying to update one table with results from another table as such:
Table A (field, type) : Table B
ID (key) Integer : ID (key) Integer
ParentID Integer : IssueID Integer
Number String : ParentID Integer
: Number String

I need to construct and UPDATE statement that does:
Sets B.IssueID = A.ID When B.ParentID = A.ParentID AND B.Number = A.Number AND B.IssueID = 0

Here is what I have so far but it is producing an SQL syntax error (missing operator)
sqlStr = "UPDATE B SET IssueID = A.id FROM B JOIN A ON (B.ParentID = A.ParentID AND B.Number = A.Number) WHERE B.IssueID = 0

I have also tried
sqlStr = "UPDATE B SET IssueID = A.id FROM B, A WHERE (B.ParentID = A.ParentID AND B.Number = A.Number AND B.IssueID = 0)

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DB/Reporting :: VB Text Box To Access Table?

Mar 15, 2011

This is probably a simple process but I can't seem to accomplish it for the life of me. What I'm trying to do is transfer user inputted data from a Visual Basic text box into an Access database. The database consists of only one table with three fields: First Name, Last Name, and ID Number (auto-increment primary key). The VB code I have so far is this:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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DB/Reporting :: Why Cannot Return The Table From Access

Mar 9, 2011

There are two combo boxes taking user's inputs to return a record in an Access Database satisfying the requirements. This procedure is controlled by a button. However, when it reads "da.Fill(dt, "NETP_ParaList")". It reports error saying that "ArgumentException was unhandled; Object is not an ADODB.RecordSet or an ADODB.Record. Parameter name: adodb" I have no idea what this talking about.


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DB/Reporting :: Access - How To Insert Data In To A Table

May 19, 2009

I'm trying to remember how to insert data in to a table. Here is my code


I get the error


Number of query values and destination fields are not the same.

I also get some error about the Insert INTO part not being right somewhere. Am I doing this how you would do it, or how would you do something like this?

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DB/Reporting :: Adding The First Record In A Self Referenced Table?

Mar 2, 2008

I have a self referenced table it contains Employee information, an employee reports to another employee, I've done this by including a field named ReportsTo as a foreign key that would be filled with the primary key. My first question is when using a strongly typed dataset how would I insert the first record without raising an error. the only solution that I could come up with is to insert an employee with the name NoOne and reports to himself i.e the employee number is the same as ReportsTo, this solution would be hardcoded in my program and only works when there is no records in the table. This is ok as long as I don't delete every employee from the table and try to insert new employees, in this case my insert will fail because the NoOne employee number is "1" and this would violate the index. this case calls for reseting the index each time I delete all the employees.

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DB/Reporting :: Being Able To Change Table Name In Select Query?

Dec 6, 2008

I have a stored procedure that I need to be able to change the table name that the select statement in the stored procedure uses depending on a user input, however I am having a problem with the code:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spQryParentComments] @projTable as varchar(50)


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DB/Reporting :: Calculated Field In Report Table?

Dec 3, 2008

I have a RDLC report with a list that contains a table. I require a calculated column whose value depends on values from previous rows. Outside of a report I accomplish the same thing using code in a DataGridView's DataBindingComplete method.

From within a report how do I refer to specific cell values from previous rows? embedded code, but I have not had luck (#Error).

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DB/Reporting :: Clearing A Table An Clicking Entries?

Aug 8, 2008

ok i have a dataset with two columns one column is "NAME" the other colulmn is called "URL". The entries in the URL column are displayed as linklabels. So how do i clear the table and save the table: I tried this


it works. it clears the table of all rows but when i close and re-open the program the data shows in the table again (i.e. it isnt cleared so how do you fix this.Also how do i put code into the click event for each linklable in the URL columns?

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DB/Reporting :: Collect Data From Table And Insert Into New Row

Jan 4, 2010

I have an access database with 3 tables, want to collect data from 2 and insert them into a new row in the third (although this seems redundant there are reasons for wanting it that way). I created a form and call the data from the two tables fine, once the form is filled I try to add a new row to the third but it will not add the row even though it is telling me that is has. When I open my access table the record is not there. I am new at this and just can't figure out why it won't work, I have tried several approaches the latest is

Private Sub Form3_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim IDNUM As String = InputBox("Enter Student ID Number")
'storing the text entered in a string
[Code] .....

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DB/Reporting :: Database Table To Show On Listbox?

Jul 25, 2008

I'm using VB studio express 2008. I have created a combo box which the user uses to search a client, how do i program it so that when the client is highlited in the combo box it will show in a listbox with all the details of this client wich has been added previously to the database.

in short..

User browse a client in combo box. Selects a client. Information is shown in a listbox. example. telephone number, address, ect.

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DB/Reporting :: Delete Duplicate Record In Table Without Key?

Dec 12, 2010

I am working with some DBF database files and have an interesting dilemma. I need to search through a table, find duplicates and delete them. Problem... Table doesnt contain a key.

So Table looks like this:

Name, BadgeNum

I need to be able to find instances like this:

John, 10
John, 10

and then delete just one iteration of John, 10.

Is this even possible? A "DELETE FROM TABLE WHERE BadgeNum=10" will delete both.....

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DB/Reporting :: Display Access Table In Datagridview?

Apr 7, 2010

I have a table in Access called 'tblRealTime' with a few rows of data and I want to display it in a DataGridView object on my form. When I run the program I get no errors but nothing shows up in the datagrid. My code is below:

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
ConnString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|K0201227Project.accdb;Persist Security Info=False;"
SQLStr = "SELECT * FROM tblRealTime"


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DB/Reporting :: Display MS Access Table To DataGridView

May 12, 2009

I have a table I made in MS Access and I want to import/display that table into a DataGridView.I am VERY amateur but I am able to pick apart some code and see what is happening.The thing I know I need is a connection between the two programs but again, have no idea about how to pull it off.I have the free version of VB(2008 Express Edition)

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