DB/Reporting :: Use A Listview Or Similar As A Multi-column Combo Or List Box?

Sep 10, 2008

I have been reading books and the forums for a rew days now trying to work out how to use any control to carry out the following:Basically, I want to display a selection e.g "Club Name" in a combobox (or similar control) and have the ID of that selection in a separate hidden column e.g. "ClubID". This will allow me to easily reference and store the actual "ClubID" in the required record when I save it back to the database.I can not use the "SelectedIndex" property of the control as the combobox is populated from a 'sorted' stored procedure so the "SelectedIndex" does not match the actual index of the selection.

I have found lots of posts saying use the "ListView" control, but none of them actually show examples of how to bind the control to a data control to acheive what I need.What I am after is a turorial showing ADO code (because I want to hard code this to get a better understanding of how it all works) binding a multi-column control to a SQL database.

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DB/Reporting :: Have A Combo Box With A List Of Everything In One Column Of Table?

May 5, 2009

I have loaded my database into vb but now i was to have a combo box with a list of everything in one column of my table?

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Have No Multi-column Combo Box

Oct 29, 2009

First, I don't fully understand why VBA can have a multi column combobox but full VB doesn't? What purpose does it serve to only have a drop down list of text strings? I know there is an index property, but what if the items in the drop down can't logically be associated with an index value?

Anyways, here is my problem. I have an enumeration value that I want to add to a combobox. I have the code to go through and add the text of each enumeration value to a combobox. This is fine for enumerations whose values progress in order from 0-whatever. However, I have some enumerations whose values are, for example[code]...

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Create A Multi-Column Combo Box In Program?

Apr 17, 2012

I'm trying to create a multi column combo box in VB.net.[url]...

It just does not like the class="MSONormal" statement at the beginning.

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Get Values From SelectedItem In A Multi-column ListView In WPF?

Jun 29, 2011

I have a ListView control as below


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Handling Files In A Multi-column Listview?

Mar 26, 2011

well i am populating a listview with some entries from an explorer tree, but i want to create a multi-column listview in which column 1 holds

the name of files added by me and column 2 hold locations of the corresponding file.

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Add Multi-column Data To WPF ListView In Vprogram 2008?

Apr 30, 2011

I've been searching and searching, but I haven't been able to find a halfway-decent way of adding multiple columns of data into a WPF VB.NET ListView. The data I'm adding is not from a datasource. [code]...

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Populate *multi-column* ListView With *simple* XML Data?

Apr 14, 2010

Populate *multi-column* ListView with *simple* XML data?

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VS 2010 Populate Multi-column Listview From File?

Jun 14, 2011

I am trying to populate a multi-column listview from a file. I have gotten as far as reading the correct data from the file to an array and populating the correct columns with said data. However, sometimes the array will span multiple lines of data in the file and I need all of these matches to populate the listview but the code that I have now only populates the listview with the data from the first matching line. I have tried declaring the variables as listviewitems instead of strings, which allowed me to use listView.Items.AddRange(arr) but then all of the data appeared in the first column instead of spread across all columns like it is supposed to. At this point I am at a loss because I can only figure out how to either fill the first column with all data or fill all columns with only the first line of data. Here is the code that I have


It is really only the last part of the If.. Then statement that I need help with. I was thinking that a loop would accomplish what I am trying but I am still pretty new to VB and do not know the correct code.

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Add Data Into A Multi-column List?

Jul 19, 2010

I need to add data into a multi-column list, manually, in codes. I am using VB Express 2008. Could someone please hint me on how to do this with the following controls:

The ListBox or the ListView
The Grid (I think it is the DataGridView)

Or anyother simple way of doing the stuff. All I want is simplicity.

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List The Column Name As A Choice In A Combo Box?

Dec 20, 2010

How do I list the column name as a choice in a combo box?

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Multi Column List Box Array Resets Before Adding Next Values

Mar 13, 2010

When I implement this code, the first time the button is activated, the values are placed in the array, and displyed in the list box. However if the user then selects more days and times to add to the list box, and activates the button again, the previously added entries in the array are erased, and only the new entries are displayed. How can I prevent previous entries from being erased? If the user wants to add values, they need to be added to the existing values.[code]

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LinqToSql Contains On Multi-column Primary Key From In-memory List Containing Primary Keys

Aug 23, 2011

On a client i have an anonymous list containing a multi-column primary key previously selected from the DB.Then i need to select all the records from the DB that equals the primary key list i have stored in the memory.[code]

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DB/Reporting :: Relation Between Two Similar Data In Two Tables?

Oct 9, 2008

I want to make relationship between them Where In the F column of Table2 will sum the numbers in F column of table 3 according this condition ( show in the pic.)For the same data in columns(B,C,D) between two tables Example: Table 2 include in B,C,D data HH XX FF There are many data (HH XX FF) in tables3 in same columns(b,c,d) so it will sum the numbers in F column that in the same row with the data (HH xx FF), and insertded the results in the in table2 in F colmn in the same row with (HH XX FF)

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Change Textbox Column To Combo Box Column In Datagridview

Jul 8, 2010

In my window application i have taken one combobox field with its collection as "amc", "war" etc. Now in my datagridview this combobox column is display as Textbox column, i want to change it to combobox with the above collection "amc","war". I have retreiving the result in datagrid through sql query, hence in datagrid edit column section we doesnot have that part to change to Combobox column.

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Change Textbox Column To Combo Box Column In Datagridview?

Jul 8, 2010

in my window application i have taken one combobox column with its collection as "amc", "war" etc.Now in my datagridview this combobox column is display as Textbox column, i want to change it to combobox with the above collection "amc","war".

I have retreiving the result in datagrid through sql query, hence in datagrid edit column section we doesnot have that part to change to Combobox column.

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DB/Reporting :: Database For Multi-user Application

Jan 28, 2011

i just want some opinnion or suggestions regarding database softwares. we are going to develop a system for 20 or less users, i am planning to use MYSQL community server as our database to lessen the budget for that system, i just want to know if it is ok to use that version.is there a big differece between mysql community server, enterprise server and MS SQL Server in terms of handling data i.e security, speed, etc...

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Display The String That Is Created As A List In Perhaps A Read Only Text Box Or Similar?

Nov 10, 2009

My program creates a array of numbers as entered by a user and then finally adds them up. The form should be able to display the numbers typed in by the user. I know how to put one of these numbers into separate labels and could display each number that way but I wanted to know if there is a simple way to display the string that is created as a list in perhaps a read only text box or similar?

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Get A List Of Running Applications On A Computer Similar To What Task Mangager Does In Windows?

Jul 22, 2011

I know this code will give a list of processes
Dim ProcessList As System.Diagnostics.Process()


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DB/Reporting :: Combo Box Population + Other

Oct 4, 2009

so i started a program yesterday and after a whole day of tinkering with codes i have realised that something was wrong with my old program and i have started again.


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DB/Reporting :: DataGridView Combo Box?

Apr 8, 2009

I have a DataGridView on a form in VB.NET, that is being populated from a SQL table dataset by giving criteria from a previous form. I have 6 columns in the dataset, of which the last column should be combo box column containing items "Done" and "Pending". How do I make this bound column to a combo box column and display the value as well as the alternate item too in the combo box?

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DB/Reporting :: Using SQL 2008 Express With A Multi User .NET Windows Application?

Mar 26, 2009

I'm using SQL 2008 Express with a multi user VB.NET Windows application. Do I have to add each user to the SQL user account? Does NT AuthoritySYSTEM work? I do not know how this works. So far I have NT AuthoritySYSTEM in the Security-Logins of the Server. But do I have to add it also in the database? In the databse Security-User, I have the following:


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DB/Reporting :: Binding Data To A Combo Box?

Nov 26, 2009

I'm trying to bind data to a combo box but it does not appear to be working. I've setup the DataSet and the DataSetBindingSource and all this appears to be working, within the form design I can expand the little arrow in the ComboBox control and preview the data. This appears to be working but when the application is run, nothing appears in the drop down box.

I have the following code in place:

cmbSelectCompany.DataSource = ContactsDBDataSet.Company()
cmbSelectCompany.DisplayMember = "CompanyName"
cmbSelectCompany.ValueMember = "CompanyName"


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DB/Reporting :: Combo Box Filled By Query?

Aug 2, 2010

I'm fairly new to visual basic and have a problem that is probably quite easy to solve yet I have been unable to do it so far and am about at wits end.I have an access database with a table that contains a list of cities and states. what i would like to do is to populate a combo box on a vb form with a list of the states in the states column. the query that i have is as follows:

SELECT DISTINCT State from Cities I have previewed the data in the dataset designer and it works, i just can't figure out how to make it fill the combo box. i initially created a table with just all of the states and then used a binding source and table adapter to bind it to the combo box, but if I'm able to figure this out this would help with my application going forward

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DB/Reporting :: Load The Options For A Combo Box?

May 6, 2009

i am new with visual studio 2008 and basic I have a combobox1 and combobox2 that are representing cities Combobox1 represents departure city and combobox2 destination city.Now i have a combobox3 that i want to load when i click it and run this sql query:

SELECT time_departure
FROM routes
WHERE (departure = Combobox1.value) AND (destination = Combobox2.value)

so when running the .exe of the application ,after selecting departure and destination ,when i click on the combobox3 ("hours") it will generate the results of the upper sql query as options to select.All i need is the code between this:Private Sub ComboBox3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox3.Click End Sub

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Resize Listview Column To Largest Width (column Header Or Item) C#

Jul 4, 2011

I have been trying to find out how to resize listview column width to the largest widthor either column header or item in c#


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Winforms - Change The ListView Column Header's Font For Each Column In 2005?

Sep 12, 2011

I have a listview and i want to make one column's font smaller than the other column to fit form design. How will i do that?

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DB/Reporting :: ODBC To SQL Server 8 Shows List Of Procedures But Not List Of Tables Or Views?

Oct 27, 2009

In VS 2008, VB.Net, I am successful connecting to a local SQL Server (version 8) and seeing all tables/views/procedures in Server Explorer. The local OS is Win XP Pro SP3. I created an ODBC data source to a remote SQL server (also version 8) with a database of the same structure as the local one. The connection tests out ok. The remote computer runs Windows Server 2000 SP4. In the VS 2008 Server Explorer I add this ODBC source. When I click on the plus-signs to expand items, neither the tables nor the views show anything, whereas the full list of procedures appears. Is it the old SQL Server version? Is it the old Server OS version? Something else alltogether?

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DB/Reporting :: Populate A Combo Box From A Table On MYSQL

May 8, 2010

I am a developing an application based on VB 2008 express and a MYSQL database.I have created a database called octupus_db and inside it there is a table called customers.I now have a combo box on my form and i want it to populate its contents from field called town inside the customers table. How do do this? [code]but now connection a table and a field with my application is the next night mare, tried .

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DB/Reporting :: Setting Up A Second Combo Box From First Cbox Using Dataset

Feb 24, 2008

I am writing a school project in VB2005 and am trying to hook up a second combo box that gets its information of what to display from the first combo box. My application is where a student takes a "test" but they can choose what instructor they want in the first combo box. From there, they choose from a test of what each instructor offers in the second combo box. As of right now, my first combo box works great and my second combo box has nothing in it. Just a note, when I debug, it shows my iUserID value as 0.


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