Data Source Window Missing?

May 20, 2010

Where did this Data Source window go? How can I get it back? I just upgraded to VS 2010. [URL]

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The Hierarchical Structure Of A Dataset In Data Source Window

Apr 11, 2011

if it matters which of the repeated tables you drag onto forms? I know there's a parent-child relationship between orders and details, which is why details appears "under" orders, but details also appears in other places. What's the difference between its different appearances below?

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Intellisense Window Missing Features

May 3, 2010

I like the new intellisense enhancements for finding members, however, there are 2 problems i have;

1) You can't resize the intellisense window when it pops up? This one is really annoying.

2) There seems to be a fixed font for the intellisense list? Why does it not match the rest of my code window like it used to? I've noticed the same with tooltips.

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Threads Debug Window Missing

Apr 7, 2012

I am trying to list all the current threads that are running in my application. According to various posts, this can be simply done by selecting Debug -> Windows -> Threads however the threads window is not there. I am using Visual Basic Express .net 2010, am I doing something wrong, or is it not implemented in this version ?

If it is not implemented, is there a simple way to display all the threads that are running. I don't want lots details about them, just what they are ?

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Missing Color Palette On Properties Window

May 26, 2011

I am programming a VB windows form using visual studio 2008. In my properties window, i use to have color palette on every color function for example under BackColor, when i click on the component, all i get are text of the colors, without a sample picture[code]...

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IDE :: Data Source Disappeared - Recreate My Data Source From The Entry That Is In App?

Feb 10, 2012

I refreshed my data sources to include additional items from the SQL Server databases and it appears that my entire data source from my VB.NET project disappeared.I am using Entity Framework. I may have clicked on something wrong, not quite sure. Unfortunately I can't recreate the Data Source without creating a new Entity and Data Model.I can delete the entry in the App.Config file and recreated it, however things aren't quite right.Is there a way that I can recreate my Data Source from the entry that is in my App.Config file...since that appears to have remained intact.BTW, I can go to my Data Model and successfully refresh from there, however my project isn't connecting to the database so I have quite a number of errors until I can get reconnected.

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Binding Source Filter In Access Data Source?

Oct 11, 2010

I have an Access database and I want to view on a datagridview specific rows. For that I used the following :

CasesBindingSource.Filter =
"OfferDate Between #1/1/1997# And #12/31/1997#"
Cases is the table, OfferDate a field of the table wich is DateTime type.

When I use Between operator I get the following error :The expression contains unsupported operator 'Between'.

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Avoiding The Video Source Window?

May 17, 2012

I need the Logitech HD Webcam C310 to be preselected.When the Main Form opens the Webcam must be running allready, withoute having to select it from the Video Source Window.

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Use Window Like A Function / Pass In Parameters / Use Window / Get Data Out When It Closes?

Dec 13, 2011

I am creating a window that is a generic keypad for editing numerical values on a touchscreen. I would like to press an 'edit' button to create a copy of the keypad window/bring up a reusable version of the same window (I don't care), but pass in parameters: the old value I'm manipulating, and a title to be displayed above the number pad. I would like the user to be able to type in the new value, then press the 'done' key to submit this value and have it sent back to the main application window into my custom control that contains a text box.(I have the number pad's layout sorted out already; I'm already using a variation on it to set a global password 'access level'. It's getting the information in and out that has me scratching my head.) [code]

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VS 2010 Missing CSV Data?

May 6, 2010

I am working with a .csv file that is generated from a Java-based application. It mainly contains contact information. I can see the data when I open it in Notepad, Excel, and Access. However, when I attempt to read the data file in using the following code, I get blank data. I accidentally discovered that if I open the .csv in Excel and then save the file, my program will read it in perfectly.

Using MyReader As New Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser("C:GAS_ReportMembership.csv")
MyReader.TextFieldType = FileIO.FieldType.Delimited


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Find Missing Data From Table

May 12, 2010

what is the fasted way to get all the rows from table1 that aren't in table2? i have over 4000 rows in table1, i am currently looping through using:

for each dr as datarow in dt1.rows
then i check table2 to see if that entry exists using:
dim rows() as datarow ="EmployeID = " & dr!EmployeeID)
if rows.length > 0 then it exists in both tables - dont need it

other wise i copy the row into a third table which ends up being my final collection of rows that are in table1 and not in table2. this takes a really long time. is there a better, faster way that isn't too complicated?

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Stream Reader Missing Out Data

Dec 30, 2008

I've set up a stream reader to get data from a serial file, functionality for that is already set up.

My problem is that the program seems to be missing out every other line of code in the file, which kinda defeats the point of a serial file. [code]...

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Data Adapter Object Missing In Toolbox

Nov 1, 2006

If you are creating a new adapter, drag a data adapter object from the Toolbox onto a form or component.

I cannot find Data Adapter object anywhere in the toolbox. I assume it would be under the Data grouping, but it is no where.I also "Reset ToolBox" and it is still not there.

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Data Grid Print Heading Missing?

Aug 6, 2011

I have manage to take print of the contents of datagrid but now i have one problem when i click on print button it prints the document very fine but The headings of the all columns is not printing here is my code what changes should i made to resolve the issue here is my print class

< Imports System
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Collections


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Incoming HEX Data Missing Preceding Zeros?

Jan 30, 2012

I'm working on a project which involves communications with a remote device via a modem. Communication is accomplished via HEX commands. However, with my code below, I am not receiving zeros where they are meant to be.For example, a test file contains the following HEX:


However, I am only receiving this:


The zeros are critical.

Private Sub receive_data(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) Handles SerialPort1.DataReceived
Dim buff As String
Dim i As Short


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Missing Other Data Sources For Configure DataAdapter?

Feb 2, 2009

In Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition Version 8.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200) and Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0.50727.

Right Click Toolbox--Choose Item--.NET Framework Components--Check on OracleConnection and OracleDataAdapter--Ok

Now double click OracleDataAdapter1 in the toolbox.Data Adapter Configure Wizard appears. Click on New connection.Add Connection dialoge box appears.Click on change.Change Data Source dialogue box appears.Here i am getting only 2 items:

1.Microsoft Access Database File
2.Microsoft SQL Server Database File

And in Data Provider combo box; only ".Net Framework Data Provider for SQL Server".I am not able to configure my OracleDataAdapter1 control by choosing above method.Machine have Oracle 10G Client and Server well installed. I am able to use Dim oda As New System.Data.OracleClient.OracleDataAdapter() and it is working fine; but i wish to configure oracledataadapter by using above method. Moreover, it is possible for me to configure oracledataadapter in Web Developer 2005 by above metohd, but not in VB.NET.

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VB 2010 - Multithreading - Missing Some Data That Is Streaming

Nov 24, 2010

I am developing a software that catches streaming data. Unfortunately, there is no pattern or sequence on how this data comes in. So what I have initially done is to catch then write to my MS Access DB. Unfortunately, while writing to the DB, I am missing some data that is streaming since writing takes a little bit of time before it goes back to the catching syntax.

I am planning to multithread the DB writing then just call it from my main program. Do guys know any website/tutorial where I can learn the basics for multithreading? I am using Visual Studio 2010. Or if ever, does any one of you have a sample program where I can just learn from?

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C# - Modifying Data With ListView EditItemTemplate By Settings Its Data Source Property

Feb 22, 2011

Modifying data with the ListView's EditItemTemplate by programmatically settings its DataSource property and calling its DataBind method. I don't have option to use data source control for ListView. All ListViews are bound with data from code-behind. So, I have to handle the Edit/Update mode of ListView manually. [Code]

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Connect A VB Application To An MS Access DB By Adding A Data Source From The Data Menu?

Jul 7, 2011

I'm trying to connect a VB application (2010) to an MS Access DB by adding a data source from the data menu but I receive this error message "The connection you selected uses a local data file that is not in the current project.Would you like to copy the file to your project and modify the connection ?

If you copy the data file to your project, it will be copied to the project's output directory each time you run the application" and the options are (yes , No , Help)

If I choose Yes I will not be able to make the application 'device independent ' since it will not be copied under the bin , and if I choose No , changes won't be applied to the DB

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How Is WPF Data Binding Using Object Data Source In Visual Studio 2010 Done

Apr 23, 2010

how to use the VS 2010 IDE tools in a way the Microsofties didn't specifically intend. But since this is something I immediately tried without success.

I have defined a .NET 4.0 WPF Application project with a simple class that looks like this:

Public Class Class1
Public Property One As String = "OneString"
Public Property Two As String = "TwoString"


The expected result was that "OneString" would appear next to "One" and "TwoString" next to "Two" in the running window.

The question is: Why didn't this work? What will work instead? If I put bindings in a DataTemplate, it works. Blend, with its sample data stuff, implied that this should work, but it doesn't.

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Multiple Combo Boxes Showing Data From The Same Data Source?

May 10, 2010

I have 5 combo boxes that need to show the same list of items that come from a single dataset table. I have managed to bind the datatable to the combo boxes no problem at all.. but when I run the application and select an item from one of the combo boxes all the others change to the item I selected. After some research I believe that this problem is something to do with using the one datasource so I have tried assigning the dataset datatable to 2 different variables and used them as datasources for 2 of the comboboxes but the same still happens.

A work around to this I can see is to call the same methods and SQL select statements 5 times over to get individual datasources for each combo box but this doing that sounds crazy to me. how I can get around this easily? Code snippet below shows 2 combox boxes and their datasources. I'm using VS2005, .Net 2

ComboBox1.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList
ComboBox1.DataSource = AllergyListDataSet.Tables("ListOfAllergies")
ComboBox1.DisplayMember = "Condition"


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VS 2008 : Can Data Reader Be Used As A Data Source For A Grid Control

Mar 21, 2010

can data reader be used as a data source for a grid control?

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Database Cannot Update - Restart The Application All The Entered Data Were Missing

Oct 23, 2011

i am just developing a library management system as one of my project. i using 2010 and the MS Access 2007 as back end. when i save some records into my database through my application it is correctly saved and i confirmed it through opening the relevant table in the database. but when i restart the application all the entered data were missing.

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Missing Data While Sending Large String Over TCP. (client/server)?

May 16, 2012

I have a Client/ server application where the Server is in java and Client is in i send large string from client to server am not receiving complete text.code attached below.

Dim clientSocket As New System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient()


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VS 2005 Missing Operand Error In Computed Data Column?

Aug 25, 2011

I'm trying to add a computed column to a datatable that references another column in the datatable. Sometimes the computed column has a mathematical operation applied to it, but in this case I'm just referencing the original column. The code looks like the following:

ReportData.Columns.Add("1_1_US", _
GetType(Single), _

The code isn't actually hard coded as shown above - there are functions that return the values for the first and third parameters - but I checked those and they are returning the expected values and not generating any errors themselves.

The error is thrown when the .Add method is called, and the error states "Syntax error: Missing operand after '_1' operator." It seems to me that it doesn't like the column name, which I suppose I could change and just workaround it at the presentation level. Still, I'm curious. Is this a bug in the .net framework or something? It doesn't mind "1_1" as a column name in the datatable, so why is it having a problem with it in the expression statement?

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Access Other Data Fields From Combo Box Data Source?

Nov 4, 2009

I have a combo box with a data source. This box shows one column of a table and allows me to select one item.Next, I have an ordinary text LABEL that I need to put text from another column of the item selected above.I tried to set the data binding field of the label, but this grabs only the first row or data and shows the selected column. That is nice, but I can not figure out how to update the selected selected ROW when the combo box item is changed.In this case the combo box lists a bunch of inventory parts. When I select a specific part, I need the change the text in a label to show the manufacturer. (like a sub-form). This same behavior will be used in several other places, but the relationships can cascade.

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Display Data In Datagridview By Using Data Source In Vs 2008?

Jun 2, 2010

i'm got this sql query code in dataset designer

SELECT pkt.fldPackageID, pkt.fldPSID, pkt.fldQuantity, pkt.fldQuantityUsed, pkt.fldRetail, pkt.fldPK, ps.fldName
FROM tblPaketRow AS pkt INNER JOIN
tblProdukDanService AS ps ON ps.fldID = pkt.fldPSID
WHERE (pkt.fldPSID = @param)

I'm trying to display the results in datagridview,i drag from the data source in vs 2008..I can't figure out to do that.I use this code to set the @param on form_load event.

Me.TblPaketRowTableAdapter.JoinTable(SalonDataSet.tblPaketRow, modCommon.s)

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Getting Data From A Data Source Using Binding Sources?

Aug 14, 2009

I have a bit of code that reaches out and grabs a series of rows from SQL Server DB. I perform an inner join to get some related table data. In the process I get returned the user id of the creator of the data. I then want to pass this into a query to get back a full name. I am having no luck figuring out how to do just that. If I use the data visualizer I can see the name I am after, I cannot figure out the call to extract it

Bindingsource1.DataSource = GetData("Select * From PURCHASE_ORDERS WHERE PURCHASE_ORDER_NUMBER =" & REQ_NUM.Text)
.DataSource = Bindingsource1


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VS 2008 - Choose Data Source - User To Easily Create A Connection To Any Installed Data Types They Have Installed

Jun 1, 2011

I have been trying for days now how to create a process to the user to easily create a connection to any installed data types they have installed. I have found an example right inside vb2008. I never use this because I code my own connections, but this would be real nice if I could include it or duplicate it.

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Bind Data Using Data Source?

Sep 25, 2009

I am creating a database for Employees. In that I have some issues. I am trying to bind my data using data source. In the list box properties I set

lstemp.Datasource = Employeedatabase
lstemp.Displaymember = "EmplyeeName"
lstemp.Valuemember = "EmplyeeId"

I want to get my employee Id for displaying data in text boxes. How can get the data of the highlighted employee name in the list box to text boxes

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