Data Table Not Filled

Apr 30, 2012

If Page.IsPostBack = False Then[code]...

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Combobox Filled By Table?

Apr 9, 2010

We are filling a combobox with information of a table. (we read a field for filling the combobox and the id)

It's necessary that if we choose an item in the combobox we also get the id of the table.How do we put the id into the combobox so can read this id after selecting an item.

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.Net 2008 Get The Table To Be Sorted When Filled?

Jan 2, 2012

I have a form and it is databound to a Access table with the standard TABLEADAPTER wizard. All works well HOWEVER, new records are not displayed in sorted order.When I add a new RECORD, it can go anywhere within the table. When I move around the table using the TABLEADAPTER Manager, the newly added record does not appear in sorted order.Furthermore, when I restart the application and show the form (which issued a FILL command), the records are not sorted.The SELECT I am using is fairly simple:

SELECT [list of fields] FROM TableXYZ ORDER By [sort field]

This HOWEVER, does not appear to work.get the table to be sorted when filled?Other information - the table in question has the field that is specified in the ORDER BY clause which is the same as the Primary Key.As an example, in the table there are records with the following KEY:

4313, 4314, 4315

When I insert a new record, it might fall between 4313 and 4314. Lets assume I add 9999. I expect it to be at the end of the list however, it appears between 4313 and 4314.FYI Also tried this in the code as well:

TableBindingSouce.Sort = "field1 ASC"

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Control How A Table Adapter Is Filled

Jan 9, 2010

How can I control what is filled into the table adapter at runtime? Basically, I have a table full of thousands of rows, and I want to limit this to just 1 row. I want to specify an ID number and be able to pull up that row in the table, and I need to do this at run time. What are my options, and what is the easiest way? I want to make sure the data is still linked to the original row in my database, that way the changes are saved properly.

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Only Show Filled Array Data?

Jul 15, 2011

I made a web application were you can check if somebody paid for their e-ticket and if so once you push the send mail button the person will receive his/her E-ticket with all the information regarding the activities they ordered.
I just have one problem the mail that I send collects data from a data grid and puts that in a static array.

Dim testarray(20, 1) As String

And of course the code to get the data from the data grid into the array
A part of the html code to send the e-mail is as following

"<br>" & "</br>" & "Tickets: " & "<span style=""font-size:14pt;"">" & testarray(0, 1) & "</span>" & "Activity: " & "<span style=""font-size:14pt;"">" & testarray(0, 0) & "</span>" & "." & "<br>" & "</br>" & "Tickets: " & "<span style=""font-size:14pt;"">" & testarray(1, 1) & "</span>" etc.

The Testarray(0, 1) and up are filled with the corresponding amount of tickets and for which activity. As you can understand if for example Testarray(1, 0) and Testarray (1, 1) do not exists because there is no corresponding ticket amount and activity in the grid. But Testarray(0, 0) and Testarray(0, 1) do exists, the person will still receive a empty line in his/her mail

Tickets: 5 : Activity: Sleeping
Tickets: Activity:

I know that with a dynamic array maybe I could fix that problem, I was wondering if there is a work around so I can check if a Testarray is empty or not and then only when its filled with data it will write the line into the e-mail.

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When Run Windows1 / Listbox1 Is Filled By Data

Mar 11, 2009

When I connect to database located in SQL Server outsite from vb2008 project and when I run XAML Windows1 form the Listbox1 is empty. [code] When I connect to database located in vb2008 project and when I run Windows1 the Listbox1 is fill by data. How to fix that problem?

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Save Data From A Datagridview Filled By A Query?

May 7, 2011

I want to save data that I have typed into a datagridview column. The datagrid view is filled from a simple query. I can save when in access but not when I want to from a screen using vb2008. hat do I need to do?

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Possible To Filled Up Data In Predifned Column Using Datasource Property In Dgv

Feb 27, 2012

I have a Query that is in designe mode I have created 4 columns and formatting 4 columns also in datagrid view control now I want to use datasource of dgv control now when i defining datasource property with table then dgv control displaying my predefine columnas and adding 4 more columns in dgv for defining presently to avoid autogenerating columns I definie the autogeneration column=false at this situation if i define datasource=table the no data is come my query is it is possible to filled up data in predifned column using datasource property.

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Winforms - Datagridview - New Row With Data Filled Into Some Cells Disappears?

Mar 10, 2012

When I add a new row to a datagridview, I am able to add data to a cell, but when I go to the row with the mouse the data disappears out of the cell. What code is needed to get the data to stay?

Private Sub BindingNavigatorAddNewItem_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles BindingNavigatorAddNewItem.Click
' When a new row is entered add Site id.


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Fill A Combo Box With Data From A Database But Depending On How Much A Progressbar Is Filled?

Jan 24, 2012

So im trying to fill a combo box with data from a database but depending on how much a pregressbar is filled THis is what im trying:

Private Sub Form5_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
If Form1.ProgressBar9.Value <= 10 Then


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DB/Reporting :: Debugging On Xp Machine Data-set Gets Filled / Debugging On Vista Box It Fails

May 1, 2009

I'm having to write a reporting application that gets information from some Interbase servers and it also has to work on Vista as well as XP, I'm using to connect Borlands Data Provider.[code]My Issue is that debugging on my xp Machine the dataset gets filled, debugging on my vista box it fails ("Interbase provider initialization failed"), my initial thought was that this could be UAC related but I've compiled the application and 'ran as admin' and still same issue. (by the way it failes on the line Dim da as BdpDataAdapter...)

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Filling The Datatable From Three Variable Or Putting The Three Table's Data Into One Variable And Then Producing The Data Table?

Jan 20, 2011

I have three table and I want to put the three table's data in one variable and from that variable i will produce the datatable and then want to write the data in CSV file.I am Following this step..



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Add A Row In Data Table Taking Values From 2 Text Boxes Which Are Not Bound To That Table?

Dec 26, 2010

I have a login form that consists of 2 text boxes: txtUser, txtPass. Now these are not bound to any data table & I don't what them to be bound. When a new user enters his user name & password, I want to add these on a data table that has two columns: User, Pass. Data table information: Data Source = Login.accdb, Data table = LoginTable, Connection = LoginCn. I use visual basic 2010. So how do I do this?

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Code To Edit Data-row Of Table Adapter But Doesnt Update Table

Apr 23, 2009

I have this code to edit the datarow of my table adapter but t doesnt update the table. I think i have a missing code that's why but i cant figured it out. by the way im using vb2008 and SQL as my database. [code]

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Display Data Stored In A Sql Sever DB Table, The Table Has A Field With 6 Values?

Jul 8, 2009

I currently have this working already for one of my combo box's, but when i try to use the same code i get this error ''There is no row at position 6.'' . The are 2 fields in the table asset_type_id, asset_type_name', im trying to dispaly the values in a combo box for the field 'asset_type_name.

the code for ' Friend Sub RetrieveCustomerInformation2()' works but the other friend sub throws the error.
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data
Imports System
Imports System.Data.OleDb


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Update Unable To Find Table Mapping Or Data Table

May 23, 2010

While am using the below code it was throwing an exception update unable to find table mapping [Customer] or data table customer.


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VS 2010 : Make The Combobox Get Data From One Table And Input It To Another Table?

Jul 7, 2011

I have 1 access database with 3 tables How do I make the combobox get data from one table and input it to another table?ex.I have a table with all my Carriers and another table with jobs that are assigned to Carriers?

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Get Particular Table On Data Grid From Selecting Table Name On Combobox?

Jun 7, 2011

i have a combobox on the form and a datagrid viewer .no i want to display the table which selected on combo box..

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Using A Table Adapter To Insert Data Into Another Table?

Feb 23, 2011

I have a form that fills a table adapter with this:

Me.Scratchpad3TableAdapter.Fill(Me.MDRDataSet.scra tchpad3

and what I'd like to do is when users edit something on this form that they post the changes to a table called exceptionsedit which is not part of that dataset. What I don't know how to do is to how to insert those edits to the exceptionsedit table.

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VS 2010 Copy Data From Table To Other Table

Mar 20, 2012

i need to copy all the rows with data from a existing table to other existing table through button click

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.net - Update A Table Using Data Of Other Table

Feb 17, 2011

I am using Visual Studio 2008 and Sql Server 2005

I want to update a table using values from other table I have written a query but it is giving error

"Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'Quantity', table 'Stationarymgmt.dbo.Item_Master'; column does not allow nulls. UPDATE fails."

temp table has following columns


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Copy Data From One Table To Other Table?

Jan 19, 2009

Currently using VB 2008 with MS Access 2003.I have Two Tables with Names - " Company_Data" & "User_Data" in which i have the following columns.....

Name|Age|Department|Updated On

Now, Is there any code that can do the following:when i select a name in the combo box on the form (The list in the combo box is from the Name in the Company_Data table) and click update.It should copy the Details of the Record from Company_Data to User_Data with the current date in "Updated on" column. Note that the columns are not exactly Same. (Salary is not necessary in the User_Data)?

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Copying Table Data From One Table To Another?

Aug 15, 2010

I want to copy Header Data from one table to another. I know how to do this if the table data is exactly the same, but I need to generate a new HeaderKey for the destination table.Example - I am copying SalesOrder Header Data into the PickList Header Table, but I need to also add a PickListHeaderKey when I do so. It cannot be the SalesOrderHeaderKey which will be copied also.

Source Table (Sales Order)
DestinationTable (PickListHeaderTable)
SalesOrderHeaderKey [code]....

How can I edit this command to include the PickListHeaderKey, which needs to be inserted at the same time or before the rest of the data is copied?

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Query A Table Using A Data In Another Table In Ms Sql

Jun 10, 2011

I really need your help. I want to query in a table in MS SQL using a data in another table.This is the query I've constructed : "SELECT TABLE1.FIELD1,TABLE1.FIELD2 FROM TABLE1, TABLE2.[code]

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[2005] Data Table, Add New Row If There Is Something In The Table?

Feb 4, 2009

have made the data table in vb code, and it works flawlessly. It gets its values from labels which are part of a calculation.It shows the information to the user in a datagridview. Now i would like it to add new rows and fill them in if the user has already entered the data once and it has been logged in the is the current

Dim Table1 As DataTable
Table1 = New DataTable("CF Log")


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Create A Table That Include Current Year Data And As Well As Previous Data To Be Compare

Dec 8, 2010

i want to create a table that include a current year data and as well as previous data to be compare. here is the example of the table that i want to create: but i want to compare one of the annual data with the previous year. as example i want to compare between the data of current AR of 2007 with the current AR for 2006, Current AR of 2006 with current AR for 2005 and go on~, but i have no idea how to do it.

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Data Table - Datagridview - On Running The Code A Second Time The Related Data Is Lost

Aug 6, 2011

I have two data tables. the second related to the first. Using a datagridview for the first table I am able to enter and save data ok. if I run the code twice in a row the data is still there. When I edit the data in the related table in it's own datagirdview the data is there and displays correctly, but on running the code a second time the related data is lost. In both cellendedit events I am using



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Data Logging Application That Stores Data In A Table In A MySQL Database?

Dec 18, 2010

I have a data logging application that stores data in a table in a MySQL database. Data with a TimeStamp is logged into the table anytime the data from the sensor changes. This means that there maybe 2 seconds between data points or there maybe 20 seconds between points depending on how the data is changing.

When I need the data I have 2 dates and use this command to fill a table..SELECT FROM myTable WHERE timeStamp > date1 AND timeStamp < date2 This gets all the data that has a TimeStamp between the given dates, but in most case the first date in the returned table will be after date1, so I need to get the data from one row before the date returned in the table to know what the data was at date1.How can I get the data row that immediately precedes the returned data set?

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Office Automation :: Populate Access Data Table To Data Grid?

Nov 11, 2010

The control comes up blank??Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class Form1


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DB/Reporting :: Updating Client Data Tables When Data Table On Shared Drive Is Updated?

Sep 28, 2009

I would like to know the best, or standard, way to accomplish real-time client updates in a small multi-user application using an access data table as a data source.Specifically, this application will be used by 3-4 people. It uses a datatable which is filled on form load and bound to a datagrid at design time. The datatable is stored on a shared drive. The data table on the shared drive is updated in two ways:

1) Users can update the datagrid which then updates the datatable on the shared drive via the data adapter's Update method.

2) A server application does some work on some text files, periodically updating the data table.

I need the clients to reflect the changes to the data table on the shared drive as closely to real-time as possible. I know that the data table stored in memory on the client is disconnected from the data table on the shared drive, so I must query again to get the updates.

1) Is there an alternvative model I can use which is connected, and which will automatically reflect the updates in the data table on the shared drive?

2) If not, what is the best way to check for changes in the data table (so I can know when to call the data adapter fill method)? I am planning to poll the drive for a change to the .mdb file, raise an event and then fill the data adapter when the event is triggered. I am using this method successfully now to check for changes to a text file in another application, and I know how to implement it?

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