DataBound DataGridView Handling?

Sep 13, 2010

I have a table 'WeekPayment' bound to a DGV having following fields:



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Databound Datagridview Formatting?

Dec 6, 2010

I have a datagridview which is bound to a table in a database. In said table, I have a field called Date and a field called Time, among other various fields. By default, I see that VB.NET attempts to help me by formatting the Date and Time columns for me, however I would like to do it my own way. I checked the columns' DefaultCellStyle fields and found them blank. Apparently, its current behavior is defined elsewhere. How would I go about removing the default formatting that VB.NET put in place to make room for my own?

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Databound Datagridview With Sub Databindings

Jun 23, 2010

I'm having some problems with a data bound datagridview.My current scenario is the following..The itemSetup has tree properties {ItemNo, CompNo, LocNo}(compno locno are not required)I have a datagridview with a datasource list of itemSetup And this has two comboxes cboCompany that is bound to a list of company the selected value is bound to compno. cboLocation that is bound to a list of locations the selected value is bound to locno the location class requires the compno to create the list of location the problem I run in o is that the when the compno is Nothing the cboCompany throw a datagridview_ dataerror when the form is loaded en when a item is added it looks like the binding of the combox runs later then the value is set.

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Editing Databound DataGridView?

Nov 13, 2010

I have a DataGridView bound to an Access Database. I have also added a button to allow adding a new column. However, when i save the databound datagridview, the new column doesn't save. How can I fix this?

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Pasting Into Databound DataGridView?

Dec 19, 2011

I'm working on pasting into a datagridview. I know you can't paste right into the datagridview, but that you have to paste the clipboard into the dataset. I'm having no problem with all of that. My problem happens with the arrays. Just so you can see what is going on, I'm going to post my code now.

Private Sub PasteToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PasteToolStripMenuItem.Click
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(Clipboard.GetText.ToString) Then


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DataGridView Databound And Manual Column

Jan 28, 2009

I have a DataGridView on a form in VB 2005 Express, of the 10 columns i need on this DGV 6 of them will be pulled from an MSSQL DB and 4 of them i need to manually enter. One thing i have going for me (i think) is that the 4 manual columns have the same data in each row.I have been filling this DGV using a datatable, but i am not figuring out how to add manual columns and databound ones in the same DGV. My column layout would look like this:[code]some one please explain to me how i would do something like this. if you can include the datatable definitions also it would be a big help, in order for me to verify that i am at least doing that the right way.

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Editable Datagridview That's Been Databound With Dataadapter?

Nov 23, 2010

I have an editable datagridview that's been databound with dataadapter and datatable, and a normal button on a form. When i edit the dgv's cells and click the save button it fires the datagridview_cellvalidating event and if the cell validation is correct it updates and saves the current record to the datasource. Also, before save it commits change in any cell under editing.But when I use a toolstripbutton to do the same work, though it saves the dgv records but doesn't update the current change i.e. it saves the old records that are being fetched when the dgv was populated first during form load. Also, clicking the toolstripbutton doesn't fire datagridview_cellvalidating, datagridview_rowvalidating etc events.

What it seems to be is it's not commiting the change in any cell under


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.net - Databound DataGridView Not Sorting Date Correctly?

Nov 19, 2010

My DataGridView is not sorting my date column correclty and it doesn't seem to be sorting it by String either. The column is bound to a date property, all is done using the designer.The set which I'm viewing it on is 424 entries long, there should be two entries for each date and they should be next to each other (regardless if sorting by date or string)The last few dozen entries are sorted correctly but the initial entries are not.Initially every second entry at the start is correct. Here is an extract if some of the sorting it does.(The beginning of the sorted grid is on the left, and the end of grid is on the right)

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Adding A Blank To A Databound Combo In A DataGridView

Apr 27, 2010

I've inherited a form that has a DataGridView that is bound to a dataadapter and it is connected to a binding source. Within the DataGridView is a combo box that is bound to its own bindingsource which basically just calls a stored proc to bring back the possible values for the dropdown combo control

With a blank new row and sometimes even with an existing row, this value for the combo box can be NULL which is a legitimate value for it if no value selected. Problem is everything is so tightly bound if the user mistakinly clicks the dropdown then a value is populated and there's no way to get back to NULL

I've tried to catch the mousecelldown event and others to try to catch this before a value is selected but the Cancel=True doesn't work - I can catch the event but don't know how to return the cell to unclicked or reset it to NULL or pre selected value if NULL I know how to at a new row with the datatable and then set the combo datasource to it and I have my null blank value but with a tightly bound control how do I add this row?

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Databound DataGridView - Populate The Grid For Records

Jul 21, 2010

I have a DataGridView control that is bound to a dataset that I set up in design mode. This grid will contain addresses for a client. The relationship is 1 client to many addresses. So, when the user selects a client, I wish for this grid to populate with only the address records for that client. How do I set up in code a way for the grid to recognize this?

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VS 2008 - Adding Rows To Databound DataGridView From Child Form?

Feb 7, 2010

I am having trouble adding a row to a databound datagridview on a parent form from a child form. I have two forms, one contains a datagridview that is bound to a table using 'datagridviewbindingsource' and contains an 'add' button. The second contains a checked listbox that is populated correctly and has a "Cancel" and an 'OK' button - when i check several items in the child form, i would like to hit okay and update the bindingsource of the datagridview on the first form with the checked items.

in form1 when btnAdd is clicked
dim f2 as new form2
'call it as a dialog to check for the cancel button
[Code] .....

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Handling DataGridView Update When Bound DataSource Empty?

Jun 2, 2009

I have a DataGridView to which I've set a list of objects to the DataSource. (I'm in VS 2005 using VB.) I created the DataGridView by creating a Data Source of type AssetIdentifier and dragging that Data Source onto my form. I want to update the DataGridView when the selection in either a combo box or another DataGridView changes. (Below I'm considering a click in another DataGridView.)

The following works:
Public Class dlgShowAssets
' class member variable
Private assetIdList As List(Of AssetIdentifier)
' pertinent subs and functions
Private Sub RefreshAssetIdentifierDataGridView()
[Code] .....

In this case, I always knew that assetIdList would have at least one element. I'd update the list, and reset the data source of the DataGridView to that list, and all was well. When I applied this to another situation, for which I couldn't guarantee that the list would have at least one element, things would work fine as long as I had at least one element in the list, but if the list became empty, the DataGridView threw System.IndexOutOfRangeException a number of times.

The rows in the DataGridView would not go away if I went from a non-zero number of elements to zero. I tried a workaround, which was to remove all of the elements, add one "dummy" element, and then re-bind the list to the control and it still didn't work. Also, following all of those exceptions, I'd get other similar exceptions when I hovered over the cells in the DataGridView. Some of the members of AssetIdentifier were "Nothing" but I fixed that in the constructor, and the exceptions still occur.

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Datagridview Error "System.Data.ConstraintException: Column 'Name' Is Constrained To Be Unique" Handling

Nov 13, 2009

I have a datagridview that seems to be working fine until the user adds a name into the unique name column that already exists. I am getting this: System.Data.ConstraintException: Column 'Name' is constrained to be unique. Value 'test' is already present. where and how I capture this error and prevent the users from adding another name, case insensitive, to prevent this huge error from coming up?

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Add A New Row To The Database Using Databound?

May 16, 2011

I'm trying to add a new row to the database using databound textbox's but they keep adding blank rows to the database. If i use textbox's that arnt databound the info will get added

This doesnt work when using a databound textbox - it simply adds a blank datarow with no information

Dim row As DataRowView = CompanyDetailsBindingSource.AddNew() row("CompanyName") = CompanyNameTextBox.Text() CompanyDetailsBindingSource.EndEdit() TableAdapterManager.UpdateAll(MainDataSet)

However if i use a textbox that isnt databound it works and the data is added to the database


Dim row As DataRowView = CompanyDetailsBindingSource.AddNew() row("CompanyName") = TextBox1.Text() CompanyDetailsBindingSource.EndEdit() TableAdapterManager.UpdateAll(MainDataSet)

Is it possible for all the databound textbox's to be added to the database in one go without having to manually add them to the code?

e.g. Why wont this add a new row and insert all the data in textbox's to the database but if i change the AddNew to EndEdit it will update all fields at once?


Me.Validate() Me.CompanyDetailsBindingSource.AddNew() Me.TableAdapterManager.UpdateAll(Me.MainDataSet)

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Get The Value Of A Databound Textbox?

Aug 31, 2011

Normally I would create a form and handle the binding of controls myself. However, the current table I'm working on has 180 something columns so I decided to use the BindingSource to control the amount of code I have to write. This has all worked well until I try and call the value of one of the textboxes.

So.. I bind my form like so: Me.MyTableAdaptor.Fill(Me.MyDataSet.MyTable)

Whenever I call a textbox e.g.: Dim myVar as String = txtName.Text myVar remains "" or Nothing. I just can't get myVar to equal what is typed into the textbox that is databound.

Is there anything I can do. I know that binding isn't the recommended use, but I really could do without having to write the insert, select, and update commands for 180+ columns.

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Add New Item To Databound Combobox

May 2, 2012

I have a combobox that is bound to a dataset (via datatable and datatableAdapter). The combobox displays the current data in the table as it should.I have programmatically added the string "ADD..." to the list at the form.shown event:[code]when the user then click on (select) "ADD...", i open a new form to allow the user to add a new item to the list.The code i have behind the "ACCEPT" button on the new form stores the NEW value to the DATASET. I have verified this by previewing the data in the dataset.My problem is getting the combobox to reflect the changes to datatable to which it is bound.[code]

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Assign A Value To A Databound Textbox?

Apr 24, 2011

I am experiencing aproblem in my VB.NET App. The salary form is a databound form in my app to a linq data source. There are several text boxes to enter and calculate different salary fields. e.g. Basic Salary, Budgetary Allowance and Adjusted Basic Salary...

all the above three controls are bound to the datasource. now on the Leave events of the Basic Salary and Budgetary Allowance there is a function to calculate Adjusted basic salary.

The problem is i dont see the calculated amount in the adjusted basic salary but i see only the underlying data in the database instead of the programmatically calculated amount.

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C# - Nest Databound DataGridViews In .NET?

Mar 21, 2011

I think I already know the answer to this, but I figured it would not hurt to ask.

Is there any possible way to nest Databound DataGridViews in .NET? What I would like to have happen is for each row in the DataGridView to have a button to expand, which would then give me a DataGridView underneath that. I would like this nested DataGridView to also be able to do this, so I could go n levels deep with them.

Is this possible with the .NET Winforms standard DataGridView? (Or another standard .NET control?) I have seen people reference some third party controls, however they are really expensive, and I don't really want to go that route.

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Cannot Re-Bind Databound ComboBox

Dec 27, 2010

I have cascading data-bound combo boxes, however, if the second of the two boxes does not have the value, I am trying to change the data source of the original process to the default selection.

However I am getting errors no matter what I try to do to get the combo box to clear.

cboSubSystem.SelectedIndex = -1
cboSubSystem.DataSource = Nothing
Call cboSubSystem.Items.Clear()


Currently: "Items collection cannot be modified when the DataSource property is set." at the Items.Clear If I try to remove the clear, I get "Cannot bind to the new value member. Parameter name: value" at the valuemember set

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Databound Combobox And Autocomplete?

Jul 18, 2011

I have a combox that is run-time bound to a table that is run-time built and populated from a text file. I have set the combobox autocomplete mode to suggest and the source to list items, but only the 1st item will work. Ok so here's the code:

Private Sub SetStateComboBox()
'set autocomplete for combobox
state_cmbx.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend[code]....

The file is a text file with a list of the 50 states and their abbreviations in the format : stateName - abbr.Now what happens is the data is displayed correctly, but when I begin to type a letter for the autocomplete the only letter that shows anything is the "a" and it will only show the very first item in the text file.Everything else does not display with the autocomplete, but does show in the list. I have tried variations such as adding the data as items like this:

Private Sub SetStateComboBox()
'set autocomplete for combobox
state_cmbx.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend[code]....

This way does not allow any autocomplete when I begin typing but everything is in the list. I've also tried converting the table to a customautocompletestring and still the same results.The only way that I have been able to get it to work is be entering each state as an item: state_cmbx.items.add("Michigan - MI"), then it works correctly.Also the combobox dropdownstyle is set to dropdown, and I'm using visual studio 2010 ultimate and coding using VB.

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Databound Combobox Returning -1?

Sep 10, 2009

All I want is to enter text into a databound combo box. If the entry is not in the list, then the user should have the option of updating the table that the combo box is bound to.The way I have set up the project is by dragging objects from the toolbox and having the application set up the datasource through the data sources tab. This in turn creates the bindingsource, dataset and tableadapter.For updating the combobox I have added code into the leave event. This does indeed update the client table as required. However, the id stored in the quotes table is -1. How do I make sure that the correct id is stored that references the newly added client record. For your information, the client table only has an id and clientname column.

The code is as follows:

[CODE] Private Sub ClientComboBox_Leave(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ClientComboBox.Leave
Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim dsClients As New DataSet


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Databound Listbox Not Updating?

Mar 13, 2011

I have a Listbox which is to display a list of product names which it reads from a database table, bound using the inbuild datasource/databinding stuff..however when the product names are updated/more are added in the table etc no change is reflected in the Listbox! only the initial names from when it was first bound appear, how to fix this?

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Databound User Controls In .NET

Mar 2, 2009

I am looking for some information on how to properly implement data binding on a user created control. My UserControl contains a Textbox, a Button, and a MonthCalendar. I am able to databind to the Textbox inside of my user control, however, I want to implement the databinding on the UserControl itself, and not reference to textbox inside the control. I have attempted to set a Property as follows:


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Getting The Databound Value From Repeater Control?

Aug 15, 2011

As a follow up to my question Looping through a repeater control to get values of Textbox in
If user has entered a a quantity in the textbox, I want to get the corresponding ProductID value from the repeater control:


I am using FindControl to loop through the textbox (to see if user has entered a valid quantity). How can I get the value of the corresponding ProductID ?

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How To Set Flag When DataBound Called

Jun 10, 2009

I'm trying to use lambdas in some VB.Net code, essentially I'm trying to set a flag when databound is called.

Simplified it looks like this:
Dim dropdownlist As New DropDownList()
dropdownlist.DataSource = New String() {"one", "two"}
Dim databoundCalled As Boolean = False
AddHandler dropdownlist.DataBound, Function(o, e) (databoundCalled = True)

My understanding is that the databoundCalled variable should be set to true, clearly I'm missing something as the variable always remains false.

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Refresh A Databound Combo Box?

Nov 9, 2011

I have a program where a user can select something from a combo box in a data grid view control. I have it so that they can add something to the combo box via input box. The new item would automatically show up in the combo box at the bottom.

Now the problem is with deletion. I have it so that a user will click delete and a dialog box will pop up with the combo box. There a user will select an item and click delete. The item deletes just fine from the db but it doesn't update the combo box on either the delete dialog box or the datagridview. The only time it shows deleted is when I exit the program and reload.

Here is my load event that populates everything.

Public Sub LoadData()
Dim cmTasks As New SqlClient.SqlCommand("Select * from Tasks where Department_ID =


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Select Value On A Databound Combobox?

Mar 17, 2011

I have a ComboBox that's been bound to a DataView that's taken a filled DataTable. This DataTable has three columns. Before the DataView is bound to the ComboBox I add another column and set some values.


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Sorting A Databound Columns?

Mar 7, 2012

I have a datagridview in VB.NET in which i have few columns which are data bound . How to sort a databound column which contains names ?

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Wpf - Using A Databound Combobox On A Datagrid?

Jan 9, 2011

With a datagrid, I want to use a databound combobox to set the value of a property with the combobox's selected value. How would I go about doing that?

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.net - DataBound Controls Don't Save New Values?

Apr 7, 2011

I've bound a lot of controls on a form to a Entity. Some of them update fine, the others are just jumping back to their original value as soon as it loses focus.The old data are loaded in all controls perfectly.

Dim Q = From e In EnData.Calls Where e.CallID = ID
TempRow = Q.FirstOrDefault()
ticTemp1.DataBindings.Add("Value", TempRow, "CallDate")
ticTemp2.DataBindings.Add("Value", TempRow, "CustomerID")

How can this be fixed?

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