DataGridView Loading Status With ProgressBar?

Jun 27, 2011

I am binding the data to datagridview using dataset ( datagridview.datasource=ds.table(0) ).but i want to show the loading status of the datagridview in progressbar.

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Forms :: How To Get Progressbar To Reflect Status Of PDF File Being Loaded

Aug 19, 2009

I have a form with an Adobe PDF reader control. I point to a specific PDF I want to load when a button is clicked. The PDF is 28 Megs big and takes some time to load into the reader. I would like a progress bar to to show (like a showdialog kind of thing) so the user does not click all over the place and thinks the app is static.

The PDF reader is loaded like this:
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub

How would I update the progressbar1 control to reflect the time it takes to load? I checked the AxAcroPDFLib Namespace and found no "progresschange" type of functions or events.

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Have A Progressbar When Loading A Form?

Jun 8, 2011

I have a form let's call it Form1 that calls another form(Form2) Form2 to has a bit a code that needs to load in the LOAD_EVENT and takes about 4 seconds.

I have made a new form(frmProgress) that only has a progress bar.I want frmProgress to show up and load the progress bar meanwhile Form2 is loading.I've tried using BackgroundWorker but I can't seem to get the grasp of it.

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Progressbar Value To Match The Loading Progress?

Sep 22, 2010

I was wondering how to make a progressbar's value be the progress of e.g. load time of a program or progress of sending an email etc.

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Progressbar While Loading Data From Database

Jun 6, 2009


Sub laad_leden()
Dim myConnection As New connectdb
Dim tabel As New DataTable


While loading the data to the program the window freezes. It shows the progressbar but the progressbar is also freezing. How can i let the progressbar marquee while loading / freezing.

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VS 2008 Progressbar During Database Loading?

Jul 28, 2009

i have me a database (.sdf) which loads its records into a listview. One of the database, due its size, takes some time before everything is loaded. I'm using cursor.wait atm, but it I guess there's a more professional approach.

How do I show a progressbar while loading the data?

Here's a small piece of the code I use to load the data:


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VS 2008 Progressbar To Tell When Application Is Done Loading?

Sep 29, 2009

I want a progressbar to tell me when my application is done loading, so I have tons of lines of code and the program is complete and it runs threw WMI, etc., etc., how do I get the progressbar to equal the value of completion my whole programs process has done?

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Status Text - Messages To Be In Sync With The Loading Bar?

Feb 20, 2012

Alright well i am creating a basic program, it has a login system. When the user clicks login i have timer1.start and then i have a progress bar start to fill, i want to know how to take a label, place it under the progress bar and have it display different text, as in

First message: Validating Login Credentials... (moving ... if possible)
Second message: Verifying System integrity... (moving ... if possible)
Third Message: Connecting to Servers... (moving ... if possible)
Fourth Message: Grabbing user Database... (moving ... if possible)
Fifth message: Login successful!

I want the messages to be in sync with the loading bar, but i also want to try to make my loading bar move slower and when the progress bar is finished and the messages underneath it are aswell i want it to show a new form.

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Forms :: Progressbar While Loading Data From Database?

Jun 6, 2009

Sub laad_leden()
Dim myConnection As New connectdb
Dim tabel As New DataTable[code]....

While loading the data to the program the window freezes. It shows the progressbar but the progressbar is also freezing.How can i let the progressbar marquee while loading / freezing.

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ProgressBar To Start Loading When MessageBoxButton.OK Is Pressed?

Dec 14, 2009

I'm new to VB and I'm making my first Application.I want my ProgressBar to start loading when MessageBoxButton.OK is pressed.This is my

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
MessageBox.Show("My Text", "My Title", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly, False)
If AcceptButton Then


Also, I'd like the ProgressBar1 to finish after a certain time after it started. How do I do that?

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Use Progressbar Of Toolstrip To Display Loading Of Webbrowser?

Jan 18, 2008

How do you use the progressbar of the toolstrip to display the loading of the webbrowser?

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VS 2008 Loading 10 MB Text File To Richtextbox And ProgressBar

Nov 20, 2009

im working on the project and loading 10 MB text file to richtextbox, but problem is my application freezing during that time. Can anyone post the solution for progressbar during the file is loading?

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Display Progress Of Loading A Text File Into A Listbox With ProgressBar

May 15, 2009

I was wondering if this was possible, if so can you point me in the right direction? "Display the progress of loading a txt file into a listbox with ProgressBar".I am basically loading a file (blah.txt) which contains several strings each on their own line:[code]I would like to display the progress of the listbox loading within a progress bar.

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Created Website Monitor Program, Can't Check Status Of Page Loading?

Jun 15, 2011

Intended use of program:

1. User enters 1-3 websites they wish to monitor

2. User clicks go next to textbox with data entered, then button and a copy of form refered to as browse is created.

3. Form refered to as browse is directed to the url refered to on the form refered to as monitor, in the associated textbox(passed as a parameter to copyForm)

4. A timer is used to refresh the webpage every 10 seconds

What I wanted to happen was the program turn the associated picturebox in form1 green if page is loaded, and black is loading.


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VS 2008 Created Website Monitor Program, Can't Check Status Of Page Loading?

Jun 14, 2011

Intended use of program:

1. User enters 1-3 websites they wish to monitor

2. User clicks go next to textbox with data entered, then button and a copy of form refered to as browse is created.

3. Form refered to as browse is directed to the url refered to on the form refered to as monitor, in the associated textbox(passed as a parameter to copyForm)

4. A timer is used to refresh the webpage every 10 seconds

What I wanted to happen was the program turn the associated picturebox in form1 green if page is loaded, and black is loading.


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DataGridView CellPainting Rendering (progressbar Like)?

May 20, 2011

I'm trying to paint a cell indicating the progress with number and drawing a background like a progress bar. When I change the cell value it changes the background ok but thnumber looks awfull, only when the percentage bar reaches the number it looks ok, also if i minimisize the form and maximize it, all controls look with the

Private Sub dgLine_CellPainting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs) Handles dgLine.CellPainting


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Datagridview With Progressbar And Background Worker?

Jul 13, 2011

I have 2 forms (let's call them form1 and form2). Form1 has a datagridview that is populated by a combobox, when the selectedindex changes the datagridview is re-populated. Form2 is a small blank form with just a progressbar on it (progressbar1). Right now if I make Form2 visible when selectedindex is changed the marquee on the progressbar doesn't really move and Form1 is essentially "locked up" until the records are done loading into the datagridview.


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Fill Datagridview Using Backgroundworker & Progressbar?

Aug 23, 2010

how to load data into datagridview using backgroundworker & progressbar?Let's say i have a report that shows some statistics, or has 100 000 of rows that should be displayed and during the load i would like to show the data that is already loaded and not to frees the form.Same example like in SQL when you perform a select command from a table which has 100 000 of rows and while loading the data, the grid is already filled up and progressbar is shown at the left buttom side.

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Load Data To Datagridview With Progressbar

Mar 12, 2011

I create more then 10 columns in Access 2010 and I have a lot of rows. I write code already to load data to my datagridview, but I want to know to how to load data with progressbar untill finish. *If loading data does not finish the progressbar does not finish,too.

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VS 2010 DataGridView Multiple Rows Status

Aug 8, 2011

My below is not an error. It just I need an alternative way of doing thing. I have a DataGridView which has a DataSource of DataTable on a Form. In this form, I have a 'Remove Selected' button which will remove all selected rows in DataGridView. And another 'Remove All' button which will remove all rows in DataGridView regardless of rows selected or not.


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Make Display Status Of Checkbox Checked In Datagridview?

Apr 29, 2012

I have a datagridview with 3 columns 1-ID, 2-CategoriesName, and 3-Select

I want to make the status with label status that can be show to users the numbers of categories were selected by checkboxes (It's mean that count or sum the rows been checked by checkbox on each row) and this is the code i got from searching true or false because it did not work so please need helping from forum to steering me in the right direction.

Private Sub dataGridView1_CellClick(sender As Object, e As DataGridViewCellEventArgs)
Dim dgv1 As New DataGridView()


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VS 2010 - DataGridView Manipulation - Screen Mapping Status

Dec 15, 2011

[Code] i need a way to screen each employer status and mapping status before placing them in the DGV. I need to convert the numerical values to their corresponding status. 1 = Good, 2 = Non-Reporting, 3 = Under-Remitting and 4= Non-Remitting(which i already know how to do). I just don't know how to get the values being placed on the DGV. I would love to do this on oracle but i don't know how to.

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Forms :: Load Datagridview Via Backgroundworker With Progressbar Feedback

Apr 7, 2008

how to safely load a datagridview via a backgroundworker while showing progressbar feedback ? My data is coming from an access mdb.

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VS 2008 DataGridView Cell Status - Check Where Column 0 And Row 0 Has Value Or Empty

Jan 22, 2010


IF cursor leaves column 0 and row 0 then it displays msgbox but I want to check where column 0 and row 0 has value or empty In case of empty cell it must display msg as
msgbox("this is empty cell")

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VS 2005 Using A Status Strip To Notify The User About The Status?

Sep 1, 2009

Here is my insert statement:


Now for a succesful insertion i want to notify the user about a successful save operation.....i.e,i want to display a message "Successful Save Operation"to the user. How to do this using the Status Strip?

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Status Bar With The Current Browser Status Text?

Mar 20, 2009

I've got the code to display the current browser status text in the status bar but i want it to display the name of my web browser aswell. Example: - (Name of Webbrowser)

He is my code for the displaying staus text.
Private Sub webBrowser1_StatusTextChanged( _
ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) _
Handles webBrowser1.StatusTextChanged


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Loading CSV Into DataGridView?

Apr 7, 2009

I have a CSV file which I append using the LoadActivityLog sub and then I pass this CSV to a datatable and populate a DataGridView in my form using the WriteAcitivityLog sub. Everythign works fine. However the datatable passes the information into the datagridview in such a way that it populates the column header rows with data as well. I want to put custom column header fields into the datagridview. However i cannot figure out how to do this.


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Make The Progressbar Look Like The Progressbar In Xp When Use Win7?

Dec 21, 2009

in vb 2008 or higher :how do i make the progressbar look like the progressbar in xp when i use win7?

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Loading A Matrix In DataGridView?

Jan 23, 2010

I have a matrix:

Module Procedimientos
Public Datos(200, 4) As String
Public Sub Inicio()[code]....

It is a Class made with the Add Windows Forms Menu.I have another Form where I added from the ToolBox the DataGridView Item.
Everything till now works like a charm, the problem comes when I try to load the matrix (previously posted) into the DataGrid. I search for the matrix via DataSource Button (from DataGrid's Properties) but I can't find it, it'll only show up the other forms. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

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Loading Data Into A Datagridview?

May 15, 2012

Loading into a Datagridview, Nothing seems to work no Error even with test data Added.

Here is some code

Dim SqlConnectionString, SqlCommmandText As String
Dim SqlAdapter As SqlDataAdapter
Dim Table As DataTable


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