DateTimePicker Store In Database?

Apr 24, 2012

How to allow the user to select the date from the DateTimePicker and store that selected date month and year in the database table?

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Store DateTimePicker Value To Sql Serve?

Jan 15, 2010

I have applied following custom Format to DateTimePicker


So now DateTimePicker is displaying data as


Sql server 2005, table1 has column named Date with datetime type

How to store DateTimePicker text into date column of Table1

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Can't Store DateTimePicker Data In Variable

Mar 29, 2011

I am doing a college project for a driving instructor, so the heart of the program is getting the booking part right. I've made a structure in a module:


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DateTimePicker And Database?

May 17, 2012

How to allow the user to select the date from the DateTimePicker and store that selected date ,month and year in the database table?

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DateTimePicker Value From Database?

Jun 21, 2010

I want to get date from database to my datetimepicker, but I got problem

here is my code.

Dim sStatement As String
sStatement = "SELECT Transactions.RentDate " & _
"FROM Transactions INNER JOIN TransactionsDetails ON Transactions.[TransactionID]


No data exists for the row/column. But I have many data... and the second time i click the button

The connection was not closed. The connection's current state is open.

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InputBox Function - Program - Allow User To Input 5 Payrolls For Store 1, Store 2, And Store 3

Mar 22, 2012

I am coding a program that will allow the user to input 5 payrolls for Store 1, Store 2, and Store 3. The total of the 5 payrolls are then added together and shown in the respective Store's labels. A total label is also there to add up all the totals into one number. The numbers in the label must be in currency form. My problem is the numbers don't add correctly when I hit calculate. The first two numbers add together, but then after that the number just seems to subtract a random amount.

So far I have this --

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
End Sub


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DateTImePicker To Access Database?

Jan 15, 2012

i can't get DateTimePicker to insert into Access databse. I've tried all the suggestion i can find from this forum, so i'm thinking my problem is different?my table has a column date which has a Date/Time format

my code
Dim cmd As OleDbCommand
Dim sqlstr As String, ans As Boolean
Dim mydate As DateTime
mydate = Me.dtPickerT.Value


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Populate The Value In Datetimepicker From The Database?

Nov 2, 2009

Using VB.NET I want to display the date in datetimepicker from the database.


cmd= new sqlcommand("select date from table1", con)
dr = cmd.executereader


But it showing error as specified cast is not valid How to get a value?

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Save Nul Value Of DateTimePicker In The Database?

Mar 29, 2010

how to save nul Value of DateTimePicker in the Database note: i make dtp become null value like this

dtp.customformate=" " single space and the code to bind
dtp.DataBindings.Add(New System.Windows.Forms.Binding("value", Me.GetAllCrimeDataBindingSource, "Date", True))

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DateTimePicker ( Datediff) After Connected To Database?

Apr 15, 2010

i am using Visual Studio 2008 and VB.NET 2008 and SQL Server 2005 as the database. I just finished designing & writing codes for a customer information and , however after it has been connected to the database only one of the datetimepicker can be click, and the rest of the function including in the form are not working!it seem that the form stuck and NOT responding. i cant even close the form (X button), so i have to stop the process using compiler (visual studio 2008), however if i press the 'Delete' button before the 'Add' button, it will successfully delete the data.. but if i disconnected the form from the database, (disabled the form_load codes [put 'quote']) the both of datetimepicker will work and able to view the date interval (after pressing the 'Calculate Period' button) in addition how to make it appear automatically in screen without using the button? below are the code, I try to make some other form.. but it is still the same

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System
Imports System.Data[code].....

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DateTimePicker Dates According To Database Entries?

Aug 24, 2011

I have an accounts program. My cash book shows data based on date picked from DateTimePicker. Cash book is not entered everyday. I want to make my datetimepicker so that based on dates found in the database, it changes colour or enable / disable some dates, for which cash book has been entered. How is it possible?

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Insert Datetimepicker Into MsAccess Database

Jun 9, 2011

I am trying to add a record into the database wothout much success. sometimes it works and sometimes it returns error "overflow exception unhandled".And even the database is not all the time updated. How do you add the Datatimepicker value into the database...?[code]I'm using VS 2008 and MsAccess as my database connected through the database connection wizard

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Inserting Datetimepicker Value Into Database, 'does Not Allow Nulls'

Apr 24, 2007

Here's a bit of code

Private Sub QhBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles QhBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click


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Query Date In Database With DateTimePicker

Aug 17, 2011

How to use a DateTimePicker to query a database table. Basically, when a day is chosen on the DateTimePicker, I want all the database entries for that day to be populated on Datagridview. My Datetimepicker name is datetimepicker1. The datagridview name is dgv. The database table is called QCAuditing and the row in the database, that has timedate, which I want to use for query is called date. I was wondering if someone can point me to the right direction here.

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Saving Date From DateTimePicker To Database?

Dec 4, 2011

I have an issue with date format in my SSRS. I am saving date from DateTimePicker to database. From there I am taking display in my datagridview using following


This displays it correctly (04-Nov-2011) but when I take date from the same database to my SSRS using

="Dated: " &Format(cdate(Fields!InvDate.Value),"dd-MMM-yyyy")

It displays it like 11-Apr-2011.

I have tested all winforms fare displaying it right but all SSRS are displaying it wrong.

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VS 2005 Datetimepicker Value To Access Database

Nov 8, 2009

OK, before I throw my laptop out the window... I need to insert data into my Access Database from my VB.Net2005 application. I have written and re-written this code, trying everything I can find from the web and I've had no luck. I'm getting a {"Data type mismatch in criteria expression."} error on the ExecuteNonQuery line - I'm fairly certain that it's the DateTimePickers, as I rem them out and the code works fine. However, I've tried everything - changed the column in my database to Text, changed the .Value to .Text, .Value.ToLongDateString, and every time I'm getting the same error. One of the things I read on line was that I need to use parameters in order to pass the DateTime - I need to pass the Date and Time (date format is not important, but I require the hh:mm:ss format for the time). The fields currently default to the current date/time which is perfect, but I read that depending on how you pass the data, you may run into problems if the user does not pick the drop box (leaving it as the default).


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DateTimePicker Control Default Value Not Saving To Database

Jan 18, 2012

I am developing with VS2010 VB.Net and a SQL '08 dbase. I have a DateTimePicker control that by default displays the current date. If you ignore the DTP control and accept what the default is and save the record, in the database table, the value for the date is 'NULL'. I delete the record out of the database and re-create the record in the UI, but this time, I click on the DTP control and actually click my mouse on the current date or any date and then save the entry and it saves to the database properly. I guess what I am after is if a user instantiates the UI form to perform data entry and accepts the current date in the DTP control without clicking on the control, the value is saved properly to the database.

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Retrieve Time From MSSQL Database To Datetimepicker?

Apr 15, 2012

I have a datetimepicker but the custom format is set to HH:mm tt so that I can get eg 11:20 AM

this value I have stored in database with the help of Label4.Text = DateTimePicker3.Value.ToShortTimeString.

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Set Database To Null When Datetimepicker.check Is False?

Aug 12, 2011

How to set database to null if datetimepicker.check is false?what is the code other than empy string ""?[code]...

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Using DateTimePicker Function To Save Date To Access Database

May 18, 2009

Im trying to use DateTimePicker function and save the date to an access database. Everything is working somewhat how I want it to but not 100% yet. Here is my problem. When the program is running if I click on the datetimepicker and select a date and click my save button the date IS saved to my access database as it should.

but if i run the program and don't ever click on the datetimepicker (because it is already on the correct current date) and click my save button the date doesn't get saved to the access database. The closest I have gotten was to enable the ShowCheckBox option, If i run the program this way and select the check box but dont select a date then it will save the date to my db.

But I really need it to be able to save the date to the db without the user ever clicking on the datetimepicker. Is it just a simple line I'm missing? Im pretty new to this but Ill try to explain anything the best I can if you have any further questions for me.

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How To Receive SMS And Store In Database

Aug 24, 2009

I am doing an application on receiving sms but the problem is that I want to put the receiving sms in the database. I am not sure how the process works.

Here is the code that I am using
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Dim receivedData As String
Private WithEvents serialPort As New IO.Ports.SerialPort
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
[Code] ....

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How To Store Strings Into Database

Oct 6, 2010

For my website I've just implemented tinyMCE for my site (just a word processor). Everything works fine except when i try to store the string variable input into a sql server database. I want to store a string and not have the html tags make me exceed the 8000 length limit(the html tags take up most of that space). My question is, is there a solution so I can store my document with the html tags without shortening my document? Create an if statement that will determine the length If > 8000 than split the string apart and insert into separate fields. Maybe their is a compression feature which I'm unaware of?

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How To Store The Receive Sms In The Database

Aug 23, 2009

I am doing a project on sms. I am doing the receive part where the sender send sms and my program just take the sms that has been received and store in the database but the problem is that I did not know how to connect the sql connection with the program that I used which is to detect the receive sms and store it in the database. My problem is that I want to store the receive sms in the database. I am using the SQL Server Database and visual studios 2005 in windows appliaction. I know how to make the connection between the application and the SQL server but I did not know how to implement it when to receive the sms.


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Store Data To A Database?

Feb 1, 2011

I wish to create a visual basic web application which can store data, entered by the user via a textbox to a database, once the STORE button has been clicked. I also want to be able to view the stored data by clicking VIEW STORED DATA.I am using visual studio and I am a complete beginner. I need to know how to create an appropriate database and how to link it to my web application.

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Store Image In Database?

Mar 22, 2012

Imports System.Data.Odbc Imports System.IO

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim FileSize As UInt32
Dim rawData() As Byte
Dim fs As FileStream
fs = New FileStream("c:abc.jpg", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
FileSize = fs.Length


This is my code to store a image to mysql database. But it have error n show as "No mapping exists from object type System.IO.FileStream to a known managed provider native type."

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Store The Data For A .net Database?

Apr 15, 2009

best way to store the data for a .net database and the reasons why. Please note I would like to have access to the database from a blackberry and the option for multiple applications to read & write to the database at the same time.

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Store Value In Array From Database?

Apr 13, 2011

Problem storing value in array from database

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Store Videos In Database?

Jun 3, 2010

i m making an window application in VB.NET 2005 , i want to know how can i store videos and images in database--pls tell me of using ORACLE 10g or SQL SERVER 2005 or My SQL?

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Converting A Value To The US Format To Store In A Database

Feb 21, 2011

I'm working on an application that is used by English and French users. French users have their computer's regional settings that make the decimal "," instead of "." and the number spacing " " instead of "," So, a French user will input a value "9,78" in a text box. I need to make this value "9.78" so I can safely store it in a database. How can I convert this to the US number format?

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Creating A Database To Store All Of Our Equipment In?

Jun 19, 2012

I've been having some trouble wrapping my head around how to link the 4 tables I have together. I'm creating a database to store all of our equipment in. The four tables are Equipment, Service (Stores dates that a piece of equipment has been worked on), Invoice (Stores invoice and warranty dates) and Peripheral table (Stores a unique ID for each type of peripheral we have in the database. Monitor (1), mouse (2), keyboard (3) etc)

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