Default Property For DotNet Interop Usercontrol?

Mar 11, 2009

I need to set the default property of a dotNet Control used by an VB6 Application.

<ComClass(myControl.ClassId, myControl.InterfaceId, myControl.EventsId)> _
<DefaultProperty("NewProperty")> _
Public Class myControl


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Usercontrol's Property - Property That Has A PictureBox Datatype

Feb 9, 2011

I have made a usercontrol, it has a property that has a PictureBox datatype. When the usercontrol is dropped on a Form from the toolbox, I want the picturebox property (in the property window) to be showing all the picture boxes (names) that are on the form as a dropdown so I cant select them. How do I do that?

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Hide All The Default Properties Of UserControl?

Nov 27, 2010

Is there any simple way to hide all the design time properties of a User Control.

When my UC is on a form there's a lot of properties in the properties explorer. All those default ones that every UC has. AccessibleName, AccessibleRole, Anchor etc etc etc (dozens of the them)

Any way to hide most/all those and just expose my own ?

I suppose I want my User Control to be more like a 'Component' like the Timer and other components that don't have a UI. Short of rewriting my UC as a Component is there any quick way to hide all those form properties ?

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VS 2008 UserControl Default Button?

Mar 19, 2009

I've been scouring the Net, but I can't find anything really useful on how to set a default button in a user control (everythings for ASP). I can imagine the brute force method of handling the keypress for each control within the control and checking to see if the Enter key was pressed, and if so, calling a PerformClick on my desired button... But I just have difficulty imagining that this will be the best method, especially on Search Controls that have 30-40 subControls on them. I've tried just handling the KeyPress event at the control level but it never gets called when a sub control has focus.

Another problem with the brute force method is that some of the controls within my UserControls are themselves UserControls containing several controls, so I would have to handle each sub control within the sub-user-controls and create EnterKeyPressed events that were raised when one of the sub-sub-controls received an Enter KeyPress. This could go on for several levels. Then I would need to handle all these events. This seems like an unnecessary layer of complexity.

Is there some way to create a routine that perhaps automates the above? Or just a simple workaround? I know I can set the Accept and Cancel Buttons of a form, but I have a form with a TabControl that has a UserControl on each tab. Each one of these tabs needs its own Default Button.

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C# - Exposing Property As Variant In .NET For Interop?

Feb 28, 2012

I am creating a wrapper class in .NET (VB.NET as it happens but is equally related to C#) that is exposed to COM and one of the properties I am trying to wrap is a Variant. I thought I would just be able to use an Object, but I get an error: Public Property FieldValue([vFieldID As Object = -1]) As Object cannot be exposed to COM as a property 'Let'. You will not be able to assign non-object values (such as numbers or strings) to this property from Visual Basic 6.0 using a 'Let' statement.*

My property declaration looks like this:
Public Property FieldValue(Optional ByVal vFieldID As Object = -1) As Object


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Where Is "Inherits <baseclass>" In An Interop UserControl

Jan 6, 2010

I'm looking at the Interop UserControl mechanism that's part of the "Interop Forms Toolkit" version 2.0. (This you to build a .Net UserControl that can be published as a COM object for use on VB6 forms.)

I've started a new project using the "VB6 Interop UserControl" template, and what I see is a class definition that looks like this:

<ComClass(InteropUserControl.ClassId, InteropUserControl.InterfaceId,
InteropUserControl.EventsId)> _
Public Class InteropUserControl


without any "Inherits" statement. But if I look in the Class Browser, I can see that this class (not surprisingly) inherits from the WinForms UserControl class. How can it be that the "Inherits UserControl" piece of the class declaration isn't visible anywhere?

Question 634559 also shows an InteropUserControl class declaration without any "inherits UserControl" statement. I must be missing something simple from my VB.Net knowledge. (I do most of my .Net work in C#.)

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Limit The Default Events, Properties And Methods Exposed From A UserControl?

May 11, 2010

limit the default events, properties and methods exposed from a UserControl so it only displays to the developer the new events etc that I code myself.What i mean is I have created a UserControl with a panel and 5 buttons, written 1 Public Eventonly at this stage, I have placed an instance of the control on a form in a new project, but in the drop down menu that comes up after say (myUserControl1.), there is a massive list of options, I don't want those to appear.

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Default Browsable Property Value Not Respected In Property Bag

Jan 5, 2009

I believe that the correct way to give a property a default value is to use the Default Attribute on the Property.[code]In the property window, the value that's displayed in a grid's property bag when it's newly dropped onto a form is False, not True. It does recognise that the default value should be True because it shows the value as bolded and then de-bolds it when we manualy set it to true - but it doesn't respect the default as the initial value. Is there any way of getting the property bag to respect the default value?

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ASP.NET Usercontrol Property Value Does Not Run Markup

Apr 27, 2011

Well i have a usercontrol with a property "ClientScript" and in the aspx file where i use the usercontrol i set the value to [code]the problem here is that the is litterly passed to the property and not parsed first and replaced by the ClientID..I had the same clientscript applied to a buttons OnClientClick and there it worked...Must i apply some sort of attribute to the property to get this working? [code] i know that im saving to a local variable and that it will be cleared on reload and so on but thats not the problem here.

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Text Property In A UserControl In C#?

May 21, 2010

I have a control with a inner TextBox. I want to make a direct relationship between the Text property of the UserControl and the Text property of the TextBox. The first thing I realized is that Text was not being displayed in the Properties of the UserControl. Then I added the Browsable(true) attribute.

public override string Text


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Usercontrol Property Editor?

Dec 27, 2009

I have created a usercontrol in VB2008 that draws a rectangle and has the ability to apply Border3DStyles to the control.The problem I have is being able to select which sides to apply the border on during design time.If you look at the BorderSides property of the ToolStripStatusLabel you will see how it lets you select the sides to apply the border to.

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UserControl Property Value Limit?

Jan 9, 2010

I am making an UserControl which has several properties. One of them should have a specific range of the value - it should only be possible to set the value of the property with a number from 1 to 255. 0 should not be possible, because some calculations are done in which is divided by this property's value. I thought I could use a Byte as type, but a Byte can contain 0 as well. I would like to be able to set a limit for the value of this property, and that an error is shown in the Designer when, in this case, 0 is entered. I mean an error window like you get when filling in 0 for the interval of a Timer. Is this possible with an UserControl as well?

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Accessing UserControl Property From Array

May 14, 2010

I/we (my class) created a usercontrol that included a picturebox and a timer. We declared the public variable to access the timer enabled property. Placing the user control onto a Form we are able to enable the timer. However, when we went to declare an array for the control we could not access the properties... We successfully declared control arrays using base class control...

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Databinding On A Property Of A UserControl In DetailsView

Mar 31, 2011

I have developped a usercontrol, but I can't seem to find how to databind on a property of the usercontrol in a detailsview.[code]

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VS 2008 Adding A Property To A UserControl?

Oct 6, 2009

I am trying to add an ArrayList property to a UserControl with the following

Private _hist As ArrayList
Public Property History() As ArrayList
Return _hist
End Get


I get an 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' error.

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Why To Add WordWrap Property To Inherited UserControl

Jan 23, 2012

In the book I am reading the writer shows code for adding the WordWrap property to a class which inherits System.Windows.Forms.UserControl. But what is the point? There is nowhere to insert strings! Also he shows how to add an event by embedding a Combo in an instance of the class and using its SelectedIndexChanged event to raise the event for the UserControl; again what is the point?

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Adding Multiple Images To Property Of UserControl

Oct 10, 2009

I have an imagelist control in a usercontrol I made. I would like to create a property for this usercontrol, to select multiple images (in an 'openfiledialog'), and adding them to the imagelist inside the usercontrol. So, what's the type of this property?
Public Property thelistofimages as [?]
It should be an array of images I guess. And then in the 'set' of the property it would add all the images to the imagelist.

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Defauld The Usercontrol Create(when Is Used) The Backgroundimage Property?

Dec 5, 2011

defauld the usercontrol create(when is used) the backgroundimage property, but these property can be blocked? i'm asking these, because i need the entire control in that property

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Programmatically Setting Property Values In A Usercontrol?

Nov 12, 2009

I am programatically creating instance of usercontrol as shown below


I have two public properties in my usercontorl like clerkName and RespName. How can I set those values in the above code. Intellisense is not showing ClerkName and respName Properties.

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How To Change TextBox Text Property On A UserControl From The Other Loaded One

Nov 30, 2011

I have two UserControls already loaded how to change TextBox text property on a UserControl from the other loaded one.

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Usercontrol With Designer Browsable Property Not Saving Value At Run Time?

Aug 17, 2011

I have been making a control and have added a property for a list(of CustomClass). The custom class contains a string, an image and a list of another custom class which contains a string and an image. I have added this property to the designer by adding the browsable attributes and all appears to work correctly with this.

My problem comes when running the program. I can set all of the values within the property and I can go back to them and they are saved, however, as soon as I run the program, the values are wiped out as the property is set to Nothing.In order to allow my property to be edited and saved, I realize that I must initialize the list and have done so in the accessor method of the property (if the property's value is nothing).

I have modified the values in the designer and placed a breakpoint on all of the items which use the property and it's underlying field, as well as on the property's methods itself. The first breakpoint hit is of it being accessed and the value is always nothing.

I'm not sure where the values are supposed to be stored as I have checked the designer code where it would normally store types such as strings and I have checked the resources to see if they have been saved there (like an image would be). After running the code, the values in the designer are wiped out also.


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.net - Slow Performance When Utilizing Interop.DSOFile To Search Files By Custom Document Property?

Apr 19, 2010

I am new to the world of VB.NET and have been tasked to put together a little program to search a directory of about 2000 Excel spreadsheets and put together a list to display based on the value of a Custom Document Property within that spreadsheet file. Given that I am far from a computer programmer by education or trade, this has been an adventure.

I've gotten it to work, the results are fine. The problem is, it takes well over a minute to run. It is being run over a LAN connection. When I run it locally (using a 'test' directory of about 300 files) it executes in about 4 seconds.I'm not sure even what to expect as a reasonable execution speed, so I thought I would ask here.The code is below, if anyone thinks changes there might be of use in speeding things up.

Private Sub listByPt()
Dim di As New IO.DirectoryInfo(dir_loc)
Dim aryFiles As IO.FileInfo() = di.GetFiles("*" & ext_to_check)[code]....

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VS 2008 USERCONTROL With Property DataSource - DisplayMember - ValueMember Type ComboBox

Oct 27, 2009

How can I create the property... type the combobox? for now I found alone this that it goes in mistake


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C# - Bang Vs Default Property In VB

Oct 7, 2010

For a given class, with a default property of list, you can access an instance object in the list by doing myClass.defProperty("key"). You can also achieve the same results by typing myClass.defProperty!Key.

I have been told that using the parenthesis and quotes is faster for the way the runtime accesses the Property, but I'd like to understand what is the difference and how do each work...

I understand C# has a similar behavior by replacing the parenthesis with square brackets.

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C# - Can A Property Return A Default Value

Sep 27, 2011

Is there anyway to have a class that can return a default type without specifying the property.

If I had a class that had a few properties and one property returned a string value and others returned additional types, could I do the following?

Dim StudentGrade as new StudentGradeClass

'call and get default property

Dim CurrentGrade as string=StudentGrade

'instead of this

Dim CurrentGrade as string=StudentGrade.Current

The reason I am asking this is when I have classes that have other classes as properties and would like to just get a default return value,.

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Generic Default Property In .NET?

Mar 8, 2011

I'm attempting the following:Default Public Property Data(Of dataType)(ByVal key As String) As dataType

Return DirectCast(values.Item(key), dataType)
End Get
Set(ByVal value As dataType)
values.Item(key) = value
End Set
End Property


It made more sense to make it a property, and it would be the default property of the class. The data type can not be specified on instantiation of the class, because it can contain multiple objects of different data types.

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Possible To Have A Generic Default Property?

Oct 15, 2009

I'm attempting the following:

Default Public Property Data(Of dataType)(ByVal key As String) As dataType
Return DirectCast(values.Item(key), dataType)


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Set The Default Value For A FontFamily Property?

Jan 5, 2012

I have a FontFamily property, but I don't know how set the default value:

Public UnitsFontFamilyProperty As DependencyProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("UnitsFontFamily", GetType(FontFamily), GetType(ValueAndUnit), New FrameworkPropertyMetadata(New


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VB Default Property Vs C# Property?

Jun 13, 2011

I'm converting Visual Basic.Net code to C# in my project. But I have some doubts on how to convert Visual Basic default property to C#. The first option that comes to me are the indexers. Lets imagine the next code in Visual Basic

Public Class MyClass
Dim MyHash as Hashtable
Public sub New()


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AmbiguousMatchException When Binding To Default Property In WPF

Dec 22, 2011

The following XAML produces an AmbiguousMatchException. The DataContext for myText is a DataTable consisting of > 1 row which contains a DataColumn named "test":

<TextBox Name="myText" Text="{Binding Path=Rows[0].Item[test]}"/>

When I modify the binding path syntax to the below example, the binding works as expected:

<TextBox Name="myText" Text="{Binding Path=Rows[0][test]}"/>

Given that the name of the DataTable is "myData", both of the following lines of code reference the contents of the column "test" on row 0:


Why doesn't the syntax that explicitly names the Item property appear to work in a binding scenario?

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