Deploy An Application Developed In Program?

Oct 24, 2011

Can we deploy an application developed in VB2010 to Linux or Max

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Deploy Database Driven Application Developed Using .NET?

Sep 2, 2010

I have developed a windows application which performs a series of database operations like select, insert, update. I am connecting to Oracle database and its working fine in development system. But, when I deployed this application, I am getting error at StartConnection (which opens the DB connection). After installing OracleClient in client system, its working fine. Now, my question is that do I need to install OracleClient to every user? If so, it will be hectic to do so as its size is around 200 MB and its not possible to ask all the users to install it just for a small application. I have tried adding some OracleClient files like orannzbb11.dll, oraciei11.dll, iraops11w.dll etc. But in vain! Could anyone please suggest me a work-around or a way to accomplish this?

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Developed An Application In VB 2008?

Dec 26, 2009

I have developed an application in Visual Basic 2008. I really love the product.I am 99% done but am hung up on a Publish issue.I know the Publish feature is not a full install program - but it handles downloading the application prerequisits so well I really want to use it.My problem is the Install path. It installs my application is the strrangest drectory appdatalocal 615252-191891-919 (goes on for ever)

I can set the install directory to something simpler. Would love to get it in Program Files but will settle for AppData if it can be a reasonable directory name. If I have to tell a customer to look in that directory for some reason I would have to read off about 60-70 alpha numeric characters for the directory path - that isn't feasable.

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Developed A Very Small In-house Web Application

Jan 13, 2011

I've developed a very small in-house web application with visual basic on VS2010. Can anyone give me any advice or literature s to how i can put the site on a server?

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VS 2008 Run Application Developed With FrameWork?

Jul 30, 2010

I am facing problems these days. I have VB Express 2008 with 3.5 .Net Frame Work. I develop applications but my applications dont run on the systems those have 2.0 framework or lower.How can I make my applications to run on all kinds of systems

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Developed VB2008 Application And MySql As Database?

Aug 28, 2009

I have developed VB2008 application and MySql as Database.I want to Open this application on any web browser without making any changes in Orginal application.

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Reverse Engineering Of a Web application Developed In 2003

May 27, 2009

I am doing reverse engineering of a web application developed in VB.NET 2003.I have reverse engineered one of its dll using a tool names "Reflector".This tool provided the output in terms of a Visual Studio Project. When I rebuild this project then it gives the following error "Project-level conditional compilation constant 'DEBUG;TRACE : CONFIG="Debug" : DEBUG=-1 : TRACE=-1 ' is not valid: Character is not valid."

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VS 2008 Developed An Application That Can Monitor Network According Their Sub-net

Dec 13, 2009

I'm new in VB, and plan to developed an application that can monitor the network according their subnet and display the network utilisation. Can anybody guide me what is the needed to develope this application on VB..

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Cannot Start A Windows Service Developed In Program

Sep 11, 2009

It works on my own computer where I have visual studio installed. I install the exe file with installutil and the service works fine. But when I install it on another computer where only the framework is present, I still can install it with installutil BUT I can't start it. I get something along this Could not start the Search service on Local computer. Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.[code]...

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IDE :: Create System Genrated Testing For Application Developed?

May 8, 2009

I have developed an application in VB.NET. Now I wanted to know how can we create automatic testing for this application. If VB.NET doesnt suppourt this , then can you tell me the best way to go ahead for testing the application.

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Installing An Application Developed In VB6 That Accesses SQL Server On Windows 7?

Dec 9, 2010

There are problems installing an application developed in VB6 that accesses SQL Server on Windows 7?

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Unknown Publisher Warning In Application Developed In Win7?

Nov 29, 2010

I have developed application using VB 2008 and develop a MSI setup for installation. Now problem is on windows 7 it generate a warning message on installation of software that "The publisher is unknown", but the software install well on continue of this warning.When I run the software it did connect to Access database which is on installation directory, but it didn't allow to insert or update any data in the database. But when I run the software by right click on the EXE file "Run as a Administrator" then software works perfectly OK

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Developed Program Running On Another Computer Shows Error

Mar 5, 2010

i have developed a small application and was working fine on developing machine but when i installed it on another computer and double click on it to start it starts and after splash screen it gives don't send error [an error occurred] and getting closed.

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Provide Multi-language Support In My Windows Application Developed?

Jun 3, 2009


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Renaming - Developed Fully Functional Application At Client Area

Sep 1, 2009

I would like to inform you that i developed fully functional application at client area . and then we need to create another application with some different functionality my problem is :

1 - i want to rename solution , and if so all files should be renamed .
2- if i run the app it should take the new name in Task Manager !.

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Using The Web Browser Control To Generate Screenshots Of An Intranet Application Developed In ASP.NET

Mar 21, 2012

I am using the web browser control to generate screenshots of an intranet application developed in ASP.NET.

The screenshot is generated, compressed and then stored as a BLOB in the database. When I developed this facility I investigated the best way of compressing the image (to the lowest byte size), however the images still seem to be too big as the database table is growing larger than I hoped. I am using the TIFF format, but I am now thinking that this may not be the best as it is used by photographers (who I assume require good quality photographs). Here is the code to compress the image (before it is stored as a BLOB):


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C# - Deploy An ASP.NET Application As Desktop Application (with Server Component)?

Jul 7, 2010

Question: I created an ASP.NET web application. Now it originally was meant for deployment on a webserver.That is working, so, so far so good.My question now is: Is it possible to deploy it as a desktop-application, too? That is to say the installer installs some kind of server, plus the web application, configures the server to run this application on a localhost URL, and then creates a link in the start menu/desktop, where it opens that url (website, the application) on localhost in a web browser?

I think it should be possible, though the server wouldn't be IIS, because this is a windows component which can't be separately installed. Is there anything like this already out there The nonplusultra would be that it only starts the server when you click on the shortcut.

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Send A Pure Oop Based Desktop Application Developed In .net 2008 And Sql Server 2005?

Dec 23, 2010

would like to send me a pure oop based desktop application developed in 2008 and sql server 2005?

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Deploy A .net Application With SQL?

Jan 16, 2011

As i am deploying my application with sql database

it doesn't work on other client system without SQL installation

What is the way to deploy a application with SQL.

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Deploy An Application On A LAN?

Jun 29, 2009

i just finished developing an application with visual basic and want to deploy it on the client computers while the database is on the server in a LAN environment.i tried installing the application on the server but the other computers on the network couldn't access it.i am using SQL 2000 database on the server.

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Deploy Vb Program To A Cd?

Jun 21, 2010

how do i go about publishing my program so that it can run right from the cd? do i just publish it to my pc then install it to a blank cd?

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Deploy An Application By Using Clickonce?

Feb 24, 2009

Im trying to deploy an application by using clickonce and having some difficulties with it. In a class i have this function

Private AD As ApplicationDeployment
Private updateCheck As UpdateCheckInfo
Public Function SoftwareUpdate() As Boolean


When i create my code on a form (to run the function above) i receive the error "Object not set to an instance" I try to add New to my declaration but then receive the error "Application Deployment has no constructors". Im not sure what im doing wrong or how i should go about does not go past the line AD = ApplicationDeployment.CurrentDeployment i decided to leave the remaining code

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Deploy Mysql With VB Application

Feb 15, 2012

I developed a application and TRIED MYsql for database as ( open source). i have to install this application in client machine? As i am new to MYSQL, for deploying MYSQL Database as a Setup installation (With application ) in client machine.

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Error When Trying To Deploy VB Application?

Jun 16, 2010

I have developed an application using VB2005 and Access Database and am trying to run it in another machine but wasn't successful in doing so!I tried to use (Publish from Build) but when I did the setupin the other machine I got anerror connecting to the database simply because the connection string is different

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Guidlines To Deploy Application

Aug 4, 2011

I develop an application in vb 2008. Now the times come to give it to user. when i publish it setup file created but when i try to install on customer computer the error Assembly cashe 12.0.0 not installed.Please guide me how i make a setup with that assembly cashe GCA(12.0.0)i want customer just Double click the setup file and software install.

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VS 2008 How To Deploy Program Into A CD

Dec 12, 2009

I am trying to deploy my program from vb 2008 express edition into the CD using ClickOnce but it has no progress at all and will take a long time when you run the setup.exe to another computer and in the end it will just pops-up an error. I have followed the proper setup procedure on how to publish the program into the CD with ClickOnce and was able to successfully published it along with all necessary prerequisites and supporting files.But when you open the setup.exe from the CD using other computer,it won't deploy the program into that computer and will just display a window which gives you 3 buttons saying Details,Retry,Cancel saying such error after downloading the required files.Does it matter if my OS is Vista and the computer where I'm deploying the program is using XP?What could have been the possible cause for this problem?How could I possibly resolve this issue?

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Deploy Application With Inno Installer?

Jun 6, 2011

I'm deploying a VB.NET application with Inno installer. In the past I've used the one Click installer but now require a setup with more options.

What needs to be included when deploying a VB.NET application (developed in VS 2010). I understand that the .NET Framework needs to be installed on the PC, but what else?

Also, where do you put the DLL's on the PC where the app is installed?

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Deploy SQL Server Express With Application?

Nov 21, 2011

How can I deploy my sql server express 2008 database to client that do not have sql server instance at all? Since the server connection in my program is hard-coded, I want the server instance on client side has the same instant name as mine.

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How To Deploy .net Windows Application In Linux

May 26, 2010

i developed a windows application in 2005 and i used ms-access as my database. i need to deploy my application in redhat linux operating system.

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How To Deploy Database Application In Vb2008

Dec 14, 2010

i'm developing a linq to sql database application that i created with visual basic 2008. I intend to install the application on another computer system. The problem i'm having now is that, after i've developed,deployed it and installed it on another computer, i can't find the linq to sql database i created with the projectkelvin rolex on the installed application on the other computer,

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