Deploying WindowsApp With Subclassed Ctrl?

Jun 6, 2011

I would like to know the correct procedure to deploy windows application in VS-2005.There are some specific issues I am facing after deploying the project to the client machine.

- I have a CMS (ContextMenuStrip) in one of my forms associated with a TreeView and its not showing.

- Another form that contains a custom DataGridView which i created by subclassing default DataGridView is not showing this control.


- Everything works fine on my machine.

- I BUILD the project in the RELEASE mode

- From the binRelease folder copied the .exe to the client machine in the root, also copied the Reports to the root on client. Is this correct way to deploy?

- Instead of setting the CMS property of the TreeView, I instantiated a CMS in my form, assigned it to CMS property of TreeNodes when TreeNodes are populated programmatically.

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AxInterop<ctrl>.dll And Interop<ctrl>.dll Versions Not In Sync With Control.dll??

Jun 1, 2009

I am using a 3rd part dll file (SolidWorks EModelView.dll, COM file) that has a version of When I add it to the resources for the application, however, the AxInteropEModelView.DLL and InteropEModelView.DLL references show a version of When I install the application on a client machine and try to run it, the application says it cannot find AxInteropEModelView.DLL version!

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Call A Routine When The User Press CTRL+Z Or Ctrl+somthing?

Jul 28, 2009

how do i call a routine when the user press CTRL+Z or ctrl+somthing?

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Getasynckeystate Using Copy And Paste Word Or Ctrl + C And Ctrl +v?

Jun 8, 2011

using the getasynckeystate for ctrl + c and ctrl+ v or copy and paste..How will I do that in this code? For example when i type in notepad it should also do in the richtextbox with this code it work but when it comes to copy and paste word in notepad it does not works and the richtextbox is empty?

Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
For i = 1 To 255
result = 0
result = GetAsyncKeyState(i)


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IDE :: The Key Combination (ctrl+R, Ctrl+R) For Word Wrap Not Working?

Mar 6, 2009

I am using visual studio 2005.If I try to do wordwrap using Key combination (ctrl+R, ctrl+R), I get following messege:"The Key combination (ctrl+R, ctrl+R) is bound to command (&Rename...) which is not currently available.

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Send Ctrl+C And Ctrl+V To External Application From Vb2005?

Nov 18, 2010

I am using vb2005 to send keystroke to stock application software so i need to send Ctrl+C to an open window in the stock software then send Ctl+V to Excel in a specified worksheet and cell

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CTRL-C, CTRL-V Not Working In Textbox In VB2008

May 15, 2009

I noticed that ctrl-c and ctrl-v are not working in my project. I am using VB2008 and have an MDI project. The child forms have textboxes but I cannot use the shortcut.

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Matching Two Subclassed Objects

Nov 20, 2010

I have customer data in two different 3rd party apps that I need to organize into some reasonable data structure before making changes. I currently have two sub-classes of customer, one for each 3rd party app.[code]I need to map all instances of Customer1 to their respective Customer2s.I have an algorithm that has the logic to given an instance of Customer1 and a list of Customer2s find the appropriate match.Customers aren't the only data being matched between the two applications. I've also got two Item classes, two Payment classes, two Invoice classes, etc. Each of these classes has its own algorithm to match instances...I'd like to maximize the amount of reusable code. What is a good design pattern for matching portion?What data structure do I store a matched object pair in?

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Deploy WindowsApplication That Contains Subclassed DataGridView

Jul 8, 2011

I would like to know the correct procedure to deploy windows application in VS-2005.

There are some specific issues I am facing after deploying the project to the client machine.

- I have a CMS (ContextMenuStrip) in one of my forms associated with a TreeView and its not showing.

- Another form that contains a custom DataGridView which i created by subclassing default DataGridView is not showing this control.


- Everything works fine on my machine.

- I BUILD the project in the RELEASE mode

- From the bin\Release folder copied the .exe to the client machine in the root, also copied the Reports to the root on client. Is this correct way to deploy?

- Instead of setting the CMS property of the TreeView, I instantiated a CMS in my form, assigned it to CMS property of TreeNodes when TreeNodes are populated programmatically.

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Deploy A Windows Application That Contains Subclassed DataGridView?

Jul 8, 2011

I would like to know the correct procedure to deploy windows application in VS-2005.

There are some specific issues I am facing after deploying the project to the client machine.

- I have a CMS (ContextMenuStrip) in one of my forms associated with a TreeView and its not showing.

- Another form that contains a custom DataGridView which i created by subclassing default DataGridView is not showing this control.


- Everything works fine on my machine

- I BUILD the project in the RELEASE mode

- From the binRelease folder copied the .exe to the client machine in the root, also copied the Reports to the root on client. Is this correct way to deploy?

- Instead of setting the CMS property of the TreeView, I instantiated a CMS in my form, assigned it to CMS property of TreeNodes when TreeNodes are populated programmatically.

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IDE :: Viewing Subclassed TabPage In View Designer

Aug 24, 2009

I am an experienced developer but new to VB and I'm having a problem with viewing a subclassed tabpage in designer view. I have created several classes that are subclasses of TabPage. They display fine when the application is run and I can view the code with no problem.

However, when I want to fine-tune the controls and I go to the View Designer, I get a list of the controls rather than the displayed form. It looks something like this:
<icon>ListBox1 <icon>ListBox2 <icon>BtnAdd <icon> BtnRemove <icon> GroupBox1

I expect I'm leaving something out of my class definition which is as follows:
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Public Class TabPageExample
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.TabPage
Private sTestType As String
Private dTestDate As Date
[Code] .....

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Adding Subclassed Password Recovery Control To Page Causes "An Entry With The Same Key Already Exists." Error?

May 6, 2011

I am trying to subclass the password recovery control in (4) so that I can override the behaviour of the OnVerifyingUser event but I'm having trouble adding my subclassed password recovery control into the page. I tried creating an asp:placeholder control and adding a new instance of my subclassed control to it but I just get an error that says "An entry with the same key already exists". I've tried doing this in the page_init and page_load methods but get the same error.

Here's an example of my subclass
Partial Class MyPasswordReminder
Inherits PasswordRecovery


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Deploying A VB With SQL?

Jun 24, 2010

I have writen a program using 2005 and used SQL Server 2000 as the database. I also used DataSet to process the records. When I try to run the program on a peer-to-peer network it fails and returns the error message

System.Security.permissions.FileIOpermission, mscorlib, version2.0.0.0, culture = natural, PublicKeyToken = b77a5c561934e089

Then on the dialog box there was OK button when click on it, the error message

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientPermission, System.Data, version2.0.0.0, culture = natural, PublicKeyToken = b77a5c561934e089 failed

Was also displayed.

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Deploying .net With Access?

Feb 10, 2012

i would like some advice on how I would go about deploying my application I coded with and access.The problem I have been facing is that I cannot install it on another machine . It gives me an error saying that It cannot find the database in C:\Users\Weighbridge2\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0\Data\. database.accdb when you install access runtime and access runtime sp1 and copy the database to that location then it works.Is there a more efficient way of going about this. I suspect it has something to do with the refferences and prerequisites but up to now i've tried almost all we know .

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Deploying .Net With Ms Access?

Jun 6, 2011

I have designed a simple form in with MsAccess as the backend .The form is used to search for a data and diplay it.I need to create an .exe file of it and distribute it to many users without any errors .I have surfed a lot in search of deploying such applications but ended up nowhere . deploying my application(VB.NET with MSAccess) by detailing me all aspects of deployment ?

View 6 Replies

Deploying App Without Framework?

Jul 10, 2009

I have just completed an app, but i dont want to inculde the redistributable framework... What .dll(s) are required with the apps(so no framework is required)
or can i just integrate framework and my app into 1 setup.exe.

View 7 Replies

Deploying Application On Other PC?

May 31, 2010

I have made a Database application using SQL Server 2005 and Visual Basic (V Studion 2005). The problem is: the SQL server name on my PC is different from the name on my brother's PC.....i want to run the application in his PC......however, all database adapters, objects i have used are linked to my SQL server...hw can i run my application on my brother's PC, with minimum changes and effort?

View 4 Replies

Deploying ASP.NET App To Web Server

Jun 22, 2011

I have been getting an error when moving my application from my local machine to a web server. (I have not been getting the errors on my local host)[code]The first of the exceptions is the first error that came up using SQLOLEDB.1 as my provider, I started playing around with different providers and got the second 2nd exception.

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Deploying With D3DX?

Aug 5, 2011

I am developing my application using d3dx functions. but when I deploy it to a fresh PC (which has no SDK installation) it doesn't run.

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.net - Error In Deploying Project?

Dec 3, 2011

Parser Error Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately.


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Deploying .NET Windows App That Contains Access DB?

Jul 21, 2011

I built this windows application that uses an Access DB for data storage and it works fine in visual studio. The problem is, when I deploy, install it from an MSI, i get this error: (see below)If I right click on it and run this program as administrator, it works fine. I thought it was a permissions problem so I gave user, administrator and system full rights to all the files in the directory. But I still get the error.Isn't giving all the files in the program directory full rights the same as making it run as admin?


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Deploying A Debug Version Of App

Mar 29, 2010

I have developed an application in use a dll that I build as part of a different project in my solution. For some reason I don't get the full functionality of my application with the dll built as a "release" version, but it does work if the dll is built as a "debug" version (that's a whole different problem).I don't have a problem, for now, using the debug version.However, the problem I'm having is I am trying to deploy the application to another system and if I deploy the debug version of the dll I get a runtime error (see below).I have the .net Framework installed. I'm just wondering what has to be installed in order to allow me to use the debug version of the new system? [code]When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer rather than be handled by this dialog box.

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Deploying A Linkq To Sql Database?

Mar 4, 2009

have been trying to figure out for weeks now how to deploy my software With database to another computer. nothing seems to work. Is there a way I can do this Automatically. the software works on the other computer but it does not find the database and cannot connect either.

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Deploying A Project With Web References

Oct 26, 2011

I have a project that uses web references to make SOAP calls to several web services. When I'm working locally, the services are hosted on my local machine, so the URL of each web service is something like [URL]. When I deploy the project to a server, the URL needs to change to the production URL. Currently I am accomplishing this with a prebuild event that does a find-and-replace on each URL and overwrites it with the deployment URL before deploying. Surely there is a better way.

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Deploying And Packaging In .net2008?

May 9, 2010

how to deploying and packaging in vb.net2008

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Deploying Apps When Update URL Is Not Available?

Jun 1, 2011

I am having a real issue deploying applications when the URL is not to do updates when the URL is not available? I guess I could always put it in code within a try/catch and do it that way.

Following errors were detected during this operation.
* [6/1/2011 10:37:25 AM] System.Deployment.Application.DeploymentDownloadException (Unknown subtype)[code]......

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Deploying Database Not Found?

Feb 7, 2010

After deploying my project, I tried to install it on other pc , it installs well buthenever i run the .exe application my database file which is MS Access cannot be found.Well obviously the path is the problem.How would i make my path flexible and so that whenever i install it to other pc, my database will already be found. And also how can i include the database file inside the installer

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Deploying Program To Tablet PC

Oct 5, 2010

I have created a program in VB.Net using Visual Studio 2008, the program works fine and everything is working until I try to install it.I need to be able to add it to a flash drive so I can load it up on a handheld device. I have gone through the publish wizard on my PC and created the Application Manifest and other Files on my PC, I have then copied this folder onto a memory stick and then accessed it through the handheld and run the set up. everything seems to work but when I try and access the program I get an error message stating that the program can not find the database file; it tells me to check the path [Data Source = database1.sdf] i have searched for my database and it does not appear that it has been deployed.No idea what the problem could be as this is the first time I have tried deploying an SQL Server compact database with a program.The device I am deploying too is a panasonic Toughbook which is running Windows XP, it already contains an application which runs an SQL Server DB.

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Deploying Programs Onto CDs Or DVDs?

Aug 21, 2010

I am new to programming. i am working my way through the Microsoft Visual basic 2010 step by step by Michael Halvorson. I have completed several of the projects successfully. However, I have a problem I can't solve. I want to copy (publish) my completed program onto a cd or dvd so I can run on

another computer or give to my brother. nothing I try seems to work completely.

I need a list of detailed instructions. I am using visual Studio Professional on a Windows 7 computer.

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Deploying Sql Server On A Network

Jun 6, 2011


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