Detect If Cancel Is Clicked On Inputbox

Feb 10, 2012

How can i get the program to detect if cancel was clicked? Right now when i click cancel the inputbox does not close and simply comes back up saying enter a number. Do i have to do something boolean related or something?


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Add An Cancel Button To Inputbox?

Mar 19, 2010

Heres my code so far:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Hide Cancel Button In A Inputbox?

Oct 8, 2009

Is there a way to hide the cancel button in a inputbox

or is there way that you can change the action from the cancel button the standaard action is "" and i want him to do "player 1"

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InputBox Crash When Cancel Pressed

May 25, 2011

Below is the code I have written but there seems to be a problem with the [InputBox] statement at line 11 & 15. Every time that I click cancel the program crashes. This code is just a random password generator. [code]

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.NET Inputbox - How To Identify When The Cancel Button Is Pressed

May 27, 2010

I have a simple windows application that pops up an input box for users to enter in a date to do searches.

How do I identify if the user clicked on the Cancel button, or merely pressed OK without entering any data as both appear to return the same value? I have found some examples of handling this in VB 6 but none of them really function in the .NET world.

Ideally I would like to know how to handle the empty OK and the Cancel seperately, but I would be totally ok with just a good way to handle the cancel.

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InputBox Cancel Sends An Empty String?

May 6, 2009

Is there any workaround to the input box sending an empty string when you press cancel? I have a web research function on my program:

Private Sub Button17_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button17.Click
Dim temp7 As String = InputBox("Enter the album name.")


Basically, it provides an input box, you type in the album you want information on, and it will take you to a web page to give you information.

But when you press cancel, it does all of that anyway. It just takes an empty string...

Is there a way I can have the user press cancel to the input box and simply nothing happens? As far as I can tell, it ignores the "If windows.forms.dialogresult.ok." line...

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How To Repeat Showing An Inputbox Until The User Has Entered Something And Reach The Ok/ Cancel Events

Nov 23, 2010

I have an inputbox with ok cancel buttons in my class.The user should fill in numbers in the inputbox and if nothing is entered and the user presses cancel or ok, the user get's a msgbox that he should enter something and after this the inputbox should show up again until something has entered.

I now have the following code:

Dim answer As String
Dim amount As Integer
Dim result As DialogResult


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Check If Ok Was Clicked In A Inputbox?

Feb 22, 2009

how can i check if ok was clicked in a inputbox? works fine with msgbox:

Dim Confirm = MsgBox("Are you sure?", MsgBoxStyle.Question + MsgBoxStyle.YesNo, "Action Confirmation")
If Confirm = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then
End If

but it returns an error with inputbox Conversion from string "" to type 'Double' is not valid.

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How To Detect When ToolStripMenuItem Clicked

Jul 1, 2010

I want my program to detect and do something when ToolStripMenuItem is clicked.

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Datagridview Detect When Checkbox Is Clicked?

May 30, 2009

i need to know exactly when a checkbox is checked either by clicking or by spacebar.

I have looked at cellbeginedit, cellclick, cellcontentclick,cellendedit,cellformatting,cellleave,cellpainting,cellvalidating,cellvalidated,cellvaluechanged, and cellvalueneeded.

None of these inform me of when the checkbox value is changed. cellclick is almost the one, but it fires before the value is changed. cellvaluechanged doesnt fire until you leave the cell. the cell value changes and the cell is painted even if you dont leave the cell.

I have spent all day trying to get it right. I want to detect exactly when the checkbox value is changed so i can do some calculations and depending on the calculations, i may cancel the check mark.

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Detect Automatically Which Linklabel Was Clicked?

Mar 30, 2011

I want to make one Private Sub for all of my Linklabels. The only variable should be the text value of each individual Linklabel, since all the labels inherit different texts during my program.Lets say I have about 200 Linklabels of which 40 have specific texts. The other 160 have "Linklabel" as a text.How can I create a variable that refers to the text of the label in the code?

Would it be something like this?:
Private Sub ActionForAllLinkLabels(ByVal something As something, ByVal somethingelse As somethingelse) Handles LinkLabel1.LinkClicked, LinkLabel2.LinkClicked,


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Detect When A Link Is Clicked In Browser?

May 30, 2009

How do I detect when a link is clicked in my browser, and then if it has a .wmv ending, execute a command to play it with my built in Media Player?The only code I need is to find when a link is clicked, and what the target url of the link is.

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Detect When Label Is Clicked Without Doing On Click Events For All?

Dec 29, 2009

Is there a way to detect when a label is clicked without doing on click events for all the labels? I want to be able to detect the click, find what has been clicked, then I can change the label since I'll know which one has been clicked.

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How To Detect That Some One Has Clicked On Close Button Of Title-bar

Apr 11, 2009

I am developing an application in 2008.In it I wish to add a conformation message box when ever someone attempts to close the application window.So I want to detect that some one has clicked on close button which is present on title-bar of my window.

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Cancel The "BindingNavigatorMoveLast" When The Toolbar Item Is Clicked?

Feb 14, 2011

Sub BindingNavigatorMoveLastItem_Click(ByVal
sender As System.Object,
ByVal e
As System.EventArgs)
Handles BindingNavigatorMoveLastItem.Click

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Detect On Mouseup When Column Is Being Resized Not Cell Clicked?

Apr 10, 2010

Is there anyway to detect on Mouseup when column is being resized not cell clicked?

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How To Detect If Left Mouse Button Has Been Clicked In RichTextBox1

Sep 16, 2010

I am trying to move texts in a richtextbox from 1 place to another and I want to use a Move button.[code]

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VS 2010 Is Setting A Boolean The Only Way To Detect If A Button Has Been Clicked

Nov 15, 2010

I have written a calculator program, and when the mouse clicks on the equals button, the button sets a boolean varaible to true, and then that variable can be used later.But I am wondering if the button control has it's own property that can indicate if it has been pressed?

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Detect The Cell That's Right-clicked On In A Datagrid View When A Context Menu Is Being Used?

Aug 22, 2011

I can do the context menu. When I'm NOT using a context menu, I can detect a right-click using the mouse click event.BUT how do I detect which cell that's beiing right-clicked on in a datagrid WHEN a context menu is being used (as the mouse-click doesn't seem to fire when a context menu is used - so I assume that the menu mechanism consumes the right-click message and doesn't pass it on so to speak).I have tried to manually call the context menu on a right-click, but then the context menu comes up at the wrong location.Rather than send a long listing of my multinedia program so far - here's something I tried as a separate proglet. I can send the long multimedia project listing if you like (so you can see why this it is important to resolve this little issue).


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FLAG And InputBox - Display An InputBox For Each Word?

Jun 22, 2010

I have an assignment that asks me to:

1. create a button
2. when that button is clicked, an inputBox will appear to ask the user how many words they will enter.
3. then display an inputBox for each word.

For example, when the first inputBox appears, I enter "3" (meaning that I will enter 3 words).Then there should be 3 more inputBox (each inputBox allows me to enter only 1 word)After I enter the third word, there will be no more inputBox.How can we FLAG (stop) the inputBox, or let the inputBox know when to stop showing up?

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Cancel Validating In A DataGridView When A User Clicks The Cancel Button?

May 18, 2006

I validate a DataGridView with the CellValidating-eventhandler.That works fine. However, I want to avoid validating when the user presses the Cancel button. In the sequence validation occurs before the event CancelButton.Clicked.

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Save The Last Dragged Button On The Form And Also Detect The Name Of The Last Clicked Button?

Sep 5, 2009

I have already done the creation of button and the dragging of button at runtime already.But now i need to know how do i save the last dragged button on the form and also detect the name of the last clicked lets say i now drag a button to coordinates 25,254. so when i exit the form and the next time i launch it, the button will still be at 25,254. and this one will go on for the number of button i created like 100. so when i launch the form the 100 button will be at the exact position where i last saved them.the second part is lets say i created button1 and button2 on the form in runtime. so when i clicked the first button, it should display button1. and if i clicked on button 2, it should say button2. same goes for like 100buttons.


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InputBox - Code To "read" Commands That Are Placed From The Inputbox?

Mar 9, 2011

Quick question on the InputBox. I am just learning this, what is the code to "read" commands that are placed from the Inputbox? I can do this in the command line: System.Console.Writeline(), System.console.Readline()

I just would like to know how read the line from the inputbox. Also when I debug my script do I -always- need to have the command prompt in the background?

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Cancel Save Event - E.cancel

Sep 21, 2011

i want to do this: when user click save button, the form must be check first..

if user did not insert the required data, user are not allow to save form..

the code:

Private Sub AssetMasterBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AssetMasterBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click


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VS 2010 E.cancel "cancel Is Not A Member Of "System.EventArgs" Error

Mar 13, 2011

Im coding an interest rate calculator and I need a close clause for the textbox and the combo box using e.cancel and im getting a "cancel is not a member of "System.EventArgs" error

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Keep My Inputbox Up?

Mar 3, 2010

Heres my code under the console application[code]...

How do I keep the inputbox up until the user guesses the right answer?

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Add Input In A InputBox?

May 22, 2010

i'm making a multi-line text box, i need somone to add input in a InputBox, and it to write it to a setting (My.settings) but, i need each input to start with a new line, i've tried chr(10) + chr(13), but nothing works!

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InputBox Is Empty?

Mar 20, 2009

[code]......If someone leaves the txt2 empty.... and they click the button how can I pull up another inputbox like for <= 0?

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Inputbox Without A Title?

Nov 5, 2010

How do you make an Inputbox without a title?

I know you can do it this way:

inputbox("Please answer a question", " ", "")

This way you put a space in the Title property.

But is there another way to do this without putting a space in the Title property?

Maybe there is an inputbox without a title in

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ASP Equivalent Of VB InputBox Function

Mar 4, 2009

VB has a function InputBox() that will prompt the user to enter a single value, then click OK. Is there a parallel functionality in ASP.NET, that will get the browser to pop up some kind of input box to return a single value? If not, how do you recommend I achieve this effect?

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