InputBox Crash When Cancel Pressed

May 25, 2011

Below is the code I have written but there seems to be a problem with the [InputBox] statement at line 11 & 15. Every time that I click cancel the program crashes. This code is just a random password generator. [code]

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.NET Inputbox - How To Identify When The Cancel Button Is Pressed

May 27, 2010

I have a simple windows application that pops up an input box for users to enter in a date to do searches.

How do I identify if the user clicked on the Cancel button, or merely pressed OK without entering any data as both appear to return the same value? I have found some examples of handling this in VB 6 but none of them really function in the .NET world.

Ideally I would like to know how to handle the empty OK and the Cancel seperately, but I would be totally ok with just a good way to handle the cancel.

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Add An Cancel Button To Inputbox?

Mar 19, 2010

Heres my code so far:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Detect If Cancel Is Clicked On Inputbox

Feb 10, 2012

How can i get the program to detect if cancel was clicked? Right now when i click cancel the inputbox does not close and simply comes back up saying enter a number. Do i have to do something boolean related or something?


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Hide Cancel Button In A Inputbox?

Oct 8, 2009

Is there a way to hide the cancel button in a inputbox

or is there way that you can change the action from the cancel button the standaard action is "" and i want him to do "player 1"

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InputBox Cancel Sends An Empty String?

May 6, 2009

Is there any workaround to the input box sending an empty string when you press cancel? I have a web research function on my program:

Private Sub Button17_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button17.Click
Dim temp7 As String = InputBox("Enter the album name.")


Basically, it provides an input box, you type in the album you want information on, and it will take you to a web page to give you information.

But when you press cancel, it does all of that anyway. It just takes an empty string...

Is there a way I can have the user press cancel to the input box and simply nothing happens? As far as I can tell, it ignores the "If windows.forms.dialogresult.ok." line...

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How To Repeat Showing An Inputbox Until The User Has Entered Something And Reach The Ok/ Cancel Events

Nov 23, 2010

I have an inputbox with ok cancel buttons in my class.The user should fill in numbers in the inputbox and if nothing is entered and the user presses cancel or ok, the user get's a msgbox that he should enter something and after this the inputbox should show up again until something has entered.

I now have the following code:

Dim answer As String
Dim amount As Integer
Dim result As DialogResult


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Form Closes When A Msgbox No Or Cancel Button Is Pressed?

Aug 20, 2010

I have to make a modal form for my main form, so I used frmCompany.showDialog(me) method.This frmCompany shows a msgbox to ask if user has to continue without entering the phone. User may press yes to proceed with saving the record or no to get back to the form. But if no is pressed frmCompany closes along with the msgbox.

ElseIf tbPhone.Text = "" Then
DialogResult = MsgBox("Phone not entered. Continue?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo, "Warning")
If DialogResult = MsgBoxResult.No Then[code].....

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VS 2005 Cancel Validation Of Txtbox If Form Close Btn(x) Is Pressed

Apr 5, 2010

Is there an way to supress the validating event of textbox when the forms close button(X) is pressed. In the textbox validating event , if the condition fails then i am displaying an messagebox. Now suppose if the textbox has the focus and user directly presses the forms X button , then the messagebox is displayed

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VS 2005 Check When "Cancel" Button Or Exiting Application (X) Is Pressed?

Jan 25, 2010

I am trying to do the following check to see if the user presses the Cancel button or the exit application (X). But for some reason it is not working. Can anyone let me know what am I doing wrong?

If NewStationInfo.CancelButton.DialogResult = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
do sometheing


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Create Button That Can Rapidly Submit Form Repeatly / Until Second Button Named Cancel Is Pressed

Feb 7, 2010

I just want a program compiled in Visual Basic 2008. which can just submit a form of only one field. the form is already uploaded to the server but i don't want to go to that url every time to do so.What I want here, just to open application and fill that field and submit. Is this possible in visual basic 2008?Also let me know how to create a button that can rapidly submit the form repeatly untill the second button named cancel is pressed.
field name of that form is "msisdn" and the action on submit button is post method and url in target is url...

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FLAG And InputBox - Display An InputBox For Each Word?

Jun 22, 2010

I have an assignment that asks me to:

1. create a button
2. when that button is clicked, an inputBox will appear to ask the user how many words they will enter.
3. then display an inputBox for each word.

For example, when the first inputBox appears, I enter "3" (meaning that I will enter 3 words).Then there should be 3 more inputBox (each inputBox allows me to enter only 1 word)After I enter the third word, there will be no more inputBox.How can we FLAG (stop) the inputBox, or let the inputBox know when to stop showing up?

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Cancel Validating In A DataGridView When A User Clicks The Cancel Button?

May 18, 2006

I validate a DataGridView with the CellValidating-eventhandler.That works fine. However, I want to avoid validating when the user presses the Cancel button. In the sequence validation occurs before the event CancelButton.Clicked.

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Interface And Graphics :: Set A Button So That When It Is Pressed / It Stays In Pressed Down Graphic State

Aug 14, 2008

How can I set a button, so that when it is pressed, it stays in the pressed down graphic state. Then when pressed again it returns to the normal not-pressed visual.Make a button stay like this until pressed again: url....

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InputBox - Code To "read" Commands That Are Placed From The Inputbox?

Mar 9, 2011

Quick question on the InputBox. I am just learning this, what is the code to "read" commands that are placed from the Inputbox? I can do this in the command line: System.Console.Writeline(), System.console.Readline()

I just would like to know how read the line from the inputbox. Also when I debug my script do I -always- need to have the command prompt in the background?

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C# - Make A Ctrl+Tab When Pressed Works Like Tab When Pressed In A MultiLine TextBox?

Oct 17, 2011

I have a TextBox and set the MiltiLine property to true and AcceptsTab property to false.When the TextBox has focus and i press Tab it works fine and the next control get the focus, but when i press Ctrl+Tab it works as if AcceptsTab property is set to true and makes a tab character into the TextBox.The reason i press Ctrl+Tab.. when switching between forms in my MDI application.Now how to make a Ctrl+Tab when pressed works like Tab when pressed in a MultiLine TextBox?

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Cancel Save Event - E.cancel

Sep 21, 2011

i want to do this: when user click save button, the form must be check first..

if user did not insert the required data, user are not allow to save form..

the code:

Private Sub AssetMasterBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AssetMasterBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click


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VS 2010 E.cancel "cancel Is Not A Member Of "System.EventArgs" Error

Mar 13, 2011

Im coding an interest rate calculator and I need a close clause for the textbox and the combo box using e.cancel and im getting a "cancel is not a member of "System.EventArgs" error

View 13 Replies

Keep My Inputbox Up?

Mar 3, 2010

Heres my code under the console application[code]...

How do I keep the inputbox up until the user guesses the right answer?

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Add Input In A InputBox?

May 22, 2010

i'm making a multi-line text box, i need somone to add input in a InputBox, and it to write it to a setting (My.settings) but, i need each input to start with a new line, i've tried chr(10) + chr(13), but nothing works!

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InputBox Is Empty?

Mar 20, 2009

[code]......If someone leaves the txt2 empty.... and they click the button how can I pull up another inputbox like for <= 0?

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Inputbox Without A Title?

Nov 5, 2010

How do you make an Inputbox without a title?

I know you can do it this way:

inputbox("Please answer a question", " ", "")

This way you put a space in the Title property.

But is there another way to do this without putting a space in the Title property?

Maybe there is an inputbox without a title in

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ASP Equivalent Of VB InputBox Function

Mar 4, 2009

VB has a function InputBox() that will prompt the user to enter a single value, then click OK. Is there a parallel functionality in ASP.NET, that will get the browser to pop up some kind of input box to return a single value? If not, how do you recommend I achieve this effect?

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Capture Keys In Inputbox?

Jul 30, 2011

I'm making a key mapper in VB 2010, trying to capture keys pressed in the input box (tab, escape, backspace, space, caps, shift, ctrl, mwheelup, mwheeldown etc... non-alphanumeric keys).

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Check If Ok Was Clicked In A Inputbox?

Feb 22, 2009

how can i check if ok was clicked in a inputbox? works fine with msgbox:

Dim Confirm = MsgBox("Are you sure?", MsgBoxStyle.Question + MsgBoxStyle.YesNo, "Action Confirmation")
If Confirm = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then
End If

but it returns an error with inputbox Conversion from string "" to type 'Double' is not valid.

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Create A ComboBox In An Inputbox?

Jun 13, 2011

I have a problem with inserting a multiple selection option into my Inputbox.

IDEA: First the user chooses an excel file which he wants to open and then the sheet he wants to be read.

I can manage everything else except making the sheet selection a multiple option one.

At the moment the name of the wanted Excel sheet is typed into the text field in the inputbox. But I want the textfield to be a dropdownlist which would be populated with this:

With ComboBox1
For i As Integer = 1 To XL_WB.Worksheets.Count
Dim nimet As Excel.Worksheet = XL_WB.Worksheets(i)


how to create an Inputbox with Textfield --> ComboBox ??

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Format Data From InputBox?

Feb 17, 2010

I'm playing around with the Select Case structure and have the following code:

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim colour As String = InputBox("Please enter the name of a colour.", "Colours")


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How To Search Data Using Inputbox

Sep 18, 2011

How do i search data by using input box? it'sdo i use the inputbox for search data?.I have codes but not working. look my example code.

Dim conn As New SqlConnection
conn.ConnectionString = "server=Ryan-PC;Database=DRRM_Student_Database;User ID=sa;Password=*****;Trusted_Connection


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InputBox Is Namespace And Cannot Be Used As Expression

Feb 8, 2010

I'm just learning and am having a problem with InputBox. When I enter code such as:
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim input As String
input = InputBox("Please Enter Your Name:")
I get the following error: 'InputBox' is a namespace and cannot be used as an expression.

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Inputbox With Default Text?

Jan 18, 2010

Inputbox("test") will write test and expect an answer in an empty text box. Can the text box initially have some text in it? If yes, how?

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