VS 2005 Cancel Validation Of Txtbox If Form Close Btn(x) Is Pressed
Apr 5, 2010
Is there an way to supress the validating event of textbox when the forms close button(X) is pressed. In the textbox validating event , if the condition fails then i am displaying an messagebox. Now suppose if the textbox has the focus and user directly presses the forms X button , then the messagebox is displayed
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Aug 20, 2010
I have to make a modal form for my main form, so I used frmCompany.showDialog(me) method.This frmCompany shows a msgbox to ask if user has to continue without entering the phone. User may press yes to proceed with saving the record or no to get back to the form. But if no is pressed frmCompany closes along with the msgbox.
ElseIf tbPhone.Text = "" Then
DialogResult = MsgBox("Phone not entered. Continue?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo, "Warning")
If DialogResult = MsgBoxResult.No Then[code].....
View 2 Replies
Jan 25, 2010
I am trying to do the following check to see if the user presses the Cancel button or the exit application (X). But for some reason it is not working. Can anyone let me know what am I doing wrong?
If NewStationInfo.CancelButton.DialogResult = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
do sometheing
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May 19, 2012
what I want to do is cancel a MDI child form closing when the 'X' at the top right hand side of the form is clicked.So, I use e.Cancel = True in the MDIchild_FormClosing event.However, the parent will not close if the 'X' button is clicked, and I noticed that the FormClosing event of the child handles 'Me', which I assume is the parent.Changing the handles 'Me' to handles 'nameOfChildForm' only generates an error Error: Handles clause requires a WithEvents variable defined in the containing type or one of its base types
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Apr 13, 2009
When the end user cancel the FileCopy, i want him to see a message and then i want the form to close. Is this possible?
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Jul 31, 2010
How to make validation Only Allow letters and Numbers to Input, without any special character in Textbox
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Feb 7, 2010
I just want a program compiled in Visual Basic 2008. which can just submit a form of only one field. the form is already uploaded to the server but i don't want to go to that url every time to do so.What I want here, just to open application and fill that field and submit. Is this possible in visual basic 2008?Also let me know how to create a button that can rapidly submit the form repeatly untill the second button named cancel is pressed.
field name of that form is "msisdn" and the action on submit button is post method and url in target is url...
View 1 Replies
Oct 10, 2011
A wrong entry into a textbox causes the errorprovider to appear (set in the validation event e.cancel=true).Can I close the form (X in the upper right corner)?
View 18 Replies
Jun 8, 2012
I am using the following code
Private Sub txtAIT_Validating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles txtAIT.Validating
If txtAIT.Text <> "" Then
In form I have a close/Cancel button, and I set Causes Validation = false, and on its Click I used "Me.Close", but form can not be closed.
Button Works fine, but form can not be closed until text field has been validated.
View 3 Replies
Aug 12, 2009
Is there any way to skip a the validating event of the active control when the close button of the form is clicked. It is very annoying when user wants to close the form, but due to the validate event of the active control, it asks for the valid input. The user is forced to give valid input to close the form. I have searched a lot for this on net but no any proper solution could be found.
View 5 Replies
May 25, 2011
Below is the code I have written but there seems to be a problem with the [InputBox] statement at line 11 & 15. Every time that I click cancel the program crashes. This code is just a random password generator. [code]
View 10 Replies
May 27, 2010
I have a simple windows application that pops up an input box for users to enter in a date to do searches.
How do I identify if the user clicked on the Cancel button, or merely pressed OK without entering any data as both appear to return the same value? I have found some examples of handling this in VB 6 but none of them really function in the .NET world.
Ideally I would like to know how to handle the empty OK and the Cancel seperately, but I would be totally ok with just a good way to handle the cancel.
View 4 Replies
Sep 27, 2011
How do you close a row on an ASPXGridView after running the RowUpdated event serverside. In the 9.3 version, you just needed to call to close the row after an insert, but
View 1 Replies
Dec 5, 2009
I have a webbrowser control in vb.net 2008 that navigates to a page, submits some data, then wait for the data to be submitted. The problem is that once submitted, the website sends back a close windows request[code]...
View 7 Replies
Dec 15, 2009
For some weird reason i cannot close a form. I get the follwoing message. I sm using PrintForm to print the form, can that cause this?
View 9 Replies
Dec 15, 2009
I am using VB 2005. I can not seem to close a form. I get the following error message.
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Jun 21, 2010
Working on a personal project to help with my sons spelling.Textbox 1 will hold the correctly spelled word. Textbox 2 will be typed BUT I want the background of textbox2 to change green if he is on track but turn red when he messes up on a letter. Basically I need the two boxes to be validated each time he presses a key. I can do the box to box when complete but the trick I am having is how to I have them check as he is typing?
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Jun 9, 2011
I have two form in my application form1 and form2. Here, i want to show the form2 from form1 by using a button. And i want to reverse back to my form1 from form2 using same technique. But i want to close form1 (Not visible=false or hide) after loading form2 and same thing in reverse back also.
View 14 Replies
May 4, 2009
I have an about form which I hope it can close by itself if I move the mouse to somewhere else. I try form_lostfocusevent but unfortunately this can NOT be done
View 8 Replies
Jul 16, 2009
here i am dealing with only two form,so if i add form1.close() in the form2 button click event then it might wok. but what if i deal with many forms and i need to show and hide them several times?
View 2 Replies
Feb 25, 2012
I have a form with numerous textboxes and I use the validating event to validate these items.
If I want to close that form with the X button in the upper right corner of that window validation may not occur. For example a user is filling in data and he inputs something incorrect in a field, but he then quickly wants to close the window by pushing X in the upper right corner. At the moment validation goes off and show a dialogbox that incorrect data is enterred when I press X. How can I turn validation off when pressing X, so that the window closes immediately without validation?
View 3 Replies
Jun 22, 2010
I'm nearly finished making a blackjack game for my first year assignment in college using Visual Basic. The game is running ok, I'm happy with that but I am having one small issue! In the frmMain I have a counter set up so it counts and displays the number of games won and lost. From the drop down menu in the frmMain I have a Statistics option which opens another Form which I want to display the stats from the frmMain....How do I view the result on a different form?!?
I've tried the following code in the 2nd form...
Private Sub txtSessPlay_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtSessPlay.TextChanged
End Sub
I've also tried the following code in frmMain...
dealerCount = stats.txtSessDeal.Text.ToString()
dealerCount is the variable set to count the statistics and stats is the name of the second form...
View 1 Replies
Nov 15, 2011
I have a bunch of text boxes that get created on form load depending on a value in a combo box. The text boxes get named in the fasion txtBx1, txtBx2, ect. Then I want to assign values to those text boxes with a button click. However when I try to write the txtBx1.text = "Blah" code under button click, I get 'txtBx1' is not declared. [code]...
View 3 Replies
Jan 15, 2012
in my first form i have a datagrid havng access 2003 as db. on my second form i have textboxes.
now what i need to do is when i clicked a specific row of my datagrid the second form will pop out and display the data on its textboxes, there it can be edited.
so far i have this code. i got this from my search on net[code...]
this code display the employee id of the clicked datagrid row on my textbox on the same form. now i need to place my textbox to another form.
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Mar 20, 2009
I have a main form that has a button with which a smaller form is shown. Think of the smaller form as the Find/Replace dialog in many applications, such as Notepad. It's important that the form is (what I believe is called) modal. What I mean is that it always stays on top of the main form. I ensure that by calling the Show method with "Me" as the owner argument. Whenever the small form loses focus it will not disappear into the background but stay visible (albeit out of focus). If you don't understand open up Notepad and have a look at the behavior of the Find/Replace dialog.
Here's my problem: instead of actually closing the form when the X is pressed, I want it to simply Hide itself, so its position and the state of any controls (checkboxes etc) is preserved automatically.To achieve this I simply cancel the FormClosing event and Hide it:
Private Sub Form2_FormClosing(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles MyBase.FormClosing
To show the form, I use the following (note the (Me) to make the main form the owner of the form; this ensures that it remains visible even when it is out of focus):
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub
Now. When I run my project, and open the Form2 (small form), then hide it again (by 'closing' it), I can no longer close the main form (Form1)! It seems the main form cannot close when the small form still exists (albeit invisible)...?? When I don't use the Me argument in the Show method, I don't get the behavior I want. I know I can set the TopMost property to True but that will also cause it to become visible on top of all the other forms, even windows not part of my application.
View 8 Replies
Apr 20, 2009
i create usercontrols in vb.net txtbox,button,namelist edit grid and userform. all contrils working properly. but user form not working. how to use this userform.
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Aug 20, 2011
how do i insert text for the designated object when the help button (next to the 'close' button) is pressed?
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Jan 17, 2009
I have set up a notify icon for my form. I want to make it so that when the user clicks the close button that it doesn't close the form it just takes it to shows the notify icon. They can exit the program from the notify icon. Can someone tell me how to keep it running?
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Jan 13, 2010
The following code works fine, however if the user wants to cancel out from the openfiledialog they cant they are stuck in a loop. A loop I created in case they selected the wrong type of data file they could choose again. [Code]. I really need some help seeing where and how to let the user cancel out without the program continuing. I tried some dialog.dispose code but everywhere i seem to put it it generates an error somewhere.
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Jun 23, 2009
Catch exception handing in .Net easy could it be to add an Ignore, Retry, Cancel when an exception is caught? Or how do we implement something like it?
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