Developers With Computer Science Degree?

Apr 18, 2009

Just curious ... for those whose main occupation is as a software developer what percentage of you had computer science degree vs. self taught?

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Get Into Computer Science Bach Program?

Nov 29, 2009

I have a major problem, I took a class in VB, to get into my Computer Science Bach. Program and I am so far behind in VB, is there anyone who is willing.I just want to pass this class, so I can get my Bachlors and transfer to a University.. If there is anyone willing to help me please please please give me a message,
you can either email me @ {email removed} ; MSN Messenger is {msn removed} or my AIM SN is {aim removed}

View 5 Replies

How To Convert Degree To Radian

Apr 21, 2009

- how to convert degree to radian

-how to use a function sqrt

-how to use a funtion pow

-how to use a function sinus

View 4 Replies

LinearGradientBrush With Degree Direction?

Jun 1, 2012

I want to paint the background of a form with gradient using the LinearGradientBrush; but I have troubles using degrees.Basically, I want using linear gradient in diagonal.

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Rotate A Label 45 Degree's?

Dec 30, 2009

how to rotate a label 45 degree's ? The label is in a group box.I'm using 2005

View 10 Replies

Compare The Degree Of Similarity Between Two Or More Images?

Jun 15, 2011

I am capturing images from a webcam and I have to compare the degree of similarity between two or more images. that is... which two images are the closest match.

I know I cannot compare the how do i go about it?

I am using Visual basic 2010 on Win7

This comparison need to be sufficiently fast. Within 2-3 seconds.

I was looking into pixel by pixel comparison. but webcam pictures as I understand do have slight changes between frames(disturbances).

I am working on recognizing hand gestures...which would in turn control a small mechanical crane...

for example a thumbs-up sign would mean a signal for crane to be switched on...and a full palm shown would mean a stop your work sign.

I plan wearing a white glove against a black background.

I also have ideas like dividing the screen into a 10x10 matrix.

View 2 Replies

Creating Radian-degree Converter?

Aug 29, 2010

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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VS 2008 Fourth Degree Equation

Nov 20, 2009

Is anybody good with math?


I'm not sure if this is the right thread for this.

View 15 Replies

Convert Latitude And Longitude From Decimal To Degree?

Mar 22, 2012

i have a decimal number like 35,23456834 the rapresent a latitude or longitude (in degree but with decimal form for the decimal )

My need is to transform that number in xx° - xx' - xx'' in a variabli of string

View 4 Replies

Change Pictureboxes X2 Y2 To Tilt Some Degrees Other Than 90 Degree Angles?

Jan 15, 2011

I dont even know if you can do this in but, how do you change the pictureboxes x2 y2 to tilt some degrees other than 90 degree angles?

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C# - .NET Developers Less Curious?

Apr 23, 2009

I'm asking this question as someone who works for a company with a 70% to 75% VB.NET developer community. I would say 80% of those developers do not know what an OOD pattern is. I'm wondering if this is the best thing for the health of my company's development efforts?

I'm looking at the tag counts on:
There are currently:
12175 .NET questions
18630 C# questions
2067 VB.NET questions


View 20 Replies

Should New .NET Developers Start With C# Or .NET

May 23, 2010

Possible Duplicate: Should I learn VB.NET or C#? There are a lot of new .NET developers starting careers or school with little to no previous programming experience, or programmers moving from other languages like Perl.

View 6 Replies

.net - Different Startup Forms For Different Developers Using SVN?

Jul 9, 2009

My scenario is such that I have a VB.NET project in SVN and I am using the Application Framework to start the application. This poses a great problem when different developers are working on different forms and they want to have different startup forms. Right now if we change the project settings, its changed for everyone else too. How can we work around this? Can SVN have a class committed into the repository and later changes cannot be committed into it? (more like ignoring a file but with a initial copy in the repo)

View 2 Replies

C# Book Or Resource For .Net Developers?

Feb 16, 2010

What I'm Not looking for:Now, just to be clear, i'm not looking for VB6 to C#.Net content, as i know there are a few of those out there.Also, I know about that "syntaxconversion table" website, where it compares VB.Net to C# language features in a side by side table. I am not interested in this either, already know about it.I'm also not looking for a converter, which converts C# code to VB.Net and visa versa, i know there are a few websites which do this and already have the addresses.Finally, I'm not looking for a C# book or resource that caters to current programmers, but specifically to VB.Net programmers!

What I Am looking for:To learn C# (VS2008 or preferably VS2010 version) given that i already know VB.Net 10.0 (VS2010)... as there are many things related to .NET that i won't have to learn again if i can find something that will leap me from to c#, many bits of the CLR, how .NET works etc... since the languages are the same in what they do, and what they use to do them, i don't want to have to re-learn all this again. The only difference is really the syntax, but also how the C# language differs in dealing with certain things, what default expectations/behaviours are in various scenarios etc...

The set of differences and similarities between C# and VB.Net are so unique that neither of these languages likely could share this unique set/combination of differences and similarities with any other language. So my point is, it really needs to be C# for VB Developers oriented, otherwise it'll almost cetainly be inappropriate or a re-hashing!

View 5 Replies

Pattern Books For C# Developers?

Apr 23, 2009

What would you recommend as the "best" VB.NET and C# books for learning Design Patterns?eferably books that actually give examples of when to use the patterns. I need torecommend some books to a group of C# and VB.NET developers.

View 19 Replies

Twitter Library For .NET Developers?

Aug 26, 2009

after a lot of work and late nights, I finally have something to give back to the VBForums community which has helped me so much.TwitterVB is a library for communicating with Twitter. It's 100% Visual Basic.NET and coded against version 2.0 of the .NET Framework. It is free, and it is open source.

TwitterVB contains a working implementation of OAuth, which allows your application's name to appear in tweets.I hope that this library proves to be useful to VB.NET developers who are looking to develop their own Twitter applications.TwitterVB can be found at

If you'd like to see a working implementation of TwitterVB in action, you can look at the Twitter client that I built with it: Quitter. Like TwitterVB, Quitter is 100% Visual Basic.NET. It is also free and open source. Quitter can be found at[URL]..

View 2 Replies

VS 2005 Add Dll To Project For All Developers?

Jul 29, 2009

I am not sure if this is the correct place for this, but am using a custom control in a project that I want all the developers to have access to when they download the source.

Should I just add it to the project like a normal file? If so how do I reference it in the project folder? The other developers project folders might have different paths than mine.

View 3 Replies

Allowing A Class To Be Customized By Other Developers

Sep 12, 2010

UPDATED: Feel like this shouldn't be that complicated, but I think I just don't know the proper name for what I'm trying to do. I'm dealing with an project. The concept is pretty simple: I have a library that supplies some ecomm functions. One class in the libary contains functions around calculating tax. One class in the library revolves around the cart header. This class is consumed by a web project.


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Learn The Language To A Developers Level?

Sep 30, 2009

I am not sure if this is the correct forum to post. I sometimes train Excel VBA. I would like to learn the language to a developers level. What relevant qualifications do Microsoft offer since I cannot find anything on their site?

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Looking For Developers To Help In Free And Opensource Project

Dec 11, 2011

I am in the process of creating a open-source project to track the Psychological Mood of a person, this application will be used by people visiting psychologists. People that are currently in therapy or want to keep track of mood changes. The program is based on CBT. To provide to the end-user the tools for him to be able to monitor his mood.To provide to the therapist additional information for the client through the automatic generation of graphs.I am looking for some volunteers to help me with Coding of the Project. I am doing the coding in Visual Basic 2010 and currently using MS Access 2007 as the Database. I have many plans to make this is a feature-rich application with the aim to help the end-user.

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Imperial Leather Is The .NET Developers Soap Of Choice?

Sep 14, 2009

No not of the Simple Object Access Protocol variety, but Soap It seams that Imperial Leather is the .NET developers soap of choice. This means however that we will all smell the same, and will make detecting a fellow developer out in the wild a little more difficult, since you cant smell your own scent. May i also suggest that PEARS Soap is not only far more visually appealing than Imperial Leather, but it actually smells much nicer too. Plus the Queen buys it as well, so just think on that the Royal bottom gets washed with this stuff:what says the masses?

View 9 Replies

VS 2010 : Developing Program With Multiple Developers?

Jul 12, 2010

We currently have some big projects coming up which we will be creating in visual studio using There will need to be most likely three developers working on different parts of a particular project at any one time.I was just wondering if there is any sort of platform we can use so this is possible as currently each person is using a different copy of the work and then we are transferring this over onto a master copy.

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Which Language Is Preferred By Most Developers Especially Targeting .NET & Silverlight?

Jan 25, 2010

Which language is preferred by most developers especially targeting .NET & silverlight? Is it C# or VB.NET?

Are there any advantages/disadvantages of both languages when compared with each other?

View 6 Replies

Encrypt / Decrypt SQL Server Data To Prevent Even Developers From Seeing It?

Feb 28, 2010

Here's an interesting problem, and I'm looking for a pattern that will keep it all workable. I am building a smart-client app for a school system. It will contain information about students including their report cards, sick days, and so forth. it will generate student-level reports, including their report cards, each rich with very personal commentary by their teachers. The app will retrieve data from the remote server via web services.


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How Often Do Professional Developers Use Multiple Forms/classes Per Project

Apr 6, 2010

I am in college taking computer programming and we are now in multiple classes and forms. It was very hard to get ahold of at first but now that I understand it a bit better I am curious as to how often in a professional enviornment do developers create multiple classes for a project? Besides the use of custom functions what else is beneficial for it?

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C# - Stop Developers From Calling System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents()?

Mar 15, 2009

We just spent 300 man-hours fixing a buggy application in the field. It all came down to calling Application.DoEvents (re-entrancy problem).This was not caught in design reviews, code reviews.The code was inserted two years ago with the first version; the application was always "flaky" but recent changes exposed the re-entrancy problems to a greater degree. This incident is the second time in our organization that Application.DoEvents caused failures and multi-man hours of debugging.It was discovered in this case by simply noticing the call,buried way down in a complex event handler for an asynchronous task.What do you suggest to prevent this issue from happening again:

Add checkin gates to source control?

Developer training?

Code Analysis rules (why is this not already a built-in rule?)

How to I enforce a coding practice?

View 8 Replies

IDE :: Angle Degree Values To Decimal Values?

Sep 14, 2010

I am passing the degree values in the form of "123:09:89".I want to convert this value into its exact decimal value.

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Sockets - Check That If Another Computer In The Network Send Some String Data To The Listener Computer?

Mar 19, 2012

i have a task to create a TCP Server (a program that is listening on its network card interfaces for incoming data stream).I have search on the internet and i found that i can use two methods : Socket or TCPListener class.I have created an example for Socket class, but i wondering how could i test it? I need to check that if another computer in the network send some string data to the listener computer , then this message should be displayed.Here is the example from microsoft that i am using for TCP Server using Socket:

Public Shared Sub Main()
' Data buffer for incoming data.
Dim data = nothingc[code]....

But it does not work because of the PORT setting.If in the TCP Server i have "Dim localEndPoint As New IPEndPoint(ipAddress, 0)" the client crashes, but if i change the port from any (0) to 11000 for example,the client works fine.Do you know why?

Later edit2:Maybe i should have started with this question:Which method is recommended for my scope?asynchronous or synchronous method ?

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Developing A Computer Application Designed To Monitor The Network And CPU Statistics On A Computer?

Jan 29, 2009

I am developing a computer application designed to monitor the network and CPU statistics on a computer remotely. The monitored computer would have my program installed and the monitoring computer would display, in a form, the information being sent from the remote client.The application does not send any information regarding packets, user names, passwords, etc. It is solely meant for monitoring CPU performance and Network resources remotely.

What would be the best method to send this information over to my host machine?I am programing in Visual Studio 2008 on windows XP. The client machine is also XP. I know this sounds a little shady, but it is required for my little business ( to monitor what and when something happens on our machines when I and my employees are away.

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VS 2005 : Dial A Computer From Another Computer Using Modem For Sending Files And Message?

Jul 11, 2009

I am trying to dial a computer from another computer using Modem for sending files and messge.Follwoing is the code done in dialing computer

Text1.Text = "Test string from App1 "
Number$ = InputBox$("Enter phone number:", "Number$")
If Number$ = "" Then Exit Sub
Temp$ = Status


But after the dial tone, i am getting the exception "CTL_E_GETNOTSUPPORTED " at the line MSComm1.Output = Text1.Text?

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