VS 2010 : Developing Program With Multiple Developers?

Jul 12, 2010

We currently have some big projects coming up which we will be creating in visual studio using vb.net There will need to be most likely three developers working on different parts of a particular project at any one time.I was just wondering if there is any sort of platform we can use so this is possible as currently each person is using a different copy of the work and then we are transferring this over onto a master copy.

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VS 2010 Developing A 'question-answer' Program?

Sep 3, 2011

developing a program in Visual Basic 2010 to help with my study in school. I would like to develop a program whereby the user is asked to input the correct answer to a question; if the answer is correct the next question comes up if it is incorrect the user must try again until the correct answer is given. I would like to have quite a few questions (around 50).

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VS 2010 - Developing An Automated Command Line Program - Attach The Timer ?

Feb 15, 2012

The code in question is in place, and it works. The project is all but wrapping up. That being said, I would love to find a better way to run this section of code in an x64 system so I have the solution ready for future projects. What I currently have in place is as follows:

Function TimeDelay(vDelay)
Dim vTimmer, vTargetTime

vTimmer = TimeValue(Now)


Now I know the easy way to achieve my goal would be to use the timer object in Visual Studio. The problem I ran into is I was developing an automated command line program. As such there was nothing I could attach the timer to (that I'm aware of). I just needed to pause the program for a few seconds to allow the DTSX package (SSIS file if you're not familiar) to load the file before I remove it from the staging folder.

While I was doing research for this issue I came across the old Sleep() function (referenced to a library in kernel32 as I understand it...never used this before either). When I tried to use this on my current system (64-bit system) I received stack overflow errors. Additional research lead to something called wow64, but I did not have enough time to fully research what this is / how to use it.

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How Often Do Professional Developers Use Multiple Forms/classes Per Project

Apr 6, 2010

I am in college taking computer programming and we are now in multiple classes and forms. It was very hard to get ahold of at first but now that I understand it a bit better I am curious as to how often in a professional enviornment do developers create multiple classes for a project? Besides the use of custom functions what else is beneficial for it?

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Developing An Access Database That Will Be Shared With Multiple Users?

Aug 22, 2008

I am developing an access database that will be shared with multiple users.I don't want the users to access the database directly so I will have them enter new data on a data access page. The data access page is stored on a Microsoft Share Point web page, and the database is stored on a network drive.Here is my problem: When new data is entered on the web page I need it to trigger a WillChangeRecordset event; however, I have not been successful because the web page does not declare a new instance of a recordset object.At a minimum I need the new data to be processed before the web page appends the new data to the table.

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Developing A Program Flow Graph For A Program

Nov 20, 2009

[code]using this program i want to devlope a program flow graph.pls help me its so urgentand after that can i calculate the no. of independent paths of this program.

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Developing A Program That Is Similar To ATM?

Feb 22, 2011

I'm developing a program that is similar to ATM but I can not keep track of various clients so that each may have their account

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IDE :: Installation When Executing A VS 2008 Developing Program?

Jul 15, 2011

Why am I getting a request to configure DAO when I start a program I am developing in VS 2008? After I execute several cancels, the program runs fine.

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VS 2010 VB 2010 - Program For Multiple Choice Test?

Apr 2, 2011

I'm really new at programming and was looking for guidance about a project I have.I have to design a program that administers a multiple choice test to users. It delivers questions one at a time, from a predefined test file for the user to answer. It also marks and displays a score at the end of the test.

First, a QUESTION form verify's the user's registration status and access. The user provides a registration number and password and the program reads it from a "registration.txt" file to determine if the user is eligible to take the test (i.e., they are registered to take it). If it is correct, then the user presses the "Begin" button. If not, then a message appears and the student tries again to enter the information.

A read only text box will display the score at the end of the test (String with format correct/total) and the user can't retake the test.Second, a QUESTION form opens after clicking "Begin" on the entry form. The questions are going to be from a "testfile.txt" file.Each question is on multiple lines in the file. The first line consists of the question followed by possible answers followed by the correct answer ( 3 items are separated by "#"). The current question number and the question will be displayed in textboxes.'n'= possible answers; so each of the next 'n' lines provides a possible answer. All possible answers will be displayed in a Listbox.After the user selects an answer, an ''Enter'' button is pressed. This will submit and evaluate the answer. If nothing is selected a textbox should appear and display the error message (APPEARS ONLY IF THERE IS AN ERROR). After pressing ''Enter'', the next question is displayed.When all questions answered, the entry form is displayed again and displays the score.

I know that's a lot of information, but I wanted it to be really clear. Would it be best to cycle/loop the questions with a DoWhile loop? And how would I store the answers while the user goes through the test?

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Process Of Developing A Construction Estimating Program With Vb 2008?

Apr 29, 2009

I'm in the process of developing a construction estimating program with vb 2008. Most of the programming I'm able to work myself through, but the problem and question that I have is I would like to incorporate a part of the program where I can import pdf, jpegs, tiffs of blueprints and have the ability to then set the scale, take area and length calculations, and basically do quantity takeoffs.

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Developing A Program That Populates A Rich Text Box And From A Click Event On A Listbox?

Oct 6, 2009

I am developing a program that populates a rich text box and from a click event on a listbox. The data that is being loaded into the rich text box is located in a richtextformat file located on the hard drive. I noticed that when I entered a URL into one of the richtextformat files that it appeared that I was able to click on the text as if it were a link. So I wondered if it was possiable to click on that URL and open a web browser from the loaded richtextformat file? I have read several articles in regards to opening hyperlinks in rich text boxes which can open a web browser with a given URL.

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Developing Livestock Judging Program For A 4-H Project That Will Present - A Group Of Animals

Mar 31, 2009

I am working on developing a livestock judging program for a 4-H project that will present you with a group of animals and you order the animals from best to worst by typing the placings in a text box (i.e. "1234").

When I type in the placings incorrectly, it comes up with the message box that it is supposed to, but when I type in the correct placings, it shows the message box that it is supposed to but then shows the message box that is supposed to show when you type in the placings incorrectly.

This is the code I have so far:


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VS 2010 Learning And Developing Application

Oct 1, 2009

I'm not new in visual basic but I finished a book of visiual basic in 2005. Now I'm planing to be a2z software developer on windows platform. Do you think that visiual basic is strong language or complete tool for all kinds of software development ? Will C++ or C# come on my way for software development while i'm visiual basic.

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Authoring - Developing A basic Help System For VS 2010

Nov 27, 2010

Is HelpStudio Lite still the tool of choice for developing a basic help system for VS 2010? The only mention of this that I can find is in the MSDN library; [url] and it references VS 2008. I just need something basic and (hopefully) free and of course it should not become obsolete anytime soon.

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VS 2010 Don't Allow Program Open Multiple Windows

Apr 1, 2012

i am making mp3 player. i didn't wanted to use open buttons so i've associated my app with .mp3 filetype (with If (My.Application.CommandLineArgs.Count > 0) Then...)

The problem is when i want to play next song while the first one is playing it opens my program again so it plays 2 songs at the same time.

I want to do is when im opening new mp3 make it shut down the old one

I guess there is more methods that open in same app but just change the url.

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How To Learn Visual Basic 2010 For Developing A Software

Nov 5, 2011

I want to learn visual basic 2010 for software development

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VS 2010 Developing Application For CRUD In VB2010 To Access2003

Apr 4, 2011

So I'm developing an application in VB2010. The idea is to perform CRUD operations (more or less) to an Access2003 Database. The database is relational, yet I haven't grasped the best architecture to make an application to interact with it. I tough doing a Business layer with a domain model would work. Controllers for each Use case (which are basically CRUD operations) would create Domain Layer object. Yet I don't know yet how to manage the mapping of the objects to/from the database.

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VS 2010 Developing Software That A User Will Purchase In Modules?

Jul 15, 2010

Im thinking of developing software that a user will purchase in modules.So they would buy the basic package, then if they want this feature, they purchase that and then they install that onto the basic package.

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VS 2010 New To Message Queue - Multiple Instances Of Program?

Mar 1, 2012

I am using a message queue successfully as I am testing while I am writing a new program. (This is my first time using a message queue.) I have to have multiple instances of my program running, so I was wondering if this would be a problem with the queue? I have tested it and it looks fine, but I didn't know if it is by coincidence, or if the queues were separate.

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VS 2010 Open Multiple Files From A Checkedlistbox With The Default Program?

Mar 24, 2011

I have a CheckedListBox. In the box are files from a directory. All *.jpg files.

Now I want to open the checked files with the default program.

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VS 2010 Pass Multiple Strings To A Command Prompt .exe Program?

Dec 16, 2010

I need to open up a cmd prompt, then run a file called adb.exe which opens a shell to communicate with my android cell phone...

Heres what I need:

My Form1

Label1.Text = "adb.exe shell"
Label2.Text = "su"
Label3.Text = "mkdir /etc/folder"


Heres the problem... I can execute any normal dos command automaticly, but once i open the ssh prompt (adb.exe shell), i dont know how to keep putting commands in there...

The commands are stored in strings, and i need to take the commands from the strings, and type them into the command prompt like above.

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VS 2010 Developing A Chat Application Using Online Connection To A Mysql Database?

Mar 4, 2012

I am developing a chat application using online connection to a mysql databbase. But i am facing a problem. After 10 minutes, MySQL closes all the chat connections because of the 600 seconds timeout (has been set by the host service i am using). I don't understand why is that happening cause every piece of my code which needs data from the database opens and closes the connection (i mean that it dosn't maintain the connection after the query's execution). If i .close() and .dispose() the connection, it still appears in mysql at sleep mode (it terminates only if i exit the program).

Dim MySQLCon as New MySQLConnection
Dim MySQLCom as New MySQLCom
Dim counter as Short


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C# - .NET Developers Less Curious?

Apr 23, 2009

I'm asking this question as someone who works for a company with a 70% to 75% VB.NET developer community. I would say 80% of those developers do not know what an OOD pattern is. I'm wondering if this is the best thing for the health of my company's development efforts?

I'm looking at the tag counts on:
There are currently:
12175 .NET questions
18630 C# questions
2067 VB.NET questions


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Should New .NET Developers Start With C# Or .NET

May 23, 2010

Possible Duplicate: Should I learn VB.NET or C#? There are a lot of new .NET developers starting careers or school with little to no previous programming experience, or programmers moving from other languages like Perl.

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.net - Different Startup Forms For Different Developers Using SVN?

Jul 9, 2009

My scenario is such that I have a VB.NET project in SVN and I am using the Application Framework to start the application. This poses a great problem when different developers are working on different forms and they want to have different startup forms. Right now if we change the project settings, its changed for everyone else too. How can we work around this? Can SVN have a class committed into the repository and later changes cannot be committed into it? (more like ignoring a file but with a initial copy in the repo)

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C# Book Or Resource For .Net Developers?

Feb 16, 2010

What I'm Not looking for:Now, just to be clear, i'm not looking for VB6 to C#.Net content, as i know there are a few of those out there.Also, I know about that "syntaxconversion table" website, where it compares VB.Net to C# language features in a side by side table. I am not interested in this either, already know about it.I'm also not looking for a converter, which converts C# code to VB.Net and visa versa, i know there are a few websites which do this and already have the addresses.Finally, I'm not looking for a C# book or resource that caters to current programmers, but specifically to VB.Net programmers!

What I Am looking for:To learn C# (VS2008 or preferably VS2010 version) given that i already know VB.Net 10.0 (VS2010)... as there are many things related to .NET that i won't have to learn again if i can find something that will leap me from vb.net to c#, many bits of the CLR, how .NET works etc... since the languages are the same in what they do, and what they use to do them, i don't want to have to re-learn all this again. The only difference is really the syntax, but also how the C# language differs in dealing with certain things, what default expectations/behaviours are in various scenarios etc...

The set of differences and similarities between C# and VB.Net are so unique that neither of these languages likely could share this unique set/combination of differences and similarities with any other language. So my point is, it really needs to be C# for VB Developers oriented, otherwise it'll almost cetainly be inappropriate or a re-hashing!

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Pattern Books For C# Developers?

Apr 23, 2009

What would you recommend as the "best" VB.NET and C# books for learning Design Patterns?eferably books that actually give examples of when to use the patterns. I need torecommend some books to a group of C# and VB.NET developers.

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Twitter Library For .NET Developers?

Aug 26, 2009

after a lot of work and late nights, I finally have something to give back to the VBForums community which has helped me so much.TwitterVB is a library for communicating with Twitter. It's 100% Visual Basic.NET and coded against version 2.0 of the .NET Framework. It is free, and it is open source.

TwitterVB contains a working implementation of OAuth, which allows your application's name to appear in tweets.I hope that this library proves to be useful to VB.NET developers who are looking to develop their own Twitter applications.TwitterVB can be found at http://code.google.com/p/twittervb

If you'd like to see a working implementation of TwitterVB in action, you can look at the Twitter client that I built with it: Quitter. Like TwitterVB, Quitter is 100% Visual Basic.NET. It is also free and open source. Quitter can be found at[URL]..

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VS 2005 Add Dll To Project For All Developers?

Jul 29, 2009

I am not sure if this is the correct place for this, but am using a custom control in a project that I want all the developers to have access to when they download the source.

Should I just add it to the project like a normal file? If so how do I reference it in the project folder? The other developers project folders might have different paths than mine.

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Allowing A Class To Be Customized By Other Developers

Sep 12, 2010

UPDATED: Feel like this shouldn't be that complicated, but I think I just don't know the proper name for what I'm trying to do. I'm dealing with an ASP.net project. The concept is pretty simple: I have a library that supplies some ecomm functions. One class in the libary contains functions around calculating tax. One class in the library revolves around the cart header. This class is consumed by a web project.


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