How Often Do Professional Developers Use Multiple Forms/classes Per Project

Apr 6, 2010

I am in college taking computer programming and we are now in multiple classes and forms. It was very hard to get ahold of at first but now that I understand it a bit better I am curious as to how often in a professional enviornment do developers create multiple classes for a project? Besides the use of custom functions what else is beneficial for it?

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Way Of Hiding Forms And Classes From Main Project

Aug 31, 2009

the client has asked for all forms and classes to be hidden from the main project, so when he sells it, they will only be able to see part of the project and not all the classes and forms.My Solution: I have created another project called project2, and added all the forms and classes from main project, fixed all errors and compiled it.I deleted all the forms from the main project and added a reference so that it gets all the forms from the other project by referencing the dll file, but it does not seem to work and get a lot of there an easier way of hiding the forms and classes from the main project or do I need to do more then just add the reference.

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Declare A Variable To Be Shared By 2 Forms (classes) In The Same Project?

Jan 1, 2011

I've gone brain dead and can't remember how (where) to declare a variable to be shared by 2 forms (classes) in the same project.

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Forms :: Multiple TabPage Classes?

Jun 21, 2009

I'm a long-time developer but semi-new to Visual Studio .NET and VB.NET. I've been working on an application for months, written in Visual Basic .NET. It's a rewrite of a popular IDE of mine that's originally written in assembly. What I'm trying to do in VB.NET is have multiple TabPage classes that inherit from TabPage, ofcourse, but each having it's own methods for common functions like Cut, Copy, Paste, etc. so that when I call tab.Cut(), the TabPage class for the currently-selected tab is the one used. In each custom TabPage class, I'll have a New instance of the main control that goes in that tab.

I think there would be a problem when I loop through the TabPages since the Foreach routine can only use one object type, as far as I know (TabPage).Currently I have only one custom TabPage class called Page that obviously inherits from TabPage, has additional properties and also methods that allow editing functions for whatever control is selected to be displayed for the tab. For example, when I call the New constructor, I supply the editor type as a parameter: dim tab as New Page(HEX_EDITOR).I have edit controls such as text, syntax editor, hex editor, bitmap editor, HTML editor, HTML browser. This means I get a new instance of all of those controls each time a new Page is added to the TabControl. I'm currently disposing of the unneeded editors depending on which editor is the one needed. The scheme is not preferred but it works great for now as I work on other areas of the IDE.


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Sending Irc Commands From Multiple Forms & Classes?

Feb 13, 2012

while making my irc bot i need to send many different irc commands such as join channel, change mode, kick user message, topic channel message and so on. All these commands are currently process individually in a public sub on the irc connection thread.

Public Sub Write(ByVal command As String)


Would you have a load of public sub's to handle each or maybe something else?

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VS 2005 Add Dll To Project For All Developers?

Jul 29, 2009

I am not sure if this is the correct place for this, but am using a custom control in a project that I want all the developers to have access to when they download the source.

Should I just add it to the project like a normal file? If so how do I reference it in the project folder? The other developers project folders might have different paths than mine.

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Looking For Developers To Help In Free And Opensource Project

Dec 11, 2011

I am in the process of creating a open-source project to track the Psychological Mood of a person, this application will be used by people visiting psychologists. People that are currently in therapy or want to keep track of mood changes. The program is based on CBT. To provide to the end-user the tools for him to be able to monitor his mood.To provide to the therapist additional information for the client through the automatic generation of graphs.I am looking for some volunteers to help me with Coding of the Project. I am doing the coding in Visual Basic 2010 and currently using MS Access 2007 as the Database. I have many plans to make this is a feature-rich application with the aim to help the end-user.

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.net - Different Startup Forms For Different Developers Using SVN?

Jul 9, 2009

My scenario is such that I have a VB.NET project in SVN and I am using the Application Framework to start the application. This poses a great problem when different developers are working on different forms and they want to have different startup forms. Right now if we change the project settings, its changed for everyone else too. How can we work around this? Can SVN have a class committed into the repository and later changes cannot be committed into it? (more like ignoring a file but with a initial copy in the repo)

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VS 2010 : Developing Program With Multiple Developers?

Jul 12, 2010

We currently have some big projects coming up which we will be creating in visual studio using There will need to be most likely three developers working on different parts of a particular project at any one time.I was just wondering if there is any sort of platform we can use so this is possible as currently each person is using a different copy of the work and then we are transferring this over onto a master copy.

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IDE :: Windows Forms Classes Appear As Class Modules Not Form Modules In Project Explorer

Jan 7, 2011

Yesterday I opened Visual Studio (2008 v 9.0.30729.1) and all the winform classes in my project display with class module icons with the little 'VB', instead of form module icons with the little form icon!

When I double click on a form module, the form designer doesn't open, just the code module.

When I run the project, it runs fine. There are no errors. The project builds fine.

I did Project --> show all files, and I can see the designer and resx files below the form module which doesn't look or act like a form module.

I can't open my forms to design them!

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Using One Array In Multiple Forms Project?

Apr 15, 2010

I declare an array on one form that i'd like to use on another form. I declare it public in the declarations area and edit it later within a Private sub. However, when i reference it from another form it's as if i haven't editted it at all and it is only grabbing the initial declaration.

Public Class form1
Public Array() As Integer
Private Sub button_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


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C# - Stop Developers From Calling System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents()?

Mar 15, 2009

We just spent 300 man-hours fixing a buggy application in the field. It all came down to calling Application.DoEvents (re-entrancy problem).This was not caught in design reviews, code reviews.The code was inserted two years ago with the first version; the application was always "flaky" but recent changes exposed the re-entrancy problems to a greater degree. This incident is the second time in our organization that Application.DoEvents caused failures and multi-man hours of debugging.It was discovered in this case by simply noticing the call,buried way down in a complex event handler for an asynchronous task.What do you suggest to prevent this issue from happening again:

Add checkin gates to source control?

Developer training?

Code Analysis rules (why is this not already a built-in rule?)

How to I enforce a coding practice?

View 8 Replies

Visual Studio 2010 Professional Not Working On Windows 7 Professional 64 Bit

Sep 1, 2011

I have spent the past week trying to get my copy of Visual Studio 2010 Professional to work on my Windows 7 Professional 64-bit laptop, with no avail.

Every time I try to create a new form using Visual Basic, an error message saying that Microsoft Resource File To COFF Object Conversion Utility has stopped working, and I cannot even run the new form to see if my coding is correct.

I have managed to find that it has something to do with the cvtres.exe file, but after a solid hour of research, I have found numerous others with a similar problem, but no solutions.

I have done registry scans, reinstalled Visual Studio about 3 times and have done many other suggested fixes that have done nothing but waste my time.

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Include Contact Project Into Another Project / Add More Items To Database / Forms In New Project?

May 6, 2009

I have a project that I have created, it something like a contact database.It is complete with its own sql server database, and controls and forms.I kinda of understand that I can include this project into another project.This is the tricky part,Can I include my contact project into another project and add more items to the database and forms in a new project?What I'm after is like using classes.My contact database would be like the base class, and the new project would be adding more features to that project.

View 10 Replies - Project Which Has Set Of Classes In .net?

Jan 12, 2012

I am new to .net and was wondering if there are any projects which have sets of classes online which i can use. For example we have Flourish — PHP Unframework which has lots of php classes therefore a programmer doesn't not to replicate code on each project. Is there a (vb) resource website or any open source project which has built in functions.

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How To Add C# Classes To Vb Project

Mar 18, 2009

How can I add c# classes to my vb project. I am using vb .net express 2008

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.net - Using Functions And Classes In Another Project?

Mar 12, 2012

I'm refactoring my VB project into 2 projects, one being a utility library that I want to share with future projects.My solution's layout is like this:[code].....

util is created as a class library, and the member files added into it. I've then added util into the main project's references.However, when I try to call functions in util.vb from my main project files, I get build errors like this:

error BC30451: Name 'LogException' is not declared.

error BC30002: Type 'VarFile' is not defined.

These are defined in util.vb, and it compiled fine when it was part of the main project. The declarations look like this: (I've trimmed out the details)[code].....

I can add util.vb "as link" into the main project and it will solve all the build errors, but that seems to defeat the purpose of refactoring out the class library - I would like to develop this library separately, and not always have to keep track of which file links I haven't added in my main project.

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Accessing Classes In A Separate Project

Dec 6, 2010

I have coded two seperate windows forms application as two seperate projects in seperate solutions. I now want to combine one project called "Reporting" into the other project called "AnalysisApp" and be able to call the Reporting apps main form.The Reporting app utilies a whole load of controls from DevExpress which are not included in the "AnalysisApp" I have added references in "AnalysisApp" to the DevEpress controls and also to the Reporting app, as well as combining the Reporting app into the same solution, but when I build the "AnalysisApp" it fails saying that it cannot find the DevExpress DLLs

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Class Project Developing Classes?

Apr 15, 2012

I'm working on a class project where I have to create an item class with private attributes, public get and set methods for the attributes, and two non-access methods. I have two textbooks I work with. The first book is Clearly Visual Basic(Zak) and the second is Programming, Logic, and Design(Farrel). I've set my private attributes but I am having difficulty writing what I want to accomplish in the language.

Class CD1
private string cdName
private string aristName


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Event Handling - Using Classes In DLL In GUI Project?

Mar 11, 2009

I've 2 projects- one containing GUI and another a DLL project containing some implementations. I'm using Classes in DLL in my GUI. All that I wanna do is when some results are manipulated in the DLL, the final output from DLL should be made available in the RichTextBox present in the GUI project. I tried the WithEvents and also Add Handler. But its not working.In the DLL, I added...

Public Event Report(ByVal info As String)
RaiseEvent Report("The folder has been Copied.") In the GUI, I added...
Public WithEvents Log As RTAF_DLL.CServer // RTAF_DLLis the project name.
CServer is the class // in which the event has been writtenLog = New RTAF_DLL.CServer
Protected Sub Log_Report(ByVal info As String) Handles Log.ReportMsgBox(info)
// Even this is not getting printedMe.RichTextBox2.AppendText(info)End Sub

The problem here is I'm not sure whether or not the event is getting raised. But I set a breakpoint and found that the Event is not handled.I tried including Imports System.Runtime.InteropServicesBut its not working.

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VS 2005 Referencing Classes In Another Project?

Jun 30, 2010

I'm making an application that will be available as both a Windows App and an ASP.Net App. The web app has a much scaled-down version of the functionality of the window app. I want to reference the classes contained with the windows app from my web app. The thing is, my classes in the windows app may have some modifications: if I reference them in my web app, will this pick up the changes made automatically? Also, referencing the project is for development work, when I go to deploy the web app, I will probably need to reference the classes as dll's. So the next questions are: 1. Is this the right way to go about doing this?
2. How do I make the Classes I have into self-contained dll files?

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Create Classes In Windows Service Project?

Nov 12, 2009

i create a class library or use already created class library in my windows service project. I have 1 dll file then how can i use that file in my project.?Logic is my Greatest Asset !

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COM Interface From Multiple Classes

Sep 10, 2009

I downloaded a .net component that I would like to make consumable by COM clients. This component allows one to create a DXF file (Cad drawing). The problem is that the component is composed of quite a few class files, some inherit another. All the examples I found only show one file no namespaces etc. [Code]

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Use A Structure In Multiple Classes?

Mar 19, 2012

I want to use this Structure in multiple .vb files within my project:

Structure MyStruct
Dim Name As String
Dim Good As Boolean
End Structure

If I define it in one file, the other files can't use it. How do I define it globally?

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Add Classes And Custom Form With Code In A Setup Project?

Jul 22, 2010

I have a main application and the setup project for the app in a single solution.I have custom classes to detect in sql server 2005 express is installed. if it is not I have classes to install it and create my database.Now I need to call the above classes from my setup project before it installs my actual application on a client pc.

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.net - Use Readonly Property Across Multiple Classes?

Jun 7, 2011

I have created a read-only property(name) in class1. How can I use this name property in class2?

Public Class Class1
ReadOnly Property name() As String

Can I directly carry this name variable value into class2?

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.net - Storing An Object To Use In Multiple Classes?

Mar 23, 2010

I am wondering the best way to store an object in memory that is used in a lot of classes throughout an application. We have multiple databases, 1 per customer. We also have a master table and each row is detailed information about the databases such as database name, server IP it's located and a few config settings.

I have an application that loops through those multiple databases and runs some updates on them. The settings I mentioned above are updated each loop iteration into memory. The application then runs through series of processes that include multiple classes using this data. The data never changes during the processes, only during the loop iteration.

The variables are related to a customer, so I have them stored in a customer class. I suppose I could make all of the members shared or should I use a singleton for the customer class? I've never actually used a singleton, only read they are good in this type of situation. Are there better solutions to this type of scenario? Also, I could have plans for this application to be multithreaded later.

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Multiple Classes For Serialize Objects?

May 9, 2009

I have one class with <Serialize> attribute called Tree. And Tree class has an arraylist of TreeNode classes. Is it possible to use Soap to convert the Tree class and arraylist of TreeNode classes to one xml file or binary file? If it is possible, do i need to use <Serialize> attribute on TreeNode classes too? If not, what should i do then?

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Optimization - Initialisation Of Multiple Classes

Jul 16, 2009

In a project of mine I'm currently doing this:


all classes inherit docMain and addTemplateToList( X ) adds x to a List(Of docMain). Now my question is: Is there a better way to do what's done in the code sample? I thought of something like:


Is this somehow possible in (Reflection?)?

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VB - Break Out Functions Into Multiple Classes?

Jan 13, 2011

I am integrating two disparate data sources where each value may depend on one or more other derived elements.This app runs as a windows service.Currently all my code is in a single class.I am upgrading to 2010 and wondering if best practices would be to break out my functions into multiple classes - there are over 100 data elements that need to be constructed. The following is an example of a couple derived items:(Is there a better way to do this - when complete I will pass this app off to someone else to support and want to make sure I give them the best beginning.[code]......

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