VS 2010 Developing A 'question-answer' Program?

Sep 3, 2011

developing a program in Visual Basic 2010 to help with my study in school. I would like to develop a program whereby the user is asked to input the correct answer to a question; if the answer is correct the next question comes up if it is incorrect the user must try again until the correct answer is given. I would like to have quite a few questions (around 50).

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VS 2010 : Developing Program With Multiple Developers?

Jul 12, 2010

We currently have some big projects coming up which we will be creating in visual studio using vb.net There will need to be most likely three developers working on different parts of a particular project at any one time.I was just wondering if there is any sort of platform we can use so this is possible as currently each person is using a different copy of the work and then we are transferring this over onto a master copy.

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VS 2010 - Developing An Automated Command Line Program - Attach The Timer ?

Feb 15, 2012

The code in question is in place, and it works. The project is all but wrapping up. That being said, I would love to find a better way to run this section of code in an x64 system so I have the solution ready for future projects. What I currently have in place is as follows:

Function TimeDelay(vDelay)
Dim vTimmer, vTargetTime

vTimmer = TimeValue(Now)


Now I know the easy way to achieve my goal would be to use the timer object in Visual Studio. The problem I ran into is I was developing an automated command line program. As such there was nothing I could attach the timer to (that I'm aware of). I just needed to pause the program for a few seconds to allow the DTSX package (SSIS file if you're not familiar) to load the file before I remove it from the staging folder.

While I was doing research for this issue I came across the old Sleep() function (referenced to a library in kernel32 as I understand it...never used this before either). When I tried to use this on my current system (64-bit system) I received stack overflow errors. Additional research lead to something called wow64, but I did not have enough time to fully research what this is / how to use it.

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Developing A Program Flow Graph For A Program

Nov 20, 2009

[code]using this program i want to devlope a program flow graph.pls help me its so urgentand after that can i calculate the no. of independent paths of this program.

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Program Giving Wrong Answer

May 7, 2009

I'm currently creating a maths game for primary school children and have questions based on addition, subtraction, division and multiplication.I tried it out yesterday and if I type in the correct answer, I get told it's wrong, but if I type in the in the number I'm dividing by, as the answer it comes up as correct. How do I change this so that the correct answer is actually the correct answer?

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Quiz Program - Asking Five Questions With Yes Or No Answer

Mar 19, 2009

I'm trying to make a quiz application with Visual Basic at the moment. I want to write a routine that asks five questions to which the answer must be either Yes or No. It must add up the number of Nos and if the number of Ns is less than two then print out "pessimist", otherwise print out "optimist". So far this is the design of what I've done. [URL]. However, I have no code which I've produced on my own.

Public Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub
End Class

I really don't know how I can kind of add up all the results from each individual question, seeing as radio buttons are used.

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Developing A Program That Is Similar To ATM?

Feb 22, 2011

I'm developing a program that is similar to ATM but I can not keep track of various clients so that each may have their account

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Making A Messenger - Program A Slight Delay In The Computer's Answer?

Jan 15, 2010

I'm working on a project where I make a automatic messenger from VBnet. I want to program a simple one that responds to certain words or phrases. However, I only know the rough basics of If...Then commands. I have a lot of problems:

1. How do I make it so the messages typed in the box actually goes up into the script box when I press send?

2. How do I program a slight delay in the computer's answer?

3. How do I set a name to the computer and to me?

4. How do I make the script goes into scrolling when it runs out of space.

5. If possible, when I type an equation in the box, can I program the computer to solve it and display the answer? I'm a beginner so I don't really know the overall organization of this project. However, I would like it to remain as simple as possible.

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IDE :: Installation When Executing A VS 2008 Developing Program?

Jul 15, 2011

Why am I getting a request to configure DAO when I start a program I am developing in VS 2008? After I execute several cancels, the program runs fine.

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Make Program To Calculate Textbox1.text And Show The Answer In Textbox2

Dec 22, 2011

I am working on bit more advanced calculator, but I cant figure out how I can make my program to calculate textbox1.text and show the answer in textbox2

For example: (textbox1) 5*62+4

I'm not sure this question belong in this topic, but I don't know where else it should be?

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Process Of Developing A Construction Estimating Program With Vb 2008?

Apr 29, 2009

I'm in the process of developing a construction estimating program with vb 2008. Most of the programming I'm able to work myself through, but the problem and question that I have is I would like to incorporate a part of the program where I can import pdf, jpegs, tiffs of blueprints and have the ability to then set the scale, take area and length calculations, and basically do quantity takeoffs.

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Developing A Program That Populates A Rich Text Box And From A Click Event On A Listbox?

Oct 6, 2009

I am developing a program that populates a rich text box and from a click event on a listbox. The data that is being loaded into the rich text box is located in a richtextformat file located on the hard drive. I noticed that when I entered a URL into one of the richtextformat files that it appeared that I was able to click on the text as if it were a link. So I wondered if it was possiable to click on that URL and open a web browser from the loaded richtextformat file? I have read several articles in regards to opening hyperlinks in rich text boxes which can open a web browser with a given URL.

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Developing Livestock Judging Program For A 4-H Project That Will Present - A Group Of Animals

Mar 31, 2009

I am working on developing a livestock judging program for a 4-H project that will present you with a group of animals and you order the animals from best to worst by typing the placings in a text box (i.e. "1234").

When I type in the placings incorrectly, it comes up with the message box that it is supposed to, but when I type in the correct placings, it shows the message box that it is supposed to but then shows the message box that is supposed to show when you type in the placings incorrectly.

This is the code I have so far:


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VS 2010 Learning And Developing Application

Oct 1, 2009

I'm not new in visual basic but I finished a book of visiual basic in 2005. Now I'm planing to be a2z software developer on windows platform. Do you think that visiual basic is strong language or complete tool for all kinds of software development ? Will C++ or C# come on my way for software development while i'm visiual basic.

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Authoring - Developing A basic Help System For VS 2010

Nov 27, 2010

Is HelpStudio Lite still the tool of choice for developing a basic help system for VS 2010? The only mention of this that I can find is in the MSDN library; [url] and it references VS 2008. I just need something basic and (hopefully) free and of course it should not become obsolete anytime soon.

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2010- Sorting A Set Of Labels Against The Previous Set In Order To Check The Answer And Accuracy?

Apr 23, 2012

I have a program which is made with 12 labels, the first set of six are randomly generated and the second set are values obtained from the first set and the user has to choose in ascending order the numbers on the first set.The values chosen will be trasferred to the second set and then with a "check" button that set of labels have to be rearranged and compared to the user input.If the user for example manage to choose the right order, he will obtained a 6 of 6 and he will recieve a message.My problem is on the rearrage and compare part.

The code I made is very simple but is not working, basically it only check if the next value is smaller that the previous and changed its back color according to the case.

Here the code:

'check button
Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim Score As Integer
Score = 1


I would like to have a correct rearrange of the numbers and introduce a message according to the accuracy of the user.

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VS 2010 Add Values Of Raw Data In Column 2 And 3 And Input Answer In Column5 In Datagridview?

Jun 28, 2011

I'm using visual basic 2010 and i am able to import the raw data from excel and into my datagirdview but i am unable to get the code to add the values of raw data in column 2 and 3 and show the answer in column 5. Do i need to loop it?

The entire project is in the attachment take a look at it.

This is the entire code i have now:

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.IO
Imports System


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How To Learn Visual Basic 2010 For Developing A Software

Nov 5, 2011

I want to learn visual basic 2010 for software development

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VS 2010 Developing Application For CRUD In VB2010 To Access2003

Apr 4, 2011

So I'm developing an application in VB2010. The idea is to perform CRUD operations (more or less) to an Access2003 Database. The database is relational, yet I haven't grasped the best architecture to make an application to interact with it. I tough doing a Business layer with a domain model would work. Controllers for each Use case (which are basically CRUD operations) would create Domain Layer object. Yet I don't know yet how to manage the mapping of the objects to/from the database.

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VS 2010 Developing Software That A User Will Purchase In Modules?

Jul 15, 2010

Im thinking of developing software that a user will purchase in modules.So they would buy the basic package, then if they want this feature, they purchase that and then they install that onto the basic package.

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VS 2010 Developing A Chat Application Using Online Connection To A Mysql Database?

Mar 4, 2012

I am developing a chat application using online connection to a mysql databbase. But i am facing a problem. After 10 minutes, MySQL closes all the chat connections because of the 600 seconds timeout (has been set by the host service i am using). I don't understand why is that happening cause every piece of my code which needs data from the database opens and closes the connection (i mean that it dosn't maintain the connection after the query's execution). If i .close() and .dispose() the connection, it still appears in mysql at sleep mode (it terminates only if i exit the program).

Dim MySQLCon as New MySQLConnection
Dim MySQLCom as New MySQLCom
Dim counter as Short


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Quadratic Formula Program: "NaN" As Result When Answer(s) Are Negative

Dec 13, 2010

I'm working on a quadratic formula program and when I enter 1 as A, 2 as B, and 1 as A (X should end up being -1), it returns "NaN" in both text boxes.

Here's the code:


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When Developing A New Windows Application And Web Application Using VS 2008/2010

Dec 7, 2010

I want to learn programming techniques so can make both windows and web applications more user-friendly, faster, safer, reliable and easier to deploy.

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VS 2010 : Program To Save Settings To Another Program Without Running The Program That Is Being Edited?

May 5, 2012

is it possible by 1 program to save settings to another program without running the program that is being edited?

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Get Rid Of Zero Or Replace It With 'Answer'?

Jul 11, 2011

I wrote my first program today and it works like I want it to Except when the Message box pops up there is a zero there untell you press the OK button then the answer displayes. How do I get rid of the zero or replace it with "Answer"?the program consist of 2 buttons, a labes, and a text box, when you enter a number in the text box then press button 1 the answer displayes in the label. If you press button 2 the answer displayes in a message box.I am new to programing and this is the first program i wrote without following a tutorial or book.[code]

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Can't Get A Clear Answer What To Use ToString For?

Feb 22, 2009

I've googled like crazy and tried MSDN but I can't get a clear answer what to use ToString for.

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Get The Answer Of A String Formula?

Apr 27, 2011

In the user input of a textbox I would like that the user can input a formula to make it easier for him. So instead of inputing 400 I would like the user to have the possibility to input as 8*50. Is there a command for vb2008 to calculate the answer of this formula inputed by a string ?

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Get The Loop To Stop When It Has The Same Answer Twice In A Row?

Jul 2, 2009


As this Loops round, the answer for formula will eventually become the same as what was input, X. How can I get the Loop to stop when it has the same answer twice in a row? The counter will count how many times it has had to Loop before finding the repeated answer.

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Quadratic Calculator - Answer Comes Up As NaN

May 29, 2010

I'm new to the server and I'm making a quadratic calculator with my friend. I have my calculator coded, but whenever i click the calculate button the answer comes up as "NaN". Here is the code.
TextBox4.Text = (intVarB * (-1)) + (((intVarB ^ 2 - (4 * (intVarA * intVarC))) ^ 0.5) / (2 * intVarA))
The Variables "IntVarA", IntVarB, and IntVarC are defined as public variables in a code module.

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Rotating Answer Came From Database?

Apr 8, 2010

i am going to create one system which is related to test skill and it is in VB.Net and access database it has a question and four answer. both are coming from database,my problem is how do i change answer sequence everytime.whenever user tried for the test, answer sequence should be different.

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