Dialog Forms - Why Does Visual Studio Close Them In Two Ways

Jan 10, 2011

A Dialog that is added to a Windows Forms project comes with two buttons (OK and Cancel) and Click event subroutines for each. The subroutines close the Dialog with different DialogResult enumerations. Here's the code in the one for Cancel: Me.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel Me.Close() But either statement (changing DialogResult to an enumeration other than Null or Close), by itself, will close the Dialog as well. (Try commenting out one and then the other to prove it to yourself.) Here's the question: Why both? Why not just one or the other?

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How To Close One Form In A Project And Note The Entire Project When Using Me.close() In Visual Studio 2008

Mar 22, 2010

I am really new to Visual Studio and VB and I am having trouble closing a single form:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

End Sub

When I use Me.close() associated with this button it closes the entire project and not just the single form can anyone.

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IDE :: Error And Have To Close/re-open Visual Studio?

Mar 7, 2012

I am frequently confronting this internal compiler error and have to close/re-open Visual Studio? What is causing this to happen?

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Tabcontrol With Close Tab Button Like Visual Studio

Feb 8, 2012

I'm in the proccess of creating an XML editor nothing fancy for a project I'm working on!

I got the idea of using the tab control to host multiple Richtexbox controls, nothing fancy.

I got the idea from Visual studio(2010) that it would be nice to have a close tab button, on the tab, but I can on get it to display on the tab

Dim CurrentTab As TabPage = TabControl1.TabPages(e.Index)
Dim ItemRect As Rectangle = TabControl1.GetTabRect(e.Index)
If CurrentTab.Controls.Contains(mButton) = False Then


I know it adds it to the Tabpage but I cannot find anyway to add to the tab itself, even though the text on the tab is using ItemRect!

Are the tabs themselves hidden like columnls are on other controls!

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C# - Create Visual Studio Style Options / Settings Dialog

Sep 13, 2011

I am currently in the process of improving my options dialog for a winforms application. At the moment I am using a tab control. I would like to create a form/dialog for settings that is similar to Visual Studio's. How is this done? I can see a treeview like control on the left hand side but what control are they using to display each of the options pages, it doesn't appear to be a tab control. I would like to be able to build the controls for each of the settings at design time.

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IDE :: Up Close And Personal With The Visual Studio 2010 Editor Team

Jun 11, 2009

For those you that joined in, I would like to thank you for joining us last week on the topic of Visual Studio Setup.

This week, we have something even better with the team that has built the new editor: Sean Laberee; Kav Latiolais; Selma Ikizto and Brittany Behrens (whom many of you may have already met on the forums) to do a quick walk through of their new features -and of course gather your feedback for the work of sorting through their Beta2 DCRs.

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Permission Conflict - Close Word Or Visual Studio In Order To Save The File

Jan 8, 2010

I write an HTML file with MS Word, and use it on my application. The problem is that I need to close Word or Visual Studio in order to save the file, or compile the code, because each one reserves the file permission rights. The html file is only written by word, and only read from VS. At compile time, the file is copied to execution directory. Is there a way to give both programs simultaneous permission rights?

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Forms :: Visual Studio 2010 Windows Forms App Screenupdating Property?

Jun 4, 2011

.NET developing and have a simple question, i've been stuck on this for a while and searched many forums first with no solution so i'm posting myself. In VB for excel i've used Screenupdating=false to disable the screen updating however now i'm creating a visual studio 2010 windows forms application and its not showing up as a property. Here's the code i've tried.


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IDE :: Toolstrip Dialog Objects Do Not Appear In Component Tray In Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional On A Windows 7 System

Oct 5, 2011

I am running Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional on a Windows 7 system.While working on a visual basic exercise in chapter 4 of the Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Step by Step book on the MyMenu program I added a Toolstrip to my form and then I was trying to perform the add OpenFileDialog and ColorDialog controls to the component tray as described at the bottom of page 111 under Using Dialog Box Controls. I could never get the controls to appear in the component tray as instructed in the book.

I added a toolstrip to the form. According to my instructions I should be able to click on the Open file icon on the toolstrip to select it and then click anywhere else on the form. When I do that, the OpenFileDialog should appear on the component tray where I can then select it to enter code. This however does not happen.The only way I was able to get them to appear in the component tray was by opening the Menu program supplied on the DVD under chapter 4, selecting both of the above controls on the component tray, right clicking and then press copy. I then closed the Menu program and opened the MyMenu program that I created and then I was able to paste the two object controls to the component tray.

I went back to the original Menu program to see if I was able to place any other controls on the component tray by following the instructions in the book but was not able to. I also tried the same thing with MyMenu and it also still would not work.I have been unable to find anything that might explain why the component tray does not work as explained. Perhaps there is some setting somewhere that needs changed, but all searches have been unsuccessful.

PS. I have entered this on one of the other MicroSoft forums and although it has gotten multiple views I have not yet received any feedback.I also get the following error: Cannot add component of type 'ToolStripButton' to container of type 'form'.

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Access Forms To Visual Studio 2005?

Nov 11, 2009

I have an Access 2007 Database with a lot of forms and I dont want to recreate them. Is there a way to convert the forms and further develop them in Visual Studio 2005?

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Error Loading WPF Forms In Visual Studio?

Sep 29, 2010

I am programming in VB9 WPF and Blend 3. I was working on a program in Blend 3; I can work on all my forms and everything runs fine in Blend, but when I opened it in VS the WFP forms would not display (I have five of them in my program and they all have the same problem in Visual Studio.), but I can run the program in VS, see the forms in run mode, and work on the code behind with no problem. I can't determine what is causing the WPF forms error in VS. It appears I have a "ResourceDictionary_4 error, but I cannot locate that dictionary in either Visual Studio or Blend. I even tried searching my entire computer and can't find any trace of it. Are there any ideas as to how do I solve this problem? The error messages I am getting are:


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Visual Studio - Switch Between Forms In Same Form

Aug 16, 2011

I am trying to make a UI that has a few forms / panels, each for a different "Tab" in the program.

I am guessing that the way to do this is using panels and code like:

Panel1.Visible = False
Panel2.Visible = False
Panel3.Visible = False
Panel4.Visible = True

Would I be correct in assuming that this is the best way to go? (I don't want lots of popup forms in the program, looking for the most streamlined way to go).

Also, if this is the correct way to go how would I go about hiding each panel in the IDE so that I can work on each one seperately using the designer view?

Here is the best example application I can think to use: [URL] Each of the tabs (Proxies, Harvester etc) has an image as the tab (Which I can't find an option to do with TabControl and then displays the container / panel below it

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Eep Visual Studio From Treating Files As Components Or Forms?

May 25, 2011

Today I noticed that Visual Studio 2008 always treats a file as if it was a component or a form if this file contains a definition of one.This means that it always opens the designer by default. I think this behavior is very annoying, because a file containing a class that derives from form or control does not have to be an actual form or control and I want to edit the source by default.

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Load And Unload Forms With Visual Studio 2005

Jun 27, 2009

I'm just wondering, what is the best way to load and unload forms with visual studio 2005. In VB6, I used to use the following at a button click, for example.


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Visual Studio :: How Does The .net Framework Nest Forms In Classes

Sep 11, 2009

If I look at some classes in the framework, using reflector, I can see that forms and user controls are made private and nested into a parent class.For instance, I have a control which makes use of pop-up form that is specific to that control.At the moment, I make the pop-up form friend accessible.If I wanted to do it the framework way, I'd make it private and nest it into the control class.If I do this, however, I can no longer use the ide to design the form and I get errors when I try to compile.

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C# - Web Matrix Differ From Visual Studio - Is It More Efficient Than Visual Studio To Develop ASP.NET Web Project

Oct 12, 2011

WebMatrix is a web development and deployment tool by Microsoft so how is this compared to Visual Studio? which Use C# Razor Syntax is that more better coding.


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.net - Visual Studio's Windows Forms Designer From Deleting Controls?

Apr 20, 2010

With several forms of mine, I occasionally run into the following issue: I edit the form using the designer (Visual Studio 2008, Windows Forms, .NET 2.0, VB.NET) to add components, only to find out later that some minor adjustments were made (e.g. the form's size is suddenly changed by a few pixels), and controls get deleted. This happens silently — event-handling methods automatically have their Handles suffix removed, too, so they never get called, and there's no compiler error. I only notice much later or not at all, because I'm working on a different area in the form.

As an example, I have a form with a SplitContainer containing an Infragistics UltraListView to the left, and an UltraTabControl to the right. I added a new tab, and controls within, and they worked fine. I later on found out that the list view's scrollbar was suddenly invisible, due to its size being off, and at least one control was removed from a different tab that I hadn't been working on.

Is this a known issue with the WinForms Designer, or with Infragistics? I use version control, of course, so I can compare the changes and merge the deleted code back in, but it's a tedious process that shouldn't be necessary. Are there ways to avoid this? Is there a good reason for this to occur?

One clue is that the control that was removed may have code (such as a Load event handler) that expects to be run in run time, not design time, and may be throwing an exception. Could this cause Visual Studio to remove the control?

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Build A Windows Forms Project In Visual Studio 2008?

Sep 2, 2011

If I build a Windows Forms project in Visual Studio 2008, and start it with a Sub Main instead of a form, and for the time being, don't show any forms, is it considered a Console application? Will console.writeline work?

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GetPrivateProfileSection In A Windows Forms Project In Visual Studio 2008?

Mar 19, 2010

I'm suddenly having trouble with GetPrivateProfileSection in a Windows Forms project in Visual Studio 2008. The same code works when it's run as an aspx page in a website. Anyway, I define the WINAPI call thusly:


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Run A Program With Multiple Forms In Application Using Visual Studio 2003?

Apr 20, 2012

I can launch a program from inside my program and embedded it in my program using a Visual Basic Control such as a Panel. That works well if you launch say NotePad or Calculator.However, If I want to launch a program that uses MULTIPLE forms... all that gets embedded is the Main Form... All the other forms are floating on the desktop nonconstrained... So If I minimize my program the other forms are still shown.So what I am attempting to do is to get ALL the Forms from the external program embedded into their own objects on my form.Have pieced together a program from a couple of program samples that I have seen across the internet... Here's the code so far:[code]The Main form for the program that I am attempting to embed is 384 x 347 in size.Panel1 is a Panel Control on my Main Form."MyProgram.exe" is a program that I have written myself.I have looked at Spy++ for Visual Studio 2003 and it is able to identify ALL the forms from my program.My question is how do I embed ALL the forms from my external program in the NEW Program?

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Using Visual Studio Installer For Deploying Windows Forms Project?

Feb 1, 2011

I'm trying to build a setup program using the built-in Visual Studio Installer. I'm using VS 2010 and working on VB.NET.For the most basic kind of program, I have an EXE file which works on a XML file (the XML file is treated like a database). So on a Windows 7 platform with UAC enabled, the best deployment is to install the EXE file in the Program Files folder, and the XML file in the application data folder, for security purposes of Windows. (Windows, now, does not allow creating/writing files inside the Program Files folder unless your application is running with administrative privileges).

So I have added VS Installer to my current project and have opened its File System Editor. So to create the above layout, I've added Primary Output to the Application Folder. Then I've added its shortcut to the User Desktop.Now I need to place my XML file to the application data folder. VS Installer gives the option of User's Application Data Folder, which is the %appdata% folder in the environment table. I need to access the All Users' Application Data Folder.

1) How do I access the All Users' Application Data Folder over here?

2) I tried using the User's Application Data Folder. It doesn't work. It doesn't create any folder in the %appdata% (e.g. C:UsersFarazAppDataRoaming). I tried to play around with various properties, like AlwaysCreate which is supposed to create a folder obligatorily. It doesn't create anything.

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Visual Studio 2010 Windows Forms App Screenupdating Property

Jun 3, 2011

i've been stuck on this for a while and searched many forums first with no solution so i'm posting myself. In VB for excel i've used Screenupdating= false to disable the screen updating however now i'm creating a visual studio 2010 windows forms application and its not showing up as a property. [code] And i get the error 'screenupdating is not a member of 'system.windows.forms.application'.

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Compile A Solution In Visual Studio 2005 Which Was Compiled In Visual Studio 6?

Sep 15, 2009

I have to compile projects which was compiled in Visual Studio 6 in Visual Studio 2005. When i compiled i got a set of same error. I opened the project for VS6 by selecting File->open->project/solution and tried to build a solution by Build option but i am getting the following error.


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Open Visual Studio Express Files With Normal Visual Studio?

Apr 11, 2011

Is it possible to open visual studio express files with normal visual studio?

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Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Will Not Create Resourse File For Forms Application?

Apr 19, 2011

The environment will not create a resource file for a newly created Windows Forms Application. When I add a button Visual Studio displays a dialog "File Exist". That'sall, plus an OK button. There is no file name or the file name is in unreadable characters.The dialog comes from Visual Studio because the title is "Microsoft Visual Studio".There is no resource file so it must be that the resource file cannot be created.I uninstalled and reinstalled Visual Studio 2008. It did not change anything.I believe the problem was caused by opening the same project rapidly twice on an i7 laptop. I have done this unintentionally before and I can testify that unpredictable

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Visual Studio 2010 - Get Forms Application Startup Method To Be Sub Main() In Program.vb?

May 17, 2010

Trying to get it to behave like C#, where there is a Program class with a static Main method.However, in the project properties, I cannot set Program.vb to be the startup object, only the forms (it is a forms application).

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Visual Studio 2010 VB Windows Forms Application - Organization Of DLL Project References?

Mar 26, 2012

In my VS2010 VB project I have a lot of external references to DLLs, to the point that organization has become a major headache and I'm wondering if I am going about it the wrong way. My assembly references include common redistributables (SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP1, ReportViewer 2010 SP1, DataVisualization, as well as some useful 3rd party dlls from CodeProject and CodePlex.

Currently, I am copying each DLL into a 1st level folder (/dll_lib) under my named project folder (under the solution folder), and adding the reference from that path. However, I see that Visual Studio copies the DLLs to various other locations (/bin/debug or /bin/release) in my project when I build the project or solution, and some of the 3rd party DLLs come with instructions to copy them manually to /bin.

What is the "best practice" for where to put the DLLs? Can I just put all of them under /bin and let the build event copy to /bin/debug or /bin/release as required? Should I try to force a single reference path for the dlls in the project output?

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Developing MS Visual Studio Like Application Using MS Visual Studio 2005

Nov 27, 2009

I have to develop an application using MS Visual Studio 2005 or above with the following objective:

* The application should allow users to create as many new forms as they want and each form should behave like a MS Visual Studio WinForm. By saying that it should be a container for drag and drop of controls from the toolbox that I will develop....

* Once the user design's each screen to his taste by placing various controls on the form, he should be able to save the form as a screen. Of course I have to provide functionality for each of the controls such as if he drags a button on to the form, he should be able to specify what action it has to perfom when clicked when the application is put into run mode. Quite similar to regular windows form button.

* My application should have two modes: a DESIGN MODE, where user can drag, drop controls and specify what they should do when put into RUN MODE. This is quite similar to MS Visual Studio designer.

* Last but not least is to be able to access the application via the browser with the same look and feel his desktop version.

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Developing MS Visual Studio Like Application Using MS Visual Studio 2005 Or Above?

Nov 26, 2009

I have to develop an application using MS Visual Studio 2005 or above with the following

objective:* The application should allow users to create as many new forms as they want and each form should behave like a MS Visual Studio WinForm. By saying that it should be a container for drag and drop of controls from the toolbox that I will develop....

* Once the user design's each screen to his taste by placing various controls on the form, he should be able to save the form as a screen. Of course I have to provide functionality for each of the controls such as if he drags a button on to the form, he should be able to specify what action it has to perfom when clicked when the application is put into run mode. Quite similar to regular windows form button.

* My application should have two modes: a DESIGN MODE, where user can drag, drop controls and specify what they should do when put into RUN MODE. This is quite similar to MS Visual Studio designer.

* Last but not least is to be able to access the application via the browser with the same look and feel his desktop version.

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Visual Studio 2008 Sp1 To Visual Studio 2010 Beta Sp2

Feb 17, 2010

Will i be able to successfully install 2010 beta 2 side by side 2008? because i want to test 2010 features and some development toolkits such as silverlight while i don't want to uninstall my visual studio 2008 professional.

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