Display Label Text On Form Load With Condition?

Feb 23, 2012

It didnt work for me and i dont know why. i want to display text on label when the form load.the text to display is according to the enable or disable state of some custom button .


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Refresh Display Label.text Under For Loop Condition?

Mar 23, 2010

I have a for loop condition as below coding for looping to change word on label.text, but as a result, it just only display the last value.

how can I do to display each value for a looping.

i want the result is the label1.text to show 1 then 2, then 3, then 4.......finally is 10.

for i as integer = 0 to 10
label1.text = i

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Display New Text On A Label Or New Form?

Oct 7, 2009

I am developing a testing application consisting of 50 multiple choice questions each with 3 radio buttons to select the answer choices for my workplace and I just had a couple of questions concerning storing user input for review and displaying the next and previous questions. First - Would it be more practical to display each new question and the answer choices on a completely new form or in labels and just have the click event procedure of the Next button change the text properties of the labels and display the new text? Second - I want the application to store the user's answer choices so that at the end of the exam they can see how many they missed, which ones they got wrong, and then print the graded result. I have no idea how to store the input for later review and printing. Lastly - I would like the user to be able to mark questions for later review as they are taking the exam. For example, if the user selects an answer that they are not 100% sure of, the can mark a checkbox so that at the end of the exam they can review the answers they were unsure of. I guess I am just looking for some direction in developing this type of application. As of yet I have only done simple projects for school and this to me seems a bit out of my league. I have already designed the user interface and created a TOE chart but I would like some input on how to actually code the application.

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Loop Won't Display Text In A Form Label

Nov 8, 2010

I am having trouble changing the text in a label. Can someone show me where the problem is?

Public Class Form1
Dim Tracker As Integer = 0
Dim Questions(10) As String


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Label Text - When Run The Code Form1 Load Together With Form2, Label.Text Flicker Or Blinking?

May 5, 2011

I have question about Label.Text.

When run the code Form1 load together with Form2.On Form2 I have Label1.I need that Label.Text flicker or blinking.

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Display Label Text Based On Another Form Button Clicked?

Feb 25, 2012

form1 have four buttons, i want to set a label text in form2 according to which of the button on form1 is clicked.below is what i tried so far.on form1 each of the button click event i made it focus

Private Sub Answerbtn3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Answerbtn3.Click

and on form 2 load event i have

Private Sub FinalAnswer_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
If Main1.Answerbtn1.Focus Then
Label2.Text = "You choosed option '


the above code displays only the first condition ("You choosed option 'A'"") on the label when any of the button is clicked?

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Load Data In Text Boxes Using Where Condition?

Jun 20, 2012

I don't want to show the data to the user which is not related to him. So, I need something like the following:

SELECT * FROM Projects WHERE ResponsiblePerson='Sudhakar Reddy' But, as I am using the BindingSource control to retrieve the data, I don't know how to do it.

The following is the code on my form:

Private Sub ProjectStatus_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'RPSDBDataSet.PROJECTS' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.


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On Load Event - Display Variables On Screen Load In Rich Text Box

Mar 20, 2011

I want a rich text box to display public variables like (pizza toppings links etc that have been selected in other forms) these variables have declare in a module. But I want the rich text box to display these variables as soon as the screen loads ( a on form load event) if you know what I mean.

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VS 2005 Label Font Changes On Form Load?

Mar 6, 2010

I have set my forms font as "Segoe UI, 14.25pt" and have just placed an single label on the form.

Upon placing the label by default it gets the forms font i.e Segoe UI, 14.25pt

i have placed the following code on the labels textchange event

Private Sub Label1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Label1.TextChanged
Dim f As New Font(Me.Label1.Font, FontStyle.Italic)
Label1.Font = f
End Sub

Now when the form is loaded , i get a message box showing the labels font name as "Microsoft Sans Serif"

The labels font size also changes to 8 but it is italic.

Why is this happening? And why does the textchange event occur on the form load?

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Load Form When Label Values Reaches Specified Number?

Mar 29, 2010

how I can load another form when a condition is met? I want to load form Result.vb when the lblQuestionCount reaches 5. Can anyone tell me how to do this?

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VS 2008 - How To See Title Of Text File Load In Programe In A Label

Jan 5, 2010

i load a text file that has the data of the textboxes that i already saved to see the title of the text in a label.

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Label To Display A Word For 5 Seconds And Then Move Down The List In A Text File And Display The Next Word?

Nov 21, 2010

I have a label that is supposed to display a word for 5 seconds and then move down the list in a text file and display the next word.I'm oddly able to make it work in random mode, but not going down the list in order.. random would be ok if used words didn't come up again.

Dim DurHold As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(Application.StartupPath & "FlashWords.txt")
Dim DurDelimiters() As String = {vbNewLine}
Dim DurTextLines() As String = DurHold.Split(DurDelimiters, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)


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Display Text From Textbox1 & Textbox2 Into A Label?

Feb 11, 2009

i want to display text from textbox1 & textbox2 into a label when click on button. the code is

label1.text = textbox1.text & " " & textbox2.text

i using the "" for spacing. is there any other way for doing spacing?

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Which There Was A Label To Display Processing Status Text?

Feb 13, 2009

I created form2 in which there was a Label to display processing status text. In form1 right before serial port ran I used Form2.Show() and Form2.TopMost = True to display processing status. However only blank Form2 was displayed without any text inside, which means the Label in Form2 was not running. But after serial operation was done, the text in form2 came up, at which time I need to close it.

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Rich Text Box - Load Specific Text In The Rich Text Box When The User Load The Form?

Apr 4, 2010

I have a rich text box which I use in order the user is able to add pictures, coloured writing, different font etc... however I need to load specific text in the rich text box when the user load the Form.how I can add (I guess) the HTML to load this every time the user load the form.

P.S the text will change depending on who loads the form so I can not do a simple

RichTextBox1.LoadFile("C:Documents and SettingsDesktopSigniture.rtf")

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Carrying Names To Display In Form Label

May 14, 2011

In form 1 a user enters there name and if they enter =>3 letters then form 2 shows up. I want it so when form2 shows up, I want the name that was entered to display in a label in this form.
lblname.label = username

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Create And Display A Label On A Form At Runtime?

Jun 25, 2010

I have created a label to display on my form at runtime but it doesn't show up. I know I am doing something really dumb.

lblLoad As
New Label


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Display - Load A Text File

Feb 28, 2009

I want to program a multi-media cd-rom. Need to be able to load a text file into a VB formand have user move through pages with 'forward' and 'backward' buttons.

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Display The Serial Port String In A Label Or Text Box?

Dec 19, 2011

I'm trying to read a string(what's going on) from my Arduino and display it in either a label or text box. but its not wanting to display the characters, or string i want it to. So I could really Here's the code I have right now:

Imports System.IO
Imports System.IO.Ports
Imports System.Threading


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Display WebBrowser HTML <DIV Tags Text In A Label?

Apr 25, 2009

I want to display the balance in a label...

<div class="balance">$2,196,057

<span class="Value">$2,197,333.80


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Forms :: Label.Text To Display The Current Status

Feb 11, 2009

I would like to add in a progress bar and a status (label control) which will display what system doing after user click a button. There are few status:
Eg: Importing data, Verifying data, Generating Report

Part of my coding:
Private Sub cmdImport_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdImport.Click
ProgressBar1.Visible = True


lblStatus is the label which will display the current status. But.. while user click the button, "Verifying Data File" is not displaying. After the system complete the whole progress, lblStatus only display the text.

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VS 2010 Display The Anchor Text Of A Link In A Label?

Jan 1, 2012

I need to display in a label the anchor text of a link, this link is in a website for example: <a href="url">Link text</a> I need display in the label the "Link Text" . I only know the url for example :[URL] , so if the link is :


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[2005] Label.Text To Display The Current Status

Feb 11, 2009

I would like to add in a progress bar and a status (label control) which will display what system doing after user click a button. There are few status: Eg: Importing data, Verifying data, Generating Report

Part of my coding:
Private Sub cmdImport_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdImport.Click
ProgressBar1.Visible = True


lblStatus is the label which will display the current status. But.. while user click the button, "Verifying Data File" is not displaying. After the system complete the whole progress, lblStatus only display the text. May I know any setting / bug I need to attend?

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VS 2010 Load Form But Don't Display It

Jun 12, 2012

I have an app where there's an edit form and it loads a bunch of stuff into comboboxes which takes half a minute to load the first time. Once it's loaded I keep the instance of the form and just hide it instead of disposing it until the app exits. What I would like to do is in the Sub Main of the app (there is no startup form) I would like to launch a new thread and load that form into memory, but I don't want the form to be displayed at that time, what's the best way to do this?

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[2008] Form - Display Changing Value Into Label And Progressbar

Feb 22, 2009

when i run following code it runs ok and problem is that during running code when i minimize the form and then restore again the form, it not display changing value into label1 and progressbar also the form looks like hang what is its solution?


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How To Read/load And Display Text Correctly

Jan 23, 2012

How do i read and display the next text correctly in vb2010.


En God het gesê .


(the bold letters, i made them bold jyst for attention)

All these words come out of the Afrikaans Bybel. i have download a text file

with the hole bible in one text file. the name of my text file is : bybel.txt

i want to read/load the file and display it in a textbox, but when i do all these letter that is in bold comes out completly wrong.

this is the code that i use:

fileReader As
fileReader =


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Display SUM Of A MsAccess Database Column(s) In A Label Text Property?

Dec 9, 2009

Those who are looking for an example like this, might find it useful (or not). I know i was looking for one like this for over a week. Ok now, to make this codes work properly, you have to make a Database in Ms Access (I used MS Access 2007) . Create a table of two Columns, one name Debit and one name Credit. Both of the Columns Data Types must be Long Integers or you might get some conversion errors at run time. Now save the database in Access 2000-2003 Database format. And last of all, put the database in your projects DebugBin directory to avoid the database Connection Errors.


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How To Round Off And Display Fractions And Percentages In A Label.Text Field

Nov 21, 2010

I get some funny display errors when I attempt to pop a fraction into a text label.[code]Do I get 33.3% here? No, but I get 33.333333333333 - etc - depending on how big my label field is Plus I also get an error message trying to add the % sign at the end.how to round off and display fractions and percentages in a Label.Text field?

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Display Load Advance Form - Delay Is Not Always The Same

Jun 12, 2012

I have some forms that are slow to open, I want to do is to show you something the user is loading, the time delay is not always the same, as is done

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During Form Load Event I Want To Display The Parentgroup Name?

Nov 7, 2011

open & read my attachment:

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class form1
Dim myconnection As OleDbConnection[code]...

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