Double Execution : Deleting And Updating On Table On Database?

Nov 5, 2010

im having a problem on double execution, this is a part of audit trail on my system, the DELETE FUNCTION is working, but it aint updating, im getting an error - it says that "Syntax Error on update statement" on i tried to manually query it on my access and it is working, i bold the statements that affectes the UPDATE function

Dim burahin As String
burahin = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to delete a customer from the database", vbOKCancel + vbQuestion, "Administrator")
If burahin = vbOK Then


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Best Connection Code For Retrieving / Updating And Deleting Data From Database

Mar 15, 2012

I start my project in backend is sql server i have completed my design now i start my coding but i am confused for connectivity code whether i used dataset or datable which is good? please give me best connection code for retriving,updating and deleting data from database..

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Get SQL Commands (adding, Updating, Deleting) To Work With A VB 2010 Database?

Feb 12, 2012

My project involves making a table database that displays student number, surname, first name, homeroom, and grade avg. Through SQL commands, there must be functions to add, update, delete, search by field, and save records to the database.I have already set the database up just fine and displayed it in a DataGridView. Through the DataGridView, I was able to go to the "Add Query" area, and I successfully made the queries necessary for searching by field. However, when I try to do anything other than a search using the query builder (ie start my SQL command with INSERT INTO or DELETE FROM), I ultimately get the message "Failed to get schema for this query"For example, this SQL code (to add an entry to the database) worked when I was in the Query Builder (and the entry that it made is still in the database), but when I finally tried to confirm it, I got the "Failed to get schema for this query" message.Being unable to add entries to the database this way, I tried to do it with textboxes on a form. Each textbox will have one of the fields, and at the click of a button, they would be put into the table. My code is below. I do not know what is wrong withit. When I run it, my fields do not appear on the DataGridView immediately, but I must run the program again to see it. The time after, the entry is gone. So I am not sure how exactly such entries are to be saved.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Updating Child Collection Of POCO (adding/updating/deleting) In Entity Framework 4.1?

Jan 25, 2012

I have a webpage with a form that is used to edit some object. This object contains a Collection of other objects defined like this: Public Overridable Property Employees As List(Of Employee)

On a form I can delete an employee, add a new one or modify existing one. When I click save new values are sent to the server. On a server I check if the user exists. If exists then I modify its values, if it does not exist then I add it. All employees that exist on the server and were not sent are marked as deleted (State changed to EntityState.Deleted). I try to use the following code (dbCollection = database entities, newCollection = collection sent from the form):


This code does not work, because changing to EntityState.Deleted removes the object from collection, and for each loop breaks, since the collection is modified...I know that I can overcome this problem by using a for loop or adding objects to delete to some other list first, but I hope maybe there is a pattern that would make my code nicer.

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VS 2008 Updating And Deleting In A Access Database With VB 2008?

Jul 28, 2009

I have spent several hours trying to delete a row and insert a row into an Access database using the OLEDBDataadapter and dataSets without any success. I don't get any errors it just doesn't update the datatable. Here is the last version of the code I have been trying to get to work. I have done a lot of searching and have

Data save
Private Sub SaveNumDte(ByVal ltoNum As String, ByVal ltoDate As Date)
Dim numTotal, x, MaxRows As Integer


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VS 2010 Updating Database Table

Mar 5, 2011

I used in Visual Basic 6 to update my MS Access Table to get UPDATED Balance Column. Now my problem is the same code I want to use in Visual Basic 2010 to update SQLserver Table.[code]I have Dataset, Bindingsource and TableAdaptor in Windows Form so with that how can I update my Balance Column. The Table contained 3 columns i. Debit ii. Credit iii. Balance.

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VS 2010 Updating SQL Database Table?

Nov 3, 2011

I am trying to update the password field in a table called tb_Users for a given username. The following code works fine when I use literal values for the new password and for the Username.


How do I substitute the characters 'whogoesthere' for the contents of a TextBox called TextBox1 and the characters 'Joe Blogs' with the contents of a public varialble called PubUsers ?

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SQLDataAdapter And SQLCommandBuilder Are Not Updating Database Table?

Jan 16, 2012

I'm trying to figure out why my adapter is not updating my SQL database table. I have a form with 3 data grid views on it. If the user changes the display index, width, or visible properties of the columns I want to save their settings. For some reason the adapters update runs without error, but when I check the database table nothing is updated, why? Does it have something to do with the TableMappings?


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Updating Password Field In MS Access Database Table

Jul 1, 2009

I have a piece of code that is suppose to update the password field when the user wants to change password but I get an error line:
An unhandled exception of type 'System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException' occurred in
error line: cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()

If BindingContext(ds, "login").Position < 0 Then
MsgBox("Database Is Empty !", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Records Management System")
Exit Sub
End If
If ComboBox1.Text = "" Then
[Code] .....

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Updating Records To Table Users In Database China.accb?

Sep 12, 2010

I have a form in which I am updating records to table Users in database China.accb. The btnClick sub successfully updates the Dataset. However, the actual table Users never gets the update. What am I doing wrong? The code is below.


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Client Database From Dialog Box Not Updating Table View Of Data Collected?

Apr 20, 2012

I am currently working on a Database that collects information. Firstly, i use a new windows form to collect that data. I have it set up to where, when the form loads, the database is ready to collect the information fields. And then the form closes on the button click to add that data, it does not update that data table view. It adds it once i close the program and debug it again.

Code: (Open the windows form)
Private Sub btnAddNew_Click_1(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAddNew.Click


Problem two: I need to make a button that will increment a cell that was set as an Int, by one, but can't figure out how to put it into code.

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Updating And Deleting An Image?

Mar 7, 2012

i have doing a project using which a function like insert,update and delete data from database including image. i have successfully insert the image what i did for that is i copy the image to a location named image in current directory of the system and save the path into the database according to the user the problem is, when user need to update the details the image won't update i have an error and when user wants to delete the details, the details in the database deleted but the image not.

insert data
Private Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


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Error When Deleting A Record From Table (table Which Stores Username And Password)

Apr 26, 2009

I got an error when I tried to save a deleted record in a table which I use to store username and password.

I can delete with no problems but the error message popped up when I clicked on the update icon

My login code is like this

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Form1
Private Sub btnOK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


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Getting Error While Updating & Deleting Records

Jun 17, 2012

I am getting the attached error while updating or deleting the records. [code]...

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Forms :: Refresh Data In A Listview After Adding/deleting Or Updating A Record?

Jun 16, 2012

I have designed a form which contains a listview(to see the list records) and textboxes (used for adding or updating).an already save record into table using this

cmd.Connection = con
cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO student_info_tbl VALUES('" & txtUserId.Text & "','" & txtFirstName.Text & "','" & txtMiddleName.Text & "','" & txtLastName.Text _


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Does Outlook 2003 Support ICal 2.0 Spec For Updating And Deleting A Calendar Item

Jul 8, 2009

We are working on an 2.0 web app that emails users an ical to save to their outlook 2003 calendar. We noticed none of the code to update or delete an item seem to work even though the ical 2.0 spec supports it. We are curious if Outlook 2003 just ignores this?Does Outlook 2007 act differently?We have situations where an event may change or be cancelled which fires off an email notification but the updated ical just adds a new event, it nevers deletes and or moves the original.

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Inserting,updating,deleting Data From And To Excel Files Using Oled Or Odbc Connection?

Apr 11, 2009

I have tried everything.but im not able to insert updat and delete the excel able to connect the excel sheet.the connection also seems to be s my connection string:

Dim sConnectionString As String
Const kunal = "C:"
sConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _


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VS 2008 Binding Multiple Tables To A Grid View Then Updating, Inserting Or Deleting?

Mar 24, 2011

How can I do this, this what I got so far.

Dim ClassID As Integer = 1
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter
Dim con As New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=D:Database


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Coping The Active Record In A Form To Another Table And Then Deleting The Record From The Original Table?

Aug 18, 2011

I am leaning VB and have created a basic inventory app for work that consist of 4 tables, CurrentInventory, Surplus, Staff and Category. Each of these tables have a corresponding form. My question is with the CurrentInventory and Surplus form/tables. I want a button on the CurrentInventory Form that when clicked the current record would be transferred to the Surplus table and deleted from the CurrentInventory table.I am assuming that I could somehow use the INSERT command to copy the current record to the surplus table but I am not sure how to accomplish this.

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Deleting Rows From A SQL Table?

Mar 21, 2012

I have a table in where I am trying to delete all the rows except for the first. I did manage to come up with the code following:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim dtRemoveRows As DataTable =


In review, this code sort of holds the first row and clears the remaining rows. However, when I exit and reopen the program the rows return. So in other words, I want the rows to get permently deleted. I have searched and cannot find a solution to permenly delete all rows without deleting the first row.

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Error In Deleting A Row In A Table?

Apr 21, 2011

i am using following code in my app but getting error the code is

Dim conn1 As SqlCeConnection = New SqlCeConnection("Data Source=|DataDirectory|exim.swf;Password=Pkyadav123;Persist Security Info=True")


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How To Deleting All Rows From A Table In VB

Feb 2, 2012

how to delete all rows from a table in visual basic 2010

Dim CurMembersRow As MembersDataSet.MembersRow
CurMembersRow = CType(CType(Me.MembersBindingSource.Current, DataRowView).Row, MembersDataSet.MembersRow)

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Deleting Row In Table From Sql Server 2005?

Jun 7, 2012

I try to delete the row of the table from sql server 2005 via 2005 using textbox to refer the serial no value of the column which is set as primary key, when i click the button to delete it give me this error.

Quote: Conversion from string "error" to type 'Integer' is not valid.Here is the code Private Sub deletebtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles deletebtn.Click


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Deleting Specific Field In The Table - VB6?

Jan 31, 2012

I have a problem deleting specific field in the table. Instead of deleting specific field in the table, the entire row that is selected in the flexgrid is being deleted. please give me idea what code should I add to delete my last row in the flexgrid at the same time delete the data from the database. This is the code i have so far.

Private Sub cmdUnload_Click()
Dim db As Database
Dim sql As String


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Deleting A Record From Access Table By Id Using Dao Recordset?

Apr 3, 2012

I am trying to delete a record from a table by using dao recordset. Currently I am working with the code listed below. Unfortunately i've realised that this code only deletes the first record in my table, whereas I am looking to delete a record form the table with an ID that I would have put in textbox1

Private Sub btnDelete_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDelete.Click
Dim AccessEngine As New DBEngine
Dim db As Database = AccessEngine.OpenDatabase(DatabasePath)
Dim dbs As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access.Dao.Recordset = db.OpenRecordset("myTable", RecordsetTypeEnum.dbOpenDynaset)
End Sub

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Database Table Attributes - Query A List Of Table Names In The Database Ordered By Date Created

Jan 22, 2011

[Code] my issue is that now i need two cases, first i need a query that will return the date created and modified of the table and i also need to know if its possible to query a list of table names in the database ordered by date created but that have a certain thing in their names. for example the database contains the following tables: [Code] and what i need the query to return is the tables that contain "Data", settings and employees are for the other functions of the program. so the query should return the 4 data tables in order of date created. but i have no idea how to go about doing that in the query, does anyone know how this is done?

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Warning Messagebox Appears When Deleting A Record Which Has A Foreign Key To Another Table?

Apr 24, 2009

I would like to have a pop up messagebox that asks users for confirmation before deleting a record in datagridview and if the record is a foreign key to another table, another messagebox will appear and warns users saying" before you can delete this record, make sure you remove all the related records" I have tried but I don't know how to complete it.

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
BindingNavigator1.DeleteItem = Nothing
End Sub


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Populate Local Database Table With Remote Server Database Table ?

Aug 11, 2012

I am having a remote server it has INVENTORY DATABSE , and also iam having same databse in my local system. I want to populate by local database table with my Remote database table through code by click a button. How to do this .

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Sql Server - Updating SqlClient Dataset Table With OracleClient Dataset Table?

May 5, 2012

I use a dbDataAdapter to populate a DataTable from an unlinked oracle database.I have a dbDataAdapter that I want to insert rows into an SQL Server table using SQLCommandBuilder.I have been trying all day to update the DataTable that references the SQL Server table with the data from the Oracle DataTable so that I can insert the rows.

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Debugging Execution Of Database Function Call To Remote Sql Server?

Sep 14, 2011

Working in VWD 2010 Express I have an aspx.vb file with the following connection string:

Protected Function getPasswordLength() As Integer
Dim conn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=localhost;database=MyDB;Integrated Security=true")
Dim cmd As SqlCommand = conn.CreateCommand()


This works when the code is on the web server / which is collocated with the SQLServer.However, when I want to debug, I have to copy to the server. I would like to be able to "debug in place" on my development machine and only copy files to the production machine periodically. Technically the production machine is not in production at the moment, but that's beside the point.Anyway, I followed the following instruction: [URL] I can now see the remote database, functions, etc. on the other machine (from the VWD running on the development machine). However, I thought I should then be able to execute this same code locally on the development machine using ctrl-F5, but I get the following error:

**Server Error in '/' Application.A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)**

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