Download Location On Form From FTP?

Feb 26, 2012

i am working on a game that i have made in, i was able to create an Uploader where when the character moves it is uploaded to a Server, now i am trying to add the multiplayer where other player movements are downloaded, i have started off with this code:

Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
dim client as new net.webclient
Label1.Location.X = client.DownloadString("ftp://User:Pass@Host/" + "Player_1_X_location" + ".txt")
Label1.Location.Y = client.DownloadString("ftp://User:Pass@Host/" + "Player_1_Y_location" + ".txt")

i Receive the Error:

Expression is a Value and therefore and cannot be the target of an assignment.

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Create Form Where End User Enter Folder Location For Download?

Aug 5, 2009

I currently have a program that allows users to download files into a folder of there choice. I currently have 10 different forms all with a text box to show folder location and a browse button for user to find it, but what I want to do is create a form that will appear at the start where the end user can enter the folder location so that they don't have to enter the folder path for every download they want to do. How would I go about doing this I have a textbox, browse button and an OK button but have no idea what to do next.

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Download Location For VB6 IPDK?

Sep 15, 2010

The IPDK is the International Package and Deployment Kit.It is described in KB236404, but the link in the article no longer points to the kit, just mdac_typ.exe.

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How Download Prerequisites From Following Location

Jul 10, 2009

i create a Setup for my application and I want to Download prerequisites (DotNetFX and WindowsInstaller3_1) from my site location.I choose Download prerequisites from the following location: url...On that location i put this folders: DotNetFX and WindowsInstaller3_1But when I install my application on a computer with no DotNetFX and WindowsInstaller3_1 it redirect me to the Microsoft site.

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Choose File Download Location?

May 31, 2011

I need to allow users to download a file to their machine in my web app. I need them to browse to the download location themselves through some kind of navigation window.

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Save, And Specify The Download Location Without Having To Use Sendkeys?

Oct 12, 2011

I connects to a site. On that site, it puts in criteria to filter on a database. It then submits it. A pop up window appears asking to Open / Save / Cancel. I don't know how to interact with that window.

It is possible to Save, and specify the download location without having to use Sendkeys? Note: There is no file to directly download. You have to run the report and it kicks back the file.

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Set Location Of Child Form To A Specified Point Of Parent Form

Nov 11, 2010

how to set location of child form to a specified point of parent form.Below is my code but it is not working for setting the location.[code]

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Set A Form's Location In Relation To A Picture Box In Another Form?

Sep 29, 2010

I have created a form with pictures of plants on it (note these pictures are moved to the left when the left button is pressed). When a mouse is placed over or hovers over one of these pictures i want a mini form to pop up beside the plant with the plants name on it.


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Set Form Location

Feb 26, 2012

I want my application to always appear on the top right hand side of the monitor.The coding i use places my application on the bottom right hand side...I want it to appear on the top right....What am i doing wrong here?[code].........

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Change The Location Of The Form?

Nov 15, 2009

So i want to change the location of my form so that it pops up in the lower right corner of the screen.

Form1.Location = (New Point)

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Form Location Above Task Bar?

Apr 21, 2012

Is there a way I can place my form above the task bar?

Something like this: But, people have different sized task bars..

Is there something like: ?

My current code is: Me.Top = My.Computer.Screen.Bounds.Height - 116

Me.Left = My.Computer.Screen.Bounds.Width - 365

View 7 Replies

Location To Bottom Of Form?

Apr 3, 2012

I am trying to get this PictureBox to always be in the bottom of the Form and not depend on what screen resolution the screen has. I am using VB 10?

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Set A Form's Location By Percent?

May 20, 2009

i was wondering if it's possible to do such:

'form location Me.Location = New Point(10%, 50%)

i know this code doesn't work as it looks, just loads the location by pixels. this is just a question, hopefully with a working code for a marked much work to do and so many choices to choose from.

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Setting The Location Of A Second Form?

Aug 4, 2009

I have a second form that loads when the main form loads. It sits behind the main form, is mainly transparent and does not allow interaction from the User.

Its as if the form is on the desktop, which is what I'm going for.

I set the location of the form to be in the top right hand corner of the desktop. On my PC, which is a 23" monitor, it works and looks great. But when I use my application on a notebook or a smaller screen, the form gets cut off. Why is obvious, because of the screen size differences.

What I want to know is how I might set the form to a more... definitive position. Rather, relative to the size of the screen.

I haven't searched much yet, but maybe there is a way to set the location of the form to a specific location of the desktop, not relative to the size of the screen.

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Starting Location For A Form?

Oct 4, 2008

I'm a bit confused when it comes to setting the start location of a form, relative to another form.I know how to set the start location for a form, however, I have a "main" form, which is behind this form. The main form will be displaying different images, labels, ect. I need the second form to display at the bottom of the main form. The main form's resolution is 800x600, and the bottom form is 800x65. I tried to set the bottom form's location to 0,535, which WOULD make it right at the bottom of the main form, but it seems that it puts it at that location relative to the user's display resolution.So basically, I just need help with getting this form to appear at the bottom of the main form. I read a bit about "containers", but am not sure exactly if they would work for this, and if they did, how exactly I would incorporate them into my situation.

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Download A .png Onto Windows Form?

Jun 7, 2009

how do i go to a specified URL, grab a png image, and drop it onto my windows form in my windows application?

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Change Location Of Second Instance Of Form?

Aug 15, 2010

Inside a module I have the code:

Public frmClue2 As New frmClue

So I have a new instance of frmClue. Inside my main form I have the code:

frmClue2.Owner = frmClue
frmClue2.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual
frmClue2.Location = SecondaryScreen.Bounds.Location

The code works except for setting the location. The location is initially set to {X = -3 Y = -3} and it will not change. I have tried to set it to new Point(1440, 0) and that does not work. One interesting thing I found was if I declared the new instance of the form locally inside my main form rather than in the module, then the initial location is set to {X = -1 Y = -1} and I can change it no problem. However anytime the code leaves the main form, the instance disappears hence why I declare it as public in the module. I used the same code to create a new instance of the main form as well and there are no problems.

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Form Should Open At Specific Location

Feb 24, 2010

i m using vb. net when i run my form

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MDI Child Form Not Opening In Specified Location?

Jun 25, 2011

I have an MDI form with child forms which I open on it. The following statement in each form's load event places a child form in the location I want:

Me.Location = New Point(0, 136) I have several of these working. However, I have one form for which this statement does not work. It opens spread out over the entire parent form. Also, there is a border at the top with min, max, and close buttons even though the form has no border. This form has a picture box on it, if that means anything. why this child form does not open in the specified location?

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Moving Labels From One Location To Another In A Form In 4?

Feb 26, 2011

I'm making a small program in which i want to move labels from one position to another , I used the following statementLabel1.Location.Y = 10 ' Error - Expression is a value and cannot be the target of an assignment

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Persist Control Location On A Form?

Jun 16, 2010

I need to save the controls location and size on the parent form to file. My aim is to be able to simply copy that file to the path where an instance of my program is running and then it automatically applies the previously saved layout of controls. How can I use My.Settings to do that or is there another better option?

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Setting Form Window Location?

Apr 19, 2009

I'm having trouble setting a form's location in the load event.

config_set = File.ReadDatabaseKey(Public_Variables.settings_radar, _
"Window Position X", Public_Variables.config, Public_Variables.config_path, 5)
If Misc.GetContainsOnlyNumbers(config_set) Then
Me.Location.X = CInt(config_set)
End If

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VS 2010 Setting The Form Location?

Apr 1, 2011

In my Windows application I have 2 forms, Form1 & Form2 in Form1 there is a Button so now I want to place the form2 exactly bottom of the Button when I click.

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Get Download Link Form Webbrowser

Jan 29, 2012

Every time I click on download file link, instead of the internet explorer download file dialog to come up, show my second form and in it's textbox place the download link. I have been searching for this for a long time.

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VS 2010 : Start Download In Another Form?

May 26, 2011

I've made a download manager, which made out of several form.I have a problem with the first and second form, they are the mainly forms.The first is the main window. It contains the ListView, where you see the downloads, and buttons and etc.The second window is the window you insert the download link and press to download the file.I made everything, but when you press on the start button in the second window, it closes (as I wrote it to) and doesn't start the download.To check if it starts or not, I made a timer, which starts when the download begins, and it should show the seconds in a cell on the chart.It doesn't start it.I used this two lines to start download (the are in the button1_click in the second window): = New WebClient Uri(TextBox1.Text), Options.TextBox1.Text + "" + "123.exe")
Download is a public event and webclient.

Textbox1 is where the link is (direct link - if you put it in the adress in the browser, it starts downloading the file). Options.Texbox1 is the path (another window)The code of showing it in the listview is:

Form1.listview.Items(Counter).SubItems.Add(e.ProgressPercentage + " %")

Counter is an Integer that raise in 1 every click in the second form (to be able to make another row, for multiple downloads.

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Auto-resize Form And Location Of Buttons

May 25, 2012

Ive already tried searching regarding w/ my problems and unfortunately, I found nothing. Anyway, my form is automatically resized to full screen once it is started. here's my code:


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Creating A Time And Location Schedule Form?

Jun 5, 2011

I am currently designing an application form that the user fills to use a room in a specified time. The application is to check if the room specified is available at the time period specified. I am stil wondering how to do this such that there is no clash.

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Form And Location Of Mouse - Finding X And Y Values?

Oct 8, 2010

I want to get the border of the form when its load but how? Then I'll compare between the form location and the mouse ,if the mouse out of the form, the visibility is false when the mouse move or key press up /down and become in the form border, the form visibility must be true. How to find the x and y values to the form?

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Forms :: Determining Opening Location Of A Form?

Jul 4, 2011

I have a button on my form. When I click it, I want a form to be opened exactly on the location where the button is.

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Forms :: Show Form Random Location?

May 26, 2009

im working on a little project and i need my form1 to basically spam itself in random locations...

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