Draw Over A Webpage?

Mar 31, 2012

I have a small project where I need to draw graphics over a WEB page.

To do this, I create a "ghost" form with a WebBrowser at the same location and size of my main form that is always displayed behind my main form.

When I set the TransparencyKey of my form's Panel to the main form's TransparencyKey, the panel shows the WEB page that sits behind the form. Yet, because this is a panel, I can draw anything over the WEB page

The only problem that I have is when my program needs to open child non-modal forms. When the user sets the focus back to the main form, the child form goes behind me main form, but it is still in from of "ghost" form.

Is there a way to "bind" the main form and the "ghost" form together, so that any other forms may only be completely on the back, or comletely on the front (never in between)?[code]...

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VS 2010 Draw A Simple Floor Plan On Webpage?

Jun 15, 2012

I need to show a simple layout of machine location on my webpage. Anyone can give me idea how do i go about this.The layout will show the location of machine and status of machine. Beside using table, any other idea? The machine will link to database and show the status of machine.

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Url - Open Webpage (or Snapshot Of Webpage) Into Another Webpage

Mar 10, 2010

i have an aspx page with vb.net back end. in that page i get names and url's from the database depending on different conditions. My requirement is that when i get the url, the code should then use that url and have that webpage in a small preview form on my existing aspx page. so basically i have a table as follows -


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Get DataGridView To Draw The Way A Professional Control Should Draw?

Apr 26, 2010

I need to get the DataGridView to perform the way it should perform. I'm new to the .NET environment, but I learn fairly quickly. However, I find it difficult to decipher themassive black box of the DataGridView control enough to make it do anything other than what it already does--Draw very slowly.

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VB - Put The Player On The Webpage And Put The Webpage On The Sever It Cant Play The Video ?

Jan 13, 2009

I making a webpage with the help visual basic. I wanted to put a flv video in it and i used flash control for asp.net [URL]. I made the player in flash told it to download the video from the sever. Now when i put the player on the webpage and put the webpage on the sever it cant play the video. But when i just pres the the player which is in swf format it works. It can download the video. But when i put the player on my webpage it cant.

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Convert An ASP Classic Webpage Into An ASP.NET Webpage?

May 6, 2009

Duplicate:good references or tools available for converting from ASP to ASP.NET?How i can convert an ASP Classic webpage into an ASP.NET webpage?

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Forms :: Uses A Button To Draw A Line And A Second Button To Draw A Rectangle?

Oct 14, 2011

I have a form that uses a button to draw a line and a second button to draw a rectangle. I have a third button to clear the form but can't find a code example to code the Clear button.

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Draw Bar Graph - Draw A Graph Except MSChart Tool?

Jul 2, 2009

I have to draw a bar graph in my vb.net program. I used AxMSChart to create a graph. Everything has gone fine but when i published this and run on Vista PC, all form was good except my form includes MSChart. It says class not registered.So i have to draw a graph except MSChart tool.

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How To Draw A Grid

Oct 19, 2009

Alright, im trying to make a map editor for a game engine. I already have the whole form planned out but I just can't figure out on how to draw a grid. I dont mean a data grid. I mean like tiles. X and Y positions and stuff like that. I have looked all over the internet for tutorials. There are very few and most are out-dated. Can anyone help?

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.net - Best Control To Draw In?

Aug 16, 2011

I have a VB app which draws primitive shapes (lines, filled rectangles etc.) into a picturebox control (from its paint event). I've since found out that a picturebox is probably the worst control to use for this. I've also found out that it's better to draw directly onto the form but I don't really want to do this as a control gives clipping for 'free'.

What would be the best control for this? The panel control looks like a good candidate but the experiment I tried actually performed worse

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Best Way To Draw Triangle

Feb 1, 2010

I'm creating a movable scenary with, like 100 different flights. I want to create for every type of flight a triangle...so it's moves around and you have an idea how the airspace looksq like at what moment.Now my question is, what's the best way to draw these rectangles? I created a class 'Flight' and it has a Graphicspath in it. Now I want to update the triangle, which represents the aircraft, with the speed and heading...so it moves around well.

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Can't Draw On The Image

May 14, 2009

I have a problem with my code

after I click undo I can't draw on the image and I don't know why

this is my code

Imports System.Drawing.Graphics
Imports System.Drawing.Bitmap
Imports System.Drawing


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Check For A Draw

May 12, 2010

I have got a noughts and crosses game and its all finished appart from the checkdraw sub routine i forgott to write in, so I wrote it out as below:[code...]

Now ScoreX and ScoreO are two variables declaired at form level, I use a very simaler routine for CheckWin and that works a treat.

My problem is that when a draw is detected the message box comes up ok but no scores are added to the label control.

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Draw A Circle In .Net?

Nov 3, 2011

Private Sub PictureBox1_Paint(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.Paint
e.Graphics.DrawEllipse(Pens.AliceBlue, New Rectangle(New Point(0, 0), New Size(PictureBox1.Width, PictureBox1.Height)))
End Sub

I am trying to draw a circle in VB.Net, .Net version 4.Nothing shows up in the paintbox.

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Draw A Dendrogram In VB?

Jun 14, 2011

how to draw a dendrogram in Visual Basic? For example, I have 5 objects o1,o5 and I've calculated distances between them and the result is o1o5o2o4o3 (objects o1 and o5 are most alike, then o2 is most alike to 04 and so on, as you can see in the attachement).Should I use Treeview or Charts or should I just draw lines myself?

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Draw A Line In VB?

Mar 31, 2010

For class, I am creating a Tic Tac Toe game. When there is a win I would like to draw a line over the 3-in-a-row. Not sure if this is possible because I used an array of buttons to represent the X's and O's. If this is not possible I would like to highlight the winning buttons.

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Draw A X/y Graph With VB?

Oct 13, 2010

I downloaded mschart20.ocx manually and register it with regsvr32.exe bu it gives an error ven I tried to launch my program. link to set up mschart property to my visual studio 2008 prof.edt. I need to draw a x/y graph with visaul basic.

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Draw Borders Around Rtb?

Aug 3, 2009

I want to draw borders around rtb. I am using this code but it draws border at top and left side of rtb only and also I cant type anything i rtb after drawing border. Is there another way of doing this?


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Draw Graphics More Than Once?

Aug 21, 2010

Running VB/Studio? 2010 on XP. I draw on full screen resolution of 1920 wide x 1080 hi.I have set FormBorderStyle to NONE & WindowState to Maximize which seems to be the only way to get rid of the task bar.but w or wout this setting, My graphics draws a full screen twice - mostly repeatably.When I have [code] parameters set to use 9/16th of screen horizontally, the pattern is drawn once the first time I run it and usually once if I hit F5 quickly enough after hitting Alt-F4. But if I wait long enough [a second or 2] after 'Ready' appears at teh lower left of the IDE screen, then it draws the pattern 3 times.for wider patterns, 10/16th, 11/16 up to 16/16, which is 1920 pixels wide, it usually draws the pattern once after I make this parameter change and twice from there on. The 'twice' is repeatable; it 'doing it once' the first time is not a sure thing.

There are more peculiaraities than this, but if we can find causes for what I"ve given you, it might get them all wout making it seem more complicated than it is.I don't think it's in my code; it works - it draws the right thing the right number of times w no compiler errors. But here is the guts of it:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles MyBase.Paint
e.Graphics.SmoothingMode = Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality


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Draw The Curv Sin(X)?

Nov 4, 2011

Write a program that will display the graph for the sin(x) function where 0 <= X<= 180 degrees. use primitive drawing using "*".

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How To Draw A Connection

Jun 1, 2012

I have a problem with my project. (attached file).When I click on the "computer", I get a computer on the screen. Suppose on the screen, i have 2 computers. (they can be moved) Now I want that:

1. When I click on the "Connection" button and choose the 2 computers, the connection is drawing. If still want to draw a connection, I have to click on the "Connection", choose the 2 computers again.

2. When I move the computer's location, "connection" will not be lost.

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How To Draw A Grid

Aug 2, 2008

How would i draw a grid on a form in the forms paint event?Say start at coordinate (50,50 then 50,me.height) and then draw as line every 50 pixels. once that is done then draw the same grid horizontal to get a result similar to this

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How To Draw Bar Chart

Nov 25, 2007

I am doing a bar chart project. my project should looks like this:

The problem i have right now is that i don't know how to draw the rectangle in the right way. my rectangle start to draw at the left top, how do i fix my code to make the rectangle draw start from the bottom? Also, i know how to draw string of my each input value, but i don't know how to print data values inside each bar, centered horizontally and vertically. This is what i have done so far

Here is my code:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

Dim Blue As Brush = Brushes.Blue
Dim Red As Brush = Brushes.Red


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How To Draw Graph

Feb 2, 2011

I want to develop a graph application in VB.Net (VS2008). I have many point with (x,y) values. There I have calculated angel and radius by Pythagoras theorem. How to draw line with X,Y co-ordinate with scaling and put the point into this graph.......

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Way To Draw A Line

Apr 10, 2010

Surely its possible to draw a line in Visual Studio without writing a dozen lines of code?

Is there a drawing toolbox that's hiding from me?

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Way To Draw A Triangle

Jun 18, 2009

How do I draw a triangle?

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Way To Draw Connection

Jun 1, 2012

I have a problem with my project. (attached file).When I click on the "computer", I get a computer on the screen. Suppose on the screen, i have 2 computers. (they can be moved)

Now I want that:

1. When I click on the "Connection" button and choose the 2 computers, the connection is drawing. If still want to draw a connection, I have to click on the "Connection", choose the 2 computers again.

2. When I move the computer's location, "connection" will not be lost.

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.net - Draw Image To Form?

Nov 11, 2011

I'm trying to draw a 400x400 px image to a 400x400 form that I made. What I'm doing is:

Graphics.DrawImage Method (Image, 0, 0, 400, 400) 0, 0, 400, 400, ...

But when I run the form, the image seems to stretch slightly upon the y-axis, the x-axis seems to be working correctly.

This was what I was doing before (stretching the old smaller images to fit the size)

... (Image, 0, 0, 264, 231) 0, 0, 400, 400, ...

or something like that. Now that I'm trying to do it the correct way, I can't seem to get it to work properly.

Edit: I wonder if using a simpler verson of Graphics.DrawImage would work?

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Can't Draw Line In Picture Box

Jun 21, 2010

How come this doesn't work...

Private Sub ColorKeyForm_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles Me.Paint
'Draws diagonal line of dot and dash on form


... the top part draws a line on the form but the second part does nothing. The picColorKey is a picture box on the form.

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Cannot Draw A Smooth Brush?

Jul 16, 2009

I am trying to draw a brush for my application

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