Dynamically Update Order Of Rows In An Sql Database?

Jun 24, 2010

I am creating an information access system. Here the notifications created by the admin will be visible to the user through a visual basic form and sql database. I need a maximum of 20 notifications and the last created notification should appear at the top in the form. Also when the 21st notification is created it should automatically delete the 1st and so on.

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Pull A GUID From Database In Order To Update A Username?

Jul 13, 2010

I have a SQL database that is different than the one in ASP.net so I had to create a custom membership Provider. The provider to get the user looks like this:My SQL class name is CustomSqlProvider:

Public Overrides Function GetUser(ByVal username As String, _
ByVal userIsOnline As Boolean) As MembershipUser
'Dim connectionString As String = "Server=***;Database=***;User Id=***password=****"'


After adding those gets and sets and assigning parameter variables to my Sproc parameters I get the following error: "Reference not set to an instance of an object." at this line of code:

Dim currentUser As MembershipUser = Membership.GetUser()
Dim UserId As Guid = CType(currentUser.ProviderUserKey, Guid)

And this is what I have on the UserInfo.aspx.vb Page under the Button click:

Dim sql As New SqlClient.SqlCommand("Update_User", con)
sql.Parameters.Add("@UserId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = UserId
sql.Parameters.Add("@UserName", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = txtUserName.Text

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Update Status To Indicate E Order Is Delivered Or Progress In Database?

Aug 6, 2009

i wanted to update my status to indicate e order is delivered or progress in my database and the form itself. so i decided to use progressbar. but im not sure how the coding going to works. or is there other alternatives suggestions on how im going to update my status?

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Update SQL Server Database Dynamically In Program?

Sep 19, 2011

I'm trying to generate a query dynamically using textbox values from my Bookings form to update only those values that were entered by the user.[code]...

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Copy Selected Rows And Amend/update Database?

Aug 10, 2011

I am trying to create a sign in program for my members. They come to the computer, input their birthday (already in the database), and up pops a Form with DataGrid that shows all the members with that birthday. Here is where im getting stuck. I want the user to select their name (row) from the DataGrid, click the button Sign In, and have the database be updated in the "Attendances" column to previous+1.

I first approached using the DataGrid1.SelectedRows.CopyTo method but had no luck. If someone could please help me to read which row the user selected, and then search the database for that persons name (which the row contains), and add 1 to a column in the database.

'Begin Code
DataGrid1.DataSource = Nothing
DataGrid1.Columns.Add("first", "First Name")


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Read Then Update Rows In An Access 2007 Database?

May 8, 2012

I am working on code in Visual Basic 2010 that will read from an Access 2007 data table. If the row has one of the fields marked as processed then do nothing with it, but it not, then process the data in that record, and update the field as processed, and move on to the next one marked as needing processing, looping through all of them. Later I'll go back and repeat this again.

I am able to read from the database and get all the information from it just fine, but I can't then update the 'processed' field. I'd rather like to avoid having the database integrated with the project as other processes will need to access it when this process (program) is not working on it.


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Select All Rows And Update To New Access Database .mdb Table?

Jan 18, 2011

i have a problem to retreive whole rows of a datagridview and transfer to my new access database in vb environment anyone can give me advice or examples of how to do it ? for example my datagridview colums have JOB_NO, ERR_DESC , REMARK

now i would to post all row (not selected datagridrow) from this datagridview to my new database .. i search at google using row count may do the job but i still fail on ...

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VS 2008 - Delete / Insert Rows And Update Access Database

Jan 5, 2011

I am using this code to Add rows to a SQL database, and it adds the row to the SQL database if column 7 is not null. After it adds the row to the SQL database, it deletes it from the Access Dataset, and updates the Access Database. Sometimes double rows seem to get inserted into the database, so I'm thinking there is an error in my logic somewhere here.

Dim rowcount As Integer = AccessDataSet.AccessTbl.Rows.Count
Dim y As Integer = 0
For x = 0 To rowcount - 1
txtRow = AccessDataSet.AccessTbl(y)
If IsDBNull(txtRow(7)) = False Then
[Code] .....

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.net - Dynamically Adding Items To An Un-order List In Asp.net

Feb 22, 2010

if i create a html ul. and wanted to dynamically add list items to this list. so i have :


is there a way i can add list item to this list dynamically in asp.net i am using vb

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Dynamically Add Arrays That Are Named Based On Sequential Order?

Jul 30, 2010

I basically want to do what you can do for controls like the textbox where adding a new textbox automatically autonumbers itself based on the existing textboxes(e.g. textbox1,textbox2, textbox3) except for an array or some other comparable instrument.

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Not Inserting, Or Reading Sql Rows In Order?

Jan 23, 2011

i have a button and 2 text boxes to insert datai have a button and 2 text boxes to read the datait seems that when i insert a row, it is not being inserted as the very next row. or at least it is not reading it in order1st. I add rws with the values (2 columns in table) 1 and 1, then 2 and 2, then 3 and 32nd. I read the rows, the do not come up in order 1 and 1, then 2 and 2, then 3 and 3. I will get somethign like 1 and 1, then 3 and 3, then 2 and 2,it does read it the same way each time i read it.

Private Sub btnInsert_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnInsert.Click


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DTABASE NOT UPDATING - Error (update Requires A Valid Update Command When Passed Datarow Collection With Modified Rows)

Sep 28, 2009

I have an issue with a data base updating it won't update for me in debgging mode it is stopping here on this bit of code which is highlighted in red. the error which comes up is .(update requires a valid update command when passed datarow collection with modified rows.)

Public Sub UpdateDataSource(ByVal ChangedRows As database.dataset1)
'The data source only needs to be updated if there are changes pending.
If (Not (ChangedRows) Is Nothing) Then


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DataSet.WriteXml Not Writing Rows In Correct Order?

Mar 12, 2009

I have an XML file that is being updated via ASP.NET. The user should be able to add new nodes to the XML file AT ANY LOCATION in the node tree.

The XML file is read into a DataSet using DataSet.ReadXml(filename).

A new row is added to the appropriate DataTable, using InsertAt(row, index).

I have confirmed using a DataGrid, and using a loop (For Each dRow in Table, Response.Write..) that the new Row was inserted into the table at the correct spot (in my example code, the 3rd position).

However, The WriteXml() method is writing the node to the END of the XML tree! I can't get it to see the tree with the node in the correct location.

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim sXML_Lesson As String = "test.xml"


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When Click On Columnheader Of DataGridView It Change Order Of Rows

Oct 28, 2008

When I click on the Columnheader of DataGridView it change the order of rows. How do I stop this?

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Open A CSV File Update Some Rows, Columns, Delete Some Rows And Save It As Another CSV File?

Aug 25, 2011

I have a csv file. I need to open it, delete whole row on basis of a column value, Update few of the column values and save the file as .dat file. I am using VB.net 2010

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Adding Rows To A DataGridView Dynamically?

Apr 26, 2012

VB.NET 4.0 framework Windows Forms Application. So I have a DataGridView that I have dropped on my form in designer, set all the columns to readOnly, AllowUserToAddRows = FalseAllowUserToDeleteRows = False. Now for the part where it the code is going bad at.

My function Looks Like this:
Private Sub fill_items()
Dim prop As List(Of property_info) = db.property_info.ToList


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Dynamic - Dynamically Add Div Table Rows

May 29, 2009

Im a VB.NET beginnger, how I can dynamically add a div table row or how I can loop a section of html?

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Set The Column Width And Leave The Top 10 Rows Empty In Order To Insert An Image Into Excel Report?

Sep 3, 2009

How can I set the column width and leave the top 10 rows empty in order to insert an image into my Excel report?

Here is my code:

If ComDset.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
With Excel


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Data Not Updating Error "Update Requires A Valid Update Command When Passed DataRow Collection With Modified Rows"

May 29, 2009

I am completly flummoxed!!! I have writen code for updating my table from a form but when I use the same code only changing the table names it wont work I get the following message: "Update requires a valid Update Command when passed DataRow collection with modified rows" My codes are as follows:


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Cannot Update Order Id Field Not Updateable

Jun 10, 2011

I have this error when I run my program Can not update order id field not updateable, This happens when I try to enter data into a text box and press save. to my data grid.

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Dynamically Generate Checkbox List For Number Of Rows In Asp .net Using?

Aug 19, 2009

I would like to generate the checkbox list dynamically.For example against the list of employees(rowwise), provide the list of check box options (columnwise), the selected items will be stored in the database against the each employee. Since i am the new to .NET your guidance will help me to complete the task.

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Forms :: Dynamically Creating Chexboxes From DataTable Rows

Mar 22, 2009

I am working on a winform project like to dynamically create chexboxes from a datatable rows.

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Resize Columns And Rows Dynamically In TableLayoutpanel At Runtime?

Sep 1, 2009

I need to resize Rows and columns dynamically in TableLayoutpanel..I achive this but it's not perfectly come in some times.. My requirement is how we are resize the rows and columns of TableLayoutpanel at design time..Same like i need to implement at Runtime.If i resize any row or column only That perticuler item only resizing ..

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Dynamically Refresh / Update Form

Jun 6, 2011

I am trying to update my form once the delete button is clicked. There are several fields like Name, Date, Date of Birth and so on. Once I delete record I want the form to automatically load with new / updated data. This form fetches data from MS Access using OLEDB. Once when I close the application and reopen then form will be updated with new values. But I want this to happen once the form loads after deleting.[code]

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Update The PropertyGrid Item Value Dynamically Instead Of Just At The End?

Sep 25, 2009

I have written a Type Converter for a TrackBar. I was wondering if there is any way to get the value being changed in the Dropdown so I can update the PropertyGrid item value dynamically instead of just at the end?

Here is the Type Converter code:

Code:Imports System.Windows.Forms.Design
Public Class Slider
Private editorService As IWindowsFormsEditorService
Private m_Value As Integer


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Validator Summary Will Not Update Dynamically

May 17, 2011

I have a validation Summary I am using for the RequiredFieldValidators to use to show the error messages while an image shows up next to the controls being validated.I have set the required field validator to Display="Dynamic". When I select something in the dropdown it removes the image next to the control right away like I want but the errormessage text stays on the ValidatorSummary.What can I do to make the ValidatorSummary to update dynamically like the RequiredFieldValidator when it removes the image next to the dropdown?

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Dynamically Update Crystal Report From Datagridview?

Sep 1, 2008

i have a pretty standard crystal report that shows a quote for materials for various customers - i also have a form, lets call it form1 for arguments sake - on form 1 i have two data grid views - one attaches to the customer table, one attaches to the quote table. Customer and quotes are linked on customer number at the database level.

i dragged and dropped these on to the form and they work great, as i scroll through each customer in the customer datagridview, that customer's respective quotes show up in the quotes datagridview.

now the problem - as a third tier, i have a crystalreportviewer that has all the nice graphics and presentation of this quote, company logo, etc etc, i've also done all the standard report sources etc etc, but the darn thing won't cycle through the quotes as i scroll through them in the quotes datagridview.

am i missing something simple? all i want to do is highlight "abc company", see their list of 50 different quotes pop up in the quotes datagrid view, then click a quote number and see the quote display in the fancy smanshy crystal report viewer so i can then print or export or whatever.

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VS 2008 : Dynamically Update Label Text?

Aug 8, 2011

I have several group boxes on a winform. within each there are several labels.I am accessing the group boxes with no issues but I can't seem to find a way to update the labels within by looping. They have the same name except the last character which is a number 1 - 9. ex. lbl1, lbl2 ... lbl9.I need to update the text of each label in code with text I get from a database ex. lbl1.text = one, lbl2.text = two etc... I want to loop through the labels to assign the text. Getting text from database is no issue what I am not doing properly is getting the labels.

do while QstNum < 10
Dim ln As New Label
ln.Name = "SC_Cat" & QstNum


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Datagridview Can Update All Rows?

Oct 24, 2011

I've created my dataset and tableadapters using Stored Procedures from a SQL database.When coding the application, I have a variety datagridviews that populate when the user opens a particular record (most are sub-sets of data).My problem arises during the save routine. Because I am using SPs, my usual update line is something like this:[code]

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How To Update Rows In DataGridView

Jun 23, 2010

Following is the code for updating rows of DataGridView in VB.Net.
Private Sub Update_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Update.Click
Dim con As New SqlConnection
Dim com As New SqlCommand
Dim ds As New DataSet
[Code] .....
When I click to Submit button, its doesn't update the changed rows.

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