EditingControlShowing Events Firing Multiple Times?
Feb 24, 2009
I have a DGV in VB.Net 2008 connected to an Access DB table. The DGV is not Read Only, but is full of read-only columns except for one, which contains a combo box. The combo box allows the user to select an outcome for that particular row, and then the program copies in a pre calculated value into the "Profit" column depending upon the item selected in the combobox. Then the user hits the Save button and the DB updates (currently via SQL methods in the XSD).
Easy enough so far.
Here is the code.
Private Sub DGUserBets_EditingControlShowing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewEditingControlShowingEventArgs) Handles DGUserBets.EditingControlShowing
The problem I have is that it would seem that if a user selects the desired outcome from the combobox but does NOT hit Enter, and simply mouses on to a different combobox to again select the outcome for a different row, the first eventhandler is not disconnected and thus the events fire multiple times. This then causes various default MsgBox errors and brings up problems when the user tries to commit all changes to the DB/exit program etc etc.
What do I need to do? Do I need to .EndEdit somewhere appropriate to force the row to save the changes? And where should I call this?
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Apr 25, 2012
I am trying to programmatically add an unspecified amount of new UserControls to a form. One will be added every time an entry is selected in a ComboBox contained within the UserControl. Problem is, the SelectedIndexChanged event fires completely erratically. Sometimes twice, sometimes 3 times, etc., but never just once. No matter how many times I set the combobox's SelectedIndex to -1, it fires at least once with a SelectedIndex of 0. Sometimes the Itemselected event fires multiple times inbetween SelectedIndexChanged events.
InvoiceEntry.vb snippet:
Public Event ItemSelected As EventHandler
Private Sub cboItem_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As System.Object, _
e As System.EventArgs) Handles cboItem.SelectedIndexChanged
RaiseEvent ItemSelected(Me, EventArgs.Empty)
End Sub
[Code] .....
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Apr 1, 2009
I'm trying to prevent a sub / function from firing multiple times on the same event.My app is for handling inbound phone calls (tapi).The app is supposed to route calls based on the callerid number.
aircode below:
Private Sub OnNewCall(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As NewCallEventArgs) Handles tapiManager.NewCall
if newcall.callerid = "5551001" then
If callA.callerid = "5551001" then redirect(callA)but, once it is redirected to the new extension, do not then grab the call from the new extension and try to redirect again (resulting in infinite loop).I realize I could use an integer as a counter, but the problem is, I might actually get more than 1 call at the same time from the same callerid number. And, all the calls would need to be redirected (once).the calls do have properties like (which are unique identifiers to each call):
phcall.id and phcall.hashcode
I'm thinking I need to put that unique id into a temp var / array to run a check against to see if it has been redirected, if it has then skip, if it has not then redirect.The app would run 24x7, and I don't want the temp var / array to get too big, and would want to have it clean automatically (up on a timer maybe?)(I'm guessing it would be a dynamically growing array.)
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Jul 21, 2010
I have a Devexpress Gridview that is linked to a delete, fetch and update stored procedure. The problem I am having is that when I run my program, select a row in the grid and press delete it fires the event multiple times. Specifically it deletes the selected row and then I re-fetch the data so the focus returns to the first row. Which is what I want.
Unfortunately it starts at the beginning of my list and goes down it row by row deleting each row it comes to. It then continues several more times after the rows are deleted. I know this because for each deleted row it asks me if I want to delete it. If I say no then the rows appear to disappear until I manually refresh it after the deleting is done. To make this even more random the second row always reappears after I manually refresh the grid.
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Jul 8, 2010
I've got a research application that is hosting a webbrowser control and I'm implementing a feature that allows the user to select text from a web page and drag it to various research note fields. The issue I have is the dragenter and dragdrop events continue after the initial drop, inserting the text multiple times. Here's the test case on my box and the result.
Select Text in Browser Drag to Text Box Drop Text What happens is after the drop event is fired and the text inserted to the drop target, when you move the mouse after dropping the text, the drag enter event is fired, followed by the dragdrop event, then another dragenter and dragdrop. So, selected text such as "Selected Text" becomes "Selected TextSelected TextSelected Text".
Note: The dragenter event is properly raised once when the mouse enters the textbox, however the mouse does not have to leave the textbox after the dragdrop event fires. i thought there was something wrong with my application so I created a simple test app, containing a Webbrowser and a multi-line text box. This test app generates the same results and the code is below. This is the first time, I've implemented
drag and drop operations and I followed the guidelines noted in this MSDN article. While I did what the article suggests, I'm thinking I need to note the event was handled somewhere.
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Apr 30, 2011
url..I tried to change the combo box value and save the webpage data in string and finally extract my desired data. It works but unfortunately when the combo box value is changed it takes some times for webpage to update.
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Jul 19, 2010
I'm working on a .NET component that gets a set of data from the database, performs some business logic on that set of data, and then updates single records in the database via a stored procedure that looks something like spUpdateOrderDetailDiscountedItem.
For small sets of data, this isn't a problem, but when I had a very large set of data that required an iteration of 368 stored proc calls to update the records in the database, I realized I had a problem. A senior dev looked at my stored proc code and said it looked fine, but now I'd like to explore a better method for sending "batch" data to the database.
What options do I have for updating the database in batch? Is this possible with stored procs? What other options do I have? I won't have the option of installing a full-fledged ORM,Additional Background Info:Our current data access model was built 5 years ago and all calls to the db currently get executed via modular/static functions with names like ExecQuery and GetDataTable. I'm not certain that I'm required to stay within that model, but I'd have to provide a very good justification for going outside of our current DAL to get to the DB.
Also worth noting, I'm fairly new when it comes to CRUD operations and the database. I much prefer to play/work in the .NET side of code, but the data has to be stored somewhere, right?
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Nov 2, 2010
Can you write code to tell an event not to fire? Sometimes in my applications events fire unexpectedly. I know this is a broad question, but it must have happened to others out there.
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Dec 1, 2010
I have a datagridview populated from a dataset datatable and all works well. Changing the values of columns updates the datatable except - if the 1st value changed is the last column on a row, the cellparsing and cellvaluechanged events don't fire. Others may not fire but these two I've been working with. The CellLeaving event fires and the RowLeaving event fires. Going back to the cell and changing the value again does cause the events to fire and everything works fine than.
why the events are not firing the 1st time a value is changed?
In debug I see that the datagridview iscurrentcelldirty value is true and also edit mode.
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Jan 14, 2011
I have a windows form that can search for data and the results are results are returned in a Datagridview. The Datagridview is bound to a custom datatable object. On the CellDoubleClick and CellContentDoubleClick events, a new form is supposed to open which will display the results of that row. What I am noticing is that the datagridview doesn't always fire when I immediately double-click on a particular row. It would appear that I have to first click on the row to "select" it, then double-click the row so the event will fire. Is there a way to remove this intermediate "select" step? Is there a property in the Datagridview that needs to be activated so the double-click events will fire right away? Does something possibly need to be done in another DatagridView event?
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Feb 16, 2012
I've created an application that is supposed to map a network drive as soon as it starts using this basic sub:
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Apr 11, 2011
I'm trying to use the events Validating and Validated on a ToolStripTextbox.
Private Sub txtMenuOwnIP_Validated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtMenuOwnIP.Validated
MyIP = txtMenuOwnIP.Text
StatusLabelIP.Text = MyIP
End Sub
Neither code is firing.The CausesValidatition of the txtMenuOwnIP is set to true.I can enter stuff into that Textbox and leave it using the Mouse or simply piush Enter, but the posted code won't get fired (used a Breakpoint in both subs). There are no other event routines for this command used.
View 5 Replies
Aug 31, 2011
Here's the situation: I have a variable number of dynamically created update panels on my page, so I thought I would write one method which handles all of the loading for each one.
My Updatepanel creation looks something like this:
Dim newUpdp As New UpdatePanel
newUpdatep.ChildrenAsTriggers = False
View 2 Replies
Jun 30, 2010
Consider a simple VB.NET form with a couple of radio buttons and a checkbox.
Each of the radio buttons has a CheckedChanged handler setup that performs some action based on the state of the checkbox.
My problem is, when I initialize on the default radiobutton to be checked (from the designer properties window) the CheckedChanged event is fired for that radio button, but the Checkbox hasn't been initialized yet so I either get a null pointer exception or the wrong value is used in the handler. Either way, I don't want that handler code to be run unless the user picks a radio button after the form has been loaded.
I currently get around this by not initializing the radio button, but I need to set that default eventually and the best place is from the designer. I also can add a boolean field that's not set to true until the form is fully loaded and not process the events if that is false, but it's a dirty hack.
What can I do to prevent that handler from running its code?
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Sep 29, 2009
I'm creating a small game which when the user clicking a menustrip item "New game" adds event handlers to each label in a panel control.
For Each scoreLabel As Label In Me.panelScore.Controls
If Not (scoreLabel.Name = "lblLeftBonus" Or scoreLabel.Name = "lblLeftTotal" _
Or scoreLabel.Name = "lblRightBonus" Or scoreLabel.Name = "lblRightTotal") Then
View 3 Replies
Feb 18, 2011
When i use my UserControl in a project my Mouse Enter & Leave events aren't firing, i assume i fix this with a raiseevents in my usercontrol. However when i try to do this it says something about "cannot raise base event from derived class".
View 7 Replies
Sep 13, 2011
Iam wanting touse sendinput in a dos or background type app (can be a regular app thats hidden) that emulates mouse clicks and sends mouse moves to another multimouse application. an project that im working on for my school i work at and i need to send the input to it. The overview of the project is i need to have this code be in a service that runs in the background that when a person does a gesture with my kinect code then it clicks the left mouse or sythesis it with sendinput (need mouse up and down sent for this to work). The end programs that receive input are: a program written in the multipoint sdk and mouse mischief. I though about using the default usb mouse driver as an emulated mouse driver to handle the part about creating a usb mouse device that works
since most newer computers are using usb.
View 7 Replies
Oct 31, 2009
firing is triggered by clicking the background of the form (its a 2d space shooter, like asteroids)now the problem is, that when i click, it fires all 3 projectiles at the same time. and thats not good since its not very useful. so how do i have some sort of delay or something so it only fires one projectile every time i click
Private Sub background1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles background1.Click
im doing this for a school project, and ive never done any programming before so please if you know how to make this work, can you explain it as well as possible.
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Aug 23, 2009
DataGridViewComboBoxCell Tag cleared in EditingControlShowing event?
View 2 Replies
Sep 28, 2009
I read the lines from a textfile into a string array and then I use a foreach loop on the string array. I want to go through the same string array again after the loop reach the end of the string array
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Jul 29, 2011
Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted
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Jul 21, 2011
is it possible to raise EditingcontrolShowing event when we try to change the value of a combobox cell in datagridview
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Jun 27, 2012
So I took this from an example. GetInstance() is called from hundred different places in my program, and when I debug, the line "Prog = New Program" keeps getting hit for each of those calls. Which I thought was exactly what should NOT happen.. Or do I have some fundamental misunderstanding?
It seems the "New" sub triggers a number of calls to Program.GetInstance, before the first one completes. This is due to me earlier having lots of shared public objects in this class, which are no longer shared since the class was made singleton. And these objects, when initialized, calls the Program class for reference to other of it's objects.
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Jan 23, 2011
Here is my [code]...
My textbox (txtCopies) default value is 1 so naturally, as it is coded above, the datarow is added once into the Movies Table. But what I need to know is how to code if the txtCopies field has a greater integer value.
View 6 Replies
Mar 26, 2012
I keep on getting errors for every line in the code below that tell me that the attributes cannot be applied multiple times. What does this mean and how can I fix it without changing what the code does?
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
<Assembly: AssemblyTitle("")>
View 2 Replies
Feb 29, 2012
I am doing a project for my company. In that i have to enter the number of items in the first form and in the second form i am going to enter the details of each items. So i have to repeat the second form to get the details number of times depending on the value i have given for number of items in the first form.From the home page i will be entering the values for the master file. after entering the values for the master file then i have to enter the details of the individual item details in a transaction file.
View 3 Replies
Feb 24, 2012
I'm trying to loop the inputbox 5 times but I'm not sure how.
Dim payroll1 As String
payroll1 = InputBox("What is the payrolls for store1", "Inc", , , )
Lblstore1.Text = payroll1
I can get it to loop till a specific amount but not 5 times exactly.
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Apr 20, 2009
i need this option for a textbox. the undo/redo in two separate buttons and it should be for multiple times not just once.[code]
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Jul 17, 2011
I have one Private sub that runs in a loop. I want the sub to run multiple times at once. For example the program runs, you press start; you run the program again and press start, again and again... the same program doing the job at once. now i just want one program do to it alone. But i would like it to be user defined. exp. run program. type in a text box 10. press start. and it works as if 10 of them work open working on the same thing.
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Nov 5, 2010
Is there any way that I can tell if a second version of the same program is opened by the user.
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