Enable The Richtextbox But Do Not Allow Copying?

Jan 18, 2009

Well i think you guys know when a Richtextbox is Enabled = False then you can not write anything nor Copy the Text inside, well you can change the Text with: Richtextbox1.Text but you cant by writing yourself.

But now my problem is i want the RichTextBox to be enabled but it should not be possible to Copy Text from it.

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How To Enable Tab Key In A Richtextbox

Jul 23, 2011

I am crating a text editor, I have a richtextbox named RTB. I want to enable the tab key inside the my RTB. Like in the MS word, when I presses the tab key, the cursor move to five spaces.the problem withe that is that when i presses tab tab key in my program, the focus is going to other controls

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Copying Text Along With Its Formatting From A RichTextBox

Feb 5, 2011

How to copy the text in a RichTextBox along with its formatting to a wordpad or webbrowser?

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RichTextBox - Setting Font And Copying RTF Not Working?

Aug 11, 2011

I have an application that contains a RTB where I allow the user (through a button) the ability to bold selected text. the code to bold is this:

Private Sub btnBold_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnBold.Click
rtbComments.SelectionFont = New Font(rtbComments.SelectionFont.FontFamily, rtbComments.Font.Size, rtbComments.SelectionFont.Style Xor FontStyle.Bold)
End Sub

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Text Color - Textbox / Richtextbox - Enable Html Parsing?

Jan 13, 2012

I noticed no way to modify color at all with textbox, is this accurate? no way to enable html parsing, etc...richtextbox can without enabling html(better because scripting using html like font size, etc...can be un-desirable to allow all html...


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VS 2005 - Copying The Internet Cache Folder But Getting Copying Error?

Apr 22, 2009

I have a copying error with my program. I am trying to copy the internet cache folder, and the error states that some files cannont be copied (read only maybe?) How can i make it copy, or just skip the uncopyable files?

My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyDirectory(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Internet Cache), "d:My Documents")

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Allow The User To Enable Or Disable A Textbox By Clicking Either A Button (enable) Or The Reverse?

Jun 19, 2009

I want to allow the user to enable or disable a textbox by clicking either a button (enable) or the reverse. (disable) if the user clicks the enable button the textbox should receive the focus.

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Way To Search A Richtextbox Textfile That Will Highlight All Word Finds And Then Send Them To Another Richtextbox?

Aug 26, 2010

I have a richtextbox with a large file inside....I want to be able to search for "Fornication" within the text (KJV Bible) and have every instance of that word to pop up into another richtextbox along with the scripture it is in.

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Create A Richtextbox On Formload Then Drag And Drop On Richtextbox?

Jun 28, 2011

I'm currently having a problem dragging and dropping my label1.text to a richtextboxt which isn't created on design time...well im currently found a solution but i think it is only for a temporary solution because i use a drag and drop i drag it to a textbox then it willl transfer the data to the richtextbox....through the use of the textbox... here is the code ive come through..[code]...

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Get Text From Richtextbox In A Form To Another Inside A Richtextbox?

Jul 25, 2011

I am creating a text editor like notepad. Well its an advance type because it is a tabbed notepad type. It saves html files.

I only created tabcontrol on the design time named TabControl1. the tabpages and the richtextbox are created on the form load and when adding tabs. [code]...

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Set Text To A Richtextbox In Form To Another Inside A Richtextbox?

Jul 26, 2011

I have 2 forms. The 1 is named frmMain. inside of it is a Richtextbox named RTB.

The other form is named frmInsert. Inside of it is a Richtextbox named rtbtext.[code]..

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Copying A Form From Vb6

Jun 12, 2012

copying a form design (and possibly the code) from vb6 to .NET? I think I understand how to do the code with copy and paste but how about the form design itself?

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App For Copying Elements From One List To Another?

Mar 11, 2012

I want to copy the elements from one list to another.

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Batch Copying Of Files?

May 17, 2012

I am busy writing a application that i can set up a list of files to copy from one location to a remote network drive.

THe program has a list of "jobs" in a datagrid that it loops through and executes in sequence. What i have now is a background worker that reports the status of which job it is on (File 1 of 5) but i would like something that shows the status of the current copying file as sometimes large files can look like it's stopped on the network

I am using the System.io.file.copy structure, but have also tried the my.computer.filesystem.copyfile (which shows the status in a "windows" copy box)

So, what i would like is some guidance on how to create a function that will copy the file but also report back progress periodicly. I don't want to read and write byte for byte as im worried this will be too slow.

Also, is there a better way/function to use to copy files? Looking for best speed

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Copying & Over Riding File

Feb 4, 2012

I have code that copies from path folder and then copies it over to the destination folder when button is clicked.problem is it won't overide if there is bin file in that directory allready.[code]

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Copying A File Or Extracting It?

Nov 8, 2011

i want to store 2 files in the program and the user clicks the button a dialog shows and the user go to the directory he wants to add these 2 files that stored in the program, How to Do This??

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Copying A File To The Clipboard

Feb 11, 2012

I have a DataGridView which lists the paths of a group of files, pptx, xlxs, etc. From a context menu they can copy the name of the file onto the clipboard, or delete the file or rename the file, but I would like to be able to actually attach the file itself to the clipboard so it could be pasted as an attachment to an email or something like that. How do I get the file itself onto the clipboard when I only have the path to it?

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Copying A Resource File?

Sep 13, 2010

I have added two images as a resource in my project. I'd need to copy these images to a certain folder when the program is started. I'm not familiar about using resources, so far I have managed to set a picturebox to show one of these images like this:

Dim res() As String = GetType(Form1).Assembly.GetManifestResourceNames()
pBoxTest.Image = New System.Drawing.Bitmap( _

But I don't know how to get the url of that image so that I could copy it from it's url to another place.If I now try to find out the location of that picturebox's image I get an empty string: MsgBox(pBoxTest.ImageLocation)This should work in any computer where the program is run so of course I can not just hardcode the path of this resource.

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Copying A Treeview From One Form To Another?

Apr 2, 2010

I am trying to copy a treeview control from one form to another. To do this I wrote the following

Dim tempForm As frmDoc
Dim tempTreeview As TreeView
tempForm = frmMain.Activemdichild
tempTreeview = temForm.treeview1

However this code moves the treeview from one form to another, it does not copy (or clone) the control.

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Copying An Excel Cell Value?

Nov 30, 2010

I am using Visual studio 2008.I have an application that reformats an excel spreadsheet. One of the operations is to copy the contents of the cells from the source to the target sheet. One of the columns has numbers. In excel, if the column is not wide enough, it will display the numbers as "###". For instance, if i have a number 99 and the column is not wide enough, it displays "#" in that cell. The problem is that when I copy this cell to my target sheet, I get "#" and not 99.

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Copying And Moving Files?

Nov 15, 2011

I have been creating a program that copies and moves files from folder to folder; I am using this sort of code;

fileToCopy.CopyTo("path here...")


FileToMove.MoveTo("path here...")

My problem is, when I am copying or moving a large file, It's taking so much time and my program is hanging until all the files are completely moved or copied. How about, using a progressbar instead, so that the user will be able to see the progress of copying and moving instead of the program freezing?

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Copying Array In List Box?

Jun 28, 2011

I have problem in copying array in list box. Array has duplicate values but i want to avoid duplication in the list box. Is there any solution to avoid this duplication? Also in my case duplication in the array is essential but not in list box.

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Copying Data From One Textbox To Another?

Nov 8, 2010

I have some textboxes that I need to get data to on another tab, everything works beautifully until I get to one and that is where the client ID has to be filled oin to that textbox. I have a chkBox that will verify the data that is suppose to be put over intothe tabbed page and if I check it, it will put the data into the textbox. Yet if I leave it unchecked the data does not get copied.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub ClientsBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


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Copying DataGridViewRow To A DataTable?

Apr 16, 2009

tblProductsBindingSource, tblProductsTableAdapter I have delete the tblBindingNavigator,also my DataSet consist of 2 Data Tables namely tblProducts and tblChosenProducts, at this time tblChosenProducts is empty but has all the same Table Style of tblProducts. So at Form Load every things is working fine , what I would like to do is when I click in a cell of dgProducts (the DataGridView on my Form) is to populate my second Data Table(tblChosenProducts) and update it to the database(Invent_14April),

ublic Sub DgProduct_CellClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DgProduct.CellClick


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Copying File To .jar Directory?

Aug 24, 2011

How do i copy a file in /mob in a jar file, Without disturbing the other files

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Copying Files From A Directory To Another?

Feb 23, 2012

I know how to move a single file to another directory. However i am having issues with moving a series of files and files in subdirectories to a single folder. Here is what i have:

Dim ProData As String = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonStartMenu)
' Textbox1 is just a box for the TARGET directory'


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Copying Files From A PenDrive?

Mar 19, 2012

i have been searching Google for weeks now looking for help on a project, i'm not in school college etc, i am a network admin in a secondary school. Basically i was sick of teachers/pupils losing their pen drives and complaining to us that their work is missing, i set out to create a program to ease the backing up process to ensure this happened less often. i did manage to create a program using 'Get current directory' & 'Copy directory' and it works fine but not to the standard i want. Here is a clip of my current program, pretty neat for a beginner i think.I want the .EXE to sit on the pendrive and extract everything to a backup folder when it's run.Because (h:/) or whatever the letter, is a DRIVE, copy directory method wont work.

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Copying Files From One Directory To Another

Apr 18, 2010

I want to include a function in my program that involves my copying files from my cd drive D:/ to my hard drive C:/. The code I'm using is below but it isn't working. The first one came up with an error, and the second one didn't come up with an error but didn't copy the files.

My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(foundFile, destPath & foundFile, True)
Dim srcPath As String
Dim destPath As String
srcPath = ComboBox1.Text & "Web Browser"
destPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonProgramFiles)
[Code] .....
The combo box allows the user to select which drive the cd is in, incase you were wondering.

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Copying Files From One Folder To Another?

Jan 12, 2010

I am looking for a way to copy files from one folder to another, I've tried a few examples online but none seem to work. I need one that copies and replaces and one that only copies files which aren't already in the destination folder?

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Copying Files To C:Windowssystem32?

Mar 18, 2011

I am creating a vb.net screen saver setup solution that will copy a .scr file to c:\Windows\system32, but unfortunanetely access denied. It gives error "Acess to path 'C:\Windows\system32\sss.scr' is denied". The code i used are:

Dim fileName As String = "UDOMScreenSaver.scr"
Dim sourceFile As String = Environment.CurrentDirectory & "\" & fileName
Dim destFile As String = Environment.SystemDirectory & "\" & fileName


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