Enhanced Dental Payment?
Public Class DentalPaymentForm
End Class
' handles Click event
Public Class DentalPaymentForm
End Class
' handles Click event
I'm supposed to modify a Dental Payment Application using Visual Basic express edition 2008. I've copied the code from the book and added some checkboxes,labels and commands. but it keeps giving those three errors:
Error1Value of type 'String' cannot be converted to 'System.Windows.Forms.TextBox'.C:\Users\User\Documents\UNI stuff\Visual Basic\dental payment\dental payment\Form1.Designer.vb25119dental payment
Error3')' expected.C:\Users\User\Documents\UNI stuff\Visual Basic\dental payment\dental payment\Form1.vb836dental payment
Error4End of statement expected.C:\Users\User\Documents\UNI stuff\Visual Basic\dental payment\dental payment\Form1.vb1335dental payment
And this is my code :
Public Class Form1
Private Sub calculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles calculate.Click
I am working on this program that is suppose to display the patient's bill after they have selected a service at a dental lab. the problem I am having is that if the patient name is empty it gives me a message but it still shows the bill. Also I am having a problem with the code that will calculate the bill if a a patient choose more than one service. Here is my code below
ublic Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click
Allow the user to enter a set of grades then calculate and display the total of the grades and the class average...simple enough. Create an application that enables the user to select a file in which to store grades. The application should allow the user to write any number of grades into that file and it should write one grade per line. (lost me there) Next, modify the application to allow the user to specify the location and name of a file containing grades. The application should read teh grades from the file, then display the total of the grades and the class average. My first question is on the Gui. I will have a calculate button that will display the grades entered, (how do I enter multiple grades at one time?) Or do I have the user input one grade at a time? When the calculate button is hit the number of grades entered should appear off to the side and an average score should appear. Is there a way to enter multiple grades at a time and are they entered and separated by a comma? Then there should be a button that stores this information. Should this button say save and retrieve files? Or should I have 2 buttons one to save and one to retrieve?
View 15 RepliesI'm reviewing a midterm visual basic exam question that I got didn't code correctly and I cannot figure out what I'm doing wrong.
The problem is:"Figure 7.4 contains an array of survey responses that is hard-coded (1-5) into the program. Suppose we wish to process survey results that are stored in a file. First, create an application that enables the user to write survey responses to a file. Use StreamWriter to create a file called SurveyResponses.txt and write each response on a separate line. Modify the code in fig. 7.4 to read the survey responses from SurveyResponses.txt by using StreamReader. THe program should continue to read responses until it reaches the end of file. The results should be output to a text box."
Note:the output of figure 7.4 is as follows and the frequency is incremented when a user submits a response.
Rating Frequency
My issue is that I use StreamReader and StreamWriter to allow the user to select a location to save the file and to open the file. I believe VB must automatically create a file and automatically open it, which I cannot figure out how to do it.
The code below checks whether IE enhanced security configuration installed or not on a server. this works for server 2003 but doesnt work on 2008 r2. it returns IE enhanced security configuration installed response when i know and have checked that its not.[code]...
View 8 Repliesi want to create an enhanced login screen for a windows vista computer. On my laptop i am able to scan my finger to login instead of using a password. This fingerprint scanner is a program/process on my computer. If this program is able to detect a finger print being scanned and then act accordingly on the login screen, even when the user has not logged in yet, then what i want to do is possible.
All i want to do is create my own security/login screen, perhaps mine can replace the default windows vista one on my computer.
So here are my main questions:
1. How do i make my program/process run on the login screen, before the user signed in? (So i may use my own login program)
2. Depending on the anwser to question 1, how do i replace the default login screen?
i need to add a increment hour and increment min button, here is the code :my ? is this how do i make the two new buttons work like code wise ?? this is attempt like 5 everytime ive played with the code and added buttons ive crashed the program?
Public Class TimeTest
Dim time As New Time() ' construct Time with zero arguments
' invoked when user clicks the Add 1 to Second button
Private Sub addSecondButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object,
Which programming language will be best for big poker game where cash deposition is must?
View 2 RepliesI want to add Payment gateway in my website. Any is plug-in or we need to write a code ?
View 5 RepliesCan someone here give me an idea how should I make a transaction form or should we say a payment form.I already have a database with lists of students in it.Also a database with an event in it. Along with a fee on which every student should pay.
The problem is I want to make a form on which if this entry(student)were to make a payment his/her name will be marked as paid in the student database.More like a payroll system.Sorry I am kinda noob when it comes to equations or money matters in Vb.net All I know is add edit delete and search. Can somebody point me to a tutorial or a good idea where to begin?
I get a credit loan for 2500 with 10 percent interest rate. I pay $150 a month to pay off the loan. How many months does it take to pay off the loan? I also have to show the new balance at every step Well I know it's 19 months in this case. I tried to do it, but I get many arithmetic overflow errors!![code]
View 4 RepliesI have the following problem: I get a credit loan for 2500 with 10 percent interest rate. I pay $150 a month to pay off the loan. How many months does it take to pay off the loan? I also have to show the new balance at every step. Well I know it's 19 months in this case. I tried to do it, but I get many arithmetic overflow errors!!
Here is my code so far:
Dim loan As Integer = 2500
Dim intrate As Double = 0.1
Dim payment As Integer = 150
Dim interest As Double
Dim newbalance As Double
[Code] .....
send data collected from a asp.net web page using vb.net that has a bunch of text boxes for first name, last name, address... item price, quantity, total price... to paypal for processing and settlement?i have never worked with paypal so i am assuming paypal will get this info and generate a bill to send the user.
View 1 RepliesI was wondering if anyone could please point me in the right direction. I have spent some time looking for answers on the web and not found exactly what I need.in a nutshell:I want my program to be registered once a user enters a serial number of some sort along with their email address. I have an app for my phone and that is what I had to do to get the full version of it.
View 12 RepliesI have an application where a payment needs to be made on the same day of each month.
So if the day of the month is the 7th. Then I need to take today's date and if it's before the 7th display the 7th of the current month. if the date is after the 7th then i need to display the 7th of the next month.
how would I go about creating a payment schedule based on a date and a number of months 3 or 6 or 12 to then populate the database with reoccurring dates so lets say new user added on 31/10/2011 for 6 months I need the database to add all the dates for the six months
I want to create a paypal payment system in VB.NET 2008.
View 4 Repliescan anyone give me any advice on how to implement a paypal payment/registration system in my app?
View 3 RepliesI've been at this for a bit now, and I have tried using google extensively. I have my application set up: it is a HWID System available only to paid subscribers. I want buyers to be able to click on a 'buy now button', and once they successfully pay it automatically adds their information into the database the app uses. This way there is no waiting after payments. I know this is possible, because I've seen it done before - I just can't seem to find how it works?
View 1 RepliesIm using vb.net to create a program for customers. The point is that when the customer comes and pay i want to print the invoice with only today date and payment.
View 4 RepliesI have a database with 3 or more tables. Each Table have 3 or more columns. In one of tables, named "Persons" i have ID column, Name Column, Date Column etc.I like to select one record (opened with click in new Form Window)for printing and give to the person one or more receipt (bill).Every person take every month one receipt of payment.
But every time i like the number of receipt to be unique. For all persons in my table and all payments.
Every payment need to show somewhere in Form for check if person has pay the months before this month.
The start number format will be 00000000 or 00.000.000 or A000000 and next will be +1.
Ask for further explanation.[URL]...I know how to copy text from text box and paste it to file in specify place and print this file.
I am starting to design a payment form that the user enters rent information and any payments/deductions. Should my fields in my table be set to decimal or double? Currently they are ALL set to Currency. I'm trying to add the fields but it don't seem to work. I know this one wont work: You cannot do math operation over string (Text property of textBox is just a string).
txtAmtOwedThisMonth.Text = txtTenantAmt.Text + txtHousingProgramAmt.Text + txtDeposit.Text + txtPetDeposit.Text
Tried this as well
txtAmtOwedThisMonth.Text = Double.Parse(txtTenantAmt.Text) + Double.Parse(txtHousingProgramAmt.Text) + Double.Parse(txtDeposit.Text) + Double.Parse(txtPetDeposit.Text)
I have to show monthly paymen in label, make sure the user has entered an amount greater than 100, If user changes amount or rate or number of payments have label with answer cleared, When user Click on the text box have ente amount highlighted so user can type right over what was already written
I need to calcuate the button Also I need to be able to concatenate "Your monthly payment is (whatever the principal amount is) loan for(years) years at a rate of (whatever the %) is $ (whatever the monthlyPaymen)
I have created an application that calculates and displays the quarterly payment on a loan but when i run the application the paymnet amount is showing with () around the amount I can't figure it out.
Public Class MortgageDetailsCalculatorForm
Private Sub CalculateButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CalculateButton.Click
My code is not working it highlights this intHoursWorked = Convert.ToInt32(strHoursWorked) when i run the program and says 'format exception was unhandled' ? Someone said to just initialize the value of lblleftoverminttl ,txtttlminworked, intHourlyPayRate but im not sure what that means?
Here is the rest of my code:
Public Class Form1
' Weekly pay for an hourly employee
Private Sub btnWeeklyPay_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
visual studio 2010 using vb.net for my windows form.I am trying to get some direction on how to integrate paypal into my windows form application. Currently, I have an expiration date on the software that loads a registration form when the software expires. I would like to add a button that can do the following:
1) open paypal to allow the user to make a payment for the software
2) send the information back to my form (successful payment or unsuccessful payment)
I have already posted this assignment . The assignment is to create a VB.NET program that calculates the monthy mortgage payment for a $200,000 mortgage with an interest rate of 5.75% for 30 yrs. The program compiles and the interface window comes up but when you click the payment button nothing happens. fix this program because my other 4 assignments are based on this progam. The Visual Studio project file is attached.
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Click
how to start programming mobile application such Flex7000 which is a point of sale payment terminal. i want to use vb.net
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