Created An Application That Calculates And Displays The Quarterly Payment?

Sep 27, 2009

I have created an application that calculates and displays the quarterly payment on a loan but when i run the application the paymnet amount is showing with () around the amount I can't figure it out.


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Create An Application That Calculates And Displays A Customers Bill?

Apr 21, 2010

Using VB2008 I need to create an application that calculates and displays a customers bill.Business customers must have one connection.

Heres the data

Residential customers:
Processing fee: $4.50
Basic service fee: $30
Premium channels: $5 per channel


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Visual Basic Console Output - Calculates The Monthy Mortgage Payment

Jan 19, 2009

I have already posted this assignment . The assignment is to create a VB.NET program that calculates the monthy mortgage payment for a $200,000 mortgage with an interest rate of 5.75% for 30 yrs. The program compiles and the interface window comes up but when you click the payment button nothing happens. fix this program because my other 4 assignments are based on this progam. The Visual Studio project file is attached.

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Form1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Click


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VS 2010 : Write A Program That Calculates And Displays The Depreciation Of A Businesses Assets?

Apr 14, 2011

I need to write a program that calculates and displays the depreciation of a businesses assets.I need the program to read a comma-delimited input file containing the names of multiple assets, their purchase prices, the years of their purchase and the number of years that the assets are expected to be useful.I need to use this straight line depreciation formula- (purchase price / number of years of usefulness) * (current year �purchase year)

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Create An Application That Calculates The Total Cost?

Apr 26, 2011

Create an application that calculates the total cost of a stay in a hotel in the North Carolina mountains. The application should accept the following in terms of input:Month of Check in Length of Stay (in Nights) Number of Persons Room Service Charges Phone Charges Other Charges If the check in occurs in November-March the rate is $89/night. April-August is $99/night and September-October is $109/night. $10/night should be added if more than 2 people are in the room. More than 4 people are not allowed in the room, and a traveler can only request 1 room. A 15% tax should be added to the room rate and 10% tax added to all room service and other charges. No tax will be added for phone charges.

The program should use a function to calculate the total charges for the visitor's stay and output it to a label. There should be buttons or menus to calculate the total, clear the form, and exit the application.At least one of the button should call a sub procedure which performs its function. I don't understand how to set this program up and I'm not sure what it means.

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Create An Application That Calculates Body Mass Index?

Nov 10, 2009

I am working in Visual Basic 2008 and am trying to create an application that calculates body mass index. I have the entire form complete as well as much of the source code, but I am having trouble creating the code for input validation. On the form I have a text box for entering weight and a text box for entering height, which are both used to calculate the body mass index. Therefore, both text boxes input information cannot be negative or an illegal character ( $, @, !...) The input validation is supposed to present a Message Box that displays something along the lines of "Please enter numeric values" when input values are illegal characters "Please enter a positive number" when input values are negative "Invalid Entry" when input values equal 0

Here is my code:

Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
' Declare local variables


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Create An Application That Calculates Registration Fees For A Conference

Apr 24, 2009

create an application that calculates the registration fees for a conference. The general conference registration fee is $895 per person. The is also an optional opening night dinner with a keynote address for $30 per person. additionally, the optional preconference workshops listed in table 7-16 are available. [code] When the user clicks the select conference options button, it should display the conference option form the conference options allows the user to select the regular conference registration, the optional opening night dinner, and an optional preconference workshop.(the user cannot register for the optional events, however, without selecting the conference registration of $895.) when the close button is clicked the conference form should be removed form the screen and the total should apper on the main form. [code]

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Create An Application That Calculates The Occupancy Rate For Each Floor?

Oct 29, 2009

The hotel has 8 floors and 30 rooms on each floor. Create an application that calculates the occupancy rate for each floor, and the overall occupancy rate for the hotel. The occupancy rate is the percentage of rooms occupied, and may be calculated by dividing the number of rooms occupied by the number of rooms.When the user clicks the "Complete Report" button, a loop should execute and iterate 8 times. Each time the loop iterates, it should display an input box for one of the hotel's floors. The input box should ask the user to enter the number of rooms occupied on that floor. As the user enters a value for each floor, the loop should calculate the occupancy rate for that floor, and display the information for that floor in the list box. When the number of occupied rooms has been entered for all the floors, the application should display the total number of rooms occupied and the overall occupnacy rate of the hotel.I have some of the code but I'm not sure which way to go now!


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Create Application That Calculates The Occupancy Rate For The Hotel?

Jul 6, 2011

The program is a hotel occupancy form The Hotel has eight floors and 30 rooms oneach floor. I'm supposed to create aapplication that calculates the occupancy rate for the hotel. Theoccupancy rate is the percentage of rooms occupied, and may becalculated by dividing the number of rooms occupied by the number ofrooms. For example, if 18 rooms on the first floor are occupied, the occupancyrate is: 18/30 = .6 or 60%. The form has two out labels called totalrooms occupied and overall occupancy rate that holds two output text boxes todisplay the numbers
its only three buttons Calculate report,close, and exit Its obvious what the exit buttons issupposed to do the clear button should clear all the controls on the floor

Now the complete report button is supposedto loop and iterate eight times. Each time the loop iterates, it should displaya input box for one of the hotel floor. The input box should ask the user asksthe user the user to enter the number of rooms occupied on each floor. As theuser enters a value for each floor, the loop should calculate the occupancyrate for that floor and display the information for that floor in a list box.When the number of occupied rooms has been entered for all floors theapplication should display total number of rooms occupied an overall occupancyrate for the hotel. (the hotel has a total of 240 rooms total)


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Creating An Application That Calculates Render Times For Maya?

Sep 21, 2010

I'm creating an application that calculates render times for Maya. I kinda got bored of coding all the technical stuff so I started to mess around with the interface. I'm trying to create a combobox color picker.

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Application Function To Calculates The Total Cost Of A Stay In A Hotel

Nov 29, 2010

Create an application that calculates the total cost of a stay in a hotel If the check in occurs in November-March the rate is $89/night. April-August is $99/night and September-October is $109/night. $10/night should be added if more than 2 people are in the room. More than 4 people are not allowed in the room, and a traveler can only request 1 room. A 15% tax should be added to the room rate and 10% tax added to all room service and other charges. No tax will be added for phone charges.

The program should use a function to calculate the total charges for the visitor's stay and output it to a label. There should be buttons or menus to calculate the total, clear the form, and exit the application. At least one of the button should call a sub procedure which performs its function. [Code]

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Errors - Modify A Dental Payment Application Using VB Express Edition 2008

Oct 18, 2009

I'm supposed to modify a Dental Payment Application using Visual Basic express edition 2008. I've copied the code from the book and added some checkboxes,labels and commands. but it keeps giving those three errors:

Error1Value of type 'String' cannot be converted to 'System.Windows.Forms.TextBox'.C:\Users\User\Documents\UNI stuff\Visual Basic\dental payment\dental payment\Form1.Designer.vb25119dental payment
Error3')' expected.C:\Users\User\Documents\UNI stuff\Visual Basic\dental payment\dental payment\Form1.vb836dental payment
Error4End of statement expected.C:\Users\User\Documents\UNI stuff\Visual Basic\dental payment\dental payment\Form1.vb1335dental payment

And this is my code :

Public Class Form1

Private Sub calculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles calculate.Click


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Start Programming Mobile Application Such Flex7000 Which Is A Point Of Sale Payment Terminal?

Aug 5, 2010

how to start programming mobile application such Flex7000 which is a point of sale payment terminal. i want to use

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C# - Datavisualization Datetime Axis Quarterly Format?

May 22, 2012

I am using the .NET datavisualization library to create some charts. The data is all time series based (ie, the x-axis is dates). I know that I can use custom date and time format strings to format the x-axis labels (formatting from[URL]..But what if I wanted to format the labels via a custom function that isn't provided in the .NET library?

To be more specific, is it possible to format the x-axis labels using the Quarter of the date? In other words:

Jan-Mar: Q1
Apr-Jun: Q2
Jul-Sep: Q3
Oct-Dec: Q4

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VB 2008 Code The Calculations For A Pocket PC Application That Calculates The Cost Of A Cell Phone Bill?

Feb 19, 2010

I'm having trouble figuring how to code the calculations for a Pocket PC application that calculates the cost of a cell phone bill. From a Pocket PC the user should enter the number of minutes used during the past month, in order to calculate the cost of the cell phone bill. The plan allows 300 minutes for $29.95 per month. For each minute over 300 the cost is $0.17 cents per minute. Tax and Fees are $4.85 a month.

1. User enters the number of minutes used during the past month.

2. Based on plan rate of 300 minutes for $29.95 and 17 cents for each minute over 300 calculate the cost of the bill including the fixed cost of $4.85.

3. The user must be able to initiate the calculation and display the individual charges and the total cost of the cell phone bill.

4. The user should be able to clear the number of cell phone minutes, the individual charges and the bill total

If negative number is enterd for the cell phone minutes, the user should be advised and asked for a valid entry If non numeric value entered for the cell phone minutes, or if left blank the user should be advised and asked for a valid entry.Application is deployed on the Pocket PC emulator built in VS 2008

Enter # of Minutes ________ (user enters)
Regular Minutes Charge ___ (29.95)


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Application Using Graphics Only Displays Red X's Over Main Window And Control?

Jul 26, 2010

the code i have that interacts with is

'clear area
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, 0, 0, 600, 800)
'draw sand


here are the variable areas of my two classes, along with their new functions; assume that the get lines do what you think they do.

Public Class Sand
Private x As Integer
Private y As Integer


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Small Windows Application That Displays A .chm Help File When F1 Is Pressed

Mar 7, 2009

I have a small Windows Application that displays a .chm Help File when F1 is pressed. What I would like to do is to close the Help Display programatically for example when a Reset Button is clicked and the Form is 'Reset'.

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VS 2008 Application That Displays A Log File From Mirc Onto G15 Display

Jun 4, 2009

I am building an app that displays a log file from mirc onto my g15 display.I want to remove the written timestamp infront the text, in the log file. [code] The problem is, it DOESN'T remove the timestamp. I've tried breakpointing it and it does find a < sign. [code]

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Make An Application Which Displays Server Information From Team Fortress 2

Jun 11, 2011

I'm trying to make a Application which displays Server Information from Team Fortress 2, Garry's Mod and other Valve Software Games.

how I can display the server information like name, players, server IP and other information?

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"Enter Numbers" Button Is Clicked, The Application Displays An Input Box?

Dec 19, 2009

I gotta finish this application. When the "Enter Numbers" button is clicked, the application displays an input box for the user to insert an integer. After the number has been typed and the OK button is clicked, the application is supposed to give out the sum of all integers from 1 to the value entered by the user. Example: If the value entered is 5, the sum will be 15; if it's 10 it'll be 55 This is my code but something's obviously wrong, it is maybe in the loop?


The result I get for 5 is 25, and for 10 is 100!Also, could you tell me how to display the result in a message box?

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Application Be Created In .NET?

Nov 28, 2005

Is it possible for me to create a system in VB.NET which allows the SERVER (Personal Computer) to send a FREE SMS to any mobile devices automatically when the users are at certain place and do I need any additional external devices to make the system work? If yes, what kind of devices do I need?

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Call A .NET Created DLL In VB6 Application?

Oct 12, 2010

I need to call a VB.NET DLL in VB6 application

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Locate A Created Application?

Nov 1, 2009

Does anyone know where i can locate my Database.mdf this is a file inside my application but when i make the app and deploy it install it on my system i just cant find it anywhere.

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Created A Windows Console Application?

Nov 16, 2009

I created a windows console application because it needs to do some things at windows start up. However, in very rare cases I need to ask the user for some information, so I need to show a form. I created a form and went to my application properties. There I selected Windows Forms application as the application type. I call my form with the .Show method but it doesn't show up.

I expected this, but I have no idea how to solve it.

[EDIT]Just found out .Show does show it but only for 0.00001 seconds. I use showdialog now. Is this the right way to do it?

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Use A Control Created In Blend To Application?

Apr 17, 2009

I have created an animated button using Microsoft Blend 2I want to use it in my windows application

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VS 2010 Created Application Not Working

Oct 16, 2010

I created a windows application in in visual studio 2010.The application is running in my pc but when i am trying to execute this application in another pc it is not working giving errors in event viewer..Faulting application puttist.exe, version, faulting module kernel32.dll, version 5.1.2600.5512, fault address 0x00012aeb.[code]

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Is .NET Framework V4 Necessary To Run An Application Created By Vb2010 To Run On Other Computer

Jun 15, 2010

is .NET framework v4 necessary to run my application created by vb2010 to run on other computer??? cause its large file to download....

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Application Along With Database Created In SQL Management Studio

May 24, 2010

Please how can i publish an application created in along with a database which i created in SQL Management Studio?

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Created A Clickonce Application With A File Format To Be Associated With It?

Nov 5, 2010

I have created a clickonce application with a file format to be associated with it. (publish -> Options -> File associations) I have tried to get the file name from command line arguments but i can't. I think that there is an other way to get it.

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Created A Listbox And Button In Application Using Code

Feb 1, 2009

I created a listbox and button in my application using vb code.When the user select an item in the listbox and click on the remove button, the item will be removed from the listbox. I know how to remove the item in the listbox, but I don't know what coding to add to activate the click event on the button.

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