Error : Protected ReadOnly Property InnerChannel As TChannel' Is Not Accessible In This Context Because It Is 'Protected'
Apr 12, 2010
I am having a Friend Class InterceptingChannelBase class.It has a property as below:
Protected ReadOnly Property InnerChannel() As TChannel
Return Me.innerChannelT
This class is being inherited by (Friend Class InterceptingInputChannel) class which in turn contains another (Private Class TryReceiveAsyncResult) class.The property above is being used in this private class as below:
Public Sub New(ByVal channel As InterceptingInputChannel(Of TInputChannel), ByVal timeout As TimeSpan, ByVal callback As AsyncCallback, ByVal state As Object)
MyBase.New(channel, callback, state)
I am getting the error on the above underlined statement saying that Protected Readonly Property InnerChannel is not accessible in this context because it is declared asa Protected.As far as i think,if i declare a property in class as 'Protected' then if this class is inherited by 'another' class then i can use this property and it should not throw an error.
when building my application I am getting some temporary files shown in Solution Explorer under Miscellaneous Files lie App_Web_YDKG.VB with following code block in that generating error
Protected ReadOnly Property Profile() As System.Web.Profile.DefaultProfile Get Return CType(Me.Context.Profile,System.Web.Profile.DefaultProfile) End Get End Property
Error : Error 58'Protected ReadOnly Property Profile() As System.Web.Profile.DefaultProfile' has multiple definitions with identical signatures.C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727Temporary ASP.NET Filesinfinityvb2ae71c27d560144bApp_Web_pwduczex.38.vb456
I searched on the forum / Internet for the solution how a PropetryInfo object (of a Public property) can reveal if it has a Private Protected Setter ... it was all in vain .... all help I found was about how to "Set" value of a public property having a Private Setter.I would like to know if I have a PropertyInfo object of a public property, how would I know if its Setter is Non Public?
I tried, in a exception handling block, where I did a GetValue of the PropertyInfo object and then called SetValue by setting the same value back... but to my surprise it worked well and didn error out.
I'd like to have a Private or Protected "Setter" for a property that also happens to be an abstract (MustOverride). I'm porting some code from C# to VB and in C# this is pretty straight forward. In VB not so much (for me anyway).
Some code...
In C#... public abstract class BaseClassWithAnAbstractProperty { public abstract int AnAbstractIntegerProperty { get; protected set; } }
The issue seems to be the inability to flesh-out the Get/Set specifics in the declaration.
I have a project that reference from leadtools 16.5, and after that, i want to run my project..i see am error like it " An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt. im using vb 2008 pro
I have several visual basic 2010 programs. One of the programs I have installed the program on four different windows 7 computers. I get the following error on one of the computers.Then another program I have installed it on 8 computers and I get the same error on 6 of the computers. Here is the error message I get:
2011-10-11 06:19:04 , Main, -2147467261, Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt., at System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.DispatchMessageW(MSG& msg)
I have this class Public Class DGVMod Inherits DataGridView
Protected Overrides Sub OnEditingControlShowing(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewEditingControlShowingEventArgs) MyBase.OnEditingControlShowing(e) Try
I am working on an application that starts a few threads every second. The threads don't do much, and everything seemed fine. I monitor the number of threads running, and I have never seen it higher than 4.
Last night I started the app and this morning I had this.
System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
The threads can make changes to two List(of Strings) and I had SyncLock's surrounding the code that did that. It has been running for several hours again and all seems well.
My question is that I found a place in the UI thread that was copying the list without the lock. Could that have caused the error?
how to debug something that isn't going to fail conveniently?
This errors on Where is not declared.I wouldn't have thought that the VB would not be that dis similar to the C# something like this:
Private Function FindReferencesWithTheSameShortNameButDiffererntFullNames(references As List(Of Reference)) As IEnumerable(Of IGrouping(Of String, Reference)) Return From reference In references Group reference By reference.ReferencedAssembly.Name
But I get: Definition of method referenceGroup is not accessible in this context.
When i run my projekt on my Pc , on my server then all works fine. Then i have try my project on another server, and get this error in almost. all my forms: Attempted to read or write protected memory, this is often an indication that other memory is corrupt. What to do?
i am trying to open and navigate to second web browser when i recieve this error; here are the details;
System.AccessViolationException was unhandled Message="Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt." Source="System.Windows.Forms" StackTrace:
I'm gettiing this error from my app: "Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt." But it carries on for about 5 minutes then stops. The application log shows this:
How do I open my Crystal Report in VB code (RPT files) on password-protected Access 2007 database? Ever since I protected my database with password, my Crystal Report generates an error.
I am trying a example codes of animated graphics. I rewrote all the code and I found an error which doesn't happen on the example code(I run the example project)
error: 'Protected Overrides Sub Dispose(disposing As Boolean)' has multiple definitions with identical signatures.
when I double clicked the error, I got this in Form1.Designer.vb:
'Form overrides dispose to clean up the component list. <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCode()> _ Protected Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)
I am getting Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.while I am calling EnumWindows. Opening my from through main module
'Globally declare Declare Function EnumWindows Lib "user32" (ByVal x As CallBack, ByVal y As Integer) As Integer Public Delegate Sub CallBack()
I get this error on this line: System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy _
(Scan0, Data2, 0, Data2.Length)
"Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt."
I also sometimes get an error on this line:
Dim dc1 As IntPtr = CreateDC("DISPLAY", Nothing, Nothing, CType(Nothing, IntPtr))
What I'm trying to do is take a screenshot and then read the colors of pixels. I currently have a working copyfromscreen method but it's SLOW and using 100% cpu usage.
I try to understand how to use a fortran function (which is in a dll) from VB. Actually I want to use vb as interface. I the VB 2008 express form I have 2 textbox and a button. I enter a number in the top textbox and once the button is pushed, this number should be multiplied by 23 and should appear in the bottom textbox... here is my VB code:
I am getting an error message: " is not accessible in this context because it is 'friend.'" This error message appears when I hover the cursor over the "For Each v In qv" line in the following code:
how can i solve this error in my code i have access database and i need to connect to it and that was done but when i was trying to add new record it gives me the below error Error 1 Property 'Item' is 'ReadOnly'.
Update2 my answer to my question. Update I updated the code per @Eddy comment below, however I'm still getting an error on the myRange = Globals.Sheet...line.
Dim xlDown, i As Int32 Dim myRange As Excel.Range myRange = Globals.Sheet1.Application.Transpose( Globals.Sheet1.Range(
I am using a PropertyGrid control to edit my class properties and I am trying to set certain properties read-only depending on other property settings.This is the code of my class:
Imports System.ComponentModel Imports System.Reflection Public Class PropertyClass[code].....
This is the code I am using to edit the values:
Dim c As New PropertyClass PropertyGrid1.SelectedObject = c
The problem is that when I set SomeProperty to True, nothing happens and when I then set it to False again it sets all properties Read-Only.
I was using a data bound combo box pretty well before, now on my new project i get this error:
Public ReadOnly Property DataConnectionString() As String
Configuration system failed to initialize System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException was unhandled This is in Settings.Designer.vb I'm using VB2010
I have a new problem with this same Form Printing project and I get exactly the same exception but from the different point of code:
line 538: d.PrintFunction(c, typePrint, mp, x, y, extendedHeight, ScanForChildControls)
The exception type is System.AccessViolationException and it says (after I translate it from my own language in which the message is given in my pc, into English):"Protected memory was tried to be read or written. This often indicates that the other memory is damaged"
In a class(say Class1.vb) if i have protected method (say method1), how can I access this method in web form.For Ex: In button_click event of web form I want to access the method1, can I call this method by creating a object of the class dim cls as new class1 cls.mthod1 (is this possible)If not can anyone please explain the use of protected and partial(methods and variables)