Error In The Insert Of Datarows In SQL?

Feb 4, 2009

I am trying to insert the rows from a datagrid(populated by a datatable).

For Each rowItem As DataRow In dt.Rows
cmd.CommandText = "Insert into table (INVOICE_AMOUNT, DAYS_INVOICED_FOR) values ('" & dt.Rows("NEW RENATAL FEE") & "', '" & dt.Rows("NEW RENATAL FEE") & "')"


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Insert Statment "Syntax Error In INSERT INTO Statement

Mar 30, 2009

Im getting an error with my insert statment "Syntax Error in INSERT INTO statement". I do not understand why. Im using global variables from form 1 and using them in form2 and trying to insert them from form2 into the database.


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Set DataRows In DataTable ReadOnly?

Mar 2, 2012

how to make DataRows in a DataTable ReadOnly? You can set DataColumns ReadOnly, but not DataRows?

I'd like to bind a DataRow ReadOnly property to my DataGridViewRow ReadOnly property. So when my DataGridView displays the underlying DataTable, if the DataRow is ReadOnly then the DataGridViewRow would automatically be ReadOnly as well. how to do this other than the way I do it below?

For Each r As DataGridViewRow In Me.dgvCurrent.Rows
If r.Cells("curAnalyteID").Value <> Me.cbxAnalyte.SelectedValue Then
Me.dgvCurrent.Rows(r.Index).ReadOnly = True


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VB Datarows Export To Another Form?

Aug 16, 2009

I've made DataGridView on my Form1(data from database i've made). And i did an event,when someone doubleclicks that row marker(that left side empty cell,when you mark all row) it opens up my Form2. I can't find a way to export those vallues(strings) in cells of selected row to my Form2,so i can use them there.

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C# - Bind An Array Of DataRows To A DataGridView?

Oct 27, 2010

I'd like to partition my search results (which is in a DataTable) into groups of say 100 so the user navigates through them a chunk at a time.I thought I could bind an array of DataRows to a DataGridView as the DataSource but it just does not work. This is the code I tried

DataGridView.DataSource = (From r In DataTable.Rows Skip 200 Take 100).ToArray()

I'd like to stay away using the DataGridView's VirtualMode.

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VS 02/03 Looping Datarows From Datatable Select

Jun 15, 2010

I am trying to use the Select on a datatable and am having some trouble. I got it to find a match on rows in a datatable I fill with data in multiple columns. But I cannot seem to loop through the results to do something with it. Here is my code below. The table is already filled with data.


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[2008] Loop Through Datarows In Bindingsource?

Jan 23, 2009

I've got a bindingsource that has a datasource of a datatable

capabiltiesBS.DataSource = vendorBAL_C.capabilitiesTable

And that table looks like this

Select VendorId, Capability, LanguageFrom, LanguageTo From VendorCapabilities_T

At any rate - I do this to filter the binding source and then thought I could loop through the datarows and fill a tree view with them

capabiltiesBS.Filter = "VendorId=" & VendorId
For Each cdr As DataRow In capabiltiesBS.List 'vendorBAL_C.capabilities.Table.Rows()


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C# - DataTable Deleting Old DataRows Before Inserting New Safe?

Apr 20, 2011

i have a many-to-many relationship table in a typed DataSet.For convenience on an update i'm deleting old relations before i'm adding the new(maybe the same as before).Now i wonder if this way is failsafe or if i should ensure only to delete which are really deleted(for example with LINQ) and only add that one which are really new.

In SQL-Server is a unique constraint defined for the relation table, the two foreign keys are a composite primary key. Is the order the DataAdapter updates the DataRows which RowState are <> Unchanged predictable or not?In other words: is it possible that DataAdapter.Update(DataTable) will result in an exception when the key already exists?


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C# - Write XML File Foreach Datarows In Dataset?

Jul 29, 2011

How to write xml foreach datarow in dataset? I have dataset with 5 record in table, i want write to xml file with 5 xml file. in one xml file have one record.

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ListView/ComboBox Datasource Does Not Work With Array Of Datarows

Feb 13, 2009

I want to set the DataSource Property of a listview and of a combobox to an array of datarows.

This is the Code:


The 'Name' column does exist, but the ComboBox shows only the type of each datarow not the contents! If I set the datasource to a datatable, the correct column is shown in the combobox/listview.

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Cannot Insert New Row To .mdb Access Database, "Syntax Error In INSERT INTO Statement" Occurs

Feb 20, 2011

here is my code so far:

Public Sub cmdSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdSave.Click
Dim i As Integer


when i click the button, i get a error message saying "Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement". as far as i can tell, i have everything i need to insert a new row into the database, and i dont see why this problem is occuring.

item(0) is an autonumber key field, so that should make a new record by itself, and i have declared the input textboxes as the data() array

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Error: Microsoft Office Access Database Engine: Syntax Error In INSERT INTO Statement

Sep 16, 2011

this is my code for adding users in my database but it has an error on the INSERT INTO is the error: Microsoft office access database engine: syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.
Private Sub Button6_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button6.Click
Dim conn As New OleDbConnection(cn)
Dim check As Integer


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Error : Syntax Error In INSERT INTO Statement

Jul 7, 2011

Am getting the below error at run-time of executing query in VB.Net. Please give the solution for this

Error : "Syntax Error in INSERT INTO statement" My code is given below


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Getting Error In VB 2010 = " Syntax Error In INSERT INTO Statement" When Clicking On Save Button

Jan 26, 2012

getting Error in VB 2010 = " Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement" when clicking on save button

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Getting Array Of Selected Datarows From A Into A Datatable?

Apr 8, 2009

I am getting array of selected datarows from a use the commands below to get that array or datarows

Dim foundRows() As DataRow
strExpression =

Here is what I tried.I have looked at examples by MS but they all just write to the screen and I have no interest in that.

For Each rowWork In foundRows

"LineOfBusiness = 'CPP'"

foundRows = modXchange.pdtWork.Select(strExpression)

Now, I want to place the rows from foundrows into an empty data table.I did what I thought was the obvious but that only returns a bunch of rows with no data

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Error When Trying To INSERT INTO App?

Oct 21, 2011

I have columns in my database called ModifyUser and ModifyDate that are supposed to show the username and date and time of the last person that has updated a specific product somehow.I thought if I just added the second query then I would be fine, but for some reason the application wants to add ProductName into the Product table too. Why isn't the application just inserting the 2 values I told it to insert in the Product table INSERT?

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Getting Error At Insert On VB .Net?

May 4, 2011

im trying to make an insert to my Database and im receiving an error, is my first time with VB.NeHere is the code:

Sub InsertGestion(ByVal s As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim Records() As String
Records = Split(TBComment.Text, vbCrLf)


This was originally an update and it was working, i just modified the OracleCommand. Btw, i notice this is not a secure way to execute the queries

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Error In INSERT INTO Statement

Dec 9, 2011

I receive an error stating my INSERT INTO statement is messed up.[code]...

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Error In Insert Query?

Jul 23, 2011

I am developing a Windows Forms application using VB.NET in VS 2008 on Windows XP SP3 32-bit. When I try to insert into an MS Access Database table using the following code, I get an exception on the last line with the message "Error in Insert statement". When I paste the same statement as a SQL query in MS Access itself, it works just fine.

Dim oCmd As OleDb.OleDbCommand
sQuery = "Insert Into DirectoryShares (directoryID,username,read,write) Values (?,?,?,?)"
oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text


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Error On Sql Insert Command

Dec 8, 2009

I'm running VB 2008 express, I'm connected to a MS access 2007 database. I get the following error

Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.My code is as follows

Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.OleDb Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click


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Insert INTO Query Error?

Feb 15, 2012

I am currently Building a Stock Control System for a School Project and Using access 2007 with Visual Studio 2010 to build the VB.I am trying to use an INSERT INTO SQL Command to insert new stock items into my Access DB. I am getting an error thrown at me when attempting to execute the NonQuery().

This is my code
Dim con as new OleDBconnection (Connection String)
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand


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INSERT INTO Stagement Error

Apr 12, 2012

Got a problem with the INSERT INTO. here ;s the problem: "the INSERT INTO statement contain the following unknown field name: 'f_name.' Make sure you have typed the name correctly, and try the operation again. [code]

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Insert INTO Statement Error

Apr 8, 2010

I would just like to ask if my insert statement is correct..

when i run my program it returns me an error that says 'syntax error on my insert statement'. this syntax seems to work with sql database, but when i tried on access database it didn't work [code]...

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Sql Error On Insert Statement

Apr 20, 2012

I'm using a gridviews Row Updating to add edited fields into a table for monitoring. Everything seems to work except for the one value, as shown below. [code]...

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Syntax Error In INSERT INTO

Mar 24, 2011

i can't seem to debug this already did the break point and their are values in it..


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Syntax Error In INSERT INTO?

Apr 11, 2012

getting a problem in the INSERT INTO codes, here are my codes

Private Sub btnRegister_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnRegis.Click


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Cannot Get Value From Drop Down List And Get INSERT Error

Mar 31, 2011

I cannot get the value from the drop down list and I not sure what's wrong with the declaration and the code.

Dim selectedIntake As String = intakeDropDownList.SelectedItem.Text()
Dim selectedSupervisor As String = supervisorDropDownList.SelectedItem.Text()
.supervisor_ID = selectedSupervisor(0), _


This is the error message I get :

The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_student_Details_lecturer_Details". The conflict occurred in database "SKTM-AAS", table "dbo.lecturer_Details", column 'supervisor_ID'. The statement has been terminated.

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Error Checking On An Insert Statement

Apr 1, 2012

I am currently trying to make an insert statement that will first check for exceptions before it is sent to the SQL server, I am new to this and would like to know what errors I should be looking out for and also what code should I use to ensure the errors will be caught. [code]This is a continuation of a previous was getting kind of long and the initial issue was resolved so i decided to open a new thread..

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Error Checking On An Insert Statement?

Apr 1, 2012

I am currently trying to make an insert statement that will first check for exceptions before it is sent to the SQL server, I am new to this and would like to know what errors I should be looking out for and also what code should I use to ensure the error will be caught.


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Error In Insert Date Using DateTimePicker

Jun 6, 2011

How to insert record date in my access db. I am using hdate as my field and his data type is short date

Here is my code
cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO hold ([hdate], des) VALUES (#" & myDate & "#, '" & TextBox1.Text & "')" cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO hold ([hdate], des) VALUES (#" & datetimepicker1.text & "#, '" & TextBox1.Text & "')" cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO hold ([hdate], des) VALUES (#" & DateTimePicker1.Value.Date.ToShortDateString & "#, '" & TextBox1.Text & "')"

But none of them insert on the table. The record will view on the datagrid but not on the physical table.

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