Error On Viewing Designer Window Of A Form

Jan 25, 2011

I have opened a VB project which was created using a previous version of VB. So, it popped up the conversion wizard and it completed the conversion to 2010.

But when I tried to view the forms (using "View Designer"), it shows the following message[code]...

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.net - Some Kind Of Error, Possibly When Viewing A Windows Form In The Designer?

Jun 24, 2009

I though I had solved this problem, but it is back:Code generation for property 'SelectedPeople' failed. Error was: 'Type 'ECS.Entities.Persistency.Person' in Assembly 'ECS, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' is not marked as serializable.'The property on the error message is a List(Of Person) and for some reason it trigger this error, for almost anything I do, and its getting really anoying.Okanswering to the answers here is a little more information about the problem.

Yes it is during design time, it happens bascially anytime a open a form that has a UserControl that contains the Selected property in it, sometimes it happens even if I don't have focus on the form, also if I try to compile/run it happens and the message come in the form of a Message Box with just a OK, ECS.Entities.Persistency.Person is just a LINQ to SQL Generated Class, this should not matter at all to the problem, although I have added the attribute before the posting.he reason that this happens is because the Designer attempts to put the property on the Property Panel, and for that to happen, serialization happens.tryed to hide the property from the designer by using this attributes.

<DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)> _
<Browsable(False)> _
Public Property SelectedPeople() As List(Of Person)


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IDE :: Viewing Subclassed TabPage In View Designer

Aug 24, 2009

I am an experienced developer but new to VB and I'm having a problem with viewing a subclassed tabpage in designer view. I have created several classes that are subclasses of TabPage. They display fine when the application is run and I can view the code with no problem.

However, when I want to fine-tune the controls and I go to the View Designer, I get a list of the controls rather than the displayed form. It looks something like this:
<icon>ListBox1 <icon>ListBox2 <icon>BtnAdd <icon> BtnRemove <icon> GroupBox1

I expect I'm leaving something out of my class definition which is as follows:
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Public Class TabPageExample
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.TabPage
Private sTestType As String
Private dTestDate As Date
[Code] .....

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Designer Window Only Shows Code And No Form

Dec 15, 2010

When I try to open up a form designer, all I see is code and no form! How can I open up the designer, since the code says to modify using the designer and not the code editor?[code]....

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VS 2008 Maximize The Form Designer Window?

May 27, 2009

In VB6 IDE if you doubleclick on the titlebar of the form designer, it maximizes/restores. But in it opens up code window.How do you quickly maximize/restore the form designer window ?

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IDE :: VB2008 Express Form Designer Error : An Error Occurred While Parsing EntityName.Line 2, Position 62

Nov 24, 2010

The Form Designer in the IDE is no longer working properly. When I create a new project, the Form Designer will work, but after I save it and close the IDE and reopen the next day the Form Designer no longer shows the form and instead says "To prevent possible data loss before loading the designer, the following errors must be resolved: An Error occurred while parsing EntityName.Line 2, position 62" If I click ignore and continue, then it just displays a blank form with no controls. The problem appears to have started after I unistalled and reinstalled VB2008 Express.

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Form Designer Error?

Aug 15, 2011

i have a control dll and i use this control in my project then i change this controls codes after i do it . appears some error on this lines in form1[designer]

Me.Dentisyon1 = New WindowsControlLibrary1.dentisyon
Friend WithEvents Dentisyon1 As WindowsControlLibrary1.dentisyon
what should i do?


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Designer Generated Lookup Throws Error On Form Close

Jan 17, 2011

I have a project with multiple forms that are used to edit tables in a project data source (access DB). All the forms work fine, except the ones that use designer generated lookups.

When I am editing a row in a bound DGV on the lookup forms, they function fine, and the save button works fine. However, once I go to close the form it starts throwing "System.ArgumentException: DataGridViewComboBoxCell value is not valid." multiple times.

I've created applications similar to this in VS2008 without any issues.

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IDE :: Errors In Form Designer - Error 1 Type 'DCV.dev_DCVDataSet' Is Not Defined

Jun 18, 2010

Each time I drag the tables from the data sources into the form, frm, I get errors from the frm.designer.vb like


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Modify Designer.vb (form Designer) To Remove A DataSet Control From Winforms Windows?

Jan 27, 2011

I am attempting to update an existing winforms application, that was created with a dataset control on all the winforms pages. I have ported it from VS 2008 to VS 2010 and I need to update the database section and connect it to the SQL backend using traditional code method.In the Solution explorer, when I click on the Dataset files, and click "Exclude From project" I am unable to build the project.Is it advisable to comment out the code lines that refer to the dataset in the .designer.vb files?

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IDE :: VS 2008 IDE Form Designer Will Not Render Form In The Designer?

Mar 30, 2011

My self and most everyone else on our team is having the same issue with VS2008. The designer will not render many forms in designer mode. Currently I am getting this error "The type 'Team.CAD.UI.My.Resources.Resources' has not property named 'view_16'" Well veiw_16 is in the resouces file.

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VB Express Designer Window?

Sep 16, 2009

I open the Playtime Solution file and clear the start window, I only get a gray background and no designer tab. I've tried every way i know how to open the designer window from the solution explorer window:

Right click>>View designer
No designer tab available
View Menu>>View Designer
Shft+F7 while highlighted

I've done 3 fresh re-installs of Microsoft's VB Express Edition 2008 and the same issue is appears every time. Also, I'm running Vista, but it works fine on my other Vista computers. How do i fix this?

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Can Not Open Designer Window In Dotnet

Mar 13, 2010

When i try to open a designer window of a project in vb dotnet an error occurs, Could not find editor for this vb.Why this error shows. But i can open code window.

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HTML Editor Designer Window?

Nov 2, 2010

I've made a HTML editor application which includes some features found in Microsoft FrontPage(and Microsoft Expression Web).The only thing is that I now want to add a Designer Window like that in FrontPage(or Expression Web) where users can produce HTML pages dynamically.I do have a Code Window but need a Designer Window.My Code Window includes all features syntax highlighting capability, IntelliSense(like), etc

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.net - Error Viewing ASP.NET Applications After Installing IIS7.5?

Jun 5, 2009

I get the following error when I try to access a application on my local machine.HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid.

Module IIS Web Core
Notification BeginRequest
Handler Not yet determined
Error Code 0x80070021


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Build Own Code Designer Style Window?

Nov 24, 2011

Please can someone point me in the right direction? I would like to build my own code designer window similar to that of the one within the VB2010 IDE.I am not sure how to tackle this, at first I was thinking of using RichTextBox as this can accommodate the fonts and colors.

An example of what I am trying to achieve.Should be able to outline, expand and colapse based on my own tags. e.g. in the VB.Net IDE a function and end function are tags that would produce an outline
Should be able to change color of text based on characters. e.g. ' would turn green in the VB.Net ide as it is a comment Should be able to indent based on specific tags. e.g. With - End with would auto indent within the VB.Net ide

I should be able to cover the text color and indents using RichTextBox, but I am struggling with the outline expand and colapse.The purpose of the project is to build a simple interface for creating config files that use only specific tags

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Manage The Propertygrid Window From Custom Designer?

Oct 17, 2011

I am devloping a custom designer (like the form designer), which can be used to design custom controls at designtime (see spoiler for screenshot).The problem is that i want to show the propertyes of the currently selected object in the propertygrid window in VS, and i can not figure out how to do that.

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Register Window Form - Syntax Error

Oct 8, 2009

I am doing a register window form and I have encountered errors. I am using this code to create a register window form. I am using MS Access to insert in the database. When I run using this code, it occur errors and it says "Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement."

The code that I am using:
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim conn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
conn.ConnectionString = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = E:MajorProjectFileProjectSampledatabaseUser.mdb"
[Code] .....

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Viewing Dataset In Form From Sql Adapter?

Jun 12, 2011

I have been a systems admin for some time and my new employers are forcing my hand into programming. I am currently Trying to write custom software that interfaces with our Advantage Database. I have the data source and connection opening fine. It seems that All of the advantage developer classes are working correctly. Here is a link for adv advantage classes: [URL]..The problem I have is I want to query advantage... then place that query in a data set.., then display the results in datagridview on a form (just trying to see how the tools work) it seems that everything works without errors except I am getting nothing on my datagridview (stays blank after execution.


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Viewing New Data In Dataset In Form After Add?

Nov 22, 2010

When I click the Add button to save new form information to the database the form doesn't show the new information unless I close and re-load the form.

Public Class WeightHeightPopup
Dim WHcon As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim dbWHProvider As String


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Combining Adding And Viewing Form Functions

Sep 29, 2010

Im banging my head against the wall with this one...If anyone can give me some pointers on how to combine the following two code snippets,[code]

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Importing A Excel Graph And Viewing It On A Vb Form?

Nov 17, 2009

does any one know if this is possible and if so , how? importing a excel graph and viewing it on a vb form? sample code would be very nice

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IDE :: "Edit Dataset With Designer" Window Hangs In VS 2008?

Sep 29, 2010

Editing a Visual Studio 2008 solution (1 Windows project and 1 installer project) that has been working flawlessly.Recently, attempts to edit the Dataset (add/modify queries) by right-clicking the dataset and selecting "Edit Dataset With Designer" brings up the MyProject_Dataset.xsd window TAB, and initially displays "Please wait while loading..." in the middle of the window -- and then does nothing else.Alt-Tabbing to other apps then leaves "ghost window" stuff displayed where "Please wait while loading" once was... and editing queries, etc., is impossible.Shutting down Visual Studio will enable me to successfully get into the editor once ot twice, but then it locks up again.

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ERROR With WPF Designer In VS 2008 - Cannot Debug

Mar 31, 2009

I've started a project in Expression Blend and has been working the codes in Visual Studio 2008. It was alright, no problem. I've worked heaps of projects like that before without any problems. However, out of nowhere, my WPF designer in VS2008 now gives me the following error:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at MS.Internal.Package.VSIsolationProviderService.CreateIsolationProvider(String identity, AssemblyReferenceProvider assemblyReferences, IEnumerable'1 assemblyFolders)
at MS.Internal.Providers.VSDesignerContext.GetIsolationProvider(IServiceProvider provider, [Code] .....

It displays the above instead of displaying the WPF designer. Also, I cannot Debug>Start Debugging the application anymore. I can still run/test/build it in Expression studio though. The funny thing is that if I restart a project in Expression blend, copy all the xaml codes, and copy all the vb .net codes from the original application, it works for some time, and then afterwards start giving me the same error at wpf designer in VS2008.

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VS 2010 Designer Error 'Value Cannot Be Null'

Apr 3, 2012

I just made a bunch of changes to my program, so I can't just undo what I did. My main form gives me the following error every time I try to load the designer:

Warning1Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: objectType

I have rebuild the project with no success. A few other posts have mentioned that there could possibly be a reference to a button or image that no longer exists, but I have no idea which one.

Also, I don't really know what the information below means, but it shows up on the error page under 'call stack', so I figured I would include it

at System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor.TypeDescriptionNode.GetRuntimeType(Type objectType)
at System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptionProvider.GetRuntimeType(Type reflectionType)


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Expose A UserControl's Properties To Properties Window In Designer?

Aug 19, 2009

Is there a way to expose a UserControl's properties to the Properties Window in the Designer?

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Window Form - Display This In The Label It Is Saying That " Error BC30205: End Of Statement Expected"?

Feb 18, 2010

I am trying to display this in the label it is saying that " error BC30205: End of statement expected. "

Const DAYCONVERT As Double = 86400
Const HOURCONVERT As Double = 3600[code]....

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Error - The Designer Cannot Process The Code At Line 118

May 7, 2010

I was working on my project (creating a new form), and when I switched from the code view back to the designer view, I got the following error:

The designer cannot process the code at line 118: Me.VDARSQLDATASET = New Veterinary_Digital_Anesthesia_Records.VDARSQLDATASET() The code within the method 'InitializeComponent' is generated by the designer and should not be manually modified. Please remove any changes and try opening the designer again.I am now getting this error on every page. This project has been working for months just fine, but for some reason the VDARSQLDATASET has dissapeared- kind of. I can still access the dataset (the file is still there), I just can't reference it in the code (intellisense can't find it).

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Child Window Open Inside Of The Main Window Form?

Oct 12, 2010

I have create a project with one main form window and also i have to use a number of other forms as well. now i want to open these other forms inside the main window and not outside. I'm using Visual Studio .NET 2010 as developing environment.

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.net - User Control List Property Designer Error

Nov 25, 2011

I want to add a List(Of Book) property to my user control. I defined a Book class and BookCollectionEditor class for CollectionEditor. And also I defined a public property named BookList for my user control. For a custom control it works fine but for user control, the designer does not display my property. On markup I can add a Book item but on designer it gives error: "Type 'System.Web.UI.UserControl' does not have a public property named 'BookList'."Isn't is possible to define a list property for a user control?

<TypeConverter(GetType(ExpandableObjectConverter)), Serializable()> _
Public Class Book
Private _name As String
Private _author As String


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