Combining Adding And Viewing Form Functions

Sep 29, 2010

Im banging my head against the wall with this one...If anyone can give me some pointers on how to combine the following two code snippets,[code]

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Datagridview - Sorting And Adding Combining Data

Apr 12, 2011

I have a app that uses a table from an ESRI shapefile. The user the datagridview is populated based on a query. Now I need the datagrid to sort on three different fields, as in Street Name => Address Number => Unit. (I can sort on one field)

I've tried to use code samples on the IComparer class but am just not getting there from here. I may be missing something really really simple. (so I attached the code sample I'm using).

My 'workaround idea' is to add a column when the datagridview is populated and concatonate the three fields together. Then I can sort on that new field. I can add the column, but haven't figured out yet how to concatonate the values in the three fields into this new one. And I'm concerned about speed.

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Combining Several Rtf Files Into One RTB Form Control

Aug 29, 2011

I save the following six individual rtf files in my application and now would like to combine them into one RTB control on a form.

rtbC1.SaveFile(selectedfolder & "" & "FileC1.rtf")
rtbC2.SaveFile(selectedfolder & "" & "FileC2.rtf")
rtbC3.SaveFile(selectedfolder & "" & "FileC3.rtf")


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Viewing Dataset In Form From Sql Adapter?

Jun 12, 2011

I have been a systems admin for some time and my new employers are forcing my hand into programming. I am currently Trying to write custom software that interfaces with our Advantage Database. I have the data source and connection opening fine. It seems that All of the advantage developer classes are working correctly. Here is a link for adv advantage classes: [URL]..The problem I have is I want to query advantage... then place that query in a data set.., then display the results in datagridview on a form (just trying to see how the tools work) it seems that everything works without errors except I am getting nothing on my datagridview (stays blank after execution.


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Viewing New Data In Dataset In Form After Add?

Nov 22, 2010

When I click the Add button to save new form information to the database the form doesn't show the new information unless I close and re-load the form.

Public Class WeightHeightPopup
Dim WHcon As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim dbWHProvider As String


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Error On Viewing Designer Window Of A Form

Jan 25, 2011

I have opened a VB project which was created using a previous version of VB. So, it popped up the conversion wizard and it completed the conversion to 2010.

But when I tried to view the forms (using "View Designer"), it shows the following message[code]...

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Importing A Excel Graph And Viewing It On A Vb Form?

Nov 17, 2009

does any one know if this is possible and if so , how? importing a excel graph and viewing it on a vb form? sample code would be very nice

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VS 2010 Adding Functions To An ArrayList?

Jul 15, 2011

I'm wondering if this is possible, I want to be able to call functions from within the program itself by means of an ArrayList? I want to be able to do something such as:

For Each Function in FunctionsList
Call Function

Would this be possible? It's important for a project I am working on.

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.net - Some Kind Of Error, Possibly When Viewing A Windows Form In The Designer?

Jun 24, 2009

I though I had solved this problem, but it is back:Code generation for property 'SelectedPeople' failed. Error was: 'Type 'ECS.Entities.Persistency.Person' in Assembly 'ECS, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' is not marked as serializable.'The property on the error message is a List(Of Person) and for some reason it trigger this error, for almost anything I do, and its getting really anoying.Okanswering to the answers here is a little more information about the problem.

Yes it is during design time, it happens bascially anytime a open a form that has a UserControl that contains the Selected property in it, sometimes it happens even if I don't have focus on the form, also if I try to compile/run it happens and the message come in the form of a Message Box with just a OK, ECS.Entities.Persistency.Person is just a LINQ to SQL Generated Class, this should not matter at all to the problem, although I have added the attribute before the posting.he reason that this happens is because the Designer attempts to put the property on the Property Panel, and for that to happen, serialization happens.tryed to hide the property from the designer by using this attributes.

<DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)> _
<Browsable(False)> _
Public Property SelectedPeople() As List(Of Person)


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Forms :: Adding Preset Option To Functions / Methods

Jul 20, 2009

I'm trying to create classes, functions, etc that present a preset list of options to users (in the same way that messagebox control will show the available button options). A simple example is readFile(ByVal strPath as string, ByVal strFileType as string) where the user will see a list of acceptable file types when they put the comma after strPath.

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VS 2008 : Have A Class Where The Functions Of The Same Name Are Both Instance Functions And Shared Functions?

Dec 6, 2010

What I am trying to do is have a class where the functions of the same name are both instance functions and shared functions.

Public Shared Function Get...(byval xx as xx)


Public Function Get...

The Public Function uses a Property xx created in the constructor, whereas the Shared Function has the parameters (byval xx as xx).

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Adding Call Functions For Defragment Hard Drive And Other .msc Tools For Windows?

Jun 2, 2011

My problem is that I am creating system tools for windows with a good gui and I don't know how to start with it. One of my difficulties is making code for calling any window tools for example, defragment.msc, backup, system restore, registry editor(I knew there's already a thread in here but it is closed).In short, I will create a "Utility tools ALL IN ONE" for my project somewhat like a registry cleaner or advance system optimizer and the likes.

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Stop All The Functions On Parent Form While Child Form Is Still On Screen?

May 1, 2009

form1 has datagridview, when I click "add new", form2 appears(details view, allowing me to add new records into datagridview on form1). when I click "add new" again, form2 appears again, if I click x times, form2 will appear x times. How do I stop the add new button and all the functions on form1 from working until form2 is closed?

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Use The Same Form For Several Functions?

Jul 20, 2009

I am trying to use the same form for several functions which means I have to change the properties. In order to do this, I was trying to put a select case in a module that could be recalled anywhere in the project.

As soon as I start a select case in a module, I get an error message "Error1Statement cannot appear outside of a method body." Does that require that it be in a form only and cannot be used in a module?

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Access Functions In The Class Within Another Form

Feb 18, 2011

I am new to .NET 4 and VS 2010. I am using VB 2010 and have made a class and need to know how i can access those functions in the class within another form. So there is a function say of XYZ in the class named classes.vb and need to get to it from form1.vb

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Creating Clear Form Functions?

Mar 2, 2010

I am trying to create a function to clear my form. The code is as follows:

Private Sub resetForm()
'Set an integer to loop through the controls
Dim x As Integer


it works when I set the type of control as textbox but when I try to do the same thing with radioButton and make it's checked proporty = to false I get checked is not a member of ''

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Excel Maths Functions And Calls To All DLL Functions Documentation?

Jan 29, 2007

1) Is it possible to access the Excel mathematical functions without actually opening Excel?

I was thinking of through a DLL WinAPI call or maybe a delegate function or smaller program?

2) Does anyone know of a MS link or area that gives instruction on "how to" use every function of every Windows DLL at all?

Or for all those that Microsoft have chosen to document online at least.

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Forms :: Functions Work Only If Form Is Run Directly (non-MDI)?

Dec 14, 2010

I have this weird issue:I developed an application with a sequence like this login form -> mainform (=mdi parent) --> some functionform (mdi-child)--> report form

The reportform contains a reportviewer and will display different dataset queries depending on the state of some radio buttons which are located on the previous form ('some function form'). When I run the project directly from the 'some function form' (set startup form for project) things work great. The report shows the correct data depending on choices made on the previous form.But....when I run the project all the way from login and mainform it doesn't work. Seems like the choices made on the "some function form' are not coming through to the report form.

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Functions Nearly Identical, One Works, One Locks Up The Whole Form?

Feb 9, 2012

I've have found answers here frequently in the past just from browsing. But now I'm completely dumbfounded.

I'm using Visual Basic 2010 Express, on Win7 32bit. My application talks to an Arduino via a virtual com port provided by a cheap Bluetooth to serial adapter. I use a text based protocol that is working fairly well. BUT one method in my code, taht seems functionally equivvalent to the other methods is locking up my whole window.

It does this whether I'm debugging or running the exe.Below are the offending method, and a simmilar one defined above it that works with no problems.


If I comment out the cal to write, everything works fine. Aside from me setting some state bools and playing with button titles in the first method, I can't see the difference as to why one works fine and the other hangs.

I really hope someone has some experience in the SerialPort object and VB that can shed some light on this.I've tried everything I can think of. I thought maybe it was the inline concatenation, so I dim'd a local and assigned the string to it, and passed that to Write. But I have another method that uses inline concatenation that doesn't do this.

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Write Functions In Form And Link To Database?

Feb 14, 2011

is it possible to create a form in vb, functions able to create, update or delete records?

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Call Windows Form Functions From Webpage (which Is Displayed Through Webbrowser Control In Win App)?

Mar 25, 2009

I have implemented webbrowser control in my windows application. I have some functions inthe class file. i want to use those functions from the webpage which is displayed in my windows app through webbrowser control..For example say... I have an standalone windows software. Which has a webbrowser control in the some form. Now i would like to create a webpage that can be displayed in the webbrowser control in win app which has some buttons and textboxes. When i click on button in the webpage it should get the version number of that software. I have some other functions that are in the class file aswell.. but dont no how to call those functions from that webpage when a button is clicked or something like that.

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Viewing VB6.0 Windows Form In "windows Server 2008"

May 21, 2009

I am facing problem in displaying VB 6.0 windows form when it is accessed from activeX control on windows server 2008 Is there any work around or any patch available to resolve this issue

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Interface And Graphics :: Adding A A Form As A Child Form To A Third Part Window

Mar 24, 2011

As Autodesk is going to discontinue VBA for their Inventor product in the near future I have been looking at other ways to run VB.NET in Inventor. To date it doesn't look like VSTA will be the replacement. Automation from an External VB.NET app is certainly possible, but leaves something to be desired for speed and integration. Compiled Add Ins are the Cadillac of choice but can be a royal pain to debug and develop. Autodesk now provides a lightweight VB.NET script interface called iLogic. It's main purpose is to allow extreme customization of Solid Modeling parts. The code actually resides inside the Part Model file.


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Differences Between VB Functions And Convert.To* Functions?

Feb 19, 2009

While converting types, I have found myself using both VB functions and BCL Convert.To* methods.

Cstr() vs. Convert.ToString()
CInt() vs. Convert.ToInt32()
CDbl() vs. Convert.ToInt64()

Are there any subtle differences that should be noted?

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[2005] MembershipUser Functions - See Exactly What The Functions Are Doing?

Mar 4, 2009

Is there a way to see exactly what the functions are doing. What i mean is there a way to see the class? I know what it does, i just want to know the code.
For example the function: Membership.FindUsersByName()

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Adding Simple Excel Like Form To A Windows Form

Aug 7, 2009

Can anyone tell me how to add a Excel like form to a Windows form so I can add and remove rows/colloms and do simple calculation. It would be nice to have tabs along the top.

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Combining Two Wav Files?

Aug 18, 2010

i have to combine 2 wav files in my project.

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Drawbacks Of Combining C# And .NET?

Apr 28, 2012

I'm a long time VB.NET developer and has recently switched to C#. I found out that some of the built-in VB.NET functions (which predates .NET back to 6.0 and BASIC itself) such as the String.Left, or Right, or advanced functions like saving to the registry (SaveSettings and GetSettings) are noticeably absent. What I did was create a new project in the same solution with VB.NET as its language and recreate basically all the functions I need that are available in VB.NET. And then I just call that to the C# code I'm writing.Since compiling the code in .NET pretty much boils down to the same CIL, it shouldn't matter performance-wise what language I wrote the code in or whether I mix C# with VB.

View 4 Replies Mvc - Combining Extension Methods?

Sep 5, 2009

I'm trying to write 2 extension methods to handle Enum types.One to use the description attribute to give some better explanation to the enum options and a second method to list the enum options and their description to use in a selectlist or some kind of collection.You can read my code up to now here:

<Extension()> _
Public Function ToDescriptionString(ByVal en As System.Enum) As String
Dim type As Type = en.GetType
Dim entries() As String = en.ToString().Split(","c)


So my problem is both extension methods don't work that well together. The methods that converts the enum options to an ienumerable can't use the extension method to get the description.

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Combining 20 Overloaded Subs Into One?

Jan 31, 2012

I'm working with a third-party library interfacing to an old database system. There's a method - CallProg that calls a "stored procedure" (for lack of a better translation - any Pick users in the crowd?). However, instead of doing something like this:

Public Sub CallProg(ProgName, ParamArray ProgArgs() As String)
End Sub


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