VS 2010 Adding Functions To An ArrayList?

Jul 15, 2011

I'm wondering if this is possible, I want to be able to call functions from within the program itself by means of an ArrayList? I want to be able to do something such as:

For Each Function in FunctionsList
Call Function

Would this be possible? It's important for a project I am working on.

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VS 2010 Threading & ArrayList - Use Adding A String To ArrayList In Tread?

Jan 11, 2012

I have a problem in Treading.I have a code like this;[code].....

I want to change ListBox1 with ArrayList. But I couldn't find how to use adding a string to ArrayList in tread.

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VS 2010 Adding To ArrayList From Listbox?

Jun 20, 2011

i am trying to add items to a Listbox, but first i need to know if the item is already in ListBox. I know how to compare the selected item in a combo with the arraylist. I use this

If Indicadoreslist.Contains(Me.ComboBox2.SelectedValue) Then
MsgBox("It exists")


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Adding Data From A Form To Arraylist

Apr 20, 2009

i am a student i have an assignment in a class in which i am totally lost PLEASE HELP

1) Code the necessary instructions for the ADD button which is instantiating an object and adding to a collectioni

2) Code the necessary instrutions for the DEL button

3) Code the rest of the SAVE button to allow us to continue to edit and save the customers.[code]

View 8 Replies

Adding Values To A Public Arraylist?

Jun 2, 2012

Public Class BasicInformation
Public maleFirstNames As New ArrayList
Public maleFirstNames.Add("John")
Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click

I want to declare a set of arraylists and the base values so that they are available throughout the entire program. When I set the declaration for the array list as public and attempt to add a value to the array the add.("john")is underlined in blue and it says end of statement is expected.

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Looping Arraylist Adding To Textbox

May 19, 2009

I'm trying to do is take each item from an arraylist, that is populated through a structure read from textfiles, then loop through them adding each result from the arraylist to a new line in a textbox. What I'm getting is that it's adding only the last item to the textbox rather than listing them, yes I have multiline set to true. Because of the potential size of the arraylist I have it running in a background worker. Once it's complete then I'm trying to populate the textbox. All the code is working fine to that point it's just populating the textbox correctly is my problem.[code]I've tried adding vbnewline, vbcrlf, cblf at the end of the statement as well as placing the text statement in both the runworkercompleted sub as well as in the delegate with the same result.

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Adding Custom Object To ArrayList At Runtime?

Jan 5, 2010

I am having issues adding a custom object to an arraylist at runtime.

Details of what Im trying to achieve.

My object is Fixture which represents a light. My light has the following properties:

Name, isMover, HighlightValue, UserNumber, Channels.

Channels is a dynamic arraylist which lists all the different channels of the fixture. A channel could be the lights colour or its intensity. A channel has the following properties:

Type, FeatureGroup, Value, Universe, Address, Slots and Offset.

Slots is the same again, breaking down to another ArrayList with more details.


Private Sub Patchingtest()
Dim TestFixture As New Fixture_Structure
Dim Intensity As New Channel


View 3 Replies

Adding Textbox Name And Text To ArrayList Using Structure?

May 20, 2011

I have a function which iterates through the TextBoxes in my form (and its child controls) and adds each TextBox's name and text to an ArrayList using a structure I called valTxtBox.

Here's a snippet of the
Public Structure valTxtBox
Public nome As String
Public texto As String
End Structure
[Code] .....

Now, the problem is that if I call Clear() for valsTxtBox in the getctrls() function, not all the elements get added to the ArrayList. However, if I don't call Clear() it works just fine. BTW, I'm using VS2008 express which might be relevant.

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Adding Values From ArrayList To Particular Column Of GridView?

Jan 24, 2011

I am trying to add values from Arraylist to particular column of grid view.
If (Arr_NewContacts.Count > 0) Then
dgvStayout.Rows.Clear() ' **GETTING ERROR HERE**
dgvStayout.Rows.Insert(0, (Arr_NewContacts.Count - 1))
For i As Integer = 0 To Arr_NewContacts.Count - 1
dgvStayout.Rows(i).Cells("Name").Value = Arr_NewContacts(i).ToString
[Code] ......
Datagrid property like AllowUserToAddRows and AllowUserToDeleteRows is already set to true.I am using above code on lost focus event of one of text box.

View 1 Replies

ArrayList - Clone Command Adding Shadow Copy

Jul 5, 2010

I found that if using ArrayList, all clone/CopyTo/Add command are shadow copy, not separate copy. How can I do such that after an ArrayList A is "copied" to ArrayList B, change in ArrayList A will not reflect to ArrayList B?

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Combining Adding And Viewing Form Functions

Sep 29, 2010

Im banging my head against the wall with this one...If anyone can give me some pointers on how to combine the following two code snippets,[code]

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Forms :: Adding Preset Option To Functions / Methods

Jul 20, 2009

I'm trying to create classes, functions, etc that present a preset list of options to users (in the same way that messagebox control will show the available button options). A simple example is readFile(ByVal strPath as string, ByVal strFileType as string) where the user will see a list of acceptable file types when they put the comma after strPath.

View 2 Replies

VS 2008 : Have A Class Where The Functions Of The Same Name Are Both Instance Functions And Shared Functions?

Dec 6, 2010

What I am trying to do is have a class where the functions of the same name are both instance functions and shared functions.

Public Shared Function Get...(byval xx as xx)


Public Function Get...

The Public Function uses a Property xx created in the constructor, whereas the Shared Function has the parameters (byval xx as xx).

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Adding Call Functions For Defragment Hard Drive And Other .msc Tools For Windows?

Jun 2, 2011

My problem is that I am creating system tools for windows with a good gui and I don't know how to start with it. One of my difficulties is making code for calling any window tools for example, defragment.msc, backup, system restore, registry editor(I knew there's already a thread in here but it is closed).In short, I will create a "Utility tools ALL IN ONE" for my project somewhat like a registry cleaner or advance system optimizer and the likes.

View 6 Replies

Copy The List Of Principal User To Arraylist To Use Arraylist.indexof?

Dec 1, 2011

What I am doing is iterating through all the groups that belong to the top group (Generic reports). Then I take advantage of the GroupPrincipal.GetMembers(True) which will recurse through a given group name. I test to see if the user exits under that group and if true I put the group name in an arraylist.

I use the for each principal in GroupPrincipal.GetMembers to loop through each returned user to see if they exist.

Is there a way to put all the returned users Principal.Name from a given group in GroupPrincipal.GetMembers into an ArrayList? This would allow me to to use Arraylist1.IndexOf to search for user. Which would be much faster then iterating through a returned list using the for each construct.

Sub RetAllMbrs(strUser As String)
Dim oPC As PrincipalContext = GetPrincipalContext() '<- this is function somewhere else in the code


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Question If ArrayList Contains String Remove It From New ArrayList

May 6, 2010

I have an arraylist (arrFirstArry) which I use to populate another arraylist (arrNoDuplicates) preventing any duplicates from being added. This works fine. What I would also like my code to do is prevent adding any partial values which may exist from being added. i.e. my array is like this


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Struct - .net 2003 Arraylist Of Structure Which Have An Arraylist?

Sep 22, 2011

I have two structures Public Structure myResearchData

Public batchName As String
Public arraylistRData As ArrayList
End Structure
Public Structure myResearchSubData
Public researchDescription As String


Cleared MyResearchData.arraylistRData for new data to be put in but it also clears the arraylist inside MyResearchDataAList and didn't old the contents of the arraylist

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VS 2008 - Reading ArrayList In My.Settings And Add Another ArrayList To It

Sep 21, 2010

What I need to do is read an ArrayList in My.Settings and add another ArrayList to it. The first think I'm trying to do is load My.Settings.Records into myArrayList. I'm not quite sure on the proper way to do this. I've tried things such as Dim myArrayList As ArrayList = My.Settings.Records, I'm not sure if I need New and I'm not sure if I need .Clone or .CopyTo.

Then I have another ArrayList myArrayList2. To get this into myArrayList I've done: [Code] Then to save it back to My.Settings I've done. My.Settings.Records = myArrayList. The problem is I keep on getting Object reference not set to an instance of an object error on the AddRange line. My.Settings.Records is definitely an ArrayList and it will sometimes = Nothing. The objects will only ever be strings.

View 19 Replies

VS 2010 - Add ArrayList To Threaded Listbox

Nov 3, 2011

Add an ArrayList To Threaded Listbox i have been working on this for ages and cant get it to work. here is what i have so far... this gets dup sub to work in new thread when i click button2 the dup sub will filter through Listbox2 items and sort through the listbox and if it isnt a duplicate it will add the line to an arraylist i now need to the array list (decleared as arr) to go into listbox2 in short i need to make this line of code work as a crossthreaded call


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VS 2010 Extracting Data From ArrayList Using LINQ?

Oct 21, 2011

I have following data in the arraylist..

ID Type Size
1 Car 1 1000
2 Car 2 1100
3 Car 3 1200


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VS 2010 Load Arraylist From File Function?

Nov 27, 2011

Public Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

OpenFileInArrayList(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "/data/ck.dat", ArrayListCK())
End SUb Public Sub OpenFileInArrayList(ByRef PathFile As String, ByRef ArrayListCC As ArrayList)
Dim stream_reader As New IO.StreamReader(PathFile,System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)


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VS 2010 : Counting Number Of Occurrences Of Element Within An Array Or Arraylist?

Mar 13, 2012

there are any nifty in-built .net methods that can essentially return either the number of occurrences of each element in an array, or simply return the modal value.

View 7 Replies

VS 2010 ArrayList Or String Collection To Hold A Bunch Of Strings?

Dec 18, 2010

Speed is critical in my application. As of now, I'm using an ArrayList to store a list of Strings and I use BinarySearch functionality of ArrayLists to search for an item. Would I be able to do this faster using String Collection and a for loop?

View 22 Replies

VS 2010 Adding Unique Tag After Adding Component

May 4, 2012

I'm adding labels at runtime to my form with a tag. Let's say I have 3 labels with the tags, "1", "2" and "3". I'm adding the tags by counting the labels + 1. When I remove a label with tag "2" from the form there are only 2 left. When I add a new label it will add a new tag "3", but that one already exist. So my "solution" isn't a very good one Although tag "2" is free, I want to give it "4". Any thoughts on how to code this properly?

View 2 Replies

VS 2010 Add Subs / Functions To Subs / Functions?

Oct 26, 2009

When you refrence a Function like this one:[code]You may want to be able to get more out of that, like this.[code]So how would I be able to add subs or functions onto a sub or function like that?

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VS 2010 Alternatives For The Old Functions?

Sep 21, 2010

When I try to code in VB2010, I usually unmark the reference to Microsoft.VisualBasic. Because I do not want to use the legacy functions of VB6. I want to complete walk in .Net path. And I have found some alternatives for the old VB6 functions. But the rest not. Where can I find the list of those methods or classes (alternatives for the VB6 functions) ?(For eg: when I tried to find the difference of 2 dates, I couldn't find any other alternatives. So, I came back and used the Microsoft.VisualBasic reference for using DateDiff())?

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VS 2010 Converting Hex Functions From VB6

Jan 9, 2011

I came about these two functions (ReadHEX and WriteHEX) that, obviously, read a hex offset or write a hex offset of a file. However, these functions were written in VB6. The main thing I'm not understanding is how to open a file (in a filestream I presume) and then to either read or write a certain offset from the file. I'd also need to convert the string I'm writing to hex before I actually right it, but I've got that under control. Here's the current functions as they were written:


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VS 2010 Using Functions From Reflection Var?

Dec 13, 2011

how to use a function from an assembly reference.when using:

Dim __asm As System.Reflection.Assembly
__asm = System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom("c: estsomedll.dll")

this dll should have a few public methods, lets say it has a helloworld() with no args and a hellowworld2(byval x as string). How to call them?

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VB Express 2010 Time Functions?

Jul 4, 2011

I am having a really hard time with the hour(TimeOfDay) VB Express 2010 command, is there any one reading this that could enlighten me on this problem please.My local machine time is in standard time, but the VB hour(TimeOfDay) command sent to a text box on my form is in Military time, is this a bug or do I need to use another command that I am not aware of, or can I use the format command to force it to
standard time and if so how do I accomplish this task please as I have battled with this for few weeks now and I am all out of ideas as to the nature of the problem.

I know about the following:-format(TimeOfDay,"h:mm:ss") 'displays time in standard time with out a padded zero format(TimeOfDay,"hh:mm:ss") 'displays time in standard time including a padded zero!

format(TimeOfDay,"H:mm:ss") 'displays time in military time with out the padded zero!
format(TimeOfDay, "HH:mm:ss) 'displays time in military time including the padded zero!

how could I do the same with the format(Hour(TimeOfDay),"?") function I also notice that the minutes and seconds can include or exclude the padded zero, I would also like to have control over these two commands please.

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Excel Maths Functions And Calls To All DLL Functions Documentation?

Jan 29, 2007

1) Is it possible to access the Excel mathematical functions without actually opening Excel?

I was thinking of through a DLL WinAPI call or maybe a delegate function or smaller program?

2) Does anyone know of a MS link or area that gives instruction on "how to" use every function of every Windows DLL at all?

Or for all those that Microsoft have chosen to document online at least.

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