Adding Data From A Form To Arraylist

Apr 20, 2009

i am a student i have an assignment in a class in which i am totally lost PLEASE HELP

1) Code the necessary instructions for the ADD button which is instantiating an object and adding to a collectioni

2) Code the necessary instrutions for the DEL button

3) Code the rest of the SAVE button to allow us to continue to edit and save the customers.[code]

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VS 2010 Threading & ArrayList - Use Adding A String To ArrayList In Tread?

Jan 11, 2012

I have a problem in Treading.I have a code like this;[code].....

I want to change ListBox1 with ArrayList. But I couldn't find how to use adding a string to ArrayList in tread.

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Adding Values To A Public Arraylist?

Jun 2, 2012

Public Class BasicInformation
Public maleFirstNames As New ArrayList
Public maleFirstNames.Add("John")
Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click

I want to declare a set of arraylists and the base values so that they are available throughout the entire program. When I set the declaration for the array list as public and attempt to add a value to the array the add.("john")is underlined in blue and it says end of statement is expected.

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Looping Arraylist Adding To Textbox

May 19, 2009

I'm trying to do is take each item from an arraylist, that is populated through a structure read from textfiles, then loop through them adding each result from the arraylist to a new line in a textbox. What I'm getting is that it's adding only the last item to the textbox rather than listing them, yes I have multiline set to true. Because of the potential size of the arraylist I have it running in a background worker. Once it's complete then I'm trying to populate the textbox. All the code is working fine to that point it's just populating the textbox correctly is my problem.[code]I've tried adding vbnewline, vbcrlf, cblf at the end of the statement as well as placing the text statement in both the runworkercompleted sub as well as in the delegate with the same result.

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VS 2010 Adding Functions To An ArrayList?

Jul 15, 2011

I'm wondering if this is possible, I want to be able to call functions from within the program itself by means of an ArrayList? I want to be able to do something such as:

For Each Function in FunctionsList
Call Function

Would this be possible? It's important for a project I am working on.

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VS 2010 Adding To ArrayList From Listbox?

Jun 20, 2011

i am trying to add items to a Listbox, but first i need to know if the item is already in ListBox. I know how to compare the selected item in a combo with the arraylist. I use this

If Indicadoreslist.Contains(Me.ComboBox2.SelectedValue) Then
MsgBox("It exists")


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Adding Custom Object To ArrayList At Runtime?

Jan 5, 2010

I am having issues adding a custom object to an arraylist at runtime.

Details of what Im trying to achieve.

My object is Fixture which represents a light. My light has the following properties:

Name, isMover, HighlightValue, UserNumber, Channels.

Channels is a dynamic arraylist which lists all the different channels of the fixture. A channel could be the lights colour or its intensity. A channel has the following properties:

Type, FeatureGroup, Value, Universe, Address, Slots and Offset.

Slots is the same again, breaking down to another ArrayList with more details.


Private Sub Patchingtest()
Dim TestFixture As New Fixture_Structure
Dim Intensity As New Channel


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Adding Textbox Name And Text To ArrayList Using Structure?

May 20, 2011

I have a function which iterates through the TextBoxes in my form (and its child controls) and adds each TextBox's name and text to an ArrayList using a structure I called valTxtBox.

Here's a snippet of the
Public Structure valTxtBox
Public nome As String
Public texto As String
End Structure
[Code] .....

Now, the problem is that if I call Clear() for valsTxtBox in the getctrls() function, not all the elements get added to the ArrayList. However, if I don't call Clear() it works just fine. BTW, I'm using VS2008 express which might be relevant.

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Adding Values From ArrayList To Particular Column Of GridView?

Jan 24, 2011

I am trying to add values from Arraylist to particular column of grid view.
If (Arr_NewContacts.Count > 0) Then
dgvStayout.Rows.Clear() ' **GETTING ERROR HERE**
dgvStayout.Rows.Insert(0, (Arr_NewContacts.Count - 1))
For i As Integer = 0 To Arr_NewContacts.Count - 1
dgvStayout.Rows(i).Cells("Name").Value = Arr_NewContacts(i).ToString
[Code] ......
Datagrid property like AllowUserToAddRows and AllowUserToDeleteRows is already set to true.I am using above code on lost focus event of one of text box.

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ArrayList - Clone Command Adding Shadow Copy

Jul 5, 2010

I found that if using ArrayList, all clone/CopyTo/Add command are shadow copy, not separate copy. How can I do such that after an ArrayList A is "copied" to ArrayList B, change in ArrayList A will not reflect to ArrayList B?

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Adding Data In Form After Loading One Person Data

Oct 25, 2009

i want to know that when im adding my data in form after loading one person data then 2nd person data the 2nd person data cannot come to next line it is adding on the same line.plz tell me wat can i do?

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Refresh Form After Adding Data

Sep 17, 2010

I have a form with several tabpages. on each tabpage a datagridview and some textboxes or comboboxes. i add, delete and update truough this. i magaed to refresh the datagridview after adding something or deleteing or updating but i haven't managed to refresh the comboboxes and the other datagridviews.


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Adding Data Between Form To Other Form?

Aug 15, 2011

how to insert data from form1 to other form2?

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Copy The List Of Principal User To Arraylist To Use Arraylist.indexof?

Dec 1, 2011

What I am doing is iterating through all the groups that belong to the top group (Generic reports). Then I take advantage of the GroupPrincipal.GetMembers(True) which will recurse through a given group name. I test to see if the user exits under that group and if true I put the group name in an arraylist.

I use the for each principal in GroupPrincipal.GetMembers to loop through each returned user to see if they exist.

Is there a way to put all the returned users Principal.Name from a given group in GroupPrincipal.GetMembers into an ArrayList? This would allow me to to use Arraylist1.IndexOf to search for user. Which would be much faster then iterating through a returned list using the for each construct.

Sub RetAllMbrs(strUser As String)
Dim oPC As PrincipalContext = GetPrincipalContext() '<- this is function somewhere else in the code


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Form Is Adding New Rows In Database But The New Rows Do Not Contain The Form Data?

Aug 16, 2010

I have a form that i want to be saved to my database. The form is adding a new record to my sql server 2005 database but it is not bringing the text over with it. The new record in my db is just an empty row. Here is my code.Add to database section ( i have removed the connectionstring for privacy reasons)

<%@ Page aspcompat="true" Debug="true" %>
<title>Form to database</title>


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Summarize ArrayList Data?

Sep 11, 2011

I need to summarize data from an arraylist in vb. For example, I have a list of dates with different times. I want to summarize the dates and be able to display the times when I click on each date.I am new to vb, and I am struggling with this. I am able to read the file(ofd) with this info but I can't get it summarize, instead I am showing the date multiple times.

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Importing CSV Data Into An ArrayList Or Other Method?

Jun 22, 2010

How can I read data from a .csv file I have opened into a variable for later use (i.e. plotting with zedgraph)? My csv file contains 100+ columns and 12000+ rows of data, with each column a different variable.

I've searched around a ton on this subject, and combined many methods I found on the net to my project but none actually do what I am required to do.

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Retrieving Data From Arraylist Of Objects?

Jun 30, 2009

I am trying to retrieve the correct value from an ArrayList of objects (.NET 1.1 Framework):I have the following defined:

Public AlList As New ArrayList
Public Class ItemInfo
Public ItemNo As Int16


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Retrieving Data From Nested Arraylist?

Jan 13, 2010

i'm trying to retrieve data from a nested arraylist and am unsuccessful.

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Question If ArrayList Contains String Remove It From New ArrayList

May 6, 2010

I have an arraylist (arrFirstArry) which I use to populate another arraylist (arrNoDuplicates) preventing any duplicates from being added. This works fine. What I would also like my code to do is prevent adding any partial values which may exist from being added. i.e. my array is like this


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Struct - .net 2003 Arraylist Of Structure Which Have An Arraylist?

Sep 22, 2011

I have two structures Public Structure myResearchData

Public batchName As String
Public arraylistRData As ArrayList
End Structure
Public Structure myResearchSubData
Public researchDescription As String


Cleared MyResearchData.arraylistRData for new data to be put in but it also clears the arraylist inside MyResearchDataAList and didn't old the contents of the arraylist

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VS 2008 - Reading ArrayList In My.Settings And Add Another ArrayList To It

Sep 21, 2010

What I need to do is read an ArrayList in My.Settings and add another ArrayList to it. The first think I'm trying to do is load My.Settings.Records into myArrayList. I'm not quite sure on the proper way to do this. I've tried things such as Dim myArrayList As ArrayList = My.Settings.Records, I'm not sure if I need New and I'm not sure if I need .Clone or .CopyTo.

Then I have another ArrayList myArrayList2. To get this into myArrayList I've done: [Code] Then to save it back to My.Settings I've done. My.Settings.Records = myArrayList. The problem is I keep on getting Object reference not set to an instance of an object error on the AddRange line. My.Settings.Records is definitely an ArrayList and it will sometimes = Nothing. The objects will only ever be strings.

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VS 2010 Extracting Data From ArrayList Using LINQ?

Oct 21, 2011

I have following data in the arraylist..

ID Type Size
1 Car 1 1000
2 Car 2 1100
3 Car 3 1200


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Transfer All Row Data Stored In Datatable To Arraylist Without Using A Loop?

May 1, 2011

Is it possible to transfer all row data stored in datatable to arraylist without using a loop ?

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Datatable Column Value - Adds An Arraylist To It As The Data Source?

Oct 6, 2010

I am struggling with a simple datatable issue. The following takes a data table that is on the form and adds an arraylist to it as the data source. The data that shows up in the datatable is the length of the value of the element in the arrayList.


How do I control what is displayed in the columns? What I am ultimately trying to do is have a datatable that the operator can edit and the changes reflect in the underlying data structure.

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Load A Textfile With (formatted Mostly Tab Delimited) Data Into An ArrayList

Aug 5, 2010

[code] I'm trying to load a textfile with (formatted, mostly tab delimited) data, into an arrayList.To manipulate and extract certain data I was able to search through the arrayList and retrieve the needed data.This is what's not working: If I have found my needed data in certain places from the arrayList, I would like to split this to read the needed values. Trying to do this I constantly get string cannot be converted to 1-dimensional array of string errors. [code]

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VS 2008 : Have Multiple Threads Input Data Into The Same Arraylist

Dec 20, 2009

I want to have multiple threads input data into the same arraylist, so they would need to share it. If this is possible how can I do this task?

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VS 2008 ArrayList - Make The Call To Get The Data Out Of The List?

Mar 31, 2009

My application reuses the same data returned from the database throughout the application. For example, a list of airport codes retrieved from the dataabase could be used on 5 different forms. In VB6 I placed the information into a Public Array. I'm looking for the best way to load and make available without hitting the database 5 times. After researching I found arraylist might be the way to go. My problem...I'm not sure I'm doing this correctly and not sure how to make the call to get the data out of the list.


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Using Copy Method To Split Data From ArrayList To A Jagged Array?

Jun 29, 2010

I am trying to split an array into a jagged array for easy manipulation, but I am having a bit of trouble with the Copy method of Array.This is what I have:

Dim masterData()() As String = New String(splitCounter.Count - 1)() {}
For i As Integer = splitCounter(0) To splitCounter.LastIndexOf(splitCounter)
Array.Copy(ServerResponse, splitCounter(i), masterData(i) = New String(), i, splitCounter(i


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Create An Array Of An Array (or Arraylist Of An Arraylist) To Hold Strings?

Mar 20, 2012

I want to create an array of an array (or arraylist of an arraylist) to hold strings.I want to fill an array1 with string values Then add this array to array2. - but only taking up 1 row in array2 e.g something like array2(index)=array1 Then clear array1 then loop through this again with different data, and add it to the will end up with something like

array2(0)... contains a collection of array1 data
array2(1)... contains a collection of different array1 data
.. and so on

i think i need to make new instances of array1 each loop, but not sure.I dont mind if it uses arrays, or arraylists, or lists, or structure of arrayslists?

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