Executing A Function Name At Runtime By A Textbox Input?

Mar 6, 2011

i had some thing challenging work i had three functions


i had a text box and command button i need to execute the functions when the function name is typed in text box suppose i type function1 and click command button the corresponsding function is executed.

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Runtime Added Textbox Not Accepting User Input

Dec 23, 2009

I have a form, with lables and textboxes added at runtime. The labels and textboxes are added properly on form load and display as expected. The form allows tabing into each of the textboxes, but the textbox does not allow user input.

Is this a problem with the way I show the form to the user? >> this particular form is called (frmname.show) from a different form -- If I test this form directly, without being called from a different form, it allows user input in the textboxes. Is it because of the properties I used to create the textbox? >> properties used were - .name, .size, .location, .tag

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.net - Executing Runtime Code Parameters?

Dec 9, 2011

The following is some code to execute code at runtime: Dim SourceCode As String = txtCode.Text

Dim Dlls() As String = {"System.dll", "System.Core.dll", "System.Data.dll", "System.Windows.Forms.dll"} 'Any referenced dll's
Dim Compiler As New VbCompiler(SourceCode, Dlls)
Dim CodeAssembly As Assembly = Compiler.Compile
If Compiler.Successful Then


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Runtime Error When Executing WaitForExit()

Aug 29, 2011

I'm trying to execute the following code, but the debugger is failing at myProcess.WaitForExit() [code]....

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Input Any Words In Textbox - The Program Will Reply By Sound Of What Input In The Textbox

Jul 7, 2009

i use visual basic 6 i already try making a button to play sounds. by clicking the button and the sound will out. so that i want to know were could i start, when you input words in textbox the program will speak what you have type in the textbox.

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Runtime Error '424' When Executing FileSystemObject.CopyFile In Script In Excel 2007

Sep 23, 2009

In my office they installed Office 2007, since then I am having several problems with my macros / VB script routines, in this occasion I am trying to use the FileSystemObject.CopyFile function to copy several files from one directory to several directories depending on the files code.Based on the file's code I build the destination path and then I try to copy my files from the original path to destination path, but when executing this sentence I receive an error message that says "Run-time error '424' Object not fund".

Sub prepara_2007()


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Two Function Executing At A Time?

Jul 1, 2011

There are two location one main form and other is communication class which use comport to send command.Everything is good in VB6 but same code fails in vb.net actually program behavior is really different.in vb6 one function execute at a time but in vb.net it execute two function at a timeeg. In form there is function to write command over comport once command is posted one event is raised by serial port in this function byte array is formed and the statement immediate next to raise_event use this array to show on formbut when event is raised control is toggle between first function and event function it execute one statement from second(COMMUNICATION CLASS) function and one statement from f

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Creating User Input With Textbox.text Input Then Displaying In Messagebox?

Feb 19, 2012

If my Category and Forum selection is incorrect I am sorry and feel free to move it. I'd like to have the users input in the message box that will show. For example: There is a textbox and the user puts in their name as Bob. Then the message box would be: What my main goal is, is being able to include the users input they type inside the textbox inside the message box.

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VS 2005 - Login Failed - Input Valid Username And Password In Form Textbox To Input Strings In Php

Sep 25, 2010

I have a problem with the code, I have input the valid username and password in the form textbox to input the strings in php, but it keep displaying the messagebox that says login failed.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
MessageBox.Show("Please enter your username")
ElseIf Textbox2.Text = Nothing Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter your password")


I don't really know why it keep displaying the messagebox that says it failed when I have input the valid strings in the first place.

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Read File Input Instead Of Manual Textbox Input?

Sep 28, 2011

My objective is to, instead of entering in the data manually into the text boxes, I want to read in a textfile. The Calculate button will contain the code to read in the file and assign it to the appropriate textboxes. Save the separate file in the \bin\Debug folder.

The text file just needs to have 3 integers on 3 separate lines.The code I posted works without and errors, but.I am having some trouble integrating the Stream Reader.


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Security - Textbox On Form - User Inputs Data ( During Runtime ) Data Remains In Textbox For Good And Textbox Becomes Read Only ?

Jan 8, 2010

Is it possible to have a Textbox on a form that when the user inputs data, ( during Runtime )that data remains in the Textbox for good and the Textbox then becomes read only ? Is it also possible to make it so that the CD with the programme on, is in the PC when the programme is being used. Perhaps writing the Textbox data back onto the CD ?

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Resizing Of Forms According To Users Input During Runtime?

Jan 9, 2009

I am creating a form in vb.net and i want its size to change the form as soon as the user inputs the desired number of items. In my form I have two combo boxes: one for number of items and the second is for the choices, then when the user choose 5 items 5 text boxes will appear and if the choice is 25 then 25 text boxes will appear. Is there any way that I can change the form based on the input and number of text boxes?

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Save From TextBox To Another TextBox And Keep Also Previous Input

Mar 25, 2011

I have 3 TextBox control, 2 is for keyin data and 1 is for Display data,


What I want is to display combine input data from TextBox1.Text and TextBox2.Text to TextBox3.Text I mean keep any previous data input in same TextBox and saperate it using a comma (,) or (;) for combination I am using (@)

Example: In TextBox1.Text I put 200 and TextBox2.Text 2000... Click button Save and I want it to be display in TextBox3.Text as 200@2000 and again I Enter 500 in TextBox1.Text and 5000 in TextBox2.Text Click save button and I want it be display in TextBox3.Text as 200@2000;500@5000 which is 200@2000 is the first input data... and it continue as many as it can.

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Make Input Box Function?

Oct 26, 2010

Am using An inputbox in my form.If i Press OK the code is fine.When i Press cancel the Program displayin an error. Wat should i Do ?

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Is The Active Function Or Subroutine Name Available At Runtime

Apr 13, 2009

For debugging I've often thought it would be very useful to have access to the name of the fuction or subroutine that is currently executing so that you could print or display this as the code runs. I've been told by some folks that it is not possible, now I'm asking a broader community. Also, when I asked before it was in the context of VB6, now wondering if VB.Net enables access to the executing function or subroutine name.

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Call Function From Custom Dll File At Runtime?

Jan 17, 2011

I wanna make a program that asks the user to enter a dll file path/name & a function in that dll file with args & gets the results

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Any Max / Min Range Of Input For First Parameter Of FormatNumber Function

Jul 2, 2009

Is there any max/min range of input for the first parameter of FormatNumber() function in VB.NET?As I am sending 99999999999999.99 (which is the maximum limit a column could hold in my sql database) to FormatNumber() it is returning 100,000,000,000,000.00.

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Create A Function That Parses The Input From A Textinput?

Apr 5, 2010

how to create a function that parses the input from a textinput.Text into an array of named reading, as string, and returns the number of arrays, or perhaps a negative number if there is an error in the input.

i am looking for the answer in vb6 and vb.net.

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Forms :: Create User Input Function

Jul 28, 2011

Trying to imitate a Messagebox - in that, a sub will not continue until the user "deals with" the pop up.

For example, in a sub, I want a Form to pop up, and ask a user a question, and give them 3 options. I want to make it so the user must click an option, and then the sub that called it can carry on it's way.

I believe I need a function to make this happen.

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Return A Variable Based On The Input Of A Function (.NET C# Or VB)

Apr 12, 2012

Say I've got the following variables:

Public Shared x As String = "100"
Public Shared y As String = "text"
Public Shared z As String = "something"


But this doesn't do what I want, naturally. What I want is that my function giveVar returns the value of the variable that holds giveVar. For example I call giveVar("x") I want my function to return "100".

Of course this can be done by a Select Case but thats not what I like to do. Is it even possible to call a value based on a string?


Namespace i18n
public NotInheritable Class Settings
Public Shared LanguageCode As String


I think this works so far, BUT I get the following error on the CallByName(Me, varName, vbGet) at the Me : "me is only valid within an instance method"

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Executing Script In Program - Type MsgBox("hello") Into The Textbox, Click The Button

Aug 24, 2011

I was once using a program that was under beta, so the creator added a nifty feature. You could enter any vb.net code into a textbox, and when you pressed the button next to it, that code was executed. For example, you could type MsgBox("hello") into the textbox, click the button, and it would run that code as if you actually put it in the source code and ran it. I've googled so many different phrases trying to find out how to do this, but I can't find anything. Anyone have any ideas or resources I can look at?

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Accept Input For Textbox 1 And Textbox 2?

Jul 14, 2010

I have two textbox controls and I want to accept input for textbox 1 and textbox 2. However, when user enters text into textbox 1 I would like textbox 2 to mirror the same text as it is typed.

I am sure this is a very simple procedure however it is new to me and I am having trouble finding an answer with search engines. Most result are coming back as text that one can read backwards in a mirror which is not what I am looking for.

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Function That Will Convert Input String To Actual Object

Jan 12, 2011

I have an object with a number of properties (let's say object.one, object.two, object.three). There are about 30 of these properties and they all hold a string ("Pass" or "Fail"). Right now the existing code checks whether the property has value "Pass" or "Fail" and then runs some code that prints stuff out. That is, the same snippet of code is duplicated 30 times, one for each of these properties.

The code looks something like this
If (object.one = ... )
End if
If (object.two = ... )
End if
If (object.three = ... )
End if

I want to use a loop to clean this mess up (each block is huge), but am not sure how to do it. I was thinking perhaps there was a way such that I might be able to construct a string like "object.one" and run some function that will tell the compiler that this is actually an object's property? That way I could create an array containing the object's name like my array = {"object.one", "object.two", "object.three"} and then do something like, in pseudocode
For each string in my array
If (some_function(string) = ...)
End If

Essentially, it would take those massive blocks of duplicated code and reduce it to just one block. Is there such a some_function that I am looking for? This is in VB.net.

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How To Make A Program In Which The User Can Input A Mathematical Function

Mar 29, 2009

i want to make a program in which the user can input a mathematical function so the program can then work with it. So the user would input something like x^4+x+2 and then an x and the program would calculate f(x). What i don't know is how to let the user input the function.

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Validating Form Input And Running Function Only If It Passes

Jan 19, 2010

In my .NET porject, I have to run a lot of validation on 4/5 fields. This validation checks if certain fields have errors, for example: the name field is not allowed to have numbers or symbols. If all these checks are passed, I need to execute a SQL query to pull some data out of the database. I could have it with a lot of nested IFs, and run the function at the end once it passes them all, but this will translate into about 12 nested IFs, and it seems a really bulky way to do it. I have also thought about setting a boolean value after every check, and if the value is 1 then don't run the function, else do. But of course this gets overwritten by other checks that pass.

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Change This Checksum Function To Accept An Integer Input Instead Of A String?

Dec 31, 2009

This function doesn't work if I change the input argument 'pdu' from a string to an int.Would someone please help me figure out what to do here so that the checksum does not add the ascii value of the int argument but rather the actual integer value?I took out a few lines of the actual function but it adds the input argument to a packet sent out via TCP protocol.This function shows the integer value just fine in the string that gets encoded as a byte array. the checksum is wrong.!

''Public Function buildpacket(pdu As Integer) is what I want.
Public Function buildpacket(pdu As String)
Dim packet As String


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Custom Function Return Type + Input As Variable Datatype?

Dec 1, 2010

I'm wondering whether its possible to have a function's return type and input arguments as a variable.

For example this function:Private Function MyFunction(ByVal argument1 As VariableType) As VariableType


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Create A Function To Remove Dirty Words From User Input Text?

Sep 15, 2009

I am trying to create a function to remove dirty words from user input text and want to replace those dirty words with four ****. In my scenario , i have list of dirty words where i would iterate the input user text and want to replace. Say for example.,

Dim InputTxt As String = "hi bush how are you.... $hit and @ss"
Dim OutPut As String = " hi **** how are you... **** and ****";

Problem: It works fine to replace some word like " bush" however fails in the below function doesn't replace "$hit" and "@ss".

Note: I do not want to use string.Replace because it doesn't have word boundary in the sentence..

Public Function pReplaceWords(ByVal dirtyWord As String, ByVal inputText As String, ByVal options As RegexOptions) As String


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Function Which Take String (alfanumeric+special Char) As Input And Return Serial Key

May 6, 2010

i want to generate a serial key which depend on system harddisk manufacture id ...

so Is any function which take string of alfanumeric + special char as input and after encrypted return output as unique serial key / product key...

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How To Create TextBox At Runtime

Mar 31, 2012

I am new to VB. Started making a software. What I want is when a user click in PictureBox he should be able to create a textbox (Read Only) at X, Y coordiantes of picture box. I am able to get X,Y coordinates but dont know how should I create a textbox there during runtime. Also there is another textbox whose text is to be displayed in new textbox in picturebox. I also want to check that if user have entered a comma (,) after string or not in the text.
(eg : "String %d %d",argument 1,argument 2)

Here is code I have created till now : [URL]

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