Extracting Info From A ListView In A Tab Of A TabControl And Using It In Another Tab
Jun 22, 2010
I'm working on a project at the moment, where there are a variety of sections. Each section has its own window and WPF controls. Each window has a tab control, with tabs to 'View', 'Add', 'Edit' and 'Delete' records. The 'View' tab has a ListView which is populated with records from a database (using LINQ to SQL).
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Mar 2, 2011
Public Shared Function GetRecords(ByVal myStoredProcedure As String) As BindingSource
Dim sSQL As String = myStoredProcedure
Conn = MyFormz.connec.ConnWeb2()
Dim cmdGetRecords As New SqlCommand()
Dim daGetRecords As New SqlDataAdapter()
Dim dsGetRecords As New DataSet()
View 13 Replies
Jul 19, 2010
Ok I got a variable named Accounts and stores the user accounts. They are seperated like this
As you can see after admin there is a symbol (the &) meaning that before the & its an account and after it its another. In other words its like this
so how can I make a loop to count how many & there is in the Variable named Accounts?
View 2 Replies
Nov 7, 2009
I was just wondering how to extract or parse any particual tags (whichever I specify) from webpages. I know how to extract text and links from webpages, but I tried to use the same method from the following code for div tags, title tags etcetera and it doesn't seem to work:
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Oct 29, 2009
Im trying to make my btn add all the file info to the listview. The listview has : icon + file name/type/bytes/directory. How would i make my Btn open folderbrowserdialog and let the user add it. It will then add all the info to the listview. How would i do this?
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Aug 6, 2010
I'm not that experienced with .net but what I'm trying to do is pass something from Form2 to a listview on Form1.
On Form1 I have a button that once clicked this is called[code]...
View 8 Replies
Mar 20, 2010
im trying to edit a code so that i can display user info in a listview rather than a listbox because listview has some options i want to use , i have 2 errors one in Public Sub removeClient and one in Private Sub AddClientToListview i would be very greatful if some could give a helping hand to resolve these errors
Imports System.Net.Sockets
Public Class form1
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Mar 18, 2009
I am tray to find info how I grab info from my search online and put it into Listview
View 7 Replies
Feb 15, 2012
just want to know how will i able to display the info description in my list view but the one that appears in the database is its id(using vb.net)
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Apr 27, 2010
It has the ability to recursively grab all .wmv and .mp3 files in any chosen folder, and add them to a playlist.When opening the playlist, my program adds all the songs to an array, then starts adding the songs to a listview, categorizing them by song, artist, album, and genre, using a dll to access the ID3v1 tags on the .mp3 file.It can successfully create playlists of thousands of songs at a somewhat okay speed, the problem is loading that into the categorized listview.It used around 75% of my friend's CPU while loading his 5k+ song playlist into the listview, and it never finished after loading it in for a couple minutes (it auto updates as it loads, because it is done in a new thread.) It never finished because his OS has a bug where, if the CPU usage is over 100% for more then a few mins, it BSOD's, but that's beside the point.
His CPU, by the way, is a quad core 2.33 GHZ processor.The listview loads thousands of songs by using a lot of CPU [low amount of RAM, less then 40MB 99% of the time], and it does it slowly. [code]I've already redone the sub once or twice to speed it up, and at the moment it's 2-3.,
View 1 Replies
Apr 25, 2012
I have been working lately on a program who extracts URl Source codes!The program does work with most of URL but not for MEdiafire URL!When i check the source code from the web browser i can see there is some code missing;y tried diferrent types of Encoding.
Example:This is the final source code extracted from WEBBROWSER(Firefox,InternetExplorer,GoogleCrome)
<div class="mf_lightbox_btns lb-footer" style="text-align: right;">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="secondary btn" onclick="$('body').removeClass('has-virus'); return false;">Dismiss Message</a>
<a href="http:www.bitdefender.com/mediafire/fix-it.html" target="_blank" class="alt btn">Get BitDefender</a>
View 1 Replies
Jul 31, 2010
I am working on a media player, and I would like to setup a local playlist feature. I am using a single ListBox and its "Display-" and "Value-Member" properties. The display is the song's Artist and Name, and the value is the song's file path (i.e 'C:UsersUSERMusicetc.').To write the file path to the .txt file, I believe I can use the following code:[code]
View 18 Replies
Jul 23, 2009
how to create Quick info and/or parameter info for own code?
View 6 Replies
Jun 22, 2011
I am making a program, obviously, and I require some assistance. I found an explanation on how to read information from a Text file and have modified it for my needs. Here is my (modded) version:
Public Function GetInfo(ByVal playlistname As String) As String
On Error Resume Next
Dim PlaylistInfo As String
View 6 Replies
Jan 7, 2010
I'm making a database app. I've finish the search, add new, and add function. What I'm trying to do is to expand the functionality of the add new item function.
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Nov 17, 2011
I am trying to do is fill out a form with certain info, put the info into an array, and write it to a listbox using loops, arrays, and maybe a function if I need one. This is for VB2010 and here is what I have so far... I think there are ways to make it shorter but I cannot figure it out.... maybe just brain dead from all the coffee I have been drinking!
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Sep 6, 2011
under my project I have the following
However when I use this code.
lblABOUT3.Text = "Version : "
lblABOUT3.Text += My.Application.Info.Version.Major.ToString()
lblABOUT3.Text += "." & My.Application.Info.Version.Minor.ToString
View 8 Replies
Mar 17, 2009
how to correlate info from a textbox based on a listbox item selection. For example the user will select an item from the listbox, enter say the length of a song in the textbox say 2:00 for song #1, select say song #2, enter the song time for that song say 3:00, click on song #1 again and have the same textbox display the length of that song and be able to do that until there are no more songs on the list.
View 5 Replies
Sep 17, 2011
Can I get info from stored cookie on the local machine. I have a Webbrowser control in a winform, and I would like to output data from a cookie to a label or so.
View 4 Replies
Feb 8, 2011
I have the following code to extract the last name from any given name, but i aint getting it right. Pl help.
Dim i, l As Integer
Dim it2 As String
it2 = ""
i = 1
View 5 Replies
Mar 12, 2009
i want to format listview head of listview textalign = center and item of listview textalign = right
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Jul 20, 2011
I've been having problems extracting the value of a Regex in a String. I have a string with several regex expressions and I need to get the value of each expression's match. The thing is though, it's not returning the last match correctly. For example:
Regex Pattern: I play (S+.*?) and (S+.*?)
String: I play the guitar and the bass The program is returning the value of the first expression as "the guitar" but it's returning the value of the second expression as "the" instead of "the bass".
View 3 Replies
Nov 26, 2009
I have a string that looks like this:
var expression = @"Args("token1") + Args("token2")";
I want to retrieve a collection of strings that are enclosed in Args("") in the expression.
How would I do this in C# or VB.NET?
View 4 Replies
Jun 7, 2010
Does anyone know of a way that you can get the string that is held at this reference point (its the contents of a registry value that corresponds to a string - see this thread for more info [URL]
I think I've seen C# (or maybe C++) code use lines like this but I cant find any way of getting the value from the DLL in VB.NET
View 11 Replies
Feb 14, 2011
I am trying to test bit 7 (87654321) in the byte DB2 to check if its true. The below code does not seem to be working:
If DB2 And &H40 = &H40 Then Label1.Visible = True
If DB2 And &H40 = &H0 Then Label1.Visible = False
TextBox6.Text = Hex(DB2 and &h40)
I do see the value of DB2 changing from &h00 to &h40 in the textbox, but when evaluating in the two if statements, it never evaluates to true (for testing, the only possible values for DB2 right now are &h00 and &h40)
View 3 Replies
Nov 21, 2011
I have two collections that I am comparing to a thrid collection. Both collections have 147 values in them. I am wondering how I get the results of the comparisons in a text document concatinated to look like this:
Output from Collection A Comparison
Collection B results
Repeat the above two line until all results have been written to the text file. Currently the program runs and the document is not created. Here is the code:
Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder
Dim ordersCount As Integer = &H3E8
Dim i As Integer
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Jul 21, 2010
I realize this may be a simple request, but I am fairly new to VB so even the simplest tasks are sometimes over my head. Basically, what I need is a function that will take a URL from one of the text boxes on my form, and extract a certain piece of text from that URL. The problem, for me, lies in the fact that the text in question isn't always in the same position, character wise, every time. Basically, the URL looks something like this:
url...randomNumbers rarely seems to be the same amount of characters each time, however the randomNumbersINeed always appear after the second underscore and end right before the third underscore, no matter the amount of randonNumbers that appears before hand.The process I am working on does the following:
1. Takes the raw URL that I have pasted into a text box on the form.
2. Declares that text as a string.
3. Extracts randomNumbersINeed from that string
4. Assigns or declares randomNumbersINeed as a string
5. Appends that string to a .txt file.
I can do steps 1, 2, 4, and 5 with no problem, in fact I've already got those set up in my code ready to go. I just need a function that could extract the numbers from the URL.Could someone help me out here or point me in the right direction?
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Nov 8, 2011
i want to store 2 files in the program and the user clicks the button a dialog shows and the user go to the directory he wants to add these 2 files that stored in the program, How to Do This??
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Apr 30, 2010
I want to know how to create a microsoft self-extracting cabinet exe file.
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Feb 7, 2012
I am trying to extract a value of a node in xml. I am facing some problems due to its name space. In below xml, I want the value of 'faultstring' tag.
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
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