VS 2010 Extracting Info. For Loop?

Jul 19, 2010

Ok I got a variable named Accounts and stores the user accounts. They are seperated like this


As you can see after admin there is a symbol (the &) meaning that before the & its an account and after it its another. In other words its like this


so how can I make a loop to count how many & there is in the Variable named Accounts?

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Extracting Info And Putting It Into Textboxes?

Mar 2, 2011

Public Shared Function GetRecords(ByVal myStoredProcedure As String) As BindingSource

Dim sSQL As String = myStoredProcedure
Conn = MyFormz.connec.ConnWeb2()
Dim cmdGetRecords As New SqlCommand()
Dim daGetRecords As New SqlDataAdapter()
Dim dsGetRecords As New DataSet()


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Extracting Info From A ListView In A Tab Of A TabControl And Using It In Another Tab

Jun 22, 2010

I'm working on a project at the moment, where there are a variety of sections. Each section has its own window and WPF controls. Each window has a tab control, with tabs to 'View', 'Add', 'Edit' and 'Delete' records. The 'View' tab has a ListView which is populated with records from a database (using LINQ to SQL).


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VS 2010 Loop In A Variable And Grab Info From Point A To Point B?

May 24, 2010

I want to know if its possible to loop in a variable and grab info from point a to point b

This is what I have stored in my Variable

</div> <!-- div reviews end white-space:nowrap; margin-bottom:5px; class="reviews" -->
<div class="list_address">


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VS 2010 - Fill Out A Form With Certain Info, Put The Info Into An Array?

Nov 17, 2011

I am trying to do is fill out a form with certain info, put the info into an array, and write it to a listbox using loops, arrays, and maybe a function if I need one. This is for VB2010 and here is what I have so far... I think there are ways to make it shorter but I cannot figure it out.... maybe just brain dead from all the coffee I have been drinking!


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Visual Basic 2008 Extracting Div Tags, Extracting Title Tags, Extracting Keyword Tags, Parsing Div Tags?

Nov 7, 2009

I was just wondering how to extract or parse any particual tags (whichever I specify) from webpages. I know how to extract text and links from webpages, but I tried to use the same method from the following code for div tags, title tags etcetera and it doesn't seem to work:


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VS 2010 - Extracting RGB Values From A Int

Mar 7, 2011

Im using lockbits to get some img data and the img depth is 24 bit. This means that when i read the values from memory I get the following result. BLUE GREEN RED And I need them in the RED GREEN BLUE Format. I don't know if i can just reverse the bits (i don't know how) or if i need to extract the the values independently(I also don't know how to do this.

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VS 2010 Extracting A HTML Value

Jul 26, 2011

I have found a good amount of threads, but I don't know what my problem is. I cannot seem to get it. It should be simple but I cannot figure it out. Here is the HTML


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VS 2010 Using Embedded DLL's/Extracting .ZIP's?

Jul 20, 2010

I am using DotNetZip for use of extracting a .ZIP from the resources. When I run the standalone .EXE, errors appear about a missing DLL, so I added it into the resources via the properties panel, but I still get the same error. How do I use the embedded .DLL?

Another question, might be the wrong place to ask it but I am having problems extracting 'Conroy.zip' from my resources using DotNetZip. If anyone could show me the code or give advice,

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VS 2010 - Extracting Information From Website

Dec 20, 2010

I want to extract some information from a web site (Bloomberg). This side has a search textbox with a onKeyUp event that, as far as I can understand, uses AJAX to create a table. Is it possible to insert some text in the textbox and then get the table created with AJAX? Given the source code of the page with the tabled already AJAXed (If you understand what I want to say here), I can easily retrieve the table. I just need to get the source code with the table already on it.

View 7 Replies

VS 2010 - Extracting Resources To Temporary

Nov 10, 2010

I am having files in resources I want to copy to temp and then run it
Saying if the file is iphuc
Copying it

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VS 2010 - Utility To Create Self Extracting EXE

Dec 1, 2010

I am trying to create an application to make self-extracting Exe's in Visual Studio 2010 Express. I would like to have a box in which files can be dropped into, then when you click "Compile" it will compress all files dropped into the box along with 3 others I must have delivered to this self-extracting exe. When the newly created exe is run, it will launch "Install.exe". I know there are other items out there to build the self-extracting exe's. I would however like to make my own that always delivers these 3 specific files along with whatever is dropped into the application.

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VS 2010 Extracting A String From A Webpage

Feb 18, 2012

lets say webpage has 2 strings named sampleObj="sample1" and sampleObj="sample2" Even though sampleObj remains the same the text inside, however, changes.How would you loop inside page and get sampleObj text each time? I tried Regular Expressions and GetElementsByTagName but no luck.

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VS 2010 Extracting Color From Scrollbar?

Feb 2, 2011

I recently started learning Visual Basic, so my knowledge base on it is very poor.What I am trying to do, is creating a simple form with three scroll bars for RGB colors (valued from 0 to 255) and according to the RGB values changing the backcolor property of a picturebox.

I ran into a dead end while trying to convert the scrollbar integer values into color values and I have no idea what to do. Any suggestions how I should perform these kind of operations?

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VS 2010 Extracting IP Address From String?

Aug 30, 2011

I have the follow row of sample data:



How can I extract the IP address?

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VS 2010 Extracting Summaries From A Datatable

Jun 27, 2011

I have the following data in a datatable

PName - Wt
AA - 10
AA - 15


I am wondering if data can be extracted in following format to a datatable,
with Pname Counts:

Pname - Qty
AA- 5
BB- 4
CC- 5

View 9 Replies

VS 2010 Extracting Text From <label> Tag?

Oct 29, 2010

I'm trying to extract the text between: <label for=field_1> and </label> I have captured the HTML into a string using the webbrowser control, and am using the following function to try and get the text within the tag:Public Function midReturn(ByVal first As String, ByVal last As String, ByVal total As String) As String


However, this code will not work, if I use <label for=field_1> as the first string and </label> as the second.

View 6 Replies

VS 2010 - Extracting Username And Password From RichTextBox

Jun 8, 2012

I had a richtextbox1 contains the following text:
<REPLY username =chicco1502
status = OK
user_id =3377436 >
<user_register.php: 2011-02-19 10:00:06
[Code] .....

So once I click button1 it should extract only Email plus Password into
Email: Password
So the email symbol is email= <email that should be extracted here>
and so the password sympol password= <password that should be extracted here>
Source code [URL]

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VS 2010 Extracting Data From ArrayList Using LINQ?

Oct 21, 2011

I have following data in the arraylist..

ID Type Size
1 Car 1 1000
2 Car 2 1100
3 Car 3 1200


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Extracting Url Source Code ,url Not Extracting All?

Apr 25, 2012

I have been working lately on a program who extracts URl Source codes!The program does work with most of URL but not for MEdiafire URL!When i check the source code from the web browser i can see there is some code missing;y tried diferrent types of Encoding.

Example:This is the final source code extracted from WEBBROWSER(Firefox,InternetExplorer,GoogleCrome)

<div class="mf_lightbox_btns lb-footer" style="text-align: right;">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="secondary btn" onclick="$('body').removeClass('has-virus'); return false;">Dismiss Message</a>
<a href="http:www.bitdefender.com/mediafire/fix-it.html" target="_blank" class="alt btn">Get BitDefender</a>


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VS 2010 Extracting Specific Text From A String Is Slow?

Feb 23, 2012

I have a text file I'm trying to pull specific data from to make a report in excel and am wanting to know if my code can be improved or if I have something wrong. If it's apparent to anyone that I should be doing something elThis code does work but, very slow. These reports take up to 20 minutes for about 100 files so I am wanting to decrease the time somehow. I have attached the whole sub in a text file, it's about 900 lines long so don't think I should post all of it. This is one part that seems to take the longest:Partial code that reads the text into a string, then each line is read to find whether it holds the data or not. Inside this while loop, I am checking numerous lines to see what they hold and extract specific items. First I verify it's a interface by checking for "line protocol".

Dim str As StreamReader = File.OpenText(filefound)
While (str.Peek <> -1)
If txtLine.Contains("line protocol") = True Then 'Found an interface,


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VS 2010 : Get Info From Webpage?

Mar 14, 2011

get information from wikipedia.So the info goes to TEXTBOX1.TEXT and then creator to label8.text and then the image will go to picturebox1.image.i have a listbox with all the videos?

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VS 2010 : Send And Get Info From PHP?

Jan 21, 2012

I'm developing an application that will need to be used with a client.The software can be managed online ( at website ) and by desktop client.I can't find any information in how to send information to website and retrieve data from website. The PHP code is entirely written. how do I get something like:

Client -> PHP -> Create Account ( Send this to a file like create.php?user=USERNAME&pass=PASSWORD )

The PHP file ( stored online ) will run the information and create the account?How to send that information with VB .Net?After that, PHP will return a info if it's ok or not the user account creation.How to retrieve the results from PHP and show them in the client?

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VS 2010 Get Info From MSSQL

Feb 10, 2012


If its saved succsessufully to display message that is saved. I want just little program to edit 1 table,

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VS 2010 : Get Network Info Of A Process?

Feb 27, 2011

Is it possible to get the network information of another program/Process like Bytes sent and Bytes received. I looked under the Process class but that didn't yield any results.

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VS 2010 Change Form Info?

Jun 5, 2010

I have a WebBrowser in a Windows Form, and I want to automatically fill out a login and password field, then send the data to the server to log me in. How can I do this in VB?

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VS 2010 Get Info From Multiple Tables?

Oct 9, 2011

I have the following database setupWhat I want to see is the tblOpponent.oppTeam when given a matchID in tblGameI tried the following SQL string in VS 2010

strSQLString = "SELECT tblOpponent.oppTeam FROM tblOpponent WHERE tblOpponent.oppID = tblOppBowler.oppID AND tblOppBowler.oppBowlerID = tblGame.oppBowlerID AND tblGame.matchID = " & MatchID.ToString


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VS 2010 Property Info And PropertyTypes

Jan 22, 2012

I am experimenting with Property info and getting their values etc. The below code gets the properties of a layertable record and creates my PropertyListViewItem

Dim ltr As LayerTableRecord = DirectCast(obj, LayerTableRecord)
For Each prop As PropertyInfo In ltr.[GetType]().GetProperties().OrderBy(Function(p) p.Name)


I have a combo box appear if I click on an item that is not read only. What I want to do is populate that combo box with the values it can accept. ie If it is a boolean, add True and False etc.

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Writing Info To And Getting Info From .text File Using A ListBox's Display

Jul 31, 2010

I am working on a media player, and I would like to setup a local playlist feature. I am using a single ListBox and its "Display-" and "Value-Member" properties. The display is the song's Artist and Name, and the value is the song's file path (i.e 'C:UsersUSERMusicetc.').To write the file path to the .txt file, I believe I can use the following code:[code]

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VS 2010 Display Excel Info In A Form

Oct 2, 2010

How can i display a certain region/selection (rectangular) from an excel file into a form.

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