Find Largest Number Within A Listview Column?

Oct 7, 2010

How to create a function to find the largest value(subitem) within a listview column

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Resize Listview Column To Largest Width (column Header Or Item) C#

Jul 4, 2011

I have been trying to find out how to resize listview column width to the largest widthor either column header or item in c#


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Find The Largest Number In The Group?

Feb 17, 2010

I have ten numbers like 1.1,2.5,3.7,4.9,5.4,6.2,7.6,8.9,9.0,3.56

How I can find the largest number in the group?? I can do comparison of two number and repeat the process but it is very long, is there any other ways??

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Command To Find The Largest Number In An Array?

Oct 25, 2010

I'm using vb10.

Function RndNum(ByVal
NumLwr As


I want to find which of the 64 elements has the highest number and which of the 64 elements has the lowest number?Is there a new command in vb10 to do this quick with little code?

View 5 Replies

How To Find Largest Number In Text File

Feb 13, 2009

Am using VB 2005 and need to take an existing txt file which basically has 15 sets of data, each set containing a year (ie Year 1990) and a number below the year.

When a user clicks the calculate button on a form, I need it to first list the average of all those numbers in the txt. And below that I need the largest number in the file to be displayed.

I am basically familiar with using objReader and StreamReader. But, I can only verify and open the text.

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VS 2008 Find The Largest Number From 21 Textboxes?

Jul 20, 2009

I am creating a sailing score points program and want to create something like: what TEXTBOX has got biggest number that is between (TEXTBOX IS BETWEEN NOT THE NUMBER) [ and ] And it's subtracts that number what is in that box from the textbox3 when possible then how to do like:

under textbox are four checkboxes Named: DNS, DNF, DSQ and OCS and they give so much points how many are the sailers + 1. The setting name is Sailers

(Scoring system is ISAF low-point 2005-2008)

View 14 Replies

Find The Value Of The Number In The Ones Column And Tens Column?

Apr 17, 2011

Is it possible to do the following rounding scheme?

36 = 40
37 = 40
38 = 40


I guess what I'm asking is if there's a way to find the value of the number in the ones column and tens column.

View 14 Replies

Find Row Number With A Certain Value In Column?

Jul 6, 2011

search a dataset table and search a column within that table for a value than if the value is true in the column find out which row number it was on

View 7 Replies

Auto Number In A ListView Column?

Jan 5, 2010

I have 4 Columns in a ListView. The first one is called Serial No. Every time I populate it, the serial number increases automatically. After populating the ListView couple of times, I select any row(s) and remove it. When I remove one or more row(s) from the listview, serial numbers stays same. I want the serial numbers to be fixed automatically when I remove any number of row(s). How can I do that ??? Here is my code -

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim Str(4) As String
Dim newItm As ListViewItem[code]....

View 5 Replies

Suppress Repetitive Number In A ListView Column?

Jan 7, 2010

I have a listview with four columns (category, name, date , amount). More than one items falls in a category and I mark them with a number. ex - different kinds of pens as no.5. So, if I make an entry of five pens, five "5"s shows up in the category column. I want to display only one "5" in the category column and not to make it crowded with same numbers.

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Getting Largest And Smallest Number From An Array?

Sep 5, 2010

Getting largest and smallest number from an array and placing in 2 dif Posted 02 November 2010 - 05:34 PM I have the code written for everything except when I try to display the highest and smallest numbers from the array into a label it display 0 for both the smallest and highest number.Question: Create an application that lets the user enter 10 values into an array. The application should display the largest and smallest values stored in the array.

*The form is a list box with 2 labels and a button to retrieve the 10 numbers and put them in the list box then the other button puts the highest and lowest number in the 2 labels

Note: Place them in 2 diff sub-routines.

Option Strict Off
Option Explicit On
Public Class Form1


The only issue i have is to get the smallest number to show up.. mine just keeps showing "Zero".

View 4 Replies

Linq To Find List With Largest Count

Aug 9, 2010

I am learning Linq, so bear with me. I have a class object that holds 4 other class objects with each holding a List(Of T) of the next. Think tiered classes. As these lists as built I need to search all the Group2 for all Group3 to see which Group3.units.count is the largest. "units" being a List(Of T). [code]

View 4 Replies

2010 - Find The Line Number And Column In Code?

Apr 28, 2010

How do I find Line 40 and column 89 in my code. I get the following error message.Error 1 Handles clause requires a WithEvents variable defined in the containing type or one of its base types. Line 40 column 89.

View 1 Replies

Add Fixed Number Of Column To ListView Control, Without Resize?

Jul 8, 2009

I have added three columns to the ListView control,

listView1.Columns.Add("id", listView1.Width / 3); listView1.Columns.Add("Name", listView1.Width / 3); listView1.Columns.Add("Address", listView1.Width / 3);

Assume the ListView1.Width is "30", then each column should be in event width of 10. Furthermore thereshould only be three columns becuase i have added only three columns. However, when i resize teh form, the listview controls shows an additional column.

How this was added? How do i fix this, so that when i add 3 columns it will have only three columns even when resized the form or not

View 6 Replies

Getting Largest And Smallest Number From An Array And Placing In 2 Dif

Nov 2, 2010

I have the code written for everything except when I try to display the highest and smallest numbers from the array into a label it display 0 for both the smallest and highest number. Question: Create an application that lets the user enter 10 values into an array. The application should display the largest and smallest values stored in the array. *The form is a list box with 2 labels and a button to retrieve the 10 numbers and put them in the list box then the other button puts the highest and lowest number in the 2 labels

(I am not sure how to display line numbers in my code on VB2010, please if you know tell me and I will edit the post)


View 8 Replies

Largest Number In Random Generated Array?

Nov 2, 2009

For my assignment I have to tell the largest and smallest number in a label, and the numbers are generated randomly in this code:

Dim intNumbers(14) As String
Dim intCounter As Integer
Private Sub btnGenerate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


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Two Labels To Determine Smallest And Largest Number

Apr 8, 2009

I have 2 labels. One needs to show me the lowest number of the 10 in my rich text box and the other needs to show me the largest.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
End Sub
[Code] .....

View 14 Replies

VB Exprexx 2010 - Find The Line Number And Column In Code?

Nov 21, 2011

How do I find Line 40 and column 89 in my code. I get the following error message. Error 1 Handles clause requires a WithEvents variable defined in the containing type or one of its base types. Line 40 column 89.

View 2 Replies

Displaying Average And Largest Number From Text File?

Feb 13, 2009

Am using VB 2005 and need to take an existing txt file which basically has 15 sets of data, each set containing a year (ie Year 1990) and a number below the year.When a user clicks the calculate button on a form, I need it to first list the average of all those numbers(not year) in the txt. And below that I need the largest number in the file to be displayed

View 4 Replies

Put Date From Datagridview In Word Table From The Smallest To The Largest Number?

Jan 19, 2012

My datagrid view looks like this :When I put the table to fill in word,my report looks like the table below, but I want my rank days are arranged from smallest to largest as in the table below :

Cod for filling

in the table word I use this:

Dim Tabela3 As Word.Table = WordDoc.Tables.Add(WordDoc.Bookmarks.Item("endofdoc").Range, DataGridView2.RowCount, 6)
Tabela3.Range.ParagraphFormat.SpaceAfter = 0
Tabela3.Columns.Item(1).Width = WordApp.MillimetersToPoints(33.3)


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VS 2008 ListView Index - Find Out What Item Has Been Selected In A ListView?

Mar 21, 2010

Do I really have to go through all this just to find out what item has been selected in a ListView?


Isn't there something fundamental like this? Is absolutely everything in VB.NET buried beneath a colossal heap of bureaucracy?

View 13 Replies

Find The Last Filled Column Row In A Sheet : Cells.find Gives Nullreferenceexception?

Nov 16, 2010

I have been trying to find the last filled column row in a sheet using this.

clast = xlapp.ActiveSheet.Cells.Find("*", SearchOrder:=XlSearchOrder.xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=XlSearchDirection.xlPrevious).Column
rlast = xlapp.ActiveSheet.Cells.Find("*", SearchOrder:=XlSearchOrder.xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=XlSearchDirection.xlPrevious).Row

View 4 Replies

Winforms - Change The ListView Column Header's Font For Each Column In 2005?

Sep 12, 2011

I have a listview and i want to make one column's font smaller than the other column to fit form design. How will i do that?

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Find A Match For A String In Column 1, Return A Value From Column 2 On The Same Row?

Sep 25, 2009

i'm trying to get my program to look up a string and find a match in an access database in column "PhoneNumber" and return the value from column "FullName" on the same row to a different string

so it would go like this: (i really don't know much about accessing databases)

Dim PhoneNumber As String
Dim FullName As String
PhoneNumber = TextBox1.Text
FullName =

View 10 Replies

Make The Listview Sort The Listview Items By Column?

Jun 22, 2010

im trying to make the listview sort the listview items by column (whichever column was clicked, sort the list based on that column)

in vb6 it was done by:
Private Sub ListView1_ColumnClick(ByVal ColumnHeader As MSComctlLib.ColumnHeader)
Static olditem&
With ListView1


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Ort The Column Like A Normal Number-column With Automatic Sortmode?

Sep 5, 2010

I wrote a function to format numbers like this: 123456100,12 -> 123.456.100,12 (I have a function too, which converts numbers from this strings).Now, I have a dgv and a column with these numbers (or rather strings). The sort mode is set to automatic. If I sort the column, it doesn't work, because the values are not really numbers, but strings. But I get the same result (the sorting doesn't work), if I use the formatnumber function (this returns strings too).

I could use the programmatic sort mode and before sorting I format the strings to numbers, then sort the column, and then format the numbers like above. But this is a bit slow (the dgv has appr. 800 rows), and in this case, I haven't an arrow next to the column header it possible to sort the column like a normal number-column with automatic sortmode?

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Get Line Number And Column Number Of Textbox

Mar 2, 2012

I'm doing a notepad project, just because, and in Ms's notepad there is an option for a statusstrip. I'm just having probems getting the line number and I know it's not called column number, more like selection start. When I do the selection start, it works, just not how I want it to like so:


but when I use that, it acts funny. I have it in my textbox's.keydown event. So if I were to use the arrow keys to navigate around text then it gets thrown off very easily. How would I do this?

View 3 Replies

Find End Of A Row In Listview?

Oct 25, 2009

I have a set of rows in a list view i wanted to get all the data from the list view and and to

send it to another application and shows the data in another list view.

so my question is how to get data from the listview in a loop separated each item by "#" and end of row as "^"

or some thing . its important to know end of row because the same data in the same format is shown in another window as well

View 9 Replies

Add To Second Column Of Listview

Mar 5, 2009

I'm trying to add to the second column of my listview but i forget the code mine so far is:[code]

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Get Column Name In ListView?

Jul 15, 2011

How to write Query to Display Column Names of HTML table in ListView

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