Find Program When Accessed To Folder?

May 3, 2012

How I can find program when accessed to folder... I know it show what file created, but I wish know WHICH program accessed to folder not what is created in folder !

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Find Oldest Folder In Program?

Jun 29, 2011

I am trying to make a program that backs up folders. I want to have say 5 folders, then if it is backed up again I want the oldest of the 5 folders to be deleted and the new one placed in it.

How would I find the oldest folder in a directory

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Deploying Program Can't Find Dlls In Same Folder

Apr 5, 2012

I wrote a program in VB.NET which uses several .dlls that I programed in c++. The dlls wrap some functions from an old version of the program. On my development computer everything works fine but I build a release version, copy it and the dlls onto the target machine and the .exe starts up fine. When the program tries to use a function from the .dll it throws an exception and says "unable to load DLL "c:/the path/my.dll" the specified module can't be found."I don't know if it makes any difference, but I am defining the dll functions in the main vb project using:Declare Function MyFunction Lib "c:/the path/my.dll" (ByVal in1 as Double, ByRef out1 as Double) as Integer.I have checked the .net framework on the target and version 4 seems to be installed same as the development computer. Both are windows XP machines. I have no idea if it is the way I programmed the .dlls or just something with my project.

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Find File By Extension And Last Accessed Time And If Possible User Id

Dec 6, 2011

I am brand new to VB and been advised it might be the best thing to use for my problem, so here goes. I need to be able to scan a machine for all excel and access db files and list them by name and last accessed time. I would like to be able to do this in bulk so more than 1 machine at a time but thinking it my be best to do each machine seperately.

When I have the data I need it to be exported in a list to either excel or a text file or anything really. Als if possible how would I add the machine name to the list so I know which one i have scanned. I have been searching the forums and google but think I am getting more confussed as this is a whole new world for me.

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DLL That Is Accessed During The Installation Of The Program?

Dec 4, 2009

Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(Environment.GetFolderPath(ProgramFiles) to get the Program Files directory in my application. The problem is that when running on a 64 bit version of Windows 7, I am getting the Program Files (x86) directory, not the 64 bit directory. As far as I can tell, everything is compiled as 64 bit.This code is actually in a DLL that is accessed during the installation of the program.

Is there any way to get the 64 bit path?

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Release An External Drive After It's Been Accessed By My Program?

May 23, 2011

The VB.Net program in question creates several files, adds them into a zip file (using DotNetZip), and saves the zip file into a given directory (which the user chooses). This comes out just fine. But when I use it to save directly to my USB flash drive, I can't eject the drive without shutting down the program first.I've tried disposing the zip object (from the DotNetZip library), doesn't work. I also tried setting FileIO.FileSystem.CurrentDirectory to somewhere else on the machine, still no.

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Build A Program Through VB That Creates A Folder In Program Files Folder?

Dec 28, 2010

Is it possible to build a program through VB that creates a folder in program files folder and behaves like any other usual program?If not, though witch program can i make this?

View 6 Replies

IDE :: VS 2008 - Setup Project : Adding Folder Structure To The Program Files Folder?

May 13, 2009

I am using Visual Studio 2008 Setup project. I need to copy one folder and the sub folders into the program files but when I tried to copy or add the folder to "Application Folder" in File System editor, I am able to add only files and not folders.

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Change Appliaction Folder Path From Program Files To Public Folder

Sep 27, 2011

how to change the install folder path in a setup and deployment project/Installer class from program files to C:usersPublic in windows 7 and allusers folder in xp.Want to add MVP with my name.

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Cant Get My Program To Write Into A File That Is Several Folder Deeper Into The Bin Folder?

Apr 29, 2010

the first problem is getting my program to load rss feeds from other websites mostly here:http:[url..... im trying to load it using the webbrowser. i want the rss feed to load right onto the form. im positive that its possible. i have the imports in my code already for xml documents.the second is i cant get my program to write into a file that is several folder deeper into the bin folder.[code]......

ive tried playing with the code moving around the folder names, making sure there capitals are correct, etc. but nothing works. it creates the file in the wrong spot.

View 14 Replies

Find A Folder Embedded Anywhere Within Another?

Oct 19, 2011

I need to find folder abc which may reside on the drive directly, eg C:abc, or it may reside in C:xyxghyklmabc

At present I am building an array of all folders (recursive) & using instr, is there a fasteretter way?

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Find All Files From A Folder And From All Sub-folders?

Jan 9, 2010

How to find all files from a folder and from all sub-folders?

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Find Biggest File In Folder?

Jan 15, 2012

I have a folder and in it I have 3 files.How would I go about Identifying the biggest(in bytes) and moving it somewhere else on the hard drive, say C:BiggestFile.jpg?

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Find File And Folder Path?

Oct 17, 2008

I like to search trough some folders to find files. My code to search trough folders and sub folders are:

For Each Dir As String In FileIO.FileSystem.GetDirectories(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath, FileIO.SearchOption.SearchAllSubDirectories)

How can I get the path of each folder and subfolder with this code??

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Find Folder Directory (Similar Name)

Nov 20, 2010

i am trying to use code to find search for a folder and it will give me back the full directory root. I am using this code:


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Find Folder Path In Treeview?

Oct 19, 2008

How can i loop trough treeview and get path of directory of each folder in the treeview?I have this code for adding a color to a treeview item, but it seems like its not possible to retrive the folder path...

HTML Code:
'add color to folder in treeview
Private Sub RecurseNodes(ByVal


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VS 2008 Cannot Find The Application Folder

Nov 17, 2009

When I install my Application on a computer, and look in the program folder with explorer, I can not find the application folder,

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VS 2008 Write A Program To Create A Shortcut In The Startup Folder Of A Different Program?

Jun 15, 2009

how i can write a program to create a shortcut in the startup folder of a different program. So i have one program on my computer that should run at startup, i just need another program to create a shortcut to it, and then copy this shortcut into the startup folder.

View 20 Replies

Find Out Exactly Which Files / Folder Will Need To Copy Over For Deployment?

May 16, 2011

I (through a ton of help from everyone here at stack-o) have created a small WCF which is hosted as a Windows service using TCP..Last question for this little bugger; it's time for deployment. In my solution, there are 3 projects. One is the Windows service, another is the imported WCF, and finally a setup project I added for install.I can install/uninstall the service on my machine by going in the solution directory and finding "Setup.exe" or "Setup.msi". Executing either from explorer will install the service on my development box.Now there are a few directories associated with this solution. I'm betting that simply copying setup.exe or setup.msi to my target server and trying to run it will bomb out. How can I find out exactly which files/folder I will need to copy over for deployment?Or should I just copy the entire solution directory? That will be a little difficult for my coworkers as the setup routines are nested in directories 5 deep.

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[2008] Find A Folder That Is Shared Between All Users Of A PC

Mar 9, 2010

I need to find a folder that is shared between all users of a PC, every body being able to read/write to that folder and below, without any errors. I think that the folder "C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersShared Folder" would do the trick. How do I find the path to that folder, regardless of the OS used (Xp / Vista / 7) and regardless of the Windows language (With a french Windows, this folder is called "C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersDocuments partag").

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Make A Program That Opens A File In The Folder The Program Is Stored?

Aug 26, 2009

How do I make a program that opens a file in the folder the program is stored?

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Find Default Temporary Folder In Windows Xp , Vista And 7?

Oct 13, 2011

how do you find the default temporary folder in windows xp, vista and windows 7?

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Find Out If A Folder Exists Or Not In Available Drives On The Client Machine?

Dec 22, 2009

I want to simply find out if a folder exists or not in available drives on the client machine. user will simply pass a string eg:



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MS Access Database Run Time Error Couldn't Find In Bin Folder?

Nov 23, 2011

I am developing application using VB 2010 in v studio 2010 environment running win 7 home. I am using nwind.mdb ms access db which is sitting in c:xyzlocaldata folder and is linked with application, i can run query and retrieve/preview data with no problem. When i run application, i get run time error >>Could not find file C:xyzlocaldatainx86Debugwind.mdb. I copied a copy of access db to this folder, i don't get error message. However fly time transaction data are updated in access db sitting underC:xyzlocaldatainx86Debugind.mdb folder not under c:xyzlocaldata folder.I have all reports and queries linked to access db sitting under c:xyzlocaldata folder, process transactions are not reflected in this folder access db.Transactions are updated

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Way To Find Exact Location (Drive / Folder) Of A Specific File

Jan 31, 2011

What is the best and fastest way to find the exact location(Drive/Folder) of a specific file, without scanning the whole drive. Right now, I am using those two instructions to locate EXCEL.EXE so I can properly call it with a shell command.[code]It is quite a long process, and I have to deal with some access denied folder like System Volume Information. I am quite new to VB programming.

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VS 2008 - Program That Will Patch A Program With A New Exe - "Could Not Find File 'System.Byte[]'." Error

Mar 29, 2010

I'm making a program that will patch a program with a new Exe. Its all working with this code

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles patch.Click
patching = True


I get an "Could not find file 'System.Byte[]'." error.

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Zip A Folder Using Program?

Jun 20, 2011

I need a way to zip the contents of a folder using dll).I found the below code on internet, but does not work.[code]...

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How To Know Who Accessed Computer

May 26, 2010

We have lots of security policies in place and many people (or process) have the privilege to access anyone's computer. Is it possible to tell who access and when and what folder was accessed? I know eventlog has lots of entries you can check, but in terms of what folder was accessed, is it possible?

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Folder Not Appear After Publish Program?

Feb 24, 2011

When I publish my program, I can't see the folder that I have in my solution explorer appears together with other files. I have been wondering how to add a folder or I do it wrongly. I have using this method:-Project.. add... new folder and I name it as SC1. But when I publish it, I can't see in in application files(It's not embedded together). I can't use add existing as it required me to add a very specific files (Not a folder ). As what I can see, there is not specific properties for folder sc1 (build action /copyto output directory).

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Hide A Folder Using Program?

Apr 25, 2010

I want To creat To creat a program that can hide folder ...

Till Now Everything Is done But i need an other code for hiding folders !!

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