Folder Error When Build Msi

Jul 25, 2011

When I build the msi in visual studio 2008, it passed in building the exe files but error in building the msi file[code]...

I try to google "General failure building folders" and not related result found.

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Create Exe In Build Output Target Folder Instead Of Default Bindebug Folder

Nov 21, 2010

I installed the new one. I then imported an old project made using vb 2008 EE.I found that a few errors were reported.In the project I addressed some function from a dll called "rsource.dll". I used the following function call:Public Declare Function rs_init Lib "rsource.dll" Alias "init" () As Double.The other different thing is the projevt was developed on a 32 bit OS but since then I have upgraded to 64bit (if this makes any difference). he other thing is where is the debugger PAUSE button. has it been removed from vb 2010?Also when i run debug it seems to create the exe in the Build output target folder instead of the default bindebug folder why is this?

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Build A Program Through VB That Creates A Folder In Program Files Folder?

Dec 28, 2010

Is it possible to build a program through VB that creates a folder in program files folder and behaves like any other usual program?If not, though witch program can i make this?

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C# - Build Reference Files In Separate Folder .net

Mar 11, 2011

i was just wondering if in Visual Studio there was a way to put all the referenced DLL files in a separate folder for when you build the project? I'm talking about when you build the project and go in Bin/Release or Debug, i have the exe file along with all the DLL files in the same folder and would like to clean it up and get the dlls in a separate resource folder or something like that.

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VS 2010 Release Folder Empty After A Build

Dec 30, 2009

I've searched the VS settings and haven't discovered why the bin.Release folder is empty after a build. The bin.Debug folder output is normal. The same occurs with the obj.* folder.

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Build A Slideshow App That Will Display 6 Pictures At A Time From A Specified Folder?

Aug 31, 2009

I am trying to build a slideshow app that will display 6 pictures at a time from a specified folder. I put 6 pictureboxes in a TableLayoutPanel and have a timer control call the Ahead1 subroutine to load a new picture into the last box after all of the other pictures "move up one box".The problem is that every the timer calls the Ahead1, the program uses about 30MB of RAM and the program eventually ends with an OutOfMemory Error. (Choosing the Picture Folder - only called once)

Private Sub ChooseDirectoryToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ChooseDirectoryToolStripMenuItem.Click


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Get Obfuscated Build(Smart Assembly 5) Into Drop Folder(TFS 2010)?

Feb 18, 2011

I've been tasked with obfuscating and auto building our projects. I have the two working great independant of one another, but I need to find a way to get the obfuscated build into the drop folder set in TFS2010. In my .vbproj file my MSBuild code looks like this:


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Possible To Build Application That Store Data In Folder Locked By Truecrypt

Jun 15, 2010

does someone know if it is possible to build an application that store data in a folder locked by truecrypt where the application

1) create the encrypted folder

2) pass the password to read/write the data?

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ERROR: Unrecoverable Build Error When Building Setup Project In VS.Net 2005

Nov 8, 2005

I got "Unrecoverable build error" when building setup project.I try the solution in [URL].. but did not work out.

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Visual Studio 2008: No Build Events Folder On The Project Properties Page

Nov 23, 2010

I am using Visual Studio 2008 Professional to build a VB.NET console application. I have a text file that I want to copy to the output directory after a build. I would like to create a build event to do that, but I do not see a "Build Events" folder on the property page. Is there a setting where I can get this folder? Or, is there another way I can set up a post-build event to copy a file to the output directory? The folders I see on the Properties page:


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Build Error But No Errors In The Error List?

Sep 18, 2009

Is there a way to find what the error is?

View 5 Replies

Build Error Do Not Understand It?

Feb 18, 2011

I am getting a build error. If I try to build again after getting this error, it will build just fine.

View 9 Replies - Expression Expected - Getting A Build Error

Feb 22, 2010

Im getting a build error with the following code...

Private Property GridViewSortDirection() As String

Return If(TryCast(ViewState("SortDirection"), String), "ASC")
End Get


It is happening on the following line...Return If(TryCast(ViewState("SortDirection"), String), "ASC")

Error returns...Error 11 C:inetpubwwwrootTPSupportmainUserControlsgrid.ascx.vb(192): error BC30201: Expression expected.

Its a convert from c#

private string GridViewSortDirection
get { return ViewState["SortDirection"] as string ?? "ASC"; }
set { ViewState["SortDirection"] = value; }

View 2 Replies

Build Error Library Not Registered

Jan 7, 2011

I am trying to publish my application. While trying to publish it, I received a publish failed message. So, I tried to build to get more description on whats going on and this is the error I received: [code] Is there any way I can fix this? If not, what are some compiler's I could use to get this thing published?

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IDE :: IDE Giving Weird Build Error

Oct 26, 2006

I just finished putting the first 6 datagrid controls on my form and i went to go test it and got this build error: Error 4 Value of type 'String' cannot be converted to 'System. Windows.Forms.DataGridViewTextBoxColumn'.C:SoftwareForm1.vb 1425 19..When the line generating the error is this Me.Name = "Form1".where it has the "Form1" portion underlined in blue.This is a weird error because that line was made by the IDE to say the name of the form and has nothing to do with 'System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewTextBoxColumn'.I tried saving my progress and restarting the IDE with no luck..Now I cannot even access the form in designer mode,One or more errors encountered while loading the designer. The errors are listed below. Some errors can be fixed by rebuilding your project, while others may require code changes.The designer cannot process the code at line 1424: Me.Name = "Form1" The code within the method 'InitializeComponent' is generated by the designer and should not be manually modified.

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Safe To Ignore Build Error?

Jul 26, 2010

In my form I have a variable that is of the type Windows.Forms.Form. When my program is enabled/disabled I create a new form instance in there and close it (respectively). Since I don't want the form sitting in memory the whole time my program is open the references to properties of the form are invalid (because the initial declaration is not the form but the type). How can I either negate this or ignore this error?

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Build Error (The Type Or Namespace Name Could Not Be Found?

Jul 13, 2006

I am using VS.Net 2003. I have a solution that contains 4 projects. The first project contains the definitions of interfaces. The third project is using the interfaces defined in the first project. For the third project, I added a reference to the first project. But I'm still getting a build error

View 11 Replies

Build Error - Property Keycode Is Non Nullable

Jul 4, 2005

I tried to build my project but it has 1 build error
:Property 'Keycode' is non-nullable.
I double click it but it points nowhere. I'm really desperate. My project consists of Crystal Report. It had just been upgraded from version 8.5 to version 11. Is it possible that this is the source of error?

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VS 2008 Build Array For Combobox Error?

Feb 22, 2010

Trying to build a small array to fill a combobox, when I type my code I have no errors in the error list, but when i go to compile/run/debug I get:

Dim arrayDC(2, 2) As Array
Public Sub buildarrayDC()
Me.arrayDC.SetValue("Item1", 0, 0) InvalidCastException was unhandled


View 12 Replies

Build Error - Has Multiple Definitions With Identical Signatures?

Mar 4, 2010

i dont know what has happened to my project. it suddenly wont build and comes up with some errors regarding identical signatures. to the best of my knowledge i didnt do anything to it. i was testing some drawing stuff, but it now no longer builds on any of my back up copies either.the error list show errors at line 25 "public sub new() has multiple defs...." and line 34 "Protected overrides sub oncreatemainform() has multiple defs.

' <auto-generated>


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Build It Is Showing 0 Errors But When Execute It Is Raising This Error?

Jun 29, 2010

The type for variable 'cri' will not be inferred because it is bound to a field in an enclosing scope. Either change the name of 'cri', of use the fully qualified name (for example, 'Me.cri' or 'MyBase.cri')I have created a class file with name Predefined which consists of this methods like cricket,BasketBall from this methos im returning List of string typeim calling that class in button click i As Integer = 0 To cric.Count - 1

View 1 Replies

Equivalent In C# - Which On Build In Visual Studio 2008 Gives An Error

Jun 22, 2010

Tell equivalent of following:

C# Syntax
public class AuthorList : Control


Which on build in visual studio 2008 gives an error.

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Nant Vbc Build Error Loading Custom DLL Reference

Apr 4, 2012

I am having trouble trying to get NAnt to compile my project, which consists of a windows forms application, a utilities library (DLL) and a data classes library (DLL). The problem is that I can't get the main WinEXE application to reference the data classes library, which gets compiled as the second step, before the app is compiled.


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NET Class Is Recognized In VS Get A 'Type Is Undefined' Error On Build?

Mar 22, 2012

I am working on a VB NET project and had the strangest thing happen.I created a class file(just like a dozen or so I have already created). I wrote in the code to access it. The autocomplete found the class, filled it in and colored it blue, just as it should.But, when I run the app, I get a type is undefined error.

There is nothing in the class yet. And there is really no code to is as straight forward as I described.I tried restarting VS; Deleting and recreating the class; Deleting the class and creating a new one with a different name.

Is there something in the VB NET configuration I can check to see if it is not being added somewhere?

I found the problem. I have 2 projects in one solution. They both share some classes that were trying to use my new classes. When I hit F5, both projects are compiled, and since I hadn't shared the classes with the second project, it errored.

So, now my question is changed; How do I specify to only build the specified Startup Project when debugging?

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Windows Service Build Error On MyLog.SourceExists?

May 9, 2011

Private Sub Timer1_Elapsed(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As _


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XAML Build Error On Project With Controls From External DLL

Jul 16, 2010

I'm trying to migrate a WPF Application based on C# to identical project but based writed in VB.NET.I have some problem with XAML Window.if I build solution with this xaml, it's works correctly. But, if I write:<menus:MenuFullMaintenance Name="Test01" />I have this error message:"Error 8 Type 'My.Frame.UI.WPF.MenuFullMaintenance' is not defined. (Window1.g.vb)"The "Name" property raise this exception...why? How can fix it?

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Build Error - Cannot Find Wrapper Assembly For Type Library

Oct 20, 2010

A co-worker checked a very simple Visual Basic Visual Studio 2010 application into our version control system. When I checked it out and tried to build it I got the weird error below, which I am guessing has something to do with which .Net Framework the build is targetted towards and also which Framework I have installed.

------ Build started: Project: VB-DEER10, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
Build started 10/20/2010 3:35:57 PM.
C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv4.0.30319Microsoft.Common.targets(1558,9): warning MSB3283: Cannot find wrapper assembly for type library "Microsoft.StdFormat".
Time Elapsed 00:00:00.15
Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped

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VS 2008 : Build An Application To Monitor A Site To Build Statistics From The Data Being Read?

Mar 3, 2010

I'm trying to build an application to monitor a site to build statistics from the data being read. This HTML looks like this.

<div id="history">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">


Now I can read the html and put the text anywhere, I just don't how to read specific parts so I can separate the data out.

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Application - Reference Quite A Few Pictures And Strings From My.Resources - Error - "There Were Several Build Errors

Feb 24, 2011

I'm making a project for school with a group of classmates. It is an application that needs to reference quite a few pictures and strings from My.Resources. I don't know what the problem is but, whenever I run the program, I get a message that reads this: "There were several build errors. Would you like to continue and run the last successful build?"

And then below in the Output:

----- Build started: Project: Wilkes-Barre Virtual Scavenger hunt, Configuration: Debug x86 ------

COM Reference 'WMPLib' is the interop assembly for ActiveX control 'AxWMPLib' but was marked to be linked by the compiler with the /link flag. This COM reference will be treated as a reference and will not be linked.

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Axinterop.wmpLib.dll Works OK In Debug Build - Not OK In Release Build

Feb 15, 2012

I have a Form with a Media Player in it. Which plays a Song.


It's playing in the background since the Form is hidden. When I play itin Debug, everything works fine. When I run the app outside Debug, I get this error: [URL] The Music File is there, but strangely, there comes this weird error.

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