Form Does Not Respond - When Press The Send Program Freezes

Jun 6, 2009

When you press the send program freezes and you can't do any thing how i can add button puss resume and stop


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Send A Message To A Different Program To Press A Button On It?

Mar 16, 2010

how can i send a message to a different program to press a button on it without me doing it with my mouse?

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VS 2008 - Send Message Freezes App

Jun 5, 2009

I have an application that uses SendMessage to send a list of numbers one at a time to a query window in the database we use. The problem is that when SendMessage fills the textbox, then clicks "Query" (hWndQuery) my application freezes up until the query is finished running, which sometimes can take up to 20 minutes depending on the query. Any way to force the program to be responsive after it 'clicks' the query button?

Below is my code - I commented where the program freezes (15 lines up from the bottom):Private Sub Query()
Dim hWndQQ, hWndTextBox, hWndQuery, i, iResult As Integer
Dim sTemp As String
sTemp = ""
bCancel = False
[Code] .......

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Process - Respond To Commandline Program ?

Jun 16, 2011

I'm using to have a GUI on top of a commandline program.


Which works and prints out all output from the commandline program. However at some point the commandline program ask for user interaction, eg: Type a number (1/2/3/4):But the commandline program stops after this. I suspect this is because it doesn't receive a valid option.Is there a way to capture when the commandline program wants user interaction and hold the reading of the stream to be able to enable the user to input something?

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Program Respond To Some Audio Commands?

Feb 18, 2011

im trying to let my program respond to some audio commands i have downloaded the sdk an added references

and my program detects voice but doesnt respond to the command

Imports SpeechLib
Imports System.Speech
Imports System.Environment
Imports System.Speech.Recognition


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Download Outside Of A Thread The Program Dosnt Respond For Those 10 Seconds?

Dec 10, 2011

I have been making a downloader in everything is working fine Appart from the downloading, it takes around 10 seconds for the download to start Is this normal or am I doing something wrong?The download is being done in a thread and before when I have tried to download outside of a thread the program dosnt respond for those 10 seconds


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How To Get Buttons On Form To Respond To Key Events

Nov 23, 2010

How can I make buttons on a form to respond to keypress, keyup and keydown event?

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Freezes Up The Program And Makes It Unusable?

Mar 26, 2011

In a function I have

Do Until PageLoaded() = True

The problem is it freezes up the program and makes it unusable. I fixed it using timers but it makes my program real sloppy and hard to edit.

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BackgroundWorker And WebBrowser - Program Freezes ?

Jun 3, 2011

I'm trying to find a way to make backgroundworker do what's in the webbrowser. There is a time-consuming part in the webbrowserdocumentcompleted event that I want backgroundworker to tackle. Unfortunately, I don't know how to link that part to backgroundworker so that BW can do that job instead of webbrowser.

Here's what in the webbrowserdocumentcompleted event:

Sub WebBrowser1DocumentCompleted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted
If CheckBox1.Checked = True Then


The time consuming part starts from line 2 to line 30. My program freezes whenever webbrowser tries to do this job, so I need BW to do this specific job instead.

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Image Not Showing Up / Program Freezes

May 21, 2009

The program starts. When I click the Start button the original form disappears just as I intended, but then it just hangs there. No picture shows up. The CPU heats up and gets louder. It freezes and I sometimes have to CTRL+ALT+DELETE just to exit the program.[code]

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Program Freezes During Long Process?

Aug 1, 2009


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VB Program Freezes When Click On Ok Button

Apr 15, 2011

I am making a program that requires the user to enter values and select the correct radio button. It freezes when I click Ok button and I am not sure why, I think I am not using the Do Until...Loop properly.

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VS 2008 Program Freezes On Tab Change

Sep 2, 2009

I have a program that has multiple tabs, with roughly 100 - 400 controls of varying types on each area. The program takes about...4 seconds to load, which I don't think is right.I did a few memory tests on the program startup, and idling it. At startup, the program uses 100% CPU usage, and 102mb of RAM, but then the form displays, the RAM drops to 20%, and CPU at 0%.Changing a Tab locks the program up for 1 to 2 seconds depending on the tab, and memory fluctuates.Am I doing something wrong here, when a program form has literally over 500 controls of many types, spanning 6 tab pages, or should I be doing something different?

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VS 2008 Program Freezes While Processing

Sep 15, 2009

the hex convert code seems to work etc but it freezes but it does its job eventually I read that backgroundworkers can be used to fix this issue but I have no idea how to use it for my script


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Program Freezes Over A Period Of Time (5sec)

Mar 15, 2011

Is there a way to code, so that if your program freezes over a period of time (5sec), it just stops trying to do it, and goto something else.

"On ERROR" wont work, since its not a error. "Try" doesnt work ether.

Its because I'm am programming something that can login to a router thought telnet, and sometimes the telnet ActiveX doesn't read the buffer or the line proberly, so when the .GetLine() func is called, it freezes. And i want away to goto another point if it keeps freezing for more than 5secounds. The telnet ActiveX that, I am using is Dimac w3sock.

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Program Freezes Until Shell Interaction Finishes?

Aug 9, 2010

im working on a little project what executes a bat file on a button click using this command:Interaction.Shell("read.bat", AppWinStyle.NormalFocus, True, -1)however when this is executed the program will become unresponsive while it is running... this may be simple but is there a way i can make my program be responsive and for it to execute in the background?

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File Phisher - Press Browse / Select And Send

Jan 22, 2010

I'm making a new program.
Basically I want them to press browse and select a file.
Once selected they press a button.
Once they press that button it sends the small file they selected
To an email address.

Here is what I have.
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Public Class MainClass
Shared Sub Main()
Dim i As Integer
[Code] .....

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Send Keys - Make Your Computer Press A Button?

Sep 17, 2010

I was wondering if there is any other way to make your computer press a button. Okay Right now i have this...

Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vkey As Long) As Integer

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Form Freezes When Going Delay Sub

Feb 25, 2010

I can grab if keypressed when form active, i mean not in sub procedures..but my form freezes when Going Delay sub.. its working.. no error but cant use any control or event of form while waiting 10 seconds.. (Form's keypreview property set to true.. )

U can use This if u want to wait applicaiton but u cant doing anything when apication in waiting period..

i think i must to check keystroke in this delay sub.. or am i call Delay sub in wrong time.. i mean i call it form activate event.. should i call it another event ?[code]...

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Form Freezes When Running

Jul 24, 2009

Firstly I want to state this doesn't affect the usability of my program. I made a GUI for an old cmd line program and when running the GUI's form will freeze up and be completely unresponsive. This is annoying since you can't move the form and if you open something over the form then move/close it you get the affect in the attached pic. Attached pic is the program running and the windows calculator being moved around over it.

Is there a way I can have the form stay responsive while the program is running? I don't need for any of the buttons, text boxes, etc to be editable while the program is running.

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UI Windows Form Freezes Up?

Sep 1, 2009

I have created a custom video player in C#. This player has two forms.
1. The Video Player window ( running in primary (UI) thread )
2. The content playing window (running in a secondary thread)

Everything goes fine for nearly 5-6 hours, then the main video player window freeze. So I cannot access any of the buttons (stop, pause ,exit) in the player. But the secondary thread keeps playing the files for even two days continuously (which is the max I tested).

Things I have checked :
1. There is no memory issue, since I dispose the objects I create after playing each file (few min videos). I have checked the process in task manager, where status is running and memory usage as same as it is started.

2. I have used Begin Invoke from secondary thread to update the current playing file in the list box on the main video player window (once the main window freeze, the update is not visible).

3. I have used a timer in the main video player window and tried refreshing form, calling Application.Do Event() for every few minutes, still it gets freeze up after 5-6 hours.

Why the UI window freeze up? Is my architecture for the player is wrong? (I need to do lots of processing in secondary thread for the images and videos to be played, but it is working fine).

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VS 2008 Pocketpc Program Timer Freezes On Standby Phone?

Nov 9, 2009

I was making a little timer. When the phone is not in standby, my app is working fine. But when i put the phone in standby it stops. When phone is coming out of standby, the timer is going again on the time i put the phone in standby.

I know that other tools keep working, so i there a simple way to do that?

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Send Credentials To Facebook And Automatically Press The 'login Button'?

Aug 12, 2011

I wanna send my credentials to and to automatically press the 'login button' and I've tried this:

webbrowser1.document.GetElementById("email").SetAttribute("value", "my email")
webbrowser1.document.GetElementById("pass").setAttribute("value", "My password")
webbrowser1.document.GetElementById("I cannot find the ID for the login key..please help").invokemember("click")

Nothing happens?

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Progressbar Freezes Main Form

Jun 15, 2011

I pass progressbar byref to the processing() function on ClassLibrary. My main form freezes when i run this.How can i prevent my main form by freezing? My Function is always on the class library, so is there any way or any type of approach to this problem. I need the progressbar to be accurate in showing the process.[code]...

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Timer Freezes Gui And Cant Do Anything On Main Form?

Jun 22, 2011

i have a timer (interval=4000) that does an operation , the problem is that it freezes my gui and i cant do anything on my main form , i have used Doevents , Me.refresh , but the problem still exists , I could really use some code if someone has...

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VS 2008 Form Freezes On .show()?

Jun 24, 2009

My mate & Myself are currently building a IRC Client, a problem we have come across is when opening a chatroom the form Freezes for example.

We are currently using arrays so we can open multiple chat rooms and at this current time to open a chat room we use

The form opens but freezes.

I have also tried using


Using the above code, the form does not freeze but appears we can not access any of the controls such as (RTB)

What would be causing the form to freeze on .show(), Has anyone else had any similar issues?

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Windows Form Freezes On .show()

Jun 24, 2009

My mate & Myself are currently building a IRC Client, a problem we have come across is when opening a chatroom the form Freezes for example. We are currently using arrays so we can open multiple chat rooms and at this current time to open a chat room we use


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VB2008 - Press Enter Instead Of Clicking Send Button In Chat Client

May 31, 2009

How can I make it to where instead of clicking the send button every time I want to enter something in my chat client, I can just hit enter?

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Communications :: Windows Form Hangs Or Freezes How Come?

Jan 9, 2011

I put this Code into a module and try to call it to start the Server side of the the applaction there also a Client but the Server side is done in a Console app but when i try to do it in a Windows Form it hangs once called to start listening. [code] i found this code on the internet that i was just playing with. its pretty neat but i cant figure out the program of the Windows form hanging issue.

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Opening A Chatroom - Form Freezes On .Show()

Jun 24, 2009

My mate & Myself are currently building a IRC Client, a problem we have come across is when opening a chatroom the form Freezes for example. We are currently using arrays so we can open multiple chat rooms and at this current time to open a chat room we use


The form opens but freezes. I have also tried using:


Using the above code, the form does not freeze but appears we can not access any of the controls such as (RTB) What would be causing the form to freeze on .show(), Has anyone else had any similar issues?

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