Freezes Up The Program And Makes It Unusable?

Mar 26, 2011

In a function I have

Do Until PageLoaded() = True

The problem is it freezes up the program and makes it unusable. I fixed it using timers but it makes my program real sloppy and hard to edit.

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BackgroundWorker And WebBrowser - Program Freezes ?

Jun 3, 2011

I'm trying to find a way to make backgroundworker do what's in the webbrowser. There is a time-consuming part in the webbrowserdocumentcompleted event that I want backgroundworker to tackle. Unfortunately, I don't know how to link that part to backgroundworker so that BW can do that job instead of webbrowser.

Here's what in the webbrowserdocumentcompleted event:

Sub WebBrowser1DocumentCompleted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted
If CheckBox1.Checked = True Then


The time consuming part starts from line 2 to line 30. My program freezes whenever webbrowser tries to do this job, so I need BW to do this specific job instead.

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Image Not Showing Up / Program Freezes

May 21, 2009

The program starts. When I click the Start button the original form disappears just as I intended, but then it just hangs there. No picture shows up. The CPU heats up and gets louder. It freezes and I sometimes have to CTRL+ALT+DELETE just to exit the program.[code]

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Program Freezes During Long Process?

Aug 1, 2009


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VB Program Freezes When Click On Ok Button

Apr 15, 2011

I am making a program that requires the user to enter values and select the correct radio button. It freezes when I click Ok button and I am not sure why, I think I am not using the Do Until...Loop properly.

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VS 2008 Program Freezes On Tab Change

Sep 2, 2009

I have a program that has multiple tabs, with roughly 100 - 400 controls of varying types on each area. The program takes about...4 seconds to load, which I don't think is right.I did a few memory tests on the program startup, and idling it. At startup, the program uses 100% CPU usage, and 102mb of RAM, but then the form displays, the RAM drops to 20%, and CPU at 0%.Changing a Tab locks the program up for 1 to 2 seconds depending on the tab, and memory fluctuates.Am I doing something wrong here, when a program form has literally over 500 controls of many types, spanning 6 tab pages, or should I be doing something different?

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VS 2008 Program Freezes While Processing

Sep 15, 2009

the hex convert code seems to work etc but it freezes but it does its job eventually I read that backgroundworkers can be used to fix this issue but I have no idea how to use it for my script


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Designer Manipulates Control In Unusable Fasion?

Jun 9, 2010

I have a form that has a tab control on it. The tab control contains three tab pages.I have been coding for some time now and just discovered that I could not access one of the pages; the IDE complains that the object is undeclared.

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Identify When Another Program Makes Sound

Sep 10, 2011

I was wondering if it would be possible to monitor a programs audio output and identify when its on / off? I'm coding a carpc frontend and would like to mute the audio when the navigation program speaks directions.

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Progress Bar Makes Program Hang?

Sep 4, 2011

OleDbConn = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=D:\list.mdb")


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Threading Makes My Program Not Responding?

Feb 12, 2012

here is my script:

Private Sub UpdateThread()
Dim AppDir As String = Application.StartupPath()


It does perfectly the UpdateThread task, but program just hangs.

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Program Freezes Over A Period Of Time (5sec)

Mar 15, 2011

Is there a way to code, so that if your program freezes over a period of time (5sec), it just stops trying to do it, and goto something else.

"On ERROR" wont work, since its not a error. "Try" doesnt work ether.

Its because I'm am programming something that can login to a router thought telnet, and sometimes the telnet ActiveX doesn't read the buffer or the line proberly, so when the .GetLine() func is called, it freezes. And i want away to goto another point if it keeps freezing for more than 5secounds. The telnet ActiveX that, I am using is Dimac w3sock.

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Program Freezes Until Shell Interaction Finishes?

Aug 9, 2010

im working on a little project what executes a bat file on a button click using this command:Interaction.Shell("read.bat", AppWinStyle.NormalFocus, True, -1)however when this is executed the program will become unresponsive while it is running... this may be simple but is there a way i can make my program be responsive and for it to execute in the background?

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Form Does Not Respond - When Press The Send Program Freezes

Jun 6, 2009

When you press the send program freezes and you can't do any thing how i can add button puss resume and stop


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Click On Button That Makes Program Bar Activate

May 23, 2010

[code] When I click on the Button that makes the Prog Bar activate then when its all full it spams the MessageBox saying "Hai" Unlimited times.

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Make A Folder That Program Makes Hidden

Oct 15, 2010

How do i make a folder that my program makes hidden. I am using (MkDir)

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Make A Program That Makes A Popup On Screen?

Mar 4, 2009

I where wondering about it is pausible to make a program that makes a popup on your screen at a time you chose in the program? and then you could choose a text and a icon as a message, so the program reminded you about something?

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Make A Program That Makes All The Possible Characters And Numbers?

May 8, 2009

how to make a program that makes all the possible characters and numbers (A-Z & a-z & 0-9) from 5-20 characters, and put them in a list or something?

Someone may think this is bruteforce hacking, but I don't see why I should do that? If I want to find a password on 13 characters, it would be: 62^13 = 200028539268669788905472 possibilities... in other words... it would take forever!

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VS 2008 - Program Which Makes Tables In MS WORD?

Apr 7, 2012

I am working on a program which makes tables in MS WORD. But there are many parameters that should be asked. Its so embarrassing to ask all of them with inputbox while codes are working. I made forms for each tables which will be created. While codes are working, when it is the time to create table, form appears and user inputs the datas and press OK button and table is build according to these datas in MS Word. Does anyone has an idea ?

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VS 2008 Pocketpc Program Timer Freezes On Standby Phone?

Nov 9, 2009

I was making a little timer. When the phone is not in standby, my app is working fine. But when i put the phone in standby it stops. When phone is coming out of standby, the timer is going again on the time i put the phone in standby.

I know that other tools keep working, so i there a simple way to do that?

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Add A Feature To Program That Makes It So When The Cursor Moves Off Of The Form?

Jun 13, 2010

I'm trying to add a feature to my program that makes it so when the cursor moves off of the form, the form drops in opacity, making it sort-of transparent. However, it's not working for some reason.

Private Sub hovertimer_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles hovertimer.Tick
If MousePosition.X < "0" Then Me.Opacity = 60%


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Make A Program That Makes User Type In A Password

Aug 28, 2009

Im trying to make a program that makes a user type in a password, then open a folder where the user can put files. but once they close out of the file browser. the program needs to save the files and remove the directory. for example think of a file cabinet being the program, and the drawer being the temp folder. when the user closes the drawer, it goes back into the cabinet, or in this case the program.

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Retrieving Processor Current Speed Makes Program Run Slow?

Jun 5, 2012

I am trying to create a program in Visual Basic which will measure the performance of the CPU with every core, one at a time. In this program, I decided to place a couple of text boxes that display the processor speed and the actual processor speed. I need to get the actual processor speed to update and I have tried doing this already using a timer set to tick every second. However, when I load the program it runs really slowly and prevents me form doing anything within the program, including trying to close it down, and all it does is updates the text box every second. I have looked in task manager to find out how much CPU the program is using and it shows that my program is using 0 - 3% CPU.

Here is the code currently use

Private Sub Timer3_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer3.Tick
Dim mSearcher As New ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_Processor")


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VS 2010 Higher Level Of Access Makes Program Dysfunctional

Mar 13, 2011

So I have this program which I can use to drag files in it and do something with it, and when I run it as administrator, it doesn't let me drag the files in at all, but when I run it normally it does. Is there a reason behind this? And how would I go about fixing it?

My code if it means anything:

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Dim SetSU As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey


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Make A Program Calculate The Number Of Comparisons An Insertion Sort Makes?

Jul 15, 2009

I got a list of 16 items and I have sorted them and I want to show the number of comparisons the program had to make using the insertion sort?(in a textbox for example)I mean is there a formula?

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VS 2010 - Backgroundworker And List Of Images "freezes" The Program

Apr 28, 2012

I'm filling a FlowLayoutPanel with PictureBoxes at runtime, each picturebox has an image from the List(of Image). Depending on the selected folder, loading the images "freezes" the program, so I want to use a BackgroundWorker. I'm having problems with "Cross-thread operation not valid". I want to fill the FlowLayoutPanel with the images from selected folder and a ComboBox with the names of the files.

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Process.start() Freezes Main Program Until Process Finishes?

Feb 21, 2011

I have a program that starts another program after setting the regkeys basically the program continually syncs the calandar of outlook and another application.I set the regkeys than launch the c:sync.exe app. I have tried a simple process.start and launching the process as a thread and they both do the same thing: The other process starts and works as it should but my main program goes "White screen" or "not responding" until the process.start has exited.

I want the process.start to run in the background so if users click in my main app it responds and truly that they can access the context menu of my main app from the taskbar while the process.start is running.

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Auto-click Program - Makes A Click Were The Mouse Cursor Is At Every 5 Minutes

Jul 29, 2011

I want to create a simple autoclick program. What I want to to is a program that makes a click were the mouse cursor is at every 5 minutes (or at any defined period of time) for instance.

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VB 2010 - Try And Load A Project (any Project) The Program Freezes

May 28, 2010

Has anyone else had issues with Visual Basic 2010?My visual basic program has been running fine for months but recently every time I try and load a project (any project) the program freezes, then I have to close it down and reload, every time I load Visual basic for the second time I get the following error:


An error was encountered while opening associated documents the last time this solution was loaded. Document load is being skipped during this solution load in order to avoid that error.Plus when trying to run a project in debug it takes ages to load (around 5 minutes) this has only started happening recently, projects were loading in seconds.

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VB6 Makes A .vbp Instead Of .exe?

Jun 11, 2012

In Visual Basic 6.0 Professional, on some of my programs (probably the simple ones) the File drop-down menu Make option has .vbp instead of .exe extension. How do I force it to compile?

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