Progressbar Freezes Main Form

Jun 15, 2011

I pass progressbar byref to the processing() function on ClassLibrary. My main form freezes when i run this.How can i prevent my main form by freezing? My Function is always on the class library, so is there any way or any type of approach to this problem. I need the progressbar to be accurate in showing the process.[code]...

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Timer Freezes Gui And Cant Do Anything On Main Form?

Jun 22, 2011

i have a timer (interval=4000) that does an operation , the problem is that it freezes my gui and i cant do anything on my main form , i have used Doevents , Me.refresh , but the problem still exists , I could really use some code if someone has...

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Use A Progressbar To Show On Main Form And Then Finish When Next Form Is Loaded

May 12, 2009

I am trying to use a progressbar to show on main form and then finish when next form is loaded, I have got this code.

1. When I click on button, it must open next form, but the next form must only open when the data in my list box has been loaded from Access Databse. When I run my program, it only shows the progressbar and don't open the next form.

Main form code:

Public Class Main

Dim PB As ProgressBar

Private Sub main_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub


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Delegates - Controlling Progressbar And Textbox On Main Form

Sep 4, 2010

I recently finish my Microsoft training and learning something about delegates. I have two delegates in a excel source to control a progressbar and a text box on the mainform

Public Delegate Sub ReportProgres(ByVal percent As Integer)
Public Delegate Sub ReportText(ByVal Mytxt As String)

I want to use these delegates in a second excel source also. It gives declared in the first excel file and two conflict errors in namespace windows application.

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Process.start() Freezes Main Program Until Process Finishes?

Feb 21, 2011

I have a program that starts another program after setting the regkeys basically the program continually syncs the calandar of outlook and another application.I set the regkeys than launch the c:sync.exe app. I have tried a simple process.start and launching the process as a thread and they both do the same thing: The other process starts and works as it should but my main program goes "White screen" or "not responding" until the process.start has exited.

I want the process.start to run in the background so if users click in my main app it responds and truly that they can access the context menu of my main app from the taskbar while the process.start is running.

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Form Freezes When Going Delay Sub

Feb 25, 2010

I can grab if keypressed when form active, i mean not in sub procedures..but my form freezes when Going Delay sub.. its working.. no error but cant use any control or event of form while waiting 10 seconds.. (Form's keypreview property set to true.. )

U can use This if u want to wait applicaiton but u cant doing anything when apication in waiting period..

i think i must to check keystroke in this delay sub.. or am i call Delay sub in wrong time.. i mean i call it form activate event.. should i call it another event ?[code]...

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Form Freezes When Running

Jul 24, 2009

Firstly I want to state this doesn't affect the usability of my program. I made a GUI for an old cmd line program and when running the GUI's form will freeze up and be completely unresponsive. This is annoying since you can't move the form and if you open something over the form then move/close it you get the affect in the attached pic. Attached pic is the program running and the windows calculator being moved around over it.

Is there a way I can have the form stay responsive while the program is running? I don't need for any of the buttons, text boxes, etc to be editable while the program is running.

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UI Windows Form Freezes Up?

Sep 1, 2009

I have created a custom video player in C#. This player has two forms.
1. The Video Player window ( running in primary (UI) thread )
2. The content playing window (running in a secondary thread)

Everything goes fine for nearly 5-6 hours, then the main video player window freeze. So I cannot access any of the buttons (stop, pause ,exit) in the player. But the secondary thread keeps playing the files for even two days continuously (which is the max I tested).

Things I have checked :
1. There is no memory issue, since I dispose the objects I create after playing each file (few min videos). I have checked the process in task manager, where status is running and memory usage as same as it is started.

2. I have used Begin Invoke from secondary thread to update the current playing file in the list box on the main video player window (once the main window freeze, the update is not visible).

3. I have used a timer in the main video player window and tried refreshing form, calling Application.Do Event() for every few minutes, still it gets freeze up after 5-6 hours.

Why the UI window freeze up? Is my architecture for the player is wrong? (I need to do lots of processing in secondary thread for the images and videos to be played, but it is working fine).

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VS 2008 Form Freezes On .show()?

Jun 24, 2009

My mate & Myself are currently building a IRC Client, a problem we have come across is when opening a chatroom the form Freezes for example.

We are currently using arrays so we can open multiple chat rooms and at this current time to open a chat room we use

The form opens but freezes.

I have also tried using


Using the above code, the form does not freeze but appears we can not access any of the controls such as (RTB)

What would be causing the form to freeze on .show(), Has anyone else had any similar issues?

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Windows Form Freezes On .show()

Jun 24, 2009

My mate & Myself are currently building a IRC Client, a problem we have come across is when opening a chatroom the form Freezes for example. We are currently using arrays so we can open multiple chat rooms and at this current time to open a chat room we use


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Communications :: Windows Form Hangs Or Freezes How Come?

Jan 9, 2011

I put this Code into a module and try to call it to start the Server side of the the applaction there also a Client but the Server side is done in a Console app but when i try to do it in a Windows Form it hangs once called to start listening. [code] i found this code on the internet that i was just playing with. its pretty neat but i cant figure out the program of the Windows form hanging issue.

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Opening A Chatroom - Form Freezes On .Show()

Jun 24, 2009

My mate & Myself are currently building a IRC Client, a problem we have come across is when opening a chatroom the form Freezes for example. We are currently using arrays so we can open multiple chat rooms and at this current time to open a chat room we use


The form opens but freezes. I have also tried using:


Using the above code, the form does not freeze but appears we can not access any of the controls such as (RTB) What would be causing the form to freeze on .show(), Has anyone else had any similar issues?

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Form Does Not Respond - When Press The Send Program Freezes

Jun 6, 2009

When you press the send program freezes and you can't do any thing how i can add button puss resume and stop


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Invoke Form - Custom Made Messagebox Opens But It Freezes

Apr 14, 2012

I am having Socket server, and I have two forms. One is the main form for the server and the other one is a custom made messagebox. When a request comes to the server the main form has to invoke the second form (messagebox). When the main form is open for the first time everything works fine. But when I close the main form without closing the application and open it again and request comes to the server the custom made messagebox opens but it freezes and looks like this:


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Mdi Child Form Order - Move The New Form Behind The Main Form While It Loads

Aug 5, 2010

i have my main child form open. then i show the new form:


but when the form opens it flickers a lot. so i want move the new form behind the main form while it loads so the user does not see the flicker. once it is done loading i will set the form to topmost. how do i move the new form behind the main form?

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TopMost Form - Messages Form Would Be Hidden By The Main Form

Nov 20, 2009

I have a tool window that I want to stay above the main application form, but not stay on top of all windows forms. Similar to the floating properties window for visual studio - it always stays on top of the main VS window, but if I select another program, like internet explorer, the floating properties window will be behind internet explorer.

What I have is an application that has several forms that may be displayed at the same time. I have a Messages form that displays messages generated by the code in the form, that gives the status of the application. Obviously, the user would not normally be working on this form, but they may want it to be visible to see the status messages from the program (File saved confirmations, etc). So, my two options right now are I can set the form to be on top of all other windows forms or, when the user clicks on the main application form, the messages form would be hidden by the main form.

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Have A Progressbar When Loading A Form?

Jun 8, 2011

I have a form let's call it Form1 that calls another form(Form2) Form2 to has a bit a code that needs to load in the LOAD_EVENT and takes about 4 seconds.

I have made a new form(frmProgress) that only has a progress bar.I want frmProgress to show up and load the progress bar meanwhile Form2 is loading.I've tried using BackgroundWorker but I can't seem to get the grasp of it.

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Progressbar In Another Modal Form

Jun 10, 2011

I have a form where I generate a report on some button click. I need to show another Form in Modal Form, And Place Progress bar on that and Increment the status, from calling form so that when progress bar is running user cannot close the form (where I placed button for showing report). To calculate progressbar's percentage is in the form where button to show report is.

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Set Progressbar Locate On Another Form?

Apr 27, 2011

I should update a value of progressbar that not is placed on main form but on another "wait form". I have wrote this code in


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Detail Bound Form Updates Main List Form, But Does Not Update Data

Jan 29, 2010

I have a main form with datagridview containing a list of contacts:

Public Class Form1
Private Db As New DataClasses1DataContext
Private Sub Form1_Load


After saving, I get the correct message ("Saved"), and the DataGridView in the first form gets updated in real time.

But... when I take look at the data (or close and reopen the forms) the data in the database (SQL server) have not changed! What happens!

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Load The Main Form Of A WPF So That A Separate Thread Goes And Gets Data From The Database While The Form Is In An Apartmentstate?

May 15, 2012

How do i load the Main form of a WPF so that a seperate thread goes and gets data from the database while the form is in an apartmentstate? (drag-able / movable) I Know this is possible with opening a new window from your main form like this :

Private Sub openOrderWindow()
Dim OrderWindow As Orders = New Orders
End Sub


I've tried putting MyBase.ShowDialog() and .Show() and .9000+ other things The only benefit I've got out of using a seperate thread to load from the databse is i can see the screen right away (as oppose to it being a transparent box until it loads) but i cannot move it around or minimize it?is there any way to make it Movable while it loads?

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Forms :: Form Settings - Check If File Exist On Main Form

Apr 29, 2011

[Code] I want like to check if a file exist on main form, if not: force open settings form. And then when the user is closing the form with exit button = check if the file exist again. If it doesn't exist, close application. It's a huge application and I need optimized on most parts. Also, the settings form is asking the closing question two times.

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Make The Main Form Grey Out/translucent Black When A New Form Opens On Top?

Jul 9, 2010

How can I make the main form grey out/translucent black when a new form opens on top?

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VS 2010 Sub/Child Form Close When Click On Main/Parent Form?

Jun 5, 2012

i am having some trouble in my Windows form application. i have 2 forms1st Main / Parent Form2nd Sub / Child Form (Menu)

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Calling Showdialog() On A Form - From The Main Form's OnLoad Event Makes The Modal Dialog Go Away After A Few Seconds?

Aug 7, 2009

I'm having an interesting issue that I can't reproduce on a different project, but can consistently on this one. I have no clue what might be causing it, but am hoping that someone may have seen it before.

I have a main form, from which I run a series of checks. On this form, I have a listview control. Because of some issues with the refreshing of this listview control, I had to create my own messagebox. It's just a form that displays some text ( it also happens to look nicer than MsgBox; in my opinion, anyways ). It's been working great for months, until recently.

My problem is that on my main form's load event, I run this check, which returns an error within a try/catch block. I then call my custom messagebox with a message. It in turns calls it's ShowDialog() function.

In any other situation ( after the main form has been loaded ), I have no problems. The messagebox goes on the screen and behaves appropriately ( ie: waits for my input and acts as a modal dialog ( stops execution of my main form's thread ) ). However, on this onload event, my messagebox comes up and goes away almost immediately afterwards.

I've traced it all the way to the showdialog() call. For no explicable reason, it appears to skip right over this call, without me doing anything on the form.

Here's what the inner trace looks like ( when I put a breakpoint on the onclosing event for this messagebox form ):


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Accessing Datasets Loaded In Main Form From A Child Form?

Aug 11, 2009

I have a program I've been working on for some time now and I'd like to try to streamline it somewhat. I have a main menu form that has a split panel, in the left panel is a treeview that displays forms you can open and when one is selected, it opens in a child window in the right panel. Each time I open form I called DWNForm, it does a series of dataset loads which are the populating items for a series of listviews.

What I would like to do is have these datasets load once during the mainMenu load and then have the DWNForm be able to access the datasets once it is called from the treeview selection.

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Create An IMAGELIST In A Main Form And Add To It Then Have It Accessible Within A Child Form?

Mar 22, 2011

I want to create an IMAGELIST in a main form and add to it then have it accessible within a child form. I found several MS examples on database shared access but this is NOT the concept I am after. Straight forward:


So, within the child form it want to do whatever I like to the IMAGELIST! I have tried passing the object by reference and anything I could think of.

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Find When Dialog / Modal Form Is Shown For My Main Form?

Feb 3, 2010

I want to be able to check if there is currently a dialog or modal form shown for my form so that I can close it.
Is there a way to do this?

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Forms :: Main Form Minimized After Opening Form In A Different Thread?

Jun 7, 2009

In the main form the user can choose to download information from a device.Since this request takes time, when "download information" is pressed I open new form in a separate thread: Private Sub RunDownload()


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Forms :: Open A Child Form - Main Form Is Unresponsive?

Apr 20, 2011

When I open my child form,


It opens up the new form, but now I can not interact with my main form. It will not accept focus or allow me to interact with it.

Do I need to change the form type?

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