Set Progressbar Locate On Another Form?

Apr 27, 2011

I should update a value of progressbar that not is placed on main form but on another "wait form". I have wrote this code in


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Locate A Form On A Custom Location On Desktop?

Aug 15, 2011

I need to know how do i locate a form window on custom location at the desktop[code]..

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Use A Progressbar To Show On Main Form And Then Finish When Next Form Is Loaded

May 12, 2009

I am trying to use a progressbar to show on main form and then finish when next form is loaded, I have got this code.

1. When I click on button, it must open next form, but the next form must only open when the data in my list box has been loaded from Access Databse. When I run my program, it only shows the progressbar and don't open the next form.

Main form code:

Public Class Main

Dim PB As ProgressBar

Private Sub main_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub


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Have A Progressbar When Loading A Form?

Jun 8, 2011

I have a form let's call it Form1 that calls another form(Form2) Form2 to has a bit a code that needs to load in the LOAD_EVENT and takes about 4 seconds.

I have made a new form(frmProgress) that only has a progress bar.I want frmProgress to show up and load the progress bar meanwhile Form2 is loading.I've tried using BackgroundWorker but I can't seem to get the grasp of it.

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Progressbar In Another Modal Form

Jun 10, 2011

I have a form where I generate a report on some button click. I need to show another Form in Modal Form, And Place Progress bar on that and Increment the status, from calling form so that when progress bar is running user cannot close the form (where I placed button for showing report). To calculate progressbar's percentage is in the form where button to show report is.

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Create Progressbar In Second Form Using Thread?

Dec 10, 2010

I read several posts but I didn't still find solution on my problem I created 2 forms: first is main where I do operations on excel file with 20000 rows and in second form I created progressbar. the name of main form is form1.vb and the name of second one is wait.vb In main form I wrote:


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Insert In A Form A ProgressBar (Max Value 1000)?

Aug 5, 2011

If I insert in a Form a progressBar (Max value 1000) and I write this very simple example

For x = 0 To 990 Step 10
ProgressBar1.Value = x

If I run the code with Windows7 setted as Windows Classic I can see the progress bar value go to the max value and after few time the Form Closes (same with Windows XP).But If I run the program with Windows7 setted as Windows7 Basic the progress bar value ONLY goes to the HALF max value and after half time the form Closes.

The code is the SAME, the PC is the same, Seven is the same (only personalized with different theme) but under Windows7 Basic it seems that For x = 0 To 990 Step 10 becomes For x = 0 To 550 Step 10..The INCREDIBLE thing is that if I insert in the For... Next a row like:

Debug.Print(ProgressBar1.Value.ToString)I obtain right values until 990... but for my eyes the progress bar only goes to half value in half time, then the Form closes.

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Progressbar Freezes Main Form

Jun 15, 2011

I pass progressbar byref to the processing() function on ClassLibrary. My main form freezes when i run this.How can i prevent my main form by freezing? My Function is always on the class library, so is there any way or any type of approach to this problem. I need the progressbar to be accurate in showing the process.[code]...

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Access A Progressbar In Form From A Separate Class?

Oct 18, 2009

I need to be able to access a progressbar in my form from a separate class.

I tried

Dim Prog as Progressbar
Public Property Pg()


I need to be able to access a control from a separate thread and return to the thread again.

Edit: Its just an example I gave prog a value of the object from the form and the invoke required is put in a sub so thats not my problem.

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ProgressBar(Form), Interface, Background Worker

Apr 24, 2009

When a user clicks on Download button on a form,

(1) User should be able to see progressbar form in continuous/marquee style.
(2) When one task is completed, title on the form is changed
(3) when final task is completed, progressbar should go away.

What my architect wants: [Code] Downloaddata.vb class, that will actually do the work,and will implement the interface. So DoMyWork(dim frm as ProgressBarForm) implements Iwork.BeginWork.

Twice, it will report the stauts back to progress bar form. ProgressBarForm.vb class(it has BGWorker Thread) will have one public method(name ShowMyProgress) that Downloaddata class can call from its DoMyWork method when status is changed. And also implementation of all 3 events of worker thread.

My Questions:

1. Where should I put BGWorker.RunWorkerAsync
2. What kind of logic should go in ShowProgress method in progressbar and also in DoWork event?

Do I need application.doevents? In nutshell, how Progressbarform and DownloadData will communicate back & forth?

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Make A Progressbar That Shows The Load Time Of The Next Form?

Jul 4, 2009

I'm trying to make a progressbar that shows the load time of the next form.I've tried alot of different ways to do it, but it and the speed is always the same whether the next form loads faster or slower.I'm not sure what variables to use or anything.

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Delegates - Controlling Progressbar And Textbox On Main Form

Sep 4, 2010

I recently finish my Microsoft training and learning something about delegates. I have two delegates in a excel source to control a progressbar and a text box on the mainform

Public Delegate Sub ReportProgres(ByVal percent As Integer)
Public Delegate Sub ReportText(ByVal Mytxt As String)

I want to use these delegates in a second excel source also. It gives declared in the first excel file and two conflict errors in namespace windows application.

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[2008] Form - Display Changing Value Into Label And Progressbar

Feb 22, 2009

when i run following code it runs ok and problem is that during running code when i minimize the form and then restore again the form, it not display changing value into label1 and progressbar also the form looks like hang what is its solution?


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Make The Progressbar Look Like The Progressbar In Xp When Use Win7?

Dec 21, 2009

in vb 2008 or higher :how do i make the progressbar look like the progressbar in xp when i use win7?

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How To Locate Same Value

Aug 10, 2009

I have a windows form form1 on that form one textbox and one button.


when I click in the button I have to show a table(vendor) and I need to locate on vendorno='200'.

in vendor table there is 1000 data fields are vendorno and vendorname.

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Could Not Locate In Urlmon.dll

Oct 30, 2008

i got in to very strange error message. I have create one simple appliation which will download webpage from web and put that in htmldocument so that i can parse it later.
here is code for this


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How To Locate A Button

Sep 4, 2009

I have already done the creation of button and the dragging of button at runtime already. But now i need to know how do i save the last dragged button on the form and also detect the name of the last clicked button.

i now drag a button to coordinates 25,254. so when i exit the form and the next time i launch it, the button will still be at 25,254. and this one will go on for the number of button i created like 100. so when i launch the form the 100 button will be at the exact position where i last saved them. the second part is lets say i created button1 and button2 on the form in runtime. so when i clicked the first button, it should display button1. and if i clicked on button 2, it should say button2. same goes for like 100buttons.


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Cannot Locate Exe File After Publish

Jun 17, 2009

important info : my o.s. is windows7

i just recently published my app, and when i try to locate the exe file from the start menu/my app folder/my app shortcut's properties, i get this as a directory:

C:Users rujadeAppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsmy application

now when i go to that location, in windows explorer, all there is a shortcut looking icon. when i check the properties for that, the Type of File : is Application Reference (.appref-ms) . is this my app, and if so, why does it have that little arrow on the icon like shortcut icons do?

i cannot seem to locate the .exe file by doing a system search, other than locating my other similar app which is located in a set folder and was not run from a setup. and if possible, how can i install my app in c:program files and not that set location?

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How To Locate File Path

Aug 2, 2009

I'm trying to locate a file path using code but don't know how. I want to do something along the lines of:
dim currFilePath as string = '...
dim file As New IO.FileInfo(currentFilePath + "/bin/debug/sales.dat")

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Locate A Created Application?

Nov 1, 2009

Does anyone know where i can locate my Database.mdf this is a file inside my application but when i make the app and deploy it install it on my system i just cant find it anywhere.

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Locate An User's Desktop?

Feb 2, 2010

I am making a program that stores all information that is entered into a directory and then zips that directory onto the C drive. It is working perfectly fine, but I think it would be easier for the user if the final directory was zipped onto the desktop.

Is there a way that VB.Net can locate the user's desktop and then zip the directory and place it on the desktop? For example, zipping it to "C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktop" would work on my PC, but it may be different on a user's computer.

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Regular Expression To Locate The Url In VB?

Oct 6, 2011

I am trying to use regular expression for extracting data from web page. but everytime i change the URL i need to change my regular expression for URL.

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RGB, Transparency And Locate Pixel

Jul 20, 2011

I am making an image modifying program and would like to know how (after I have located the .png, .gif, .bmp etc) I can identify the properties of a certain pixel (RGB and the amount of transparency), how to change the colour of a pixel (similar to first part) and how to tell the program to "move along to the next pixel, unless you are at the end of the image, in which case; move down a row and continue" please help. Also, it is a program which converts a greyscale image (black, white and grey) to black, semi-transparent black and transparency). Just in case that helps.

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Any Way To Locate Desktop Path For User On Another PC?

Jun 1, 2012

VB2010. I'm trying to figure out how to locate the desktop path for a user on another pc/server. Something similar to:
The main reason is we area talking about an Environment that has XP, Win Server 2003 (TS), Win Server 2008 and Win 7. Obviously different path depending on the OS. I need to copy a file to a users desktop and would like to do so without having to hardcode the path as it could change depending on where they are working from.

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Code Cannot Locate Image Files?

Apr 29, 2011

i pulled some code off the internet for resizing images on the fly. it works great but only if i give an absolute address for the location of my files.

here is the portion of code:
Dim src As String = "c:downloadsff.jpg"
mage = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(src)


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Forms :: Locate Panel To Near Button

Aug 10, 2009

i have 12 button and 12 panel hooked at this button.but sometime after i clicked this button,that panel not at position i want.So, how to locate this panel for good looking and at position i want? to left,up and down.tq for your help.

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IDE :: Quickly Locate The Corresponding Code Of A Subroutine?

Apr 14, 2011

When I use the Debugger to to debug some code, I see a subrountine (or function) call.

How do I quickly locate the code for that subrountine (or function)?

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Locate Each Letter In A Sentence With Various Length?

Jun 22, 2010

was doing programming and ran into this assignment. It says: create a "textbox1" to let the user enter a sentence. Then create a "textbox2" to let the user enter the text they want to remove. Then create a "textbox3" to let the user enter the word they want to replace.

For example, I enter "I love cookies very much" in "textbox1".
For "textbox2", I enter "cookies".
For "textbox3", I enter "eggs".


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MSXML System Cannot Locate Resource Specified

Oct 28, 2010

I have a function which uses MSXML to post an Xml document which yesterday started failing despite no change being made to the code. The function is as follows:[code]The Xml document and the address being passed in are both correct - the line which causes the error is xmlHTTP.send(xmlDoc). I have tried this on 2 different machines with the same error each time, and have also tried resinstalling MSXML3, with no success.[code]

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TextLocation+1 - Locate On Instance Of A Code

Feb 14, 2010

I have so far been able to locate on instance of a code, It gives me the game name and game url How do I get the next game name in the document?


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